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Bei amazon.de ansehen →The package FMFG_E (US Federal Government budgetary ledger account derivation) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package FUNDS_MANAGEMENT.
Package | FMFG_E |
Short Text | US Federal Government budgetary ledger account derivation |
Parent Package | FUNDS_MANAGEMENT |
SAP Package FMFG_E contains 29 function groups.
AKBP | Preclosing Rollup: Table Maintenance |
FMBL_FG_CUSTOM_E | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
FMBL_FGBT_E | US Federal Government account derivation |
FMCANCELED_FUND | Follow-On Posting. Canceled Fund |
FMCL_E | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
FMFG_BPACCDERIVE | Account Derivation Budget Entry Document |
FMFG_CL_TBL_MNTN | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
FMFG_CUSTOM | Customizing for US Federal government |
FMFG_CUSTOMER_MASTER_EXT | Additional Cust. Master Fields for USFG |
FMFG_DERIVE | Federal Government Derivation |
FMFG_PCARD | Vendor purchase card for eco. justificat |
FMFG_PMW | PMW: Format USA - Federal Goverment |
FMFG_RWIN_FUNCTIONS | U.S. Federal Government F'ns for TRWPR |
FMFG_SHLP | Search help exits |
FMFG_SPLIT_LEDGER | Allowed Fields US Fed.Gov. Split Ledger |
FMFG_SS | Payment Statistical Sampling |
FMFG_SS_T_MNTN | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
FMFG_SS_TBL_MNTN | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
FMFG_SV | Service routines for US fed. government |
FMFG_TC | Treasury Confirmation functions |
FMFG_TC_TBL_MNTN | Treasury Confirmation Table Maint Fns |
FMFG_TOL | Tolerance overdraw limit |
FMFG_VENDOR_MASTER_EXT | Additional Vendor Master Fields for USFG |
FMFGAP | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
FMFGCAFCTSGROUP | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
FMFGFACTS2GROUP | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
FMFMSG | Funds message development |
FMSV_FG | Services Federal government |
SAP Package FMFG_E contains 80 transactions.
BPACC | Line derivation budgeting documents |
BPACCR | Acc Derivation Budget Entry Document |
FMCL | FM Closeout of Obligations |
FMFG_ACC_CLOSEOUT | Closeout of the Residual Accounts |
FMFG_AUTO_TC | Treasury Confirmation - Automated |
FMFG_CANCELED_AP | Canceled Fund for Account Payable-FI |
FMFG_CANCELED_AP_MM | Canceled Fund for Account Payable-FI |
FMFG_CANCELED_AR | Canceled Fund for Account Payable-FI |
FMFG_DIT_FBT | Maintain List of DIT/FBT Accts |
FMFG_E_1099_C | Tax Form 1099-C |
FMFG_E_CF | budget carry forward with subtypes |
FMFG_E_CL0 | Preclosing Rollup |
FMFG_E_CL1 | Preclosing rollup: fund type rules |
FMFG_E_CL2 | Preclosing rollup: fund rules |
FMFG_E_REL | Release Budget |
FMFG_E_TRANS_REG | Transaction Register |
FMFG_E_YFITRG02 | Document Listing |
FMFG_E_ZFZALI00 | Payment Settlement List |
FMFG_E_ZOPAC | Online Payment and Collection System |
FMFG_F2_TRANS | Maintain Transfer Agency and Account |
FMFG_PMT_TYPE | Maintain Pmt Method to Pmt Type map |
FMFG_PROG_REPT_CODE | Program Report Category - FACTS II |
FMFG_SS_BATCH | Payment Statistical Sampling - Invoi |
