

Plan Line Items Table

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The table TRACTSLP (Plan Line Items Table) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package FTR_ACCOUNTING_ADAPTOR.

Technical Information

Short Text Plan Line Items Table
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table TRACTSLP

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
GL_SIRID Record number of the line item record GU_RECID CHAR 18
RUNIT Base Unit of Measure MEINS UNIT 3 T006
DRCRK Debit/Credit Indicator SHKZG CHAR 1
DOCCT Document Type DOCCT CHAR 1
DOCNR Accounting Document Number BELNR_D CHAR 10
DOCLN Six-Character Posting Item for Ledger DOCLN6 CHAR 6
RBUKRS Company Code BUKRS CHAR 4 T001
RACCT Account Number RACCT CHAR 10 *
TSLVT Balance carried forward in transaction currency TSLVT9 CURR 17
TSL01 Total of transactions of the period in transaction currency TSLXX9 CURR 17
TSL02 Total of transactions of the period in transaction currency TSLXX9 CURR 17
TSL03 Total of transactions of the period in transaction currency TSLXX9 CURR 17
TSL04 Total of transactions of the period in transaction currency TSLXX9 CURR 17
TSL05 Total of transactions of the period in transaction currency TSLXX9 CURR 17
TSL06 Total of transactions of the period in transaction currency TSLXX9 CURR 17
TSL07 Total of transactions of the period in transaction currency TSLXX9 CURR 17
TSL08 Total of transactions of the period in transaction currency TSLXX9 CURR 17
TSL09 Total of transactions of the period in transaction currency TSLXX9 CURR 17
TSL10 Total of transactions of the period in transaction currency TSLXX9 CURR 17
TSL11 Total of transactions of the period in transaction currency TSLXX9 CURR 17
TSL12 Total of transactions of the period in transaction currency TSLXX9 CURR 17
TSL13 Total of transactions of the period in transaction currency TSLXX9 CURR 17
TSL14 Total of transactions of the period in transaction currency TSLXX9 CURR 17
TSL15 Total of transactions of the period in transaction currency TSLXX9 CURR 17
TSL16 Total of transactions of the period in transaction currency TSLXX9 CURR 17
HSLVT Balance carried forward in local currency HSLVT9 CURR 17
HSL01 Total of transactions of the period in local currency HSLXX9 CURR 17
HSL02 Total of transactions of the period in local currency HSLXX9 CURR 17
HSL03 Total of transactions of the period in local currency HSLXX9 CURR 17
HSL04 Total of transactions of the period in local currency HSLXX9 CURR 17
HSL05 Total of transactions of the period in local currency HSLXX9 CURR 17
HSL06 Total of transactions of the period in local currency HSLXX9 CURR 17
HSL07 Total of transactions of the period in local currency HSLXX9 CURR 17
HSL08 Total of transactions of the period in local currency HSLXX9 CURR 17
HSL09 Total of transactions of the period in local currency HSLXX9 CURR 17
HSL10 Total of transactions of the period in local currency HSLXX9 CURR 17
HSL11 Total of transactions of the period in local currency HSLXX9 CURR 17
HSL12 Total of transactions of the period in local currency HSLXX9 CURR 17
HSL13 Total of transactions of the period in local currency HSLXX9 CURR 17
HSL14 Total of transactions of the period in local currency HSLXX9 CURR 17
HSL15 Total of transactions of the period in local currency HSLXX9 CURR 17
HSL16 Total of transactions of the period in local currency HSLXX9 CURR 17
KSLVT Balance carried forward in group currency KSLVT9 CURR 17
KSL01 Total of transactions of the period in group currency KSLXX9 CURR 17
KSL02 Total of transactions of the period in group currency KSLXX9 CURR 17
KSL03 Total of transactions of the period in group currency KSLXX9 CURR 17
KSL04 Total of transactions of the period in group currency KSLXX9 CURR 17
KSL05 Total of transactions of the period in group currency KSLXX9 CURR 17
KSL06 Total of transactions of the period in group currency KSLXX9 CURR 17
KSL07 Total of transactions of the period in group currency KSLXX9 CURR 17
