
SAP Package GBAS

FI-SL Customizing / integration / Basis

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IDoc-Entwicklung für SAP: Customizing, Erweiterung, Eigenentwicklung

Wenn der Standard nicht ausreicht: Mit diesem Buch lernen Sie, IDocs selbstständig zu programmieren und zu erweitern. Die Autorin beschreibt Customizing-Techniken, die Erweiterung der Standardbausteine und komplette Eigenentwicklungen. Ob Rückmeldungen von Statuswerten, E-Mail-Workflows oder Serialisierung – für alle Aufgaben finden Sie Anleitungen und Tipps aus der Programmierpraxis. Neu in dieser Auflage: Überwachung und Fehlerbehandlung mit dem SAP Application Interface Framework.

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The package GBAS (FI-SL Customizing / integration / Basis) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package GBAS
Short Text FI-SL Customizing / integration / Basis
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package GBAS contains 74 function groups.

1021 Spec.Purpose Ledger BUS1021
0GC1 Generated View: Maintenance Pool
0GC2 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
0GC3 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
0GC5 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
ACAL Accounting calendar
BFFMGBIW BTE: Interface Managemaent Layer FI-SL
DRB_FI_SL DRB: Special Ledger Connection
G_LDGRP Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
G_SHLP Search Helps in FI-SL
GACT Expand table group
GAR1 T800B maint. - FI-SL archive/DB programs
GARC FI-SL: Tools in Customizing environment
GARX Archiving in the FI-SL Periphery
GBDD FI-GL: Data Dictionary access routines
GBUT FI-GL: update G/L tables
GCU2 Installation of table groups
GCUS Modules for GLX configuration
GD_ARCHIV Connectn of FI-SL Read Archive
GD13 Totals Record Display
GD23 New document display GD23
GD24 Flexible general ledger: Display
GDDC DDIC accesses to copy tables
GDEL FMs for Deletion Reports in SL
GDX3 Overlapping functionality GD13, 23..
GFIS Interfaces to financial info system
GICV Currency translations in FI-GLX
GIDL Calculate amounts for aver.daily bal.ld
GIN0 Update fixed FI ledgers
GIN1 Update fixed PCA ledgers
GIN2 Update fixed JVA ledgers
GIN3 Update fixed LC ledgers
GIN4 Update reconciliation ledger
GINS FI-SL table installation
GINT Tools for the direct posting
GIRW GLX handling of RW document
GIU1 Utilities for Integration
GIV1 Update the GLX tables of program grp 1
GIV2 Update the GLX tables of program grp 2
GIV3 Update the GLX tables of program grp 3
GIVA Update the GLX tables of program grp A
GLIF Checks if field is used in GLX
GLIN Direct posting general ledger
GLIO Accesses to General Ledger tables
GLIU FI-SL: Update function modules
GLRE Reading accesses to ledger data
GMIG Migration and conversion for GLX tables
GNEWORG Tools Used to Integrate New Org. Units
GORG Communication by ledgers w/organ. units
GRAU FI-GL and RW: authorization checks
GTB0 FI-GL: update ATAB tables
GTOO Functions to use GLX as a tool
GTOOLS Table Installation..
GTRA Transport Customizing objects
GUA1 General Ledger general utilities
GUIF GLX IDOC: workflow + generation
GUIR GLX IDOC: receive
GUMD FI-GL: master data validation
GUMESS FI-SL: Log for subsequent posting
GUMM Maintain T830A/T831A tables
GUMS FI-GL: master data screen field entry
GUPD FI-GL: period determination
GURE FI-SL connection to drilldown reporting
GUSLRFC Read Modules Remote
GUSM SL special code for Schedule Manager
GUTF FI-SL: Transformation of structures
GUTL FI-GL: general G/L utilities
GUTR Transport of FI-SL objects
GUTV FI-SL transport utilities: Variants
GUWU GL-KONS: Currency Translation
GVTR Balance C/F: Frame for calling user exit


SAP Package GBAS contains 333 transactions.

