SAP Package FMFG_E

US Federal Government budgetary ledger account derivation

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The package FMFG_E (US Federal Government budgetary ledger account derivation) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package FUNDS_MANAGEMENT.

Technical Information

Package FMFG_E
Short Text US Federal Government budgetary ledger account derivation

Function Groups

SAP Package FMFG_E contains 29 function groups.

AKBP Preclosing Rollup: Table Maintenance
FMBL_FG_CUSTOM_E Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
FMBL_FGBT_E US Federal Government account derivation
FMCANCELED_FUND Follow-On Posting. Canceled Fund
FMCL_E Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
FMFG_BPACCDERIVE Account Derivation Budget Entry Document
FMFG_CL_TBL_MNTN Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
FMFG_CUSTOM Customizing for US Federal government
FMFG_CUSTOMER_MASTER_EXT Additional Cust. Master Fields for USFG
FMFG_DERIVE Federal Government Derivation
FMFG_PCARD Vendor purchase card for eco. justificat
FMFG_PMW PMW: Format USA - Federal Goverment
FMFG_RWIN_FUNCTIONS U.S. Federal Government F'ns for TRWPR
FMFG_SHLP Search help exits
FMFG_SPLIT_LEDGER Allowed Fields US Fed.Gov. Split Ledger
FMFG_SS Payment Statistical Sampling
FMFG_SS_T_MNTN Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
FMFG_SS_TBL_MNTN Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
FMFG_SV Service routines for US fed. government
FMFG_TC Treasury Confirmation functions
FMFG_TC_TBL_MNTN Treasury Confirmation Table Maint Fns
FMFG_TOL Tolerance overdraw limit
FMFG_VENDOR_MASTER_EXT Additional Vendor Master Fields for USFG
FMFGAP Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
FMFGCAFCTSGROUP Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
FMFGFACTS2GROUP Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
FMFMSG Funds message development
FMSV_FG Services Federal government


SAP Package FMFG_E contains 80 transactions.

