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Bei ansehen →The Function Group FE01 (Reading the regulatory parameter tables) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package FERC. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.
Function Group | FE01 |
Short Text | Reading the regulatory parameter tables |
Package | FERC |
Function Group FE01 contains 31 function modules.
FERC_ACCOUNT_CHECK | Check if posting to G/L account is possible |
FERC_ACCOUNTS_GET | Get regulatory accounts assigned to indicator and cost element |
FERC_BACKGROUND_JOB_CREATE | IS-U/FERC: Create a background job for a FERC step |
FERC_CLEARING_CATEGORY_GET | Get the clearing COEl and category for a primary COEl and CO object |
FERC_CLEARING_COST_CTR_CONVERT | Convert clearing cost center number into object number |
FERC_CLEARING_COST_ELEMENT_CHK | IS-U/FERC: Check if cost element is used as clearing cost element |
FERC_CLEARING_COST_ELEMENT_GET | IS-U/FERC: Get the clearing cost element for miscellaneous costs |
FERC_CO_TRANSACTION_READ | IS-U/FERC: Read the FERC attributes of a CO transaction |
FERC_COST_ELEMENT_CHECK | Determine the cost element type |
FERC_COST_ELEMENT_IGNORE | IS-U/FERC Standard cost adjustment: Get order and account for cost center |
FERC_DEFAULT_GET | IS-U/FERC: Get default values for controlling area and posting period |
FERC_DIRECT_ACCOUNTS_GET | IS-U/FERC: Get the FERC accounts assigned direct to a G/L account |
FERC_HISTORY_UPDATE | Update information on previous and next procedure in history table |
FERC_INDICATOR_BACKUP | Fill backup table with regulatory indicator assignments |
FERC_INDICATOR_GET | IS-U/FERC: Read the FERC indicator assigned to a CO object |
FERC_LOG_READ | IS-U/FERC: Read log entries for FERC step execution |
FERC_LOG_WRITE | IS-U/FERC: Write log entries for FERC step execution |
FERC_MASTER_DATA_READ | IS-U/FERC: Derive FERC information from CO master data |
FERC_MASTER_DATA_UPDATE | IS-U/FERC: Update FERC master data information on CO objects |
FERC_MESSAGE_STORE | Store transfered message and add message to background job log |
FERC_MESSAGE_TYPE_GET | Get the message type for a customizable message |
FERC_PARAMETERS_COPY | Copy regulatory parameters from other period |
FERC_PARAMETERS_DELETE | Delete regulatory parameters for a specific period |
FERC_PARAMETERS_GET | Get general or controlling area or company code dependent parameter |
FERC_PARAMETERS_INIT | Initialize and read parameters into internal table |
FERC_PERIOD_CHECK | IS-U/FERC: Check the validity of posting period and date |
FERC_PROGRESS_INDICATOR | Indicate progress online in GUI or in background job log |
FERC_REVERSAL_STEP_GET | IS-U/FERC: Get the FERC step to be reversed next |
FERC_SCA_CTR_ASSIGNMENT_BACKUP | Fill backup table with cost center assignments for std. cost adjustment |
FERC_SCA_CTR_ASSIGNMENT_CHECK | IS-U/FERC Standard cost adjustment: Get order and account for cost center |
FERC_SCA_CTR_ASSIGNMENT_GET | IS-U/FERC Standard cost adjustment: Get order and account for cost center |