BW03MASTER Generate summ.table trans. structure
FGM0 Special Purpose Ledger Menu
GA27 Create FI-SL Planned Assessment
GA28 Change FI-SL Planned Assessment
GA29 Display FI-SL Planned Assessment
GA2A Delete FI-SL Planned Assessment
GA2B Execute FI-SL Planned Assessment
GA47 Create FI-SL Planned Distribution
GA48 Change FI-SL Planned Distribution
GA49 Display FI-SL Planned Distribution
GA4A Delete FI-SL Planned Distribution
GA4B Execute FI-SL Planned Distribution
GAL1 Update Assignment Table EDIMAP
GAL2 Generate Export/Import
GAL3 Export of G/L acct transactn figures
GAR1 Create Archive
GAR5 Display Structure of Local DBs
GAR8 RW/RP Reports for FI-SL Archives
GAR9 Generate FI-SL Archive/DB Reports
GB01 Document Entry for Local Ledgers
GB02 Number Range Maint.for Local Ledgers
GB03 Number Range Maint.f.Global Ledgers
GB04 Number Range Maint.for Local Ledgers
GB05 Number Range Maint.f.Global Ledgers
GB06 Reverse Local FI-SL Actual Documnts
GB11 Document Entry for Global Ledgers
GB16 Reverse Global FI-SL Actual Docmnts
GC_GR_NV Indirect call of GCD3
GCA1 FI-SL: Field Usage for Assessment
GCA2 FI-SL: Data Control for Assessment
GCA3 FI-SL: Allocations: Data fld descr.
GCA4 FI-SL: Allocation Field Grp Texts
GCA5 FI-SL: Allocation Table Information
GCA6 FI-SL: Field Usage for Distribution
GCA7 FI-SL: Data Control for Distributn
GCA8 Sender-Receiver Relationship
GCAC Ledger comparison
GCAE Ledger comparison w/diff. clearing
GCAG Generate FI-SL Archiving
GCAN Analysis of FI-SL Database Contents
GCAR Ledger Comparison Remote
GCB1 Change FI-SL Customizing Comp. Code
GCB2 Display FI-SL Customizing Comp.Code
GCB3 Copy FI-SL Customizing Company Code
GCB4 FI-SL: Delete Company Code
GCBA FI-SL: Valid Document Types
GCBE Texts for Document Types
GCBR Document Types for Rollup
GCBT Texts for Document Types
GCBW1 Generate summ.table trans. structure
GCBW2 Generate summ.table trans. structure
GCBX FI-SL: Valid Document Types
GCCG Generate Code for FI-SL
GCD1 FI-SL Customizing: Diagnosis Tool
GCD2 List of FI-SL Direct Posting Tables
GCD3 Graphical Navigation in FI-SL
GCD4 Check General Ledger
GCD5 Check Currencies in FI-SL
GCD6 Graphic Display of FI-SL Tables
GCDE Delete FI-SL Transaction Data
GCDF Delete FI-SL Transaction Data
GCDH G/L diagnosis
GCE1 Maintain User
GCEI FI-SL: Current settings
GCF1 Create FI-SL Customizng Fld Assign.
GCF2 Change FI-SL Customizng Fld Assign.
GCF3 Display FI-SL Customizng Fd Assign.
GCF4 FI-SL: Delete Field Assignment
GCG1 Create FI-SL Customizing Glob.Comp.
GCG2 Change FI-SL Customizing Glob.Comp.
GCG3 Display FI-SL Customizing Glob.Comp
GCG4 Copy FI-SL Customizing Global Comp.
GCG5 FI-SL Customizing: Delete Companies
GCGE Activate Global Plan Line Items
GCGG Generation of GLU1
GCGR Activity Groups
GCGS Reconciliation of total line items
GCGV C FI Maintain Table T009
GCI1 Installation of FI-SL Tables
GCI2 FI-SL: Installation of Object Tables
GCI3 FI-SL Table Directory
GCI4 FI-SL Fixed Field Movements
GCIN Maintain FI-SL tables
GCIQ Quick installation FI-SL
GCJU Diagnosis: Direct Access to Function
GCL1 Create FI-SL Customizing Ledger
GCL2 Change FI-SL Customizing Ledger
GCL3 Display FI-SL Customizing Ledger
GCL4 Delete FI-SL Customizing Ledger
GCL6 FI-SL: Copy Ledger
GCLE Activate Local Plan Line Items
GCM1 Conversion
GCP1 FI-SL: Local Posting Periods
GCP2 FI-SL Customizing: T001C
GCP3 FI-SL: Local Fisc.Yr-Dep.Vers.Param
GCP4 FI-SL: Global Fisc.Yr-Dep.Vers.Para
GCP5 FI-SL: Local Plan Periods
GCP6 FI-SL: Global Plan Periods
GCR1 Rollup: Create Field Assignment
GCR2 Rollup: Change Field Assignment
GCR3 Rollup: Display Field Assignment
GCR4 FI-SL: Rollup Substitution
GCR5 FI-SL: Rollup Substitution
GCR6 FI-SL Customizing:Del.Rollup Fld.A.
GCR7 Rollup: Direct Access
GCR8 Rollup: Direct Access
GCRE1 Activate drilldown rep. for SL table
GCRE2 Deactivate drilldown rep. - SL table
GCRF Translation Factors
GCRS Languages for Report Writer
GCS1 FI-SL: Master Data T800D
GCS5 Balance Carr. Forward Fld Movements
GCS6 Global Standard Accounts
GCS7 Bal.Carr.Forward: Global Std Accts
GCT1 Transport Ledger
GCT2 FI-SL Activation
GCT3 Control Information
GCT4 Transport Rollup
GCT5 Transport: Planning Parameters
GCT6 Transport Distribution Key
GCT7 Transport: Cycles
GCT8 Transport: Document Types
GCTR Transport from Report Writer objects
GCTS Transport of sets and variables
GCU0 Customizing FI-GLX Menu
GCU1 Data Transfer from FI
GCU1N Data Transfer from FI
GCU2 Generate G1U2
GCU3 Transfer Data From CO
