
SAP Package CY01

R/3 Application Development: Resource Planning

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The package CY01 (R/3 Application Development: Resource Planning) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package CY01
Short Text R/3 Application Development: Resource Planning
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package CY01 contains 25 function groups.

CY01 Central data maintenance Dispatching
CY02 Resource planning interface functions
CY03 Flow control
CY04 Function pool for resource planning
CY06 Function dispatcher
CY07 Maintenance of modified objects
CY08 Resource planning profile functions
CY09 Interface tables - maintenance
CY11 Set management
CY12 Schedule planned orders/run schedules
CY13 Manage object material
CY14 Administration of load distribution keys
CY16 Administration of capacity commitments
CY17 Internal path for data maintenance
CY18 Individual capacities and splits
CY19 Various central functions
CY20 List evaluations (resource planning)
CY21 Administration of modified orders
CY23 Capacity availability check
CY24 Object Messages
CY26 Dispatch/reschedule with prod. version
CY27 Temporary saving using POI interface
CY28 Lists in leveling
CY29 Detail list in leveling
CYTM Transition matrix


SAP Package CY01 contains 42 transactions.

CES1 Create Set (Resource Planning)
CES2 Change Set (Resource Planning)
CES3 Display Set (Resource Planning)
CES4 Delete Set (Resource Planning)
CEV1 Create value variable(res. planning)
CEV2 Change value variable (res.planning)
CEV3 Display value variable(res.planning)
CEV4 Delete value variable (res.planning)
CM10 Capacity leveling
CM11 Maintain flow control
CM21 Capacity leveling SFC planning table
CM22 Capacity leveling:SFC planning table
CM23 Capacity leveling: SFC orders tab.
CM24 Capacity leveling: PM indiv. tab.
CM25 Capacity leveling: Variable
CM26 Capacity Leveling: Proj.View Tabular
CM27 Capacity level.: SFC indiv.cap.graph
CM28 Capac.level.: SFC indiv.cap. tab.
CM29 Capacity leveling: PI planning table
CM30 Cap. leveling: PM indiv.cap.graph.
CM31 Cap. leveling: SFC orders graphical
CM32 Cap. leveling: PS graph.
CM33 Cap.leveling: PM work cntr. graphic
CM34 Cap.leveling: PM work cntr. tab.
CM35 Capacity leveling: PI work
CM36 Capacity leveling: PI order graphic.
CM37 Capacity leveling: PI order tab.
CM38 Capacity leveling L-T planning
CM40 Capacity leveling in the background
CM41 Evaluation of leveling in background
CM50 Capacity level.: SFC work cntr list
CM51 Cap.level.: SFC individual.cap. list
CM52 Cap.leveling: SFC orders list
CM53 Capacity leveling: PS elem/version
CM54 Capacity leveling: PS list via vers.
CM55 Cap.leveling: PS list WCntr/version
CM56 Capacity leveling: PI resource list
CM57 Capacity leveling: PI orders list
CM99 Generate basic capacity load
CY39 Sort layout key maintenance
CY40 Planning table sort key maintenance
OPDE Resource planning control profile

Database Tables

SAP Package CY01 contains 52 database tables.

ISTBED Actual requirements records
TCY30 Overall profile for capacity leveling
TCY30T Texts for the overall profiles for capacity leveling
TCY31 Standard requirements groupings for resource planning
TCY31_C Definition of charts for layout
TCY31_D Description of a grouping per layout and chart
TCY31_E Definition of a grouping per layout and chart
TCY31_F Description of a sort per layout and chart
TCY31_G Definition of layouts
TCY31_H Definition of a sort per layout and chart
TCY31_S Definition of the groups in a requirements grouping
TCY31_T Description of a group within a requirements grouping
TCY31CT Text table for definitions of charts
TCY31DT Text table for groupings per layout and chart
TCY31FT Text table for sorts per layout and chart
TCY31GT Text table for layout table TCY31_G
TCY31T Text table for TCY31 (standard requirements groupings)
TCY32 Selection profile for capacity leveling
TCY32T Texts for selection profiles for capacity leveling
TCY33 Time profile for capacity leveling
TCY33T Text table for time profiles for capacity leveling
TCY34 Evaluation profile for capacity leveling
TCY34T Texts for TCY34 (Evaluation profiles for capacity leveling)
TCY35 Period profile for capacity leveling
TCY35T Texts for period profiles for capacity leveling
TCY36 Table with selection fields with structure and original name
TCY37 Strategy profile for capacity leveling
TCY37T Texts for TCY37 (strategy profiles for capacity leveling)
TCY38 Layout key for requirements groupings
TCY38_D Structures, fields and details for a format key
TCY38_M Sort key for the planning table
TCY38MT Sort key for the planning table
TCY38T Layout key for requirements groupings
TCY39_S Selected fields for a layout key
TCY39ST Selected fields for a layout key /TEXTS)
TCY40 Control tables for flow control
TCY40K Definition of control
TCY40T Texts defining a control
TCY41 Statuses of the flow control
TCY41T Texts defining the statuses of the flow control
TCY42 Actions in flow control
TCY42T Texts for actions in flow control
TCY43 Messages for flow control
TCY43T Texts for messages for flow control
TCY49 Control profile for capacity leveling
TCY49T Texts for the control profiles for capacity leveling
TCY57 Active/inactive dispatching function per strategy profile
TCY60 List profile for capacity leveling
TCY60T Texts for list profiles in capacity leveling
TCYMI Matrix identifications
TCYMIT Definition of transition matrix
TCYTM Transition matrix


