
SAP Table TQ80O

Object info parameters

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The table TQ80O (Object info parameters) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package IWOC.

Technical Information

Table TQ80O
Short Text Object info parameters
Package IWOC
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table TQ80O

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
INFO_WIND Parameter ID Object Info I_INFOWIND CHAR 10
BEZUG Reference Object Info I_BEZUG CHAR 1
CONTRACT Display if Contract Exists I_CONTRACT CHAR 1
CLASS Display Characteristics if Corresponding Class Data I_CLASS CHAR 1
SMOFN No.of recorded notifications SMOFN DEC 9
SMMAB No. of completed notifications SMMAB DEC 9
SABTG No. processing days creation to completion SABTG DEC 9
SGMSAUS Number of machine breakdowns reported SGMSAUS DEC 9
IAOFN PMIS: number of maintenance orders created IAOFN DEC 9
IAABG PMIS: number of completed maintenance orders IAABG DEC 9
PMIS_DAYS No. of Days in the Past for PMIS Selection I_PMIS_DAY NUMC 4
NOT_ANZ_OF Display Object Information if Outstanding Notifs Exist I_ANZ_OFN CHAR 1
NOT_ANZ_AB Display Object Information if Completed Notifications Exist I_ANZ_AB CHAR 1
NOT_SEL_AB Select Completed Notifications I_SEL_AB CHAR 1
NOT_DAYS Selection Days - For Notifications I_NOT_DAYS NUMC 4
KLART View Indicator I_KLART_EQ CHAR 1 *
KLART_TP Display indicator for view I_KLART_TP CHAR 1 *
AUTOMATIC Display Object Info Automatically I_INFO_AUT CHAR 1