SAP Table T777D

Infotypes - Dialog/Database Assignment

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The table T777D (Infotypes - Dialog/Database Assignment) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package SP00.

Technical Information

Table T777D
Short Text Infotypes - Dialog/Database Assignment
Package SP00
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table T777D

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
DIALG Dialog Module DIALG CHAR 30 *
PPNNN Structure PPNNN CHAR 30 *
PPSUB Substructure PPSUB CHAR 30 *
EDYNR Single Screen Number EDYNR CHAR 4
LDYNR Screen Number for List Screen LDYNR CHAR 4
VTASK Type of Update VTASK CHAR 1
LANGU Language-Specific LANGUX CHAR 1
DBTAB Database Table DBTABL CHAR 30 *
TBTAB Database Table for Table Infotype TBTABL CHAR 30 *
IDOCS Name of IDOC Segment or Structure for Data Transfer HR_IDOCSEG CHAR 30 DD02L
IDOCS2 Name of Other IDOC Segment for Data Transfer SH_IDOCSE2 CHAR 30 DD02L
IDOCS3 Name of Third IDOC Segment for Data Transfer SH_IDOCSE3 CHAR 30 *
PTNNNN Substructure for Table Division of New Table Infotype PTNNNN CHAR 30 *
PPNNN_EXP Expanded Infotype Structure for Table Infotype PPNNN_EXP CHAR 30 *
REPID HR: Infotype Module Pool HR_MODPOOL CHAR 40 *
BTCI_PROG HR: Batch Input Program for Infotypes BTCI_PROG CHAR 40 *
PAPD HR: Indicator Personnel Adminstration or Personnel Planning HR_PAPD CHAR 1
APTAB Database Table for Applicant Data APTAB CHAR 30 *
ZRMKN Period Indicator: Key Date / Interval PAD_ZRMKNZ CHAR 1
NAMST Name of Subtype Field PAD_NAMST CHAR 30 *
STYPT Subtype Table PAD_STYPT CHAR 30 *
SYTXT Subtype Text Table PAD_SYTXT CHAR 30 *
ZBTAB Time Constraint Table When TC is Subtype-Dependent PAD_ZBTAB CHAR 30 *
KFAST Indicator: List Entry (Person-Specific Fast Entry) PAD_KFAST CHAR 1
INFKN Primary / Secondary Infotype PAD_INFKN CHAR 1
PSZRM Indicator: Selection of Records For One Period Only PAD_PSZRM CHAR 1
EXT_INFTY Indicator: External Infotype EXT_INFTY CHAR 1
NAT_INFTY Indicator for Country-Specific Infotype NAT_INFTY CHAR 1
PAY_INFTY Indicator: Evaluation Infotype PAY_INFTY CHAR 1
NAT_SUBTY Country-Specific Subtypes NAT_SUBTY CHAR 1
TIM_INFTY Indicator: Simulated Infotype TIM_INFTY CHAR 1
ITVERSIONS Switch: Infotype Versions Possible ITVERSIONS CHAR 1
FLG_OBJPS Object Identification Allowed FLG_OBJPS CHAR 1