SAP Package CY01 contains 12 views.

CYAUPM Selection PM Orders for Capacity Planning
CYORDER Fields relevant to capacity planning from the order header
TCY37TV View of TCY37 and TCY37T with Profile and Text
V_TCY31C Definition of charts
V_TCY31D Capacity Leveling - Description of Groupings
V_TCY31E Capacity leveling - definition of groupings
V_TCY31F Capacity leveling - description of the sorts
V_TCY31G Definition of layouts
V_TCY31H Capacity leveling - definition of the sorts
V_TCY38_M TCY38_M / TCY38MT - maintain sort key
V_TCY49 Capacity leveling - control profiles
V_TCY60 Capacity leveling - list profile


SAP Package CY01 contains 113 structures.

ACC_CYDETAIL Detail list in leveling
ACC_CYSTANDA Standard overview in leveling
ACC_RC65EIND Fields of the detailed capacity list
CYAFKO_TAB Object table-order master data
CYAFVG_TAB Object table-order operation
CYBATCH_LVL Structure for batch fields in leveling
CYBDGR_TAB Object table 'requirements grouping/combination'
CYBED_GRU Requirements grouping table
CYBEDGRU_K Key for table BED_GRU (requirements groupings)
CYCRHD_TAB Object table work center header
CYCRPANPRO Evaluation profile for capacity leveling
CYCRPCOPRO Control profile for capacity leveling
CYCRPDATES Structure with all date fields for capacity leveling
CYCRPLIPRO List profiles for capacity leveling
CYCRPPEPRO Period profile for capacity leveling
CYCRPPRO Overall profile for capacity leveling
CYCRPPTPRO Planning table profile for capacity leveling
CYCRPSEPRO Selection profile for capacity leveling
CYCRPSTPRO Strategy profile for capacity leveling
CYCRPTIPRO Time profile for capacity leveling
CYDETAIL Detail list in leveling
CYDISPTARG Structure for entering dispatching target (date, work cntr)
CYEVDETPRO List profile for detailed capacity
CYEVSTDPRO List profile for standard overview
CYEXIT_1 Interface table for USER_EXIT for operation change
CYFCMSG Message structure for flow control
CYFEHL_KAP Structure for missing capacity in capacity availability
CYFI2 Selection fields resource planning
CYFIL_TAB Filter table (filtering of capacity requirements)
CYFLD_AFVG Structure with the changeable fields for order operations
CYGRU_EIN Indiv. requirements of grps.(requirement of indiv.requ.grps)
CYGRU_MAT Indiv. requirements of grps.(requirement of indiv.requ.grps)
CYINDIEI Indicators for setting up internal tables/Capacity leveling
CYINFO_OBJ Output field for planning information
CYKAKO_SEQ Internal Table for Work Center Sort
CYKAKO_TAB Object table capacity header
CYKAKOTB Work center
CYKAP_TAB Table with selected capacities and indices
CYKAPAMBEL Capacity commitment for display of Gantt chart (forwards)
CYKAPAN Table showing available capacity
CYKAPARBEL Capacity commitment for Gantt chart (backwards)
CYKBED_TAB Object table capacity requirements records
CYKBEDPLAF Relations table between KBED and pegged requirements
CYKBEDQUAN Allocation of operation quantity to indiv. people/capacities
CYKBEDSAUF Relation table between KBEDs and SAUFs
CYKOMINDEX Indexes for Combinations of Table BED_GRU
CYMARA Object table 'MARA' (resource planning)
CYMARA_TAB Object table material master: general data
CYMARK Structure for selecting checkboxes
CYMODOBJ Structure for managing changed objects
CYOPTIMIZE_TAB Object table for optimizing setup sequence
CYOUTPUT CYPP: Output structure for grouped combinations in CAPA.plan
CYPARAM Calculation of parameters for standard value keys
CYPER_BED Period requirements table
CYPER_EIN Period individual requirements table
CYPER_TAB Period table capacity leveling
CYPERBED_K Key for table PER_BED (period requirements)
CYPLAF_TAB Object table planned order
