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Bei ansehen →The package FERC (IS-U/FERC: Regulatory Reporting) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package EA-FERC.
Package | FERC |
Short Text | IS-U/FERC: Regulatory Reporting |
Parent Package | EA-FERC |
SAP Package FERC contains 8 function groups.
FE00 | Periodical view maintenance functions |
FE01 | Reading the regulatory parameter tables |
FE02 | Find regulatory documents |
FE03 | Drill down procedure |
FE05 | Update General Ledger plan data |
FE06 | Time independent table maintenance pool |
FE08 | Extractor function modules |
FEFDK | Value help for logical database FDK |
SAP Package FERC contains 50 transactions.
FEC14 | Clearing groups |
FEC6 | Regulatory indicator assignment |
FEC7 | Regulatory indicators |
FEC8 | CO transaction type handling |
FECA | Customizing Archiving |
FECC | Control of messages by the user |
FECG | General regulatory parameters |
FECJ | Create job for multiple periods |
FECM | Online manual |
FECP | Copy regulatory parameters |
FECV | Clearing cost element variants |
FEOD | Drill down (Old version) |
FEOT | Flow of cost trace (Old version) |
FEP4 | Plan versions |
FEP5 | Fiscal year dep. version parameters |
FEP6 | Plan versions |
FEP7 | Fiscal year dep. version parameters |
FER0 | Standard cost adjustment |
FER1 | Trace flow of primary costs |
FER2 | Post primary costs |
FER3 | Post variance allocations |
FER4 | Direct postings |
FER5 | Prepare drill down |
FERA | Administration |
FERC | Regulatory reporting |
FERD | Drill down |
FERE | Transport periodic parameters |
FERH | Processing history |
FERN | Release notes |
FERO | Process actuals for current period |
FERP | Process plan for current period |
FERQ | Process plan |
FERR | Reverse regulatory procedure |
FERS | Process actual |
FERT | Flow of cost trace |
FERV | Validate regulatory configuration |
FESA | Summarized final objects |
FEV1 | Controlling area dependent parameter |
FEV10 | Secondary cost elem. to be ignored |
FEV11 | Regulatory indicator assignmnt field |
FEV13 | Clearing cost elements |
FEV13A | Cost element variants |
FEV2 | Company code dependent parameters |
FEV3 | Regulatory accounts for traced costs |
FEV3A | Regulatory indicator variants |
FEV4 | Specific Std. Cost. Adj. assignments |
FEV5 | Specific clearing COEl assignments |
FEV6 | Regulatory indicator assignments |
FEV9 | Regulatory accounts for direct post. |
FEVF6 | Organizational assignment of objects |
SAP Package FERC contains 33 database tables.
FERC_C0 | General regulatory parameters |
FERC_C1 | Controlling area dependent parameters |
FERC_C10 | Special cost elements |
FERC_C11 | Regulatory indicator assignment field |
FERC_C12 | Cost element variants |
FERC_C12T | Cost element variant texts |
FERC_C13 | Clearing cost element categories |
FERC_C13A | Cost element variant assignments |
FERC_C14 | Clearing groups |
FERC_C14T | Clearing group texts |
FERC_C2 | Company code dependent parameters |
FERC_C3 | Regulatory accounts for traced costs |
FERC_C3A | Regulatory indicator variants |
FERC_C4 | Specific standard cost adjustment assignments |
FERC_C5 | Specific clearing cost object assignments |
FERC_C6 | Regulatory indicators of CO objects |
FERC_C7 | Regulatory indicators |
FERC_C7T | Regulatory indicator names |
FERC_C8 | Exceptional handling of CO business transaction types |
FERC_C9 | Regulatory accounts for direct postings |
FERC_D0 | Regulatory table statistics |
FERC_D1 | Paths per account, sender and receiver |
FERC_D2 | Documents per sender and account |
FERC_D4 | Totals per natural and regulatory account |
FERC_D5 | Totals per reg. account and final object |
FERC_F1 | Detailed audit trace file |
FERC_F2 | Compact audit trace file |
FERC_F3 | Totals per source object, transaction type, and CO element |
FERC_F4 | Variances on CO objects |
FERC_F5 | Total actual costs on regulatory objects |
FERC_F6 | Organizational assignments of CO objects |
FERC_L1 | Message log |
FERC_R0 | Execution history |
SAP Package FERC contains 22 views.
H_FE_R0 | Execution history |
H_FERC_C7 | Regulatory indicators |
M_FERCI | Generated view for matchcode ID FERC -I |
M_FERCT | Generated view for matchcode ID FERC -T |
V_FERC_C1 | Controlling area dependent parameters |
V_FERC_C10 | Exceptional cost elements |
V_FERC_C11 | Regulatory indicator assignment field |
V_FERC_C13 | Clearing cost categories |
V_FERC_C13A | Cost element variants |
V_FERC_C2 | Company code dependent parameters |
V_FERC_C3 | Regulatory accounts for traced costs |
V_FERC_C3A | Regulatory indicator variants |
V_FERC_C3R | Resolved regulatory account assignments for cost elements |
V_FERC_C3W | Regulatory account assignments for traced costs |
V_FERC_C4 | Specific standard cost adjustment assignments |
V_FERC_C5 | Specific clearing cost object assignments |
V_FERC_C6 | Regulatory indicators of CO objects |
V_FERC_C7 | Regulatory indicators |
V_FERC_C8 | Exceptional handling of CO business transaction types |
V_FERC_C9 | Regulatory accounts for direct postings |
V_FERC_C9W | Regulatory account assignments for direct postings |
V_FERC_F6 | Organizational assignments of CO objects |
SAP Package FERC contains 36 structures.