BPACC Line derivation budgeting documents
BPACCR Acc Derivation Budget Entry Document
FMCL FM Closeout of Obligations
FMFG_ACC_CLOSEOUT Closeout of the Residual Accounts
FMFG_AUTO_TC Treasury Confirmation - Automated
FMFG_CANCELED_AP Canceled Fund for Account Payable-FI
FMFG_CANCELED_AP_MM Canceled Fund for Account Payable-FI
FMFG_CANCELED_AR Canceled Fund for Account Payable-FI
FMFG_DIT_FBT Maintain List of DIT/FBT Accts
FMFG_E_1099_C Tax Form 1099-C
FMFG_E_CF budget carry forward with subtypes
FMFG_E_CL0 Preclosing Rollup
FMFG_E_CL1 Preclosing rollup: fund type rules
FMFG_E_CL2 Preclosing rollup: fund rules
FMFG_E_REL Release Budget
FMFG_E_TRANS_REG Transaction Register
FMFG_E_YFITRG02 Document Listing
FMFG_E_ZFZALI00 Payment Settlement List
FMFG_E_ZOPAC Online Payment and Collection System
FMFG_F2_TRANS Maintain Transfer Agency and Account
FMFG_PMT_TYPE Maintain Pmt Method to Pmt Type map
FMFG_PROG_REPT_CODE Program Report Category - FACTS II
FMFG_SS_BATCH Payment Statistical Sampling - Invoi
FMFG_SS_CERTIFY Payment Sampling Certification Proce
FMFG_SS_STATUS Payment Sampling Process Status Repo
FMFG_TC_REV_CHECKS US Fed. TC Schedule Reversal - check
FMFG_TC_REV_SCHEDULE US Fed. TC Schedule Reversal - Sched
FMFG_TREASURY_CONFIR Treasury Confirmation
FMFG_WAREHOUSE Warehouse Report Transaction
FMFGAPAAC Acc. Property account assignment cat
FMFGAPCON Acc. Property Main Settings
FMFGAPCR Accountable Property program
FMFGAPMT Accountable Property Movement Types
FMFGAPTR Acc. Property Transaction Types
FMFGF2_ATTRIBUTES Configure Attributes
FMSGDERIVE Fund message: customizing
FMSGDERIVER Fund message: customizing
FMUSFG1 USFG Derivation - Customize
FMUSFG2 USFG Derivation - Maintain
FMYC02 Reassignment for canceling Funds
FMYC03DERIVE FM Object Assignment - Customizing
OFBL Budgetary ledger account derivation
OFCL Rules for Closing Ledger Accounts
OFGR Create user groups
OFMFG_ALC Maintain Agency Location Code
OFMFG_PMS_ALC Map Pmt Meth Supp to ALC and Pmt Off
OFMFG_PO Maintain Payment Office
RFACTS1_BL FACTS 1: Trial Balance
RFACTS1_FILE_SEND FACTS 1: Send File to Treasury
RFACTS1_TR FACTS 1: Transaction Register
RFACTS2_BL FACTS 2: Trial Balance
RFACTS2_EDGRP FACTS 2: Customize Edits 2,3,5 & 11.
RFACTS2_EDINV FACTS 2: Customize Edit 6.
RFACTS2_EDSGL FACTS 2: Customize Edits 4,7 & 12
RFACTS2_FADT Specify G/L Accounts for Extraction
RFACTS2_FILE_SEND FACTS 2: Send File to Treasury
RFACTS2_FOOTNOTE FACTS 2: Footnote Maintenance
RFACTS2_MAF FACTS 2: Maintain MAF File
RFACTS2_PREDA FACTS 2: Customize Pre-Edit A
RFACTS2_PREDC FACTS 2: Customize Pre-Edit C
RFACTS2_TR FACTS 2: Transaction Register
RTREAS_OFFSET_FILE Create Treasury Offset File
RTREAS_OFFSET_UPDATE Treasury Offset Update Report
S_ALN_01000276 Maintain File ID and Agency ID
S_KI4_38000316 IMG activity: _ISPSFM_OFMFG_PO
S_KI4_38000317 IMG activity: _ISPSFM_V_T042F_FMFG
S_KI4_38000333 IMG-Aktivität: _ISPSFM_V_FMFGT_ALC
S_KI4_38000336 IMG-Aktivität: _ISPSFM_FMUSFG1
S_KI4_38000346 IMG activity: _ISPSFM_V_FMBPCL_FUN
S_KI4_38000347 IMG activity: _ISPSFM_V_FMBPCL_FTY

Database Tables

SAP Package FMFG_E contains 72 database tables.

