
SAP Function Group EH08

Employee Self-Service - Life Events

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The Function Group EH08 (Employee Self-Service - Life Events) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package PWWW. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group EH08
Short Text Employee Self-Service - Life Events
Package PWWW

Function Modules

Function Group EH08 contains 8 function modules.

ESS_DYNAMIC_DATA_READ Returns required data for a service
ESS_DYNAMIC_INFOTYPE_READ reads infotype data into a two column table
ESS_GET_LE_COLOR_TABLE Reads the colors and descriptions used in a life event
ESS_GET_LIFE_EVENT_MENU Get ESS live event menu
ESS_LE_STATUS Set status life event menu items.
ESS_LE_STATUS_CHECK Reads status information for life events
ESS_NEW_HIRE_CHECK check if the New Hire Event is active for this user
ESS_NEW_HIRE_DATA_01 reads data for the first screen of the new hire life event