
SAP Function Group FMFG_TC

Treasury Confirmation functions

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The Function Group FMFG_TC (Treasury Confirmation functions) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package FMFG_E. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group FMFG_TC
Short Text Treasury Confirmation functions
Package FMFG_E

Function Modules

Function Group FMFG_TC contains 17 function modules.

FM_RECERTIFIED_PAYMENT_DATE Extratc recertified payment previous run date for PPA penalty calculation
FMFG_CHECK_ALC Makes sure ALC is distributed to all lines
FMFG_TC_GET_ALC Get Agency Location Code (ALC)
FMFG_TC_GET_PMT_METH_SUPP Get Payment Method Supplement from ALC & Pmt Office
FMFG_TC_GET_PMT_TYPE Get payment type
FMFG_TC_GET_PMT_TYPE_PLUS Get payment type
FMFG_TC_GET_RFC Get the Regional Financial Center (RFC)
FMFG_TC_GET_SCHEDULENO Generate or get existing schedule number
FMFG_TC_GET_UZAWE_PID get user default Payment Method Supplement
FMFG_TC_MANUAL_CONFIRMATION Manual Correction & Confirmation of Treasury Schedule Confirmations
FMFG_TC_PS_US_ACTIVE Check if US Public Sector is active in current client
FMFG_TC_SCHED_ENTRY Screen to enter multiple schedule info
FMFG_TC_SET_SCHEDULE_STATUS Set status of schedule
FMFG_TC_VOID_CHK_PREV_RUN_DATE Get cancel check previous payment run date
ISPS_CALL_FB08 CALL FB08 ISPS US Federal version