FMBPCLOSE_FTYPE Preclosing Rollup: Transfer Rules for Fund Type
FMBPCLOSE_FUND Preclosing Rollup: Transfer Rules for Fund
FMBUDACL Rules for Closing Residual Ledger Accounts
FMBUDACLD Closing Residual Ledger Accounts : Dummy CC Assignment
FMBUDBCS Budgetary ledger account derivation: BCS
FMBUDDIS Budgetary ledger account derivation: Budgeting (old)
FMBUDRES Budgetary ledger account derivation: Revenue/Statistical
FMBUDREV Revenue/Statistical Postings & Open items/actuals Resource
FMBUDSTA Budgetary ledger account derivation: Open items/Actuals bdgt
FMCLOSEOUT Rules for Closing out Obligations
FMFG_BL_BALACC Budgetary Ledger balancing account for document split
FMFG_BLSTAT Budgetary Ledger Status
FMFGAPAAC Account Assignment Categories for Acc. Property
FMFGAPASS Accountable Property Assets Created w Value
FMFGAPCON Accountable Property Configuration Data
FMFGAPMT Accountable Property Movement Types
FMFGAPTR Accountable Property Transaction Type
FMFGF2_SGLATRVAL FMFG2 - FACTS II SGL Account Attribute Allowable Values
FMFGF2EDGRP SGL Accounts Edits 2, 3, 5, 10, 11 (FACTS II)
FMFGF2EDINV Edit 6 - Investment Authority (FACTS II)
FMFGF2EDPRF Edit 8- SF 133 Proof Edit (FACTS II)
FMFGF2EDSGL SGL Account Edits 4, 7, 12 (FACTS II)
FMFGF2EXT FACTS2 Bulk Extract File
FMFGF2FADT (FACTS II) Account Balance Definition Table
FMFGF2FOOT FACTS2 Bulk extract file
FMFGF2PRC FACTS II Customizing table - Program Report Category
FMFGF2PRCT FACTS II Customizing - Program Report Category Text Table
FMFGF2PREDA Pre-edit A - Authority (FACTS II)
FMFGF2PREDC Pre-edit C - Expired/Unexpired (FACTS II)
FMFGF2VERSION Facts II Program Version Number
FMFGT_ALC Agency Location Code - U.S. Federal Government
FMFGT_ALCT Text Table for Agency Location Codes - U.S. Fed Gov
FMFGT_DIT_FBT List of DIT & FBT accounts for Treasury Confirmation
FMFGT_PO Payment Office - U.S. Federal Government
FMFGT_POT Text table for Payment Office - U.S. Federal Government
FMFGT_SS01 Payment Statistical Sampling Process Activation table
FMFGT_SS02 Payment Statistical Sampling Process Rules
FMFGT_SS03 Statistical Sampling Clerk/Supervisor Relationship
FMFGTOLDCTYP Document types for US Federal MM tolerances
FMGROUP Group master data for fund
FMTC_CHK_RANGE Schedule Check Ranges for US Federal Treasury Confirmation
FMTC_PMT_TYPE Mapping table for Pmt Method to the Type of Pmt DME - TC
FMTC_RFC Table for Treasury Regional Financial Center
FMTC_SCHNO Treasury Confirmation Schedule No status
FMTC_SCHTOT Limit Treasury Schedules
FMUSERGROUP User maintenance for group
FMUSFGA Actual line item table for US Federal Government
FMUSFGC Object table 2
FMUSFGF2_TRANS Transfer Agency and Accounts
FMUSFGF2_TRANST Transfer Agency Texts
FMUSFGFACTS1A Actual line item table
FMUSFGFACTS1C Object table 2
FMUSFGFACTS1O Object table 1
FMUSFGFACTS1P Plan line items table
FMUSFGFACTS1T Summary table
FMUSFGFACTS2A Actual line item table
FMUSFGFACTS2C Object table 2
FMUSFGFACTS2O Object table 1
FMUSFGFACTS2P Plan line items table
FMUSFGFACTS2T Summary table
FMUSFGO Object table 1 for US Federal Government
FMUSFGP Plan line items table
FMUSFGT Summary table for US Federal Government
FUNDMSG Fund message maintenance
T042F_FMFG_TC Pmt Method Supp map to ALC and Pmt Office - US Treas Conf
TME_TOL Overdraw tolerance for Purchase Order / Requisition
TME_TOLS Tolerance Key for overdraw tolerance
TME_TOLST Tolerance Key for overdraw tolerance TEXT


SAP Package FMFG_E contains 43 views.