FMFG_SS_CERTIFY | Payment Sampling Certification Proce |
FMFG_SS_STATUS | Payment Sampling Process Status Repo |
FMFG_TC_REV_CHECKS | US Fed. TC Schedule Reversal - check |
FMFG_TC_REV_SCHEDULE | US Fed. TC Schedule Reversal - Sched |
FMFG_TREASURY_CONFIR | Treasury Confirmation |
FMFG_WAREHOUSE | Warehouse Report Transaction |
FMFGAPAAC | Acc. Property account assignment cat |
FMFGAPCON | Acc. Property Main Settings |
FMFGAPCR | Accountable Property program |
FMFGAPMT | Accountable Property Movement Types |
FMFGAPTR | Acc. Property Transaction Types |
FMFGF2_ATTRIBUTES | Configure Attributes |
FMSGDERIVE | Fund message: customizing |
FMSGDERIVER | Fund message: customizing |
FMSGLBL | Customize US BL SGL |
FMUSFG1 | USFG Derivation - Customize |
FMUSFG2 | USFG Derivation - Maintain |
FMYC02 | Reassignment for canceling Funds |
FMYC03DERIVE | FM Object Assignment - Customizing |
OFBL | Budgetary ledger account derivation |
OFCL | Rules for Closing Ledger Accounts |
OFGR | Create user groups |
OFMFG_ALC | Maintain Agency Location Code |
OFMFG_PMS_ALC | Map Pmt Meth Supp to ALC and Pmt Off |
OFMFG_PO | Maintain Payment Office |
RFACTS1_BL | FACTS 1: Trial Balance |
RFACTS1_FILE_SEND | FACTS 1: Send File to Treasury |
RFACTS1_TR | FACTS 1: Transaction Register |
RFACTS2_BL | FACTS 2: Trial Balance |
RFACTS2_EDGRP | FACTS 2: Customize Edits 2,3,5 & 11. |
RFACTS2_EDINV | FACTS 2: Customize Edit 6. |
RFACTS2_EDSGL | FACTS 2: Customize Edits 4,7 & 12 |
RFACTS2_EXTRACT | FACTS 2: Data Extract |
RFACTS2_FADT | Specify G/L Accounts for Extraction |
RFACTS2_FILE_SEND | FACTS 2: Send File to Treasury |
RFACTS2_FOOTNOTE | FACTS 2: Footnote Maintenance |
RFACTS2_MAF | FACTS 2: Maintain MAF File |
RFACTS2_PREDA | FACTS 2: Customize Pre-Edit A |
RFACTS2_PREDC | FACTS 2: Customize Pre-Edit C |
RFACTS2_TR | FACTS 2: Transaction Register |
RTREAS_OFFSET_FILE | Create Treasury Offset File |
RTREAS_OFFSET_UPDATE | Treasury Offset Update Report |
S_ALN_01000276 | Maintain File ID and Agency ID |
S_EDS_20000074 | |
S_EDS_20000075 | |
S_KI4_38000316 | IMG activity: _ISPSFM_OFMFG_PO |
S_KI4_38000317 | IMG activity: _ISPSFM_V_T042F_FMFG |
S_KI4_38000323 | |
S_KI4_38000325 | |
S_KI4_38000326 | |
S_KI4_38000327 | |
S_KI4_38000333 | IMG-Aktivität: _ISPSFM_V_FMFGT_ALC |
S_KI4_38000336 | IMG-Aktivität: _ISPSFM_FMUSFG1 |
S_KI4_38000346 | IMG activity: _ISPSFM_V_FMBPCL_FUN |
S_KI4_38000347 | IMG activity: _ISPSFM_V_FMBPCL_FTY |
SAP Package FMFG_E contains 72 database tables.
FMBPCLOSE_FTYPE | Preclosing Rollup: Transfer Rules for Fund Type |
FMBPCLOSE_FUND | Preclosing Rollup: Transfer Rules for Fund |
FMBUDACL | Rules for Closing Residual Ledger Accounts |
FMBUDACLD | Closing Residual Ledger Accounts : Dummy CC Assignment |
FMBUDBCS | Budgetary ledger account derivation: BCS |
FMBUDDIS | Budgetary ledger account derivation: Budgeting (old) |
FMBUDRES | Budgetary ledger account derivation: Revenue/Statistical |
FMBUDREV | Revenue/Statistical Postings & Open items/actuals Resource |
FMBUDSTA | Budgetary ledger account derivation: Open items/Actuals bdgt |
FMCLOSEOUT | Rules for Closing out Obligations |