CYPOSI Structure for indicators in a list profile
CYPP_VAL_FIELDS CYPP Valid fields structure
CYPRFOVR Assignment of colors to various selection categories
CYPROFVAL Structure for update profiles for capacity leveling
CYPROJ_TAB Object table project definition
CYPRPS_TAB Object table WBS element (work breakdown structure element)
CYREFS Dummy structure for reference structures
CYREL_BED Structure for transferring combinations of table BED_GRU
CYREL_BED1 Relations of group (chart1 <-> chart 2)
CYREL_OBJ Relations between objects (for relations in SAPLCY01)
CYREL_TAB Object relations table
CYSAUF_TAB Object table SOP order
CYSEL_OBJ Selected objects (resource planning)
CYSELFIELD Structure of the selection fields
CYSELTEXTS Table for the texts belonging to the selection criteria
CYSETOUT Output fields for setup time reduction
CYSETUP Fields for setup time reduction (capacity leveling)
CYSORT Output structure for grouped combinations in capa.plan.
CYSPLIOUT Output fields for the definition of splits
CYSPLITIN Input fields for defining splits
CYSPLTVIEW Definition of views so as to define splits
CYSTANDA Standard overview in leveling
CYSTR_IND Structure for objects of capacity planning
CYSTRUFIEL Structure and field within requirements grouping
CYVORBEZ Description of standard values
CYWORKCT Work centers
DETAILABG Detail list for evaluation in leveling
EINZKAP Individual capacity information for capacity leveling
KAPIDPERNR Allocation of person to capacity
KBEDP Data for printing individual capacity commitments
KBEDPEK Individual capacity data for printing (with structure KBEDP)
PERS Person structure
PLAF_AUFNR Relations table between PLAF and AFKO (in scheduling)
PLAF_FAUF Relationship of scheduled Plaf to Fauf
RC65B Structure with the settings for resource planning
RC65EIND Fields of the detailed capacity list
RCY38T TCY38 with long text
RCYPP_CURR CYPP: Current planning information in planning table
RCYPP_GEN General screen variables for CYPP
RCYPP_OPER Pegged requirement : pool structure
RCYPP_PER Period planning table internal structure
RCYPP_RES Period planning resource free capacity view
RCYPP_SEL CYPP: Field selection for period planning table - Cap.Plan
SAUF_FAUF Relation between the scheduled SOP orders and CAUFUD
SCY_AFKO Subset structure of CAUFVD
SCY_AFPOD Subset structure of AFPOD
SCY_AFVGD Subset structure of AFVGD
SCY_KBEDD Subset structure of KBEDD
SCY_PERSON Subset structure of PERSON
SCY_PLAF Subset structure of PLAF
SCY_RCRDHA Subset structure of RCRHD_A
SCY_RCRHDA Subset structure of RCRHD_A
SCY_RKAKOA Subset structure of RKAKO_A
TRMATRIX_KEY Key for transition matrix
VERSIONEN Production versions of a material


SAP Package CY01 contains 20 programs.

CY0TCY37 Maintain 'Period Split for Strategy' in Table TCY37
CYAUFTR1 Display Order Data
CYDATTIM Conversion Date <-> Integer <-> Point in Time
MPERF001 Runtime analysis
RCCRY000 Initial Report Capacity Leveling
RCCYCALCHECK Consistency Check Interval of Available Capacity - Calendar
RCCYHELP Layout of help for the variable overview
RCCYLOAD Initialization of Basic Load
RCCYMAB1 Definition of parameters for mass processing
RCCYMAB2 Carrying out mass dispatching (dispatch, deallocate) in batch
RCCYMAB3 Evaluation of messages and information for mass processing
RCCYTRMA000 Calling up screen for transition matrix
RCYLSET Sets user parameters for debugging
SAPMC65B Program for Capacity Leveling
SAPMC65C Customizing for Flow Control
SCHEMACP Copy Selection Profiles From TJ48, TJ48T and TJ49 From Client 000
SETCOPY1 Report for Copying Sets from Client 000
SETCOPY2 Report for Copying Sets from Client 000 (Resource Planning)