V_FMBPCL_FTYPE Preclosing Rollup: Transfer Rules for Fund Type
V_FMBPCL_FUND Preclosing Rollup: Transfer Rules for Fund
V_FMBUDACL Rules for Closing Residual Budgetary Ledger Accounts
V_FMBUDACLD Closing Residual Ledger Accounts : Dummy CC Assignment
V_FMBUDDIS Budgeting (old)
V_FMBUDRES Resources accounts
V_FMBUDREV Resources/Revenue/Statistical
V_FMBUDSTA Actuals/Open Items Budget Status
V_FMCLOSEOUT View for FM Closeout of Obligations
V_FMFGAPAAC Account Assignment Cat. and Item Cat. for Accountable Prop.
V_FMFGAPCON2 Accountable Property Configuration
V_FMFGAPMT Accountable Property Movement Types
V_FMFGAPTR Accountable Property Transaction Types
V_FMFGF2_SGL FACTS II - SGL Account Maintenance
V_FMFGF2_SGLATR FMFG - FACTS2 Attribute Maintenance
V_FMFGF2PRC Program Report Category - U.S. Federal Government (FACTS II)
V_FMFGT_ALC Agency Location Codes - U.S. Federal Government
V_FMFGT_DIT_FBT List for DIT and FBT Accounts
V_FMFGT_PO Payment Office - U.S. Federal Government
V_FMFGT_SS02 View for Payment Statistical Sampling Process Rules
V_FMFGT_SS03 AP Clerk/Supervisor Relationship
V_FMFGTOLDCTYP MM Document types with tolerance keys
V_FMFGTOLDCTYP1 MM Document types with tolerance keys
V_FMFUSE HelpView prepearer ID
V_FMGROUP Create User Groups for Fund Message
V_FMTC_PMT_TYPE Payment Types from Payment Methods
V_FMTC_PYMT_PLUS Assign File ID and Agency ID to Payment Method
V_FMTC_RFC Treasury Regional Financial Center
V_FMUSERGROUP User per user group maintenance
V_FMUSFGF2_TRANS Transfer Agency Code and Account - U.S. Federal Government
V_T003_USFG Document types
V_T042F_FMFG_TC Payment Method Supplement maps to ALC and Payment Office
V_TME_TOL Tolerance Key for Overdraw Tolerance
V_TME_TOLS Tolerance Key for overdraw tolerance VIEW
VFMFGT_SS01 Activate/Deactivate Payment Statistical Sampling Process
VFMFGT_SS02 View for Payment Statistical Sampling Process Rules
VFMFGT_SS03 Payment Process Clerk/Supervisor Relationships
VV_FMREAS_RULES_PRECLOS_USFED Assign Strategy for canceling Funds
VV_FMREAS_RULES_SUBSEQ_USFED Assign Strategy for canceling Funds - Subsequent Documents.
VV_FMTABADRH_CANCELED_FUND_SUB Subsequent Documents: Define Reassignment Strategy
VV_FMTABADRH_CANCELED_FUNDS Preclosing to cancel Funds: Define Reassignment Strategy


SAP Package FMFG_E contains 81 structures.