FMFG_BL_BALACC | Budgetary Ledger balancing account for document split |
FMFG_BLSTAT | Budgetary Ledger Status |
FMFGAPAAC | Account Assignment Categories for Acc. Property |
FMFGAPASS | Accountable Property Assets Created w Value |
FMFGAPCON | Accountable Property Configuration Data |
FMFGAPMT | Accountable Property Movement Types |
FMFGAPTR | Accountable Property Transaction Type |
FMFGF2_SGLATRVAL | FMFG2 - FACTS II SGL Account Attribute Allowable Values |
FMFGF2EDGRP | SGL Accounts Edits 2, 3, 5, 10, 11 (FACTS II) |
FMFGF2EDINV | Edit 6 - Investment Authority (FACTS II) |
FMFGF2EDPRF | Edit 8- SF 133 Proof Edit (FACTS II) |
FMFGF2EDSGL | SGL Account Edits 4, 7, 12 (FACTS II) |
FMFGF2EXT | FACTS2 Bulk Extract File |
FMFGF2FADT | (FACTS II) Account Balance Definition Table |
FMFGF2FOOT | FACTS2 Bulk extract file |
FMFGF2MAF | FACTS2 MAF File for Edits |
FMFGF2PRC | FACTS II Customizing table - Program Report Category |
FMFGF2PRCT | FACTS II Customizing - Program Report Category Text Table |
FMFGF2PREDA | Pre-edit A - Authority (FACTS II) |
FMFGF2PREDC | Pre-edit C - Expired/Unexpired (FACTS II) |
FMFGF2VERSION | Facts II Program Version Number |
FMFGT_ALC | Agency Location Code - U.S. Federal Government |
FMFGT_ALCT | Text Table for Agency Location Codes - U.S. Fed Gov |
FMFGT_DIT_FBT | List of DIT & FBT accounts for Treasury Confirmation |
FMFGT_PO | Payment Office - U.S. Federal Government |
FMFGT_POT | Text table for Payment Office - U.S. Federal Government |
FMFGT_SS01 | Payment Statistical Sampling Process Activation table |
FMFGT_SS02 | Payment Statistical Sampling Process Rules |
FMFGT_SS03 | Statistical Sampling Clerk/Supervisor Relationship |
FMFGTOLDCTYP | Document types for US Federal MM tolerances |
FMGROUP | Group master data for fund |
FMTC_CHK_RANGE | Schedule Check Ranges for US Federal Treasury Confirmation |
FMTC_PMT_TYPE | Mapping table for Pmt Method to the Type of Pmt DME - TC |
FMTC_RFC | Table for Treasury Regional Financial Center |
FMTC_SCHNO | Treasury Confirmation Schedule No status |
FMTC_SCHTOT | Limit Treasury Schedules |
FMUSERGROUP | User maintenance for group |
FMUSFGA | Actual line item table for US Federal Government |
FMUSFGC | Object table 2 |
FMUSFGF2_TRANS | Transfer Agency and Accounts |
FMUSFGF2_TRANST | Transfer Agency Texts |
FMUSFGFACTS1A | Actual line item table |
FMUSFGFACTS1C | Object table 2 |
FMUSFGFACTS1O | Object table 1 |
FMUSFGFACTS1P | Plan line items table |
FMUSFGFACTS1T | Summary table |
FMUSFGFACTS2A | Actual line item table |
FMUSFGFACTS2C | Object table 2 |
FMUSFGFACTS2O | Object table 1 |
FMUSFGFACTS2P | Plan line items table |
FMUSFGFACTS2T | Summary table |
FMUSFGO | Object table 1 for US Federal Government |
FMUSFGP | Plan line items table |
FMUSFGT | Summary table for US Federal Government |
FUNDMSG | Fund message maintenance |
T042F_FMFG_TC | Pmt Method Supp map to ALC and Pmt Office - US Treas Conf |
TME_TOL | Overdraw tolerance for Purchase Order / Requisition |
TME_TOLS | Tolerance Key for overdraw tolerance |
TME_TOLST | Tolerance Key for overdraw tolerance TEXT |
SAP Package FMFG_E contains 43 views.