GCU4 Subsequent Posting of Data From MM
GCU5 Subsequent Posting of Data frm Sales
GCU6 CO plan doc subs. posting to FI-SL
GCU9 Delete Transaction Data
GCUP Subsequently posting CO data to FISL
GCUT Maintain user tables
GCV1 FI-SL: Create Activity
GCV2 Change FI-SL Customizing Activity
GCV3 Display FI-SL Customizing Activity
GCV4 FI-SL Customizing: Delete Activity
GCVB Update Type in FI-SL
GCVI FI-SL: Actual Versions
GCVO Preparation for FI-SL Customizing
GCVP FI-SL: Plan Periods
GCVV FI-SL Validation / Local
GCVW FI-SL Validation / Global
GCVX FI-SL Substitution / Local
GCVY FI-SL Substitution / Global
GCW1 Versions for Currency Translation
GCW2 Local Translation Methods
GCW3 Global Translation Methods
GCW4 Sp.Purpose Ldgr Currency Translation
GCW5 FI-SL: Historical Curr. Translation
GCW6 FI-SL: Exchange Rates
GCW7 Transport Currency Translation Mthd
GCW8 Exchange Rate Types
GCW9 Methods for Currency Translation
GCWU Assign tables to translation methods
GCX1 FI-SL: Client-independent user exits
GCX2 FI-SL: Client-dependent user exits
GCZ3 Generate Report Groups
GD02 FI-SL line item plan documents
GD12 Flex.G/L: Totals Record Display
GD13 Totals record display
GD20 Start Selectin FI-SL Line Items
GD21 Flexible G/L: Document Selection
GD22 Flex. G/L: Actual Document Display
GD23 FI-SL: Local Actual Document Display
GD33 FI-SL: Global Actual Doc. Display
GD42 Flex. G/L: Plan Document Display
GD43 FI-SL: Local Plan Document Display
GD44 FI-SL: Global Plan Document Display
GD51 Enter Local FI-SL Master Data
GD52 Change Local FI-SL Master Data
GD53 Display Local FI-SL Master Data
GD54 Delete Local FI-SL Master Data
GD60 Create Code Combinations
GD61 Maintain Code Combinations
GD62 Display Code Combinations
GD63 Code combinations activation
GD64 Code combinations deactivation
GLAREP Flex. G/L:RW/RP reports for archives
GLARI1 Flex. GL: Line item archiving
GLART1 Flex. GL: totals archiving
GLGCA1 Flexible G/L: Field use assessment
GLGCA2 Flexible G/L: Data control assessmt
GLGCA3 Flexible G/L: Data field allocation
GLGCA4 Flexible G/L: Field group texts
GLGCA5 Flexible G/L: Table information
GLGCA6 Flexible G/L: Field use distribution
GLGCA7 Flexible G/L: Data control distrib.
GLGCA8 Sender-receiver relationship
GLGCA9 Check allocation customizing
GLGCS1 Flexible G/L: Master data
GLGVTR Flexible G/L: Balance carry forward
GP82 Flexible G/L: Enter plan values
GP83 Flexible G/L: Display plan values
GSTA Subsequent Pstng of Stat.Key Figures
GVTR FI-SL: Balance Carry Forward
GVTR_NACC FI-SL: Balance Carry Forward
GWUG FI-SL: Global Currency Translation
GWUL FI-SL: Local Currency Translation
GZZG Generate FI-SL completely
LDGRP Definition of Ledger Groups (FI-SL)
OBP6 G/L: Versions
OCL1 FI-LC: Create Ledger
OCL2 FI-LC: Change Ledger
OCL3 FI-LC: Display Ledger
OCL4 FI-LC: Delete Ledger
OCY1 Create Totals Archive
RL23 Document Display for Ledger 3A
S_ALR_87005959 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GR22
S_ALR_87005967 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GR12
S_ALR_87005982 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GAR8
S_ALR_87005988 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GAR9
S_ALR_87006000 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCS5
S_ALR_87006006 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCS7
S_ALR_87006034 IMG Activity: SIMG_OREHFXI1
S_ALR_87006037 IMG Activity: SIMG_OREHFXIZ
S_ALR_87006040 IMG Activity: SIMG_OREHFXIR
S_ALR_87006043 IMG Activity: SIMG_OREHFXIP
S_ALR_87006046 IMG Activity: SIMG_OREHFXI4
S_ALR_87006060 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCS6
S_ALR_87006069 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCR5
S_ALR_87006072 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCR2
S_ALR_87006078 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCA5
S_ALR_87006083 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCA4
S_ALR_87006087 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCA3
S_ALR_87006091 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCA7
S_ALR_87006096 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCA2
S_ALR_87006100 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GL20
S_ALR_87006104 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCW6
S_ALR_87006112 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCW8
S_ALR_87006116 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCW5
S_ALR_87006122 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCW3