AACCIT_SSP Append for Payment Statistical Sampling Process
AACCIT_USFG Append structure for US federal government
AACMM_VENDOR_COMP_XBLNR2 Append structure for US federal government
AAUSZ_CLR_USFG Clearing information for US Fed (Tresury Confirmation)
AFMIOI_USFG SD order needs quantity
AKNA1_FMFG US Federal Government Customer Master Data Additional Fields
ALFA1_FMFG US Federal Government Vendor Master Data Additional Fields
ALFB1_FMFG PS fields for company code-specific master data field
AT003_XBLNR2 Append structure for US federal government
BPACCDERIVE_SOURCE Account Derivation Budget Entry Document: Source
BPACCDERIVE_TARGET Account Derivation Budget Entry Document: Target
DTADUSFG_AGENCY_BULK ACH Format: Agency Billing Address Control Record
DTADUSFG_ALC_BULK ACH Format: Agency Location Code (ALC) Control Record
DTADUSFGA ACH Format: Agency Location Code (ALC) Control Record
DTADUSFGB ACH Format: Agency Billing Address Control Record
DTADUSFGC ACH Format: Schedule Control record (Trailer)
DTADUSFGD ACH Format: Batch Detail record
DTADUSFGD_BULK ACH Format: Batch Detail record Bulk Check
DTADUSFGD_PLUS ACH Format: Batch Detail record Plus
DTADUSFGD_PLUS_CCD ACH Format: Batch Detail record Plus
DTADUSFGD_PLUS_PPD ACH Format: Batch Detail record Plus
DTADUSFGH ACH Format: Batch header record
DTADUSFGH_PLUS ACH Format: Batch header record Plus
DTADUSFGT ACH Format: Batch Trailer record
DTADUSFGT_CCD_PLUS ACH Format: Batch Trailer record CCD Plus
DTADUSFGT_PPD_PLUS ACH Format: Batch Trailer record PPD Plus
DTAUS_CONTROL_BULK_FG ACH Format: Batch Detail record
DTAUS_CONTROL_FG ACH Format: Batch Detail record
DTAUS_TRAILER_FG ACH Format: Batch Trailer Record
DTAUSCTX_FG Structure for CTX payment record
DTAUSFH_CTX_FG Structure for Header of CTX file format
DTAUSTCK ACH Format: Batch Detail record
FMFACTS1TBALV Trial Balance Structure for ALV
FMFACTS1TRALV Transaction Register Structure for ALV
FMFACTS2ERRALV Error data structure
FMFACTS2TBALV Trial Balance Structure for ALV
FMFACTS2TRALV Transaction Register Structure for ALV
FMFG_CLOI_FIELDS_AP Pre-Closing Activities - Canceling Fund Open Items
FMFG_CLOI_FIELDS_AP_MM Pre-Closing Activities - Canceling Fund Open Items
FMFG_CLOI_FIELDS_AR Pre-Closing Activities - Canceling Fund Open Items
FMFG_CTX_FG Format-specific parameters Company Trade Exchange - FG
FMFG_EKPODATA Add on for Public Sector
FMFG_EXCPE Append structure for acceptance period
FMFG_LT_ANLN1 Accountable Property asset numbers
FMFG_RFACTS2_BULK_ACCOUNT_KEY Facts II - Bulk File Account Detail Record
FMFG_TC_FG Format-specific parameters Federal Goverment
FMFG_TC_FG_BULK_CHECK Format-specific parameters Federal Goverment - Bulk Check
FMFG_TC_FG_PLUS Format-specific parameters Federal Goverment
FMFG_TC_MATCH Structure for matching Treasury Checks to Pmt Docs
FMFG_TC_OUT Treasury Confirmation output layout for ALV
FMFG_TC_SCHED_INFO Input info for Schedule Confirmation
FMFG_TC_WORKLIST Treasury Confirmation cancelled check worklist
FMFG_TME_TOLS Tolerance Limit Key
FMPOSTING_INFO Value and amount type information for Funds Management
FMUSFGFACTS2AFC Field Catalog Structure for FACTS2 transation register
FMUSFGFACTS2AYFC Field Catalog Structure for FACTS2 transation register year
FMUSFGFACTS2TFC Field Catalog for FACTS2 Summary Table
FMUSFGS Reporting for table FMUSFGT
IFMFG_ACC_PROP Accountable Property structure
IFMFUDERIVE Fields for fund message derivation tool
IUSFGFACTS1 Fields for US Federal government FACTS1
IUSFGFACTS2 Fields for US Federal government FACTS2
IUSFGFDERIVE Derivation of US Federal government fields
REGUH_FMFG U.S. Federal Government ISPS
RFACTS2_BAL_LOG Application Log data structure
RFACTS2_BULK_ACCOUNT_DETAIL Facts II Bulk File Account Detail Record
RFACTS2_BULK_ACCOUNT_KEY Facts II Bulk File Account Detail Record
RFACTS2_BULK_FILE_DETAIL2 Facts II Bulk File Account Detail Record
RFACTS2_BULK_FILE_FOOTNOTE2 Facts II Bulk File Account Detail Record with Footnote
RFACTS2_BULK_FILE_TRAILER Facts II Bulk File Account Trailer
RFACTS2_ERR_DATA Error data structure
RFACTS2_FILE_FORMAT Facts II Bulk file account detail record
RFFMFG_DEBT_LINE Treasury Offset - Debt Information Fields
RFFMFG_INDIV_DEBT_LINE Treasury Offset Individual Debtor Information Fields
RFFMFG_OFFSET_CONTRL_REC_LINE Treasury Offset Control Record Fields
RFFMFG_OFFSET_LINE Treasury Offset - Document Fields
RFFMFG_OI_BAL Application Log: Log - Output Structure
RFMUSFG_FACTS2_TREE Node Structure for Simple Tree in RFMUSFG_FACTS2_EDITS
USFGSACCIT US Federal Goverment


SAP Package FMFG_E contains 45 programs.

