SAP Table TCA01

Task list types

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The table TCA01 (Task list types) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package CP.

Technical Information

Table TCA01
Short Text Task list types
Package CP
Table Type Pooled Table

Fields for Table TCA01

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
PLNAW Application of the task list PLNAW CHAR 1 TCA09
MATKZ Indicator: material allocation MATKZ CHAR 1
BLDTY Screen sequence type for table: T185 Control BLDTY CHAR 1
OBJECT Name of number range object NROBJ CHAR 10 TNRO
NKNRI Number range number for internal number assignment NKNRI CHAR 2
NKNRE Number range number for external number assignment NKNRE CHAR 2
FLG_OPRSOP Indicator: same handling of operations and sub-operations FLG_OPRSOP CHAR 1
FLG_SEQ Indicator: parallel / alternative sequences FLG_SEQ CHAR 1
FLG_QSS Indicator: QM data FLG_QSS CHAR 1
FLG_AOB Indicator: relationships FLG_AOB CHAR 1
FLG_UOBJ Indicator: sub-objects used when processing dialog tables FLG_UOBJ CHAR 1
FLG_EQUI Indicator: allocation of equipment possible IEQKZ CHAR 1
FLG_IFL Indicator: allocation of functional location possible IFLKZ CHAR 1
FLG_INST Indicator: plant maintenance data active FLG_INST CHAR 1
SCREENTY SCREEN TYPE: for order-order category (see domain) SCREENTY CHAR 4
FLG_REF Indicator: task list can be referenced FLG_REF CHAR 1
FLG_PHAS Indicator: CAP/sub-operations active FLG_PHAS CHAR 1
FLG_FEAT Indicator: Recipe/proc. instructions active FLG_FEAT CHAR 1
FLG_DOC Indicator: creation of change documents active FLG_DOC CHAR 1
FLG_PHYS Indicator: Delete physically PLG_PHYS CHAR 1
FLG_MST Indicator: Milestone FLG_MST CHAR 1
FLG_CHK Ind: Consistency check prior to posting FLG_CHK CHAR 1
PID_MAT Take get/set parameter into account for material field PID_MAT CHAR 1
PID_PLN Take get/set parameter into account for task list field PID_PLN CHAR 1
FLG_STUELI Ind: Bill of material can be allocated FLG_STUELI CHAR 1
PID_AUN Take get/set parameter for SD document number into account PID_AUN CHAR 1
FLG_GPOS Indicator: Items in graphics FLG_GPOS CHAR 1
FLG_MKAL Indicator: Production version FLG_MKAL CHAR 1
FLG_ERF_OP Indicator: Operation screen seq. active using tca60/62 FLG_ERF_OP CHAR 1
OPR_PANEL Identifies current screen display OPR_PANEL CHAR 4
FLG_CHK_RE Indicator: Inspection scope reduced on screens FLG_CHK_RE CHAR 1
FLG_ARBEI Indicator: Default value work is relevant FLG_ARBEI CHAR 1
FLG_KALC Indicator: material quantity calculation FLG_KALC CHAR 1
FLG_CHRULE Indicator: change rule can be activated FLG_CHRULE CHAR 1
FLG_LK_CHK Indicator: Authorization check for deletion active FLG_LOEKZ_CHK CHAR 1
FLG_MATCOM Check material type against components FLG_MATCOM CHAR 1