S_ALR_87006126 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCW2
S_ALR_87006130 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCW4
S_ALR_87006135 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCW1
S_ALR_87006141 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCT0
S_ALR_87006145 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCT9
S_ALR_87006152 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCT8
S_ALR_87006158 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCT7
S_ALR_87006163 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCT6
S_ALR_87006169 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCT5
S_ALR_87006175 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCT4
S_ALR_87006181 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCT1
S_ALR_87006191 IMG Activity: SIMG_OREHGCGS
S_ALR_87006205 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GAL2
S_ALR_87006210 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GAL1
S_ALR_87006213 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCM1
S_ALR_87006229 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCT3
S_ALR_87006235 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCD1
S_ALR_87006240 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCE3
S_ALR_87006242 IMG Activity: SIMG_OREHFXIY
S_ALR_87006247 IMG Activity: SIMG_OREHFXIT
S_ALR_87006253 IMG Activity: SIMG_OREHFXIV
S_ALR_87006258 IMG Activity: SIMG_OREHFXIX
S_ALR_87006262 IMG Activity: SIMG_OREHFXIQ
S_ALR_87006270 IMG Activity: SIMG_OREHFXIO
S_ALR_87006279 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCD2
S_ALR_87006287 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCT2
S_ALR_87006300 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GGB1
S_ALR_87006307 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GGB0
S_ALR_87006313 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GS12
S_ALR_87006318 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GS02
S_ALR_87006322 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCD3
S_ALR_87006328 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCD5
S_ALR_87006333 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCA9
S_ALR_87006351 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GD61
S_ALR_87006360 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOREH_T009
S_ALR_87006372 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCS1
S_ALR_87006377 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCB1
S_ALR_87006381 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCP3
S_ALR_87006387 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCP6
S_ALR_87006390 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCP5
S_ALR_87006393 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCX1
S_ALR_87006396 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCX2
S_ALR_87006404 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCG2
S_ALR_87006410 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCD6
S_ALR_87006417 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCI1
S_ALR_87006421 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCI2
S_ALR_87006426 IMG Activity: SIMG_XXAK_OXK3
S_ALR_87006430 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCL2
S_ALR_87006431 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCF2
S_ALR_87006432 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCV2
S_ALR_87006434 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCI4
S_ALR_87006441 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCU2
S_ALR_87006447 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCA1
S_ALR_87006450 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCA6
S_ALR_87006451 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GP32
S_ALR_87006453 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GB05
S_ALR_87006455 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GB04
S_ALR_87006456 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GB02
S_ALR_87006459 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GB03
S_ALR_87006460 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCP4
S_ALR_87006463 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCA8
S_ALR_87006464 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GP42
S_ALR_87006465 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCP1
S_ALR_87006466 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUGCU0GCP2
S_ALR_87006630 IMG Activity: OALE_FIVZROLLUP
S_P00_07000136 Transfer Deferred Tax

