Availability Check: Blocks

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The table TMVFP (Availability Check: Blocks) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package VS0C.

Technical Information

Short Text Availability Check: Blocks
Package VS0C
Table Type Pooled Table

Fields for Table TMVFP

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
MTVFP Checking Group for Availability Check MTVFP CHAR 2 TMVF
OBVFP Initiator of the availability check OBVFP CHAR 1
BESTP Availability check: Purchase orders to be considered BESTP CHAR 1
BANFP Availability check: Take purchase requisitions into account BANFP CHAR 1
RESBP Availability check: Take material reservation into account RESBP CHAR 1
PLAFP Availability check: Take planned orders into account PLAFP CHAR 1
EISBP Availability check: Include safety stock in the check EISBP CHAR 1
UMLMP Include stock in transfer between plants in receiving plant UMLMP CHAR 1
VBBDP Check sales requirements VBBDP CHAR 1
SKBDP Include dependent requirements SKBDP CHAR 1
OWBZP Check availability without replenishment lead time OWBZP CHAR 1
VFPSP Block indicator for availability and requirements VFPSP CHAR 1