

Additionals: Material group attributes

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The table TWTFMA (Additionals: Material group attributes) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package WTAD.

Technical Information

Short Text Additionals: Material group attributes
Package WTAD
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table TWTFMA

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
ADDIMATKL Material group for an additional ADDI_MATKL CHAR 9 T023
ADDIMES Additionals: logical message type for reduction ADDI_MES CHAR 30 EDMSG
ADDICHNG Additionals: Filter for analyzing changes ADDI_CHNG CHAR 30
ADDINUM Additionals: Number control ADDI_NUM CHAR 1
ADDIFMDEF Procedure for additionals ADDI_FM CHAR 4 TWTFM
ADDIKSCHL Additionals: Message type for deliveries ADDI_KSCHL CHAR 4
ADDIIDOCSUB Additionals IDoc: sub-system status update ADDI_IDOCSUB CHAR 1
ADDIPOTYP Additionals: Document category for POs for additionals ADDI_POTYP CHAR 1
ADDIKNTTP Account assignment category for POs for additionals ADDI_KNTTP CHAR 1 T163K
ADDIKOSTL Cost center for additional ordered ADDI_KOSTL CHAR 10 CSKS
ADDIPOACT Additionals: Vendor selection for purchase orders ADDI_POACT CHAR 1
ADDIEKORG Additionals: Purchasing organization ADDI_EKORG CHAR 4 T024E
ADDILGTYP Storage type for additionals processing ADDI_LGTYP CHAR 3 T301
ADDIKAPPL Additionals: Application for conditions ADDI_KAPPL CHAR 2 T681A
ADDICNDMC Condition for material costs (additionals) ADDI_CNDMC CHAR 4 T685
ADDICNDHC Condition for handling costs (additionals) ADDI_CNDHC CHAR 4 T685
KONDTYPE Condition Type KSCHL CHAR 4 T685