
SAP Table T869

Consolidation methods

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The table T869 (Consolidation methods) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package FKUC.

Technical Information

Table T869
Short Text Consolidation methods
Package FKUC
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table T869

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
METH Consolidation method METH CHAR 5
TYPE Consolidation of investments method KK_TYPE CHAR 1
VARI Valuation basis KK_VARI CHAR 1
DEPLG Goodwill amortization: Duration in years DEPLG NUMC 2
PERID Goodwill amortization: Duration in months DEPLG_PERI NUMC 3
FDEP Amortization of new goodwill over remaining life DEP_NGW CHAR 1
DITC Differential: Debit item RITEM_DD CHAR 10 T854
DITD Differential: Credit item RITEM_DC CHAR 10 T854
MVT1C Transaction type: Investments on credits side RMVCT_INVC CHAR 3 T856
MVT1D Transaction type: Investments on debits side RMVCT_INVD CHAR 3 T856
MVT2C Transaction type: Equity on credits side RMVCT_EQC CHAR 3 T856
MVT2D Transaction type: Equity on debits side RMVCT_EQD CHAR 3 T856
MVT3C Transaction type: Debit difference RMVCT_GWD CHAR 3 T856
MVT3D Transaction type: Credit difference RMVCT_BWC CHAR 3 T856
MVT4C Transaction type: Amortization RMVCT_DCPC CHAR 3 T856
MVT4D Transaction type: Write-ups RMVCT_DCPD CHAR 3 T856
DEPC Amortization item RITEM_DCPG CHAR 10 T854
DEPD Write-up item RITEM_DCPB CHAR 10 T854
RLEVL Posting level for inclusion in consolidation of investments RLEVL_KK CHAR 1
EQNEG Indicator: negative NBV of investment KZ_EQNEG CHAR 1
NOGVW Indicator: No posting to appropriation of retained earnings KZ_NOGVW CHAR 1
URES Reverse hidden reserves (fair value adjustments) HDRES NUMC 1
RDEPRT Depreciation method DEPRT CHAR 1
BGWAM Start of goodwill amortization with step acquisition BGWAM CHAR 1
SETIN Set ID for investment items SETNR_INV CHAR 12
SETEQ Equity: FS item set for subsequent consolidation SETNR_EQ CHAR 12
ASORT Seqiemce of consolidation of investments activities EQ_ORDER CHAR 7
GWAMT Financial statement item for amortization of goodwill RITEM_DPGW CHAR 10 T854
ACTIVE Method is activated KAP_PRF CHAR 1
CHECKED Check indicator UMR_PRF CHAR 1
DAT_CHECK Creation date CRDAT DATS 8
MVT5A TTy: Acquisition of hidden reserves/debts MVT5A CHAR 3 T856
MVT5B Transaction type: Amortization of hidden reserves/debts MVT5B CHAR 3 T856
MVT5C Transaction type: Write-up of hidden reserves/debts MVT5C CHAR 3 T856
GWB Handling of goodwill GWB CHAR 1
SETEQ2 Equity: FS item set for first consolidation SETNR_EQ2 CHAR 12
MSETEQ1 Equity: Transaction type set for subsequent consolidation MVTSET_EQ1 CHAR 12
MSETEQ2 Equity: Transaction type set for first consolidation MVTSET_EQ2 CHAR 12
VALDB Indicator: Always read values from database KZVALDBO CHAR 1
MVT6A Transaction type: Proporational elimination MVT6A CHAR 3 T856
NGAFLG Ind.: Amortization of negative goodwill NGAFLG CHAR 1
SETEQI1 Set of earnings items SETNR_EQI1 CHAR 12
SETEQI2 Set of items for distribution of dividends SETNR_EQI2 CHAR 12
SETEQI3 Set of items for translation differences SETNR_EQI3 CHAR 12