
SAP Table T7CN0P

Personal Areas/Subareas (CHINA)

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The table T7CN0P (Personal Areas/Subareas (CHINA)) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package PB28.

Technical Information

Table T7CN0P
Short Text Personal Areas/Subareas (CHINA)
Package PB28
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table T7CN0P

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
WERKS Personnel Area PERSA CHAR 4 T001P
BTRTL Personnel Subarea BTRTL_001P CHAR 4 *
ENTID Enterprise unified ID PCN_ENTID CHAR 20
TAXGP Tax grouping for company PCN_TAXGP CHAR 4 T7CN36
PSIAU Social insurance authority institution code PCN_SIAUC CHAR 4 T7CN15
ENTPI Enterprise pension insurance ID PCN_ENTPI CHAR 20
MSIAU Social insurance authority institution code PCN_SIAUC CHAR 4 T7CN15
ENTMI Enterprise medical care insurance ID PCN_ENTMI CHAR 20
USIAU Social insurance authority institution code PCN_SIAUC CHAR 4 T7CN15
ENTUI Enterprise unemployment insurance ID PCN_ENTUI CHAR 20
ISIAU Social insurance authority institution code PCN_SIAUC CHAR 4 T7CN15
ENTII Enterprise on-job injure insurance ID PCN_ENTII CHAR 20
BSIAU Social insurance authority institution code PCN_SIAUC CHAR 4 T7CN15
ENTBI Enterprise maternity insurance ID PCN_ENTBI CHAR 20
PHFAC Public Housing Fund authority institution code PCN_PHFAC CHAR 4 T7CN16
ENTHI Enterprise public housing fund ID PCN_ENTHI CHAR 20
PLCOD Personal file holding location code PCN_PLCOD CHAR 8 T7CN28