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Bei ansehen →The package PWWW (HR: Internet Services and BAPIs) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRGXX.
Package | PWWW |
Short Text | HR: Internet Services and BAPIs |
Parent Package | HRGXX |
SAP Package PWWW contains 11 function groups.
0H0W | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0P08 | Extended table maintenance (generated) |
EH08 | Employee Self-Service - Life Events |
EHSS | Employee Self-Service Utilities |
EHUS | ESS User Utilities |
EHWW | ESS: Who's Who |
ESS_ORG_TREE | Data Retrieval for Org. Tree in ESS |
HR_ESS_EMPLOYEE_PHOTO | ESS: Maintain Employee Photo |
HR_ESS_MINIAPP | ESS: Functions for MiniApps |
HR_ESS_WHO | ESS Who's Who: Application & Customizing |
HR_ESS_WHOSWHO_PERSDATA | ESS: Maintain Pers. Info for Who's Who |
SAP Package PWWW contains 53 transactions.
HRESS_PAYSIMU | HR-ESS: Payroll Simulation (Demo) |
HRUSER | Set Up and Maintain ESS Users |
PZ00 | ESS Start Menu |
PZ01 | Who's Who |
PZ01_ADD_0032 | Who's Who: Authorization |
PZ01_ADD_0105 | Who's Who: Authorization |
PZ01C | ESS Customizing for ESS Who's Who |
PZ02 | Address |
PZ03 | Bank Details |
PZ05 | Emergency Address |
PZ15 | New Hire Data |
PZ17 | Work Schedule |
PZ18 | Emergency Contact |
PZ19 | ESS Time Management |
PZ23 | My Preferences |
PZ24 | Who's Who |
PZ26 | Organizational Chart |
PZ26_NEW | Org.Cart Using Tree Control |
PZ30 | My Photo |
PZ35 | Who's Who (Flow Logic) |
PZ35_MA | ESS Who's Who MiniApp (dummy) |
PZ49 | Start ESS |
PZ50 | Change Who's Who Data |
PZBBPST01 | Business-to-Business Procurement |
PZFOTO | ESS Photo MiniApp (dummy) |
PZLE | ESS Life Event (Dummy) |
PZLE_01 | ESS Life Event - New Hire (Dummy) |
PZLE_02 | ESS Life Event - New Hire (Dummy) |
PZLE_03 | ESS Life Event - New Hire (Dummy) |
PZLE_04 | ESS Life Event - Marriage (Dummy) |
PZLE_05 | ESS Life Event - Birth/Adoption |
PZLE_06 | ESS Life Event - New Hire (Dummy) |
PZLE_07 | ESS Life Event - New Hire (Dummy) |
PZM0 | ESS Start Menu |
PZM1 | ESS Start Menu 1 |
PZM2 | ESS Start Menu |
PZM3_START_MA | ESS Start Menu - Authorization |
PZPR | Password Reminder |
PZSU53 | ESS Display Authorization Errors |
PZWHOC | ESS Who's Who: Customizing |
S_AHR_61000340 | IMG Activity: SIMG_ESSWWW_T554SESS |
S_AHR_61000341 | IMG Activity: SIMG_ESSWWW_T591_ESS |
S_AHR_61000342 | IMG Activity: SIMG_ESSWWW_HRUSER |
S_AHR_61000343 | IMG Activity: SIMG_ESSWWW_SDE |
S_AHR_61000344 | IMG Activity: SIMG_ESSWWW_CDE |
WWY1 | Web Transaction Tutorial 1 |
WWY2 | Web Transaction Tutorial 2 |
WWY3 | Web Transaction Tutorial 3 |
WWY4 | Web Transaction Tutorial 4 |
WWY5 | Web Transaction Tutorial 5 |
WWY6 | Web Transaction Tutorial 6 |
WWY7 | Web Transaction Tutorial 7 |
WWY8 | Web Transaction Tutorial 8 |
SAP Package PWWW contains 25 database tables.
T588M_ESS | Control of Screen Fields for ESS Scenarios |
T77WWW_CD | ESS Country-Specific Services |
T77WWW_CDE | ESS Deactivate Catalog and Change Menu Item |
T77WWW_CT | ESS Service Catalog |
T77WWW_CTP | ESS Service Catalog Item |
T77WWW_CTT | ESS Name of Catalog |
T77WWW_INFTY | ESS Infotypes for Exclude Table |
T77WWW_LE_EP | Provider Configuration for External Services |
T77WWW_LECC | Color codes for life event menu |
T77WWW_LECCP | Color code allocation to service |
T77WWW_LECCT | Color codes long texts for life event menu |
T77WWW_LEDATA | Life Event Specific Settings |
T77WWW_LESTATUS | Status Information for Life Event Service |
T77WWW_MN | ESS Menu |
T77WWW_MNP | ESS Menu Item |
T77WWW_MNT | ESS Name of Menu |
T77WWW_SC | Control Table for Country-Specific Screens in Web Services |
T77WWW_SDATA | Required Data for External Services |
T77WWW_SDE | ESS Deactivate Service and Change Catalog Item |
T77WWW_SMAP | ESS Application / Content Service Mapping |
T77WWW_SRV | ESS Service |
T77WWW_SRVN | ESS Name of Service |
T77WWW_WHO | Control Table for Selection and Output Fields in Who's Who |
T77WWW_WHO_PARA | ESS Who's Who: Parameters per Country Grpg and Appl. Type |
T77WWW_WHO_SRD | ESS Who's Who: Field Selection per Country Grpg & Appl.Type |
SAP Package PWWW contains 4 views.
