Wenn der Standard nicht ausreicht: Mit diesem Buch lernen Sie, IDocs selbstständig zu programmieren und zu erweitern. Die Autorin beschreibt Customizing-Techniken, die Erweiterung der Standardbausteine und komplette Eigenentwicklungen. Ob Rückmeldungen von Statuswerten, E-Mail-Workflows oder Serialisierung – für alle Aufgaben finden Sie Anleitungen und Tipps aus der Programmierpraxis. Neu in dieser Auflage: Überwachung und Fehlerbehandlung mit dem SAP Application Interface Framework.
Bei amazon.de ansehen →The table TTDS (Organizational Unit: Transportation Scheduling Point) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package VTR.
Table | TTDS |
Short Text | Organizational Unit: Transportation Scheduling Point |
Package | VTR |
Table Type | Transparent Table |
Field Name | Key | Description | Data Element | Type | Length | Check Table |
MANDT | ✔ | Client | MANDT | CLNT | 3 | T000 |
TPLST | ✔ | Transportation planning point | TPLST | CHAR | 4 | |
FABKL | Factory calendar key | FABKL | CHAR | 2 | TFACD | |
ADRNR | Address | ADRNR | CHAR | 10 | * | |
TPSID | ID for external transport system | TPSID | CHAR | 5 | TQCOM | |
VTPARN | Partner number of external transportation planning system | EDI_VTPARN | CHAR | 10 | * | |
VTPART | Partner type of external transportation planning system | EDI_VTPART | CHAR | 2 | * | |
KSCHL | Output type for transportation planning systems | NA_KSCHL_T | CHAR | 4 | T685 | |
NKETP | External no.range for external transporation planning system | NKETP | CHAR | 2 | ||
TRAEND | Controlling for changes to externally planned shipments | TRAEND | CHAR | 2 | ||
STTRG | Overall status of a shipment for which plan. end is set | STTRG_TPS | CHAR | 1 | ||
TPSSF | Status filtering mode for TPS | TPSSF | CHAR | 1 | ||
TPSTX1 | Delivery header text ID for transferral to ext. trans.pl.sys | VTPS_LFTX | CHAR | 4 | * | |
TPSTX2 | Delivery header text ID for transferral to ext. trans.pl.sys | VTPS_LFTX | CHAR | 4 | * | |
TPSTX3 | Delivery header text ID for transferral to ext. trans.pl.sys | VTPS_LFTX | CHAR | 4 | * | |
BUKRS | Company Code | BUKRS | CHAR | 4 | T001 | |
STAGEW | Weight unit for statistics update | STAGEW | UNIT | 3 | T006 | |
STAVOL | Volume unit for statistics update | STAVOL | UNIT | 3 | T006 | |
STADIS | Distance unit for statistics update | STADIS | UNIT | 3 | T006 | |
STACUR | Currency Unit for Statistical Update | STACUR | CUKY | 5 | TCURC |