
SAP Table VIMI09

Graded Lease-Out

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The table VIMI09 (Graded Lease-Out) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package FVVI.

Technical Information

Table VIMI09
Short Text Graded Lease-Out
Package FVVI
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table VIMI09

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
BUKRS Company Code BUKRS CHAR 4 *
SMIVE Lease-Out Number SMIVE CHAR 13
SMENR Number of Rental Unit SMENR CHAR 8 VIMI01
SKOART Condition Type (Smallest Subdivision of Condition Records) SKOART NUMC 4 *
BBETR01 First amount for the corresponding amount type BBETR01 DEC 8
DGUELB01 Validity date for the assigned amount DGUELB01 DATS 8
BBETR02 Second amount for the corresponding amount type BBETR02 DEC 8
DGUELB02 Validity date for the assigned amount DGUELB02 DATS 8
BBETR03 Third amount for the corresponding amount type BBETR03 DEC 8
DGUELB03 Validity date for the assigned amount DGUELB03 DATS 8
BBETR04 Fourth amount for the corresponding amount type BBETR04 DEC 8
DGUELB04 Validity date for the assigned amount DGUELB04 DATS 8
BBETR05 Fifth amount for the corresponding amount type BBETR05 DEC 8
DGUELB05 Validity date for the assigned amount DGUELB05 DATS 8
BBETR06 Sixth amount for the corresponding amount type BBETR06 DEC 8
DGUELB06 Validity date for the assigned amount DGUELB06 DATS 8
BBETR07 Seventh amount for the corresponding amount type BBETR07 DEC 8
DGUELB07 Validity date for the assigned amount DGUELB07 DATS 8
BBETR08 Eighth amount for the corresponding amount type BBETR08 DEC 8
DGUELB08 Validity date for the assigned amount DGUELB08 DATS 8
BBETR09 Ninth amount for the corresponding amount type BBETR09 DEC 8
DGUELB09 Validity date for the assigned amount DGUELB09 DATS 8
BBETR10 Tenth amount for the corresponding amount type BBETR10 DEC 8
DGUELB10 Validity date for the assigned amount DGUELB10 DATS 8