FERC_AFVUI | Append structure for Regulatory Reporting |
FERC_AUFK | Append structure for Regulatory Reporting |
FERC_CBPR | Append structure for Regulatory Reporting |
FERC_CKPH | Append structure for Regulatory Reporting |
FERC_CSKS | Append structure for Regulatory Reporting |
FERC_D1_EXTRACT | Extract data for sender and receiver |
FERC_D2_EXTRACT | Extract data for sender documents |
FERC_D3 | Totals per sender and natural account |
FERC_D6 | Totals per clearing cost element |
FERC_I3 | Structure with regulatory account & proportional factor |
FERC_IMPR | Append structure for Regulatory Reporting |
FERC_IO | Input/Output fields |
FERC_PROJ | Append structure for Regulatory Reporting |
FERC_PRPS | Append structure for Regulatory Reporting |
FERC_SCA | ALV structure for standard cost adjustment |
FERC_SDAA | ALV structure for direct account assignments |
FERC_SDD | ALV structure for drill down reports |
FERC_SDD1 | Structure for documents in drill down reports |
FERC_SDD2 | Structure for documents in drill down reports |
FERC_SDF2 | Drill down reporting structure for final paths |
FERC_SDF3 | Totals per object and transaction type |
FERC_SDOC | Structure for documents in drill down reports |
FERC_SFA | ALV structure for regulatory account postings |
FERC_SFP | ALV structure for final paths |
FERC_SFT | ALV structure for table statistics |
FERC_SFV | ALV structure for variance postings |
FERC_SLID | ALV structure for line item display settings |
FERC_SOBJ | Ranges table for CO objects |
FERC_SOTY | ALV structure for order types |
FERC_SPR | ALV structure for plan data resets |
FERC_SVAR | ALV structure for variance allocation check |
FERC_VBAP | Append structure for Regulatory Reporting |
FERC_VSAUFK_CN | Append structure for Regulatory Reporting |
FERC_VSPROJ_CN | Append structure for Regulatory Reporting |
FERC_VSPRPS_CN | Append structure for Regulatory Reporting |
FERC_VSVBAP_CN | Append structure for Regulatory Reporting |
SAP Package FERC contains 47 programs.
FERCA000 | Call the Archiving Customizing View |
FERCA010 | List All Records of a Regulatory Archive File |
FERCC000 | Online Manual |
FERCC001 | Development Class FERC |
FERCC002 | Maintain FI plan versions for G/L and FI-SL |
FERCC010 | Maintain regulatory configuration parameters |
FERCM000 | Regulatory Reporting Status of Current Period |
FERCMENU | Leave to the Regulatory Reporting Menu |
FERCR000 | Standard Cost Adjustment |
FERCR010 | Trace Flow of Primary Costs |
FERCR015 | Correct Flow of Cost Trace With Errors |
FERCR020 | Post Traced Costs |
FERCR030 | Post Variances |
FERCR040 | Direct Postings |
FERCR050 | Prepare Drill Down |
FERCR060 | Archive regulatory data |
FERCR070 | Delete archived regulatory data |
FERCR075 | Reload archived data |
FERCR100 | Reversal of Regulatory Procedure |
FERCR150 | Deletion of drill down data |
FERCR200 | Processing history |
FERCR200_OLD | Processing History |
FERCR210 | Flow of cost trace |
FERCR210_OLD | Flow of cost trace |
FERCR210C | Flow of cost trace |
FERCR220 | Drill down from regulatory or natural accounts |
FERCR220_OLD | Drill Down From Regulatory or Natural Accounts |
FERCR220C | Drill down from regulatory to natural accounts |
FERCR230 | Drill Down From a Regulatory Account to the Natural Accounts |
FERCR230_OLD | Drill Down From a Regulatory Account to the Natural Accounts |
FERCR240 | Drill Down to Source or Final Objects |
FERCR240_OLD | Drill Down to Source or Final Objects |
FERCR250 | Drill Down From a Source or Final Object to the Natural Accounts |
FERCR250_OLD | Drill Down From a Source or Final Object to the Natural Accounts |
FERCR260 | Document line items |
FERCR260_OLD | Drill Down to Documents |
FERCR270 | Drill Down From Natural Accounts to Virtual Primary Cost Elements |
FERCR280 | Analyze summarized final objects |
FERCR290 | Drill down reporting |
FERCR300 | Check the Regulatory Configuration |
FERCR300_OLD | Check the Regulatory Configuration |
FERCR310 | Create a Background Job for Multiple Periods or Procedures |
FERCT000 | Transport Regulatory Parameters |
FERCT010 | Import Periodic Regulatory Parameters |
FERCT020 | Copy Regulatory Parameters |
FERCVIEW | Call View Maintenance |
MENUFERC | Call View Maintenance |
SAP Package FERC contains 5 search helps.
FERC | Regulatory indicator |
FERC_R0 | Run ID by period, version, and controlling area |
FERCI | Indicator number |
FERCT | Indicator name |
H_FERC_C7 | Regulatory indicators |
SAP Package FERC contains 1 message classes.
F= | Regulatory reporting |