V_FMBPCL_FTYPE | Preclosing Rollup: Transfer Rules for Fund Type |
V_FMBPCL_FUND | Preclosing Rollup: Transfer Rules for Fund |
V_FMBUDACL | Rules for Closing Residual Budgetary Ledger Accounts |
V_FMBUDACLD | Closing Residual Ledger Accounts : Dummy CC Assignment |
V_FMBUDBCS | Budgeting BCS |
V_FMBUDDIS | Budgeting (old) |
V_FMBUDRES | Resources accounts |
V_FMBUDREV | Resources/Revenue/Statistical |
V_FMBUDSTA | Actuals/Open Items Budget Status |
V_FMCLOSEOUT | View for FM Closeout of Obligations |
V_FMFGAPAAC | Account Assignment Cat. and Item Cat. for Accountable Prop. |
V_FMFGAPCON2 | Accountable Property Configuration |
V_FMFGAPMT | Accountable Property Movement Types |
V_FMFGAPTR | Accountable Property Transaction Types |
V_FMFGF2_SGL | FACTS II - SGL Account Maintenance |
V_FMFGF2_SGLATR | FMFG - FACTS2 Attribute Maintenance |
V_FMFGF2_SGLATRV | FMFG - FACTS2 Allowable Values |
V_FMFGF2PRC | Program Report Category - U.S. Federal Government (FACTS II) |
V_FMFGT_ALC | Agency Location Codes - U.S. Federal Government |
V_FMFGT_DIT_FBT | List for DIT and FBT Accounts |
V_FMFGT_PO | Payment Office - U.S. Federal Government |
V_FMFGT_SS02 | View for Payment Statistical Sampling Process Rules |
V_FMFGT_SS03 | AP Clerk/Supervisor Relationship |
V_FMFGTOLDCTYP | MM Document types with tolerance keys |
V_FMFGTOLDCTYP1 | MM Document types with tolerance keys |
V_FMFUSE | HelpView prepearer ID |
V_FMGROUP | Create User Groups for Fund Message |
V_FMTC_PMT_TYPE | Payment Types from Payment Methods |
V_FMTC_PYMT_PLUS | Assign File ID and Agency ID to Payment Method |
V_FMTC_RFC | Treasury Regional Financial Center |
V_FMUSERGROUP | User per user group maintenance |
V_FMUSFGF2_TRANS | Transfer Agency Code and Account - U.S. Federal Government |
V_T003_USFG | Document types |
V_T042F_FMFG_TC | Payment Method Supplement maps to ALC and Payment Office |
V_TME_TOL | Tolerance Key for Overdraw Tolerance |
V_TME_TOLS | Tolerance Key for overdraw tolerance VIEW |
VFMFGT_SS01 | Activate/Deactivate Payment Statistical Sampling Process |
VFMFGT_SS02 | View for Payment Statistical Sampling Process Rules |
VFMFGT_SS03 | Payment Process Clerk/Supervisor Relationships |
VV_FMREAS_RULES_PRECLOS_USFED | Assign Strategy for canceling Funds |
VV_FMREAS_RULES_SUBSEQ_USFED | Assign Strategy for canceling Funds - Subsequent Documents. |
VV_FMTABADRH_CANCELED_FUND_SUB | Subsequent Documents: Define Reassignment Strategy |
VV_FMTABADRH_CANCELED_FUNDS | Preclosing to cancel Funds: Define Reassignment Strategy |
SAP Package FMFG_E contains 81 structures.
AACCIT_SSP | Append for Payment Statistical Sampling Process |
AACCIT_USFG | Append structure for US federal government |
AACMM_VENDOR_COMP_XBLNR2 | Append structure for US federal government |
AAUSZ_CLR_USFG | Clearing information for US Fed (Tresury Confirmation) |
AFMIOI_USFG | SD order needs quantity |
AKNA1_FMFG | US Federal Government Customer Master Data Additional Fields |
ALFA1_FMFG | US Federal Government Vendor Master Data Additional Fields |
ALFB1_FMFG | PS fields for company code-specific master data field |
AT003_XBLNR2 | Append structure for US federal government |
BPACCDERIVE_SOURCE | Account Derivation Budget Entry Document: Source |
BPACCDERIVE_TARGET | Account Derivation Budget Entry Document: Target |
DTADUSFG_AGENCY_BULK | ACH Format: Agency Billing Address Control Record |
DTADUSFG_ALC_BULK | ACH Format: Agency Location Code (ALC) Control Record |
DTADUSFGA | ACH Format: Agency Location Code (ALC) Control Record |
DTADUSFGB | ACH Format: Agency Billing Address Control Record |
DTADUSFGC | ACH Format: Schedule Control record (Trailer) |
DTADUSFGD | ACH Format: Batch Detail record |
DTADUSFGD_BULK | ACH Format: Batch Detail record Bulk Check |
