
SAP Function Group GCAT


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The Function Group GCAT (GLX CATT) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package GBAS. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group GCAT
Short Text GLX CATT
Package GBAS

Function Modules

Function Group GCAT contains 15 function modules.

G_CATT_CHECK_TABLE Testing the GLX tables within CATT
G_CATT_CONVERT_INPUT_VALUE Conversion of input values
G_CATT_CREATE_TADIR_ENTRY Generate a TADIR Entry for Tables from a Table Group
G_CATT_CUSTOMIZE_ALLOCATION_1 CATT-conform setting of table T811I (Allocation Customizing)
G_CATT_CUSTOMIZE_ALLOCATION_2 Resetting table T811I (Allocation Customizing) after CATT processing
G_CATT_CUSTOMIZE_RULES CATT-conform setting of table GBC1
G_CATT_CUSTOMIZE_VALIDATION Setting the validation table T891B
G_CATT_DELETE_OWN_PREFIX_SETS Deletion of all self-created sets which start with determined prefix
G_CATT_DELETE_OWN_PREFIX_VAR Deletion of self-created variables according to a predefined prefix
G_CATT_DELETE_TABLE_ENTRY Deletion of table entries (only certain tables!)
G_CATT_DETERMINE_BUKRS_FIELD Determine Dimensions for Company Code
G_CATT_INSERT_NUMBER_RANGE Create number ranges in FI-GLX
G_CATT_LEDGERTABLE Determines the summary and line item table belonging to a ledger