

BRST Registration of the Reporting Tools

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IDoc-Entwicklung für SAP: Customizing, Erweiterung, Eigenentwicklung

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The table TRSTT (BRST Registration of the Reporting Tools) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package SRRI.

Technical Information

Short Text BRST Registration of the Reporting Tools
Package SRRI
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table TRSTT

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
TOOL Report Type for the Report/Report Interface RSTI_TOOL CHAR 2
ONAM_STRUC DDIC structure: Construction of object name RSTIONAMST CHAR 30 *
EXISTCHECK Function module for existence check RSTI_EXIST CHAR 30 *
TEXT_READ Function module for text procurement RSTI_TEXT CHAR 30 *
AUTH_CHECK Function module for authority check RSTIAUTH CHAR 30 *
REPORTCALL Function module which calls up report RSTI_CALL CHAR 30 *
REPORTADD Function Module for Report Selection RSTIADD CHAR 30 *
REPGLOBAL Function Module For Identifying Global Reports RRI_GLOBAL CHAR 30 *
REPTRANS Function Module for Transport RRI_TRANS CHAR 30 *