DTADUSFGD_PLUS | ACH Format: Batch Detail record Plus |
DTADUSFGD_PLUS_CCD | ACH Format: Batch Detail record Plus |
DTADUSFGD_PLUS_PPD | ACH Format: Batch Detail record Plus |
DTADUSFGH | ACH Format: Batch header record |
DTADUSFGH_PLUS | ACH Format: Batch header record Plus |
DTADUSFGT | ACH Format: Batch Trailer record |
DTADUSFGT_CCD_PLUS | ACH Format: Batch Trailer record CCD Plus |
DTADUSFGT_PPD_PLUS | ACH Format: Batch Trailer record PPD Plus |
DTAUS_CONTROL_BULK_FG | ACH Format: Batch Detail record |
DTAUS_CONTROL_FG | ACH Format: Batch Detail record |
DTAUS_TRAILER_FG | ACH Format: Batch Trailer Record |
DTAUSCTX_FG | Structure for CTX payment record |
DTAUSFH_CTX_FG | Structure for Header of CTX file format |
DTAUSTCK | ACH Format: Batch Detail record |
FMFACTS1TBALV | Trial Balance Structure for ALV |
FMFACTS1TRALV | Transaction Register Structure for ALV |
FMFACTS2ERRALV | Error data structure |
FMFACTS2TBALV | Trial Balance Structure for ALV |
FMFACTS2TRALV | Transaction Register Structure for ALV |
FMFG_CLOI_FIELDS_AP | Pre-Closing Activities - Canceling Fund Open Items |
FMFG_CLOI_FIELDS_AP_MM | Pre-Closing Activities - Canceling Fund Open Items |
FMFG_CLOI_FIELDS_AR | Pre-Closing Activities - Canceling Fund Open Items |
FMFG_CTX_FG | Format-specific parameters Company Trade Exchange - FG |
FMFG_EKPODATA | Add on for Public Sector |
FMFG_EXCPE | Append structure for acceptance period |
FMFG_LT_ANLN1 | Accountable Property asset numbers |
FMFG_RFACTS2_BULK_ACCOUNT_KEY | Facts II - Bulk File Account Detail Record |
FMFG_TC_FG | Format-specific parameters Federal Goverment |
FMFG_TC_FG_BULK_CHECK | Format-specific parameters Federal Goverment - Bulk Check |
FMFG_TC_FG_PLUS | Format-specific parameters Federal Goverment |
FMFG_TC_MATCH | Structure for matching Treasury Checks to Pmt Docs |
FMFG_TC_OUT | Treasury Confirmation output layout for ALV |
FMFG_TC_SCHED_INFO | Input info for Schedule Confirmation |
FMFG_TC_WORKLIST | Treasury Confirmation cancelled check worklist |
FMFG_TME_TOLS | Tolerance Limit Key |
FMPOSTING_INFO | Value and amount type information for Funds Management |
FMUSFGFACTS2AFC | Field Catalog Structure for FACTS2 transation register |
FMUSFGFACTS2AYFC | Field Catalog Structure for FACTS2 transation register year |
FMUSFGFACTS2TFC | Field Catalog for FACTS2 Summary Table |
FMUSFGS | Reporting for table FMUSFGT |
IFMFG_ACC_PROP | Accountable Property structure |
IFMFUDERIVE | Fields for fund message derivation tool |
IUSFGFACTS1 | Fields for US Federal government FACTS1 |
IUSFGFACTS2 | Fields for US Federal government FACTS2 |
IUSFGFDERIVE | Derivation of US Federal government fields |
IUSFGOTHERS | Other than FACTS1 and FACTS2 |
REGUH_FMFG | U.S. Federal Government ISPS |
RFACTS2_BAL_LOG | Application Log data structure |
RFACTS2_BULK_ACCOUNT_DETAIL | Facts II Bulk File Account Detail Record |
RFACTS2_BULK_ACCOUNT_KEY | Facts II Bulk File Account Detail Record |
RFACTS2_BULK_FILE_DETAIL2 | Facts II Bulk File Account Detail Record |
RFACTS2_BULK_FILE_FOOTNOTE2 | Facts II Bulk File Account Detail Record with Footnote |
RFACTS2_BULK_FILE_TRAILER | Facts II Bulk File Account Trailer |
RFACTS2_ERR_DATA | Error data structure |
RFACTS2_FILE_FORMAT | Facts II Bulk file account detail record |
RFFMFG_DEBT_LINE | Treasury Offset - Debt Information Fields |
RFFMFG_INDIV_DEBT_LINE | Treasury Offset Individual Debtor Information Fields |
RFFMFG_OFFSET_CONTRL_REC_LINE | Treasury Offset Control Record Fields |
RFFMFG_OFFSET_LINE | Treasury Offset - Document Fields |
RFFMFG_OI_BAL | Application Log: Log - Output Structure |
RFFMFGAPCRN_ALV | Structure for ALV |
RFMUSFG_FACTS2_TREE | Node Structure for Simple Tree in RFMUSFG_FACTS2_EDITS |
USFGSACCIT | US Federal Goverment |
SAP Package FMFG_E contains 45 programs.