V_T588M_ESS | Control of Screen Fields for ESS Scenarios |
V_T77WWW_CDE | ESS Deactivate Catalog and Change Menu Item |
V_T77WWW_SDE | ESS Deactivate Service and Change Catalog Item |
V_T77WWW_SDE_HE | ESS Deactivate Service and Change Catalog Item: HireE. |
SAP Package PWWW contains 22 structures.
CPPERINFOTEXTS | Contains Employee Data for Display in MiniApp |
ESS_INFOTYPE_LN | two column structure for infotype data |
ESS_LE_STATUS | Status Information for ESS Life Events |
ESS_LECC | Colors for life event menu |
ESS_LIFE_EVENT_MENU | Menu Structure for ESS Life Events |
ESS_MISC | General Fields for ESS |
ESS_TREEV_ITEM | Tree Control Item ESS |
ESS_TREEV_NODE | Tree Control Node ESS |
ESS_WHO_PARA | ESS Who's Who: Essential Parameters |
ESS_WHO_SRD | ESS Who's Who: Field Data for Search, Result, and Detail |
ESS_WHOISWHO_DEFINITION | Definition of Selection and Output Fields in Who's Who |
HRESS_WHOSWHO_PERSDATA_DATA | ESS: Personal Information for Who's Who |
PMESS | Field String for Characteristic - Screen Control ESS |
Q0006_ESS | Address Types |
Q0009_ESS | HR ESS Bank details |
QT588M_ESS | Modifiers for Screen Group 3 |
WIW_META_STR | Who's Who: Structure for Metadata |
WIW_RESULT_STR | Who's Who: Structure for Result |
WIW_SELECTION_STR | Who's Who: Structure for Selection |
WIW_SORTFIELDS_STR | Who's Who: Structure for Sort Fields |
WWIACWXX | Structure for 'Who's Who' |
SAP Package PWWW contains 39 programs.
ESS_SEL_PERNR_VIA_PCH | Choose Personnel Numbers Using Org. Assignment |
ESS_SEL_PERNR_VIA_PNP | Choose Personnel Numbers Using Employee Master |
ESS_USERCOMPARE | Reconcile User Master With HR Master |
ESS_USERDELETE | Delete ESS Users (Selection) |
ESS_USERUPDATE_BATCH | Process ESS Users in the Background |
SAPMEH00 | Program SAPMEH00 |
SAPMEH01 | Program SAPMEH00 |
SAPMEH02 | Program SAPMEH00 |
SAPMEH03 | Program SAPMEH00 |
SAPMEH05 | Program SAPMEH05 |
SAPMEH06 | Program SAPMEH00 |
SAPMEH12 | Program SAPMEH011 - Common routines for ESS Superannuation |
SAPMEH13 | Program SAPMEH13 |
SAPMEH14 | Program SAPMEH00 |
SAPMESSREP | ESS Report Container |
SAPMPZ00 | ESS: Start Menu |
SAPMPZ01 | Who's Who |
SAPMPZ01C | Program SAPMPZ01C (Transaction PZ01C) |
SAPMPZ02 | ESS: Infotype Control With Overview and Detail Screen |
SAPMPZ04 | ESS: Control Using Header and Data Screen for Web Report |
SAPMPZ15 | ESS - Hire Event |
SAPMPZ23 | Program SAPMPZ23 (Transaction PZ23) |
SAPMPZ29 | ESS: Infotype Control With Overview and Detail Screen |
SAPMPZ30 | Program SAPMPZ30 |
SAPMPZ49 | ESS: Start ESS |
SAPMPZ50 | Who's Who: Your Own Data |
SAPMPZM2 | Employee Self-Service: Start Menu |
WWIACWY1 | Who's Who: Basis Transaction |
WWIACWY2 | Who's Who: Scrolling With Step Loops |
WWIACWY3 | Who's Who: Input Help With FIELD-TRANSPORT |
WWIACWY4 | Who's Who: E-mail Connection |
WWIACWY5 | Who's Who: Multiframe Transaction |
WWIACWY6 | Who's Who: Synchronization (Single Frame) |
WWIACWY7 | Who's Who: Synchronization (Multiframe) |
WWIACWY8 | Who's Who: Synchronization (Multiframe With Change) |
SAP Package PWWW contains 2 message classes.
PWWW | HR: Internetszenarien |
WY1 | Nachrichtenklasse Web Transaction Tutorial |