

Define data for Tax code representative

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The table TAXCD_REPR_IT (Define data for Tax code representative) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package ID-FI-IT.

Technical Information

Short Text Define data for Tax code representative
Package ID-FI-IT
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table TAXCD_REPR_IT

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
BUKRS Company Code BUKRS CHAR 4 T001
TAXCREPR Tax code of the representative TAXCREPR_IT CHAR 16
OFFCREPR Office code of the representative OFFCREPR_IT NUMC 2
TAXCDECS Tax code of the declaring society TAXCDECS_IT CHAR 11
LSTNREPR Last Name of the representative LSTNREPR_IT CHAR 24
FSTNREPR First Name of the representative FSTNREPR_IT CHAR 20
GENDREPR Gender of the representative GENDREPR_IT CHAR 1
DOBREPR Date of Birth of the representative DOBREPR_IT DATS 8
COFFCBRTH City of Birth of the representative COFFCBRTH_IT CHAR 40
PRVNREPR Initials of the province of Birth of the representative PRVNREPR_IT CHAR 2
COFFCPRES City of Permanent residence of the representative COFFCPRES_IT CHAR 40
IPRVNRESR Initials of the province of Residence of the representative IPRVNRESR_IT CHAR 2
PCOFCREPR Post code of the coty of residence of the representative PCOFCREPR_IT NUMC 5
MUNCSREPR Municipality, street and number of the representative MUNCSREPR_IT CHAR 35
TELNREPR Phone or cellphone number of the representative TELNREPR_IT CHAR 12