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Bei ansehen →The table T6B3 (Business Volume Comparison and Agreement Type) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package WBON.
Table | T6B3 |
Short Text | Business Volume Comparison and Agreement Type |
Package | WBON |
Table Type | Transparent Table |
Field Name | Key | Description | Data Element | Type | Length | Check Table |
MANDT | ✔ | Client | MANDT | CLNT | 3 | T000 |
KAPPL | ✔ | Application | KAPPL | CHAR | 2 | T681A |
UAART | ✔ | Business Volume Comparison and Agreement Type | UAART | CHAR | 4 | |
PERAB | Business volume comparison allowed for partial settlement | PERABG | CHAR | 1 | ||
ENDAB | Bus. vol. comp. and agree. for final settlement allowed | ENDABG | CHAR | 1 | ||
UMNAP | Inclusion of business volumes after comp. of part. settlemnt | UMNAP | CHAR | 1 | ||
UMNAE | Inclusion of business volume after comp of final settlmnt | UMNAE | CHAR | 1 | ||
UMTOL | Business volume tolerance group | UMTOL | CHAR | 4 | T6B4 | |
PERDF | Set "Partial settlement comparison necessary" flag | PERDF | CHAR | 1 | ||
FINDF | Set "Final settlement comparison necessary" flag | FINDF | CHAR | 1 |