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Bei ansehen →The Function Group CY21 (Administration of modified orders) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package CY01. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.
Function Group | CY21 |
Short Text | Administration of modified orders |
Package | CY01 |
Function Group CY21 contains 10 function modules.
CY01_CAPREQ_ENQUEUE_AND_NOTE | Enqueues and notes all orders belonging to a set of capacity requirements |
CY01_DEPENDENT_ORDERS_READ | Ließt alle abhängigen Aufträge |
CY01_NOTE_TABLES_REFRESH | Löscht die globalen Tabellen |
CY01_OPR_ENQUEUE_AND_NOTE | Enqueues and notes all orders belonging to a set of operations |
CY01_ORDER_CHECK_DATA | Prüft ob ABO's, Meilensteine und PS-Texte zum Auftrag gelesen wurden |
CY01_ORDER_ENQUEUE_AND_NOTE | Enqueues and notes order |
CY01_ORDERS_ENQUEUE_AND_NOTE | Enqueue and notes a list of orders |
CY01_ORDERS_UPDATE | Update of the internal tables for before noted orders |
CY01_ORDERS_UPDATE_AFKO_MULTI | Update of the internal tables for before noted orders (work oders only) |
CY01_ORDERS_UPDATE_PLAF_MULTI | Update of the internal tables for before noted orders (planned orders) |