
SAP Table T606G

Legal Control: Legal Regulations

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The table T606G (Legal Control: Legal Regulations) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package VEI.

Technical Information

Table T606G
Short Text Legal Control: Legal Regulations
Package VEI
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table T606G

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
GEGRU Legal regulation for legal control GEGRU CHAR 2
PMAST Individual maint. of matl master for legal control possible PMAST CHAR 1
LGDET Type of license determination for legal control LGDET CHAR 1
INDEI Indicator: Legal Control Import / Export INDEI CHAR 1
DISZC Indicator: Display additional codes for legal control DISZC CHAR 1
DCOCO Country of departure from organizational unit for leg. ctrl DCOCO CHAR 1
BOMAC Function: BOM check for legal control - On BOMAC CHAR 1
GGLND Country of origin of legal regulations for legal control GGLND CHAR 3 T005
DEMIN DeMinimis rule for legal control - On DEMIN CHAR 1
GGREU Special determ. of departure ctry for legal control - On GGREU CHAR 1
ADCHK Boycott lists: Check partner addresses for legal control ADCHK CHAR 1
KUEOR Customer master: Check classification for legal control KUEOR CHAR 1
SLCHK Type of check for sanctioned party list in legal control SLCHK CHAR 2 T608
GGAUD Audit entry for export control within legal control GGAUD CHAR 1
LDXDT Determination of destination country for legal control LDXDT CHAR 1
ARTRE Type of Law for Foreign Trade Processing in Legal Control ARTRE CHAR 2
SHCCO Indicator: Active Special Characteristics Code for Goods SHCCO CHAR 1