KSL08 Total of transactions of the period in group currency KSLXX9 CURR 17
KSL09 Total of transactions of the period in group currency KSLXX9 CURR 17
KSL10 Total of transactions of the period in group currency KSLXX9 CURR 17
KSL11 Total of transactions of the period in group currency KSLXX9 CURR 17
KSL12 Total of transactions of the period in group currency KSLXX9 CURR 17
KSL13 Total of transactions of the period in group currency KSLXX9 CURR 17
KSL14 Total of transactions of the period in group currency KSLXX9 CURR 17
KSL15 Total of transactions of the period in group currency KSLXX9 CURR 17
KSL16 Total of transactions of the period in group currency KSLXX9 CURR 17
MSLVT Balance carried forward of quantity MSLVT QUAN 15
MSL01 Total of the transactions of period in units of measure MSLXX QUAN 15
MSL02 Total of the transactions of period in units of measure MSLXX QUAN 15
MSL03 Total of the transactions of period in units of measure MSLXX QUAN 15
MSL04 Total of the transactions of period in units of measure MSLXX QUAN 15
MSL05 Total of the transactions of period in units of measure MSLXX QUAN 15
MSL06 Total of the transactions of period in units of measure MSLXX QUAN 15
MSL07 Total of the transactions of period in units of measure MSLXX QUAN 15
MSL08 Total of the transactions of period in units of measure MSLXX QUAN 15
MSL09 Total of the transactions of period in units of measure MSLXX QUAN 15
MSL10 Total of the transactions of period in units of measure MSLXX QUAN 15
MSL11 Total of the transactions of period in units of measure MSLXX QUAN 15
MSL12 Total of the transactions of period in units of measure MSLXX QUAN 15
MSL13 Total of the transactions of period in units of measure MSLXX QUAN 15
MSL14 Total of the transactions of period in units of measure MSLXX QUAN 15
MSL15 Total of the transactions of period in units of measure MSLXX QUAN 15
MSL16 Total of the transactions of period in units of measure MSLXX QUAN 15
ASLVT Balance carried forward of additional quantity ASLVT QUAN 15
ASL01 Total of transactions of period in additional quantities ASLXX QUAN 15
ASL02 Total of transactions of period in additional quantities ASLXX QUAN 15
ASL03 Total of transactions of period in additional quantities ASLXX QUAN 15
ASL04 Total of transactions of period in additional quantities ASLXX QUAN 15
ASL05 Total of transactions of period in additional quantities ASLXX QUAN 15
ASL06 Total of transactions of period in additional quantities ASLXX QUAN 15
ASL07 Total of transactions of period in additional quantities ASLXX QUAN 15
ASL08 Total of transactions of period in additional quantities ASLXX QUAN 15
ASL09 Total of transactions of period in additional quantities ASLXX QUAN 15
ASL10 Total of transactions of period in additional quantities ASLXX QUAN 15
ASL11 Total of transactions of period in additional quantities ASLXX QUAN 15
ASL12 Total of transactions of period in additional quantities ASLXX QUAN 15
ASL13 Total of transactions of period in additional quantities ASLXX QUAN 15
ASL14 Total of transactions of period in additional quantities ASLXX QUAN 15
ASL15 Total of transactions of period in additional quantities ASLXX QUAN 15
ASL16 Total of transactions of period in additional quantities ASLXX QUAN 15
AUNIT Additional unit of measure AUNIT UNIT 3 T006
DOCTY FI-SL Document Type DOCTY CHAR 2 T889
ACTIV Business Transaction GLVOR CHAR 4
BUDAT Posting Date in the Document BUDAT DATS 8
WSDAT Value Date for Currency Translation WSDAT DATS 8
REFDOCNR Reference document number of an accounting document REFBELNR CHAR 10
REFRYEAR Reference fiscal year REFGJAHR NUMC 4
REFDOCLN Six-digit number of the reference posting line REFBUZEI6 NUMC 6
REFDOCCT Reference document category REFDOCCT CHAR 1
REFACTIV FI-SL Business Reference Transaction REFGLVOR CHAR 4
CPUDT Day On Which Accounting Document Was Entered CPUDT DATS 8
CPUTM Time of Entry CPUTM TIMS 6
USNAM User name USNAM CHAR 12 *
AWTYP Reference Transaction AWTYP CHAR 5 TTYP
AWORG Reference Organizational Units AWORG CHAR 10