BPACCDERIVE | Account Derivation Budget Entry Document |
BPCARFORREV | Cross year transfer posting US federal |
BPCLOSE | Budget Rollup |
BPRELEASE | Transfer Budget to Budget Subtype for Availability Control |
RFFMCANCELED_FUND_AP | Transfer Balance from Canceled Fund: FI Accounts Payable |
RFFMCANCELED_FUND_AP_MM | Transfer Balance from Canceled Fund: MM Accounts Payable |
RFFMCANCELED_FUND_AR | Transfer Balance from Canceled Fund: Accounts Receivable |
RFFMCLOS | Close Obligations |
RFFMFG_1099_C | Tax Form 1099-C |
RFFMFG_FMUSFGA | Drilldown Report for Federal Ledger |
RFFMFG_SET_PS_US_ACTIVE | Activate Federal Government Feature in IS Public Sector |
RFFMFG_SS01 | Payment Statistical Sampling - Invoice Batching Process |
RFFMFG_SS02 | Payment Statistical Sampling - Invoice Certification |
RFFMFG_SS03 | Payment Statistical Sampling - Invoice Status Report |
RFFMFG_TRANS_REG | Federal Transaction Register |
RFFMFG_UNFILLED_ORDERS | Year-End Closing Operations: Close Out Unfilled Orders |
RFFMFG_YFITRG02 | Document Listing |
RFFMFG_ZOPAC | Online Payment and Collection System |
RFFMFGAPCR | Accountable Property Asset Creation |
RFFMFGAUTOTCONFIRM | Treasury Confirmation - Automated Processing |
RFFMFGCHKDEL | Check Deletion for Treasury Confirmation |
RFFMFGT_OFFSET_FILE | Create Treasury Offset File |
RFFMFGT_OFFSET_UPDATE | Treasury Offset Update Report |
RFFMFGTCAUTO | Automated Treasury Confirmation |
RFFMFGTCONFIRM | Treasury Confirmation |
RFFMFGTCREV_CHECKS | Treasury Confirmation: Reverse Single Check |
RFFMFGTCREV_SCHEDULE | Treasury Confirmation: Reverse Entire Check Run |
RFFMYRCL | Residual Budgetary Account Closing |
RFMFUDERIVE | FMFU callback report for CO-PA derivation tool |
RFMUSFG_FACTS1_FILE_SEND | Send bulk file to Treasury |
RFMUSFG_FACTS1_TB | Trial Balance Report with FACTS I Attributes |
RFMUSFG_FACTS1_TR | Transaction Register Report with FACTS I Attributes |
RFMUSFG_FACTS2_EDITS | FACTS II: Apply Edits Program |
RFMUSFG_FACTS2_EXTRACT | Treasury Bulk File Extract Program |
RFMUSFG_FACTS2_FILE_SEND | Send Bulk File to Treasury |
RFMUSFG_FACTS2_FOOTNOTE | FACTS II: Attach Footnotes Program |
RFMUSFG_FACTS2_TB | Trial Balance Report with FACTS II Attributes |
RFMUSFG_FACTS2_TR | Transaction Register Report with FACTS II Attributes |
RFMUSFG_SF224 | SF-224 Statement of Transactions |
RFMXPR46 | To be inserted by Grant |
RMT162X8_JFMIG | RMT162X8_JFMIG Programm zum Anpassen der Feldsteuerung T162 füllen |
SAP Package FMFG_E contains 7 search helps.
FM_CERTIFID | Certifier ID |
FM_PREPID | Preparer ID |
FM_TRANS_AGENCY | Transfer Agency Code and Account - U.S. Federal Government |
FMFG_BLSTATUS | Budgetary Ledger Status |
FMFG_REFERENCE_NUMBER | Search using reference number |
FMFG_SCHEDULENO | Elementary search help for Schedule Number |
SAP Package FMFG_E contains 1 message classes.
FMFG | U.S. Federal Government Message Class |