Objects Tagged "hana cloud platform"

First Steps with SAP River RDE


As promised, today we’re going to look at SAPUI5 application development with SAP River RDE, and we will take out first steps towards building a multi-million-dollar app. But before we can do that, we need to learn the basics.


A Short Overview of SAP River RDE


As a SAP HANA developer, you might have heard about the SAP River Rapid Development Environment, or River RDE. In today’s post, I’d like to pass on what I know about it and how to get started.


Learn SAP HANA Cloud Platform Now!


The world of software is in constant evolution, and SAP is one of the companies that is driving the speed of innovations to ever higher levels today. With SAP HANA Cloud Platform, they now provide a solution that allows you to utilize the capabilities of SAP HANA flexibly as-a-service. I’ll show you what it is, how it works and how you can get started with SAP HANA Cloud platform


What is SAP CPM? Introduction to SAP Commercial Project Management


SAP CPM was released as Version 1.0 in 2013. SAP are selling it as the new solution for project based businesses; it’s provided as an extension to the core SAP ERP system. Time to take a good, hard look at it and see what it can do!