Database Tables

SAP Package GBAS contains 114 database tables.

ARC_IDX_AT Index table for ACCTIT/ACCTHD/ACCTCR archives
ARC_IDX_IT Archive index table for FI-SL line items
FAGL_CUS_GENINFO New General Ledger Accounting: Generation Status (Customer)
GB91T Texts for validations
GGREFA Example for Global FI-SL Line Items (Actual)
GGREFC Example for Global FISL Objct Table 2 (Transactn Attributes)
GGREFO Example for Global Object Table 1 (Object/Partner)
GGREFP Example for Global FI-SL Line Items (Plan)
GGREFT Example for Global FI-SL Summary Table
GLFUNCA Actual line items table with cost of sales accounting
GLFUNCC Object table 2 with cost of sales accounting
GLFUNCO Object table 1 with cost of sales accounting
GLFUNCP Plan line items table with cost of sales accounting
GLFUNCT Totals table with cost of sales accounting
GLFUNCU Rollup line item tables with function area for IDES
GLFUNCV Rollup plan line items table with function area for IDES
GLIDXA Index to Find FI-SL Documents Based on AWKEY
GLIDXB Line-item index for FI-SL BUKRS
GLIDXC Line Item Index for FI-SL Global Company
GLOO1 Object Table for FI-SL Table GLTO1
GLOO2 Object Table for GLT02: Global
GLOO3 Object Table for FI-SL Table GLTO3
GLP0 Local Logical General Ledger Plan Line Items
GLP1 Local Logical General Ledger Plan Line Items
GLP2 Global Special Purpose