

Simplified CEA: Calculation of Total Costs

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The table VIWIV2 (Simplified CEA: Calculation of Total Costs) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package FVVI.

Technical Information

Table VIWIV2
Short Text Simplified CEA: Calculation of Total Costs
Package FVVI
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table VIWIV2

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
BUKRS Company Code BUKRS CHAR 4 T001
DATUM Date of Cost Efficiency Analysis VVWBDAT DATS 8
ANT_OEFF CEA: Total calculated costs share public. subsidized apart. VVWBVAOEF DEC 5
KST_GRTXT CEA: Calculated total costs property & development costs VVWBVKGRTX CHAR 50
KST_GRALT CEA: Total property costs and development old amount VVWBVKGRV CURR 13
KST_GRNEU CEA: Total property costs and new amount VVWBVKGRN CURR 13
KST_BAUTXT CEA: Information total construction costs VVWBVKBATX CHAR 50
KST_BAUALT CEA: Total construction costs old amount VVWBVKBAV CURR 13
KST_BAUNEU CEA: Total construction costs new amount VVWBVKBAN CURR 13
KST_SO1TXT CEA: Total costs other costs 1 description VVWBVKS1TX CHAR 50
KST_SO1ALT CEA: Total costs other costs 1 old amount VVWBVKS1V CURR 13
KST_SO1NEU CEA: Total costs other costs 1 new amount VVWBVKS1N CURR 13
KST_SO2TXT CEA: Total costs other costs 2 description VVWBVKS2TX CHAR 50
KST_SO2ALT CEA: Total costs other costs 2 old amount VVWBVKS2V CURR 13
KST_SO2NEU CEA: Total costs other costs 2 new amount VVWBVKS2N CURR 13
KST_SUMTXT CEA: Total costs description VVWBVKSUTX CHAR 50
KST_SUMALT SCEA: TotCosts total of old amount VVWBVKSUV CURR 13
KST_SUMNEU CEA: Total costs new amount VVWBVKSUN CURR 13
KST_OEFTXT CEA: Total costs publicly subsidized description VVWBVKOETX CHAR 50
KST_OEFALT CEA: Total costs public subsidized old amount VVWBVKOEA CURR 13
KST_OEFNEU CEA: Total costs public subsidized new amount VVWBVKOEN CURR 13