BPACCDERIVE Account Derivation Budget Entry Document
BPCARFORREV Cross year transfer posting US federal
BPCLOSE Budget Rollup
BPRELEASE Transfer Budget to Budget Subtype for Availability Control
RFFMCANCELED_FUND_AP Transfer Balance from Canceled Fund: FI Accounts Payable
RFFMCANCELED_FUND_AP_MM Transfer Balance from Canceled Fund: MM Accounts Payable
RFFMCANCELED_FUND_AR Transfer Balance from Canceled Fund: Accounts Receivable
RFFMCLOS Close Obligations
RFFMFG_1099_C Tax Form 1099-C
RFFMFG_FMUSFGA Drilldown Report for Federal Ledger
RFFMFG_SET_PS_US_ACTIVE Activate Federal Government Feature in IS Public Sector
RFFMFG_SS01 Payment Statistical Sampling - Invoice Batching Process
RFFMFG_SS02 Payment Statistical Sampling - Invoice Certification
RFFMFG_SS03 Payment Statistical Sampling - Invoice Status Report
RFFMFG_TRANS_REG Federal Transaction Register
RFFMFG_UNFILLED_ORDERS Year-End Closing Operations: Close Out Unfilled Orders
RFFMFG_YFITRG02 Document Listing
RFFMFG_ZOPAC Online Payment and Collection System
RFFMFGAPCR Accountable Property Asset Creation
RFFMFGAUTOTCONFIRM Treasury Confirmation - Automated Processing
RFFMFGCHKDEL Check Deletion for Treasury Confirmation
RFFMFGT_OFFSET_FILE Create Treasury Offset File
RFFMFGT_OFFSET_UPDATE Treasury Offset Update Report
RFFMFGTCAUTO Automated Treasury Confirmation
RFFMFGTCONFIRM Treasury Confirmation
RFFMFGTCREV_CHECKS Treasury Confirmation: Reverse Single Check
RFFMFGTCREV_SCHEDULE Treasury Confirmation: Reverse Entire Check Run
RFFMYRCL Residual Budgetary Account Closing
RFMFUDERIVE FMFU callback report for CO-PA derivation tool
RFMUSFG_FACTS1_FILE_SEND Send bulk file to Treasury
RFMUSFG_FACTS1_TB Trial Balance Report with FACTS I Attributes
RFMUSFG_FACTS1_TR Transaction Register Report with FACTS I Attributes
RFMUSFG_FACTS2_EXTRACT Treasury Bulk File Extract Program
RFMUSFG_FACTS2_FILE_SEND Send Bulk File to Treasury
RFMUSFG_FACTS2_TB Trial Balance Report with FACTS II Attributes
RFMUSFG_FACTS2_TR Transaction Register Report with FACTS II Attributes
RFMUSFG_SF224 SF-224 Statement of Transactions
RFMXPR46 To be inserted by Grant
RMT162X8_JFMIG RMT162X8_JFMIG Programm zum Anpassen der Feldsteuerung T162 füllen

Search Helps

SAP Package FMFG_E contains 7 search helps.

FM_TRANS_AGENCY Transfer Agency Code and Account - U.S. Federal Government
FMFG_BLSTATUS Budgetary Ledger Status
FMFG_REFERENCE_NUMBER Search using reference number
FMFG_SCHEDULENO Elementary search help for Schedule Number

Message Classes

SAP Package FMFG_E contains 1 message classes.

FMFG U.S. Federal Government Message Class