
Objects Tagged "Learn SAP"

Aktivieren von SAP ERP Business Functions


Die Aktivierung von Geschäftsfunktionen in SAP ERP kann eine anspruchsvolle Aufgabe sein. Da die Effekte oft irreversibel sind, ist es für SAP-Berater sehr wichtig, zu verstehen, was eine Business Function ist, was es tut und wie man die Aktivierung von Business-Funktionen bewältigt.


What is SAP? An Overview


Beginners in the SAP ecosystem are often confused about the various terms and concepts that the word “SAP” is used for. If you want to know what the various meanings of “SAP” are and have asked yourself the question “What is SAP” before, continue reading.


What is SAP CPM? Introduction to SAP Commercial Project Management


SAP CPM was released as Version 1.0 in 2013. SAP are selling it as the new solution for project based businesses; it’s provided as an extension to the core SAP ERP system. Time to take a good, hard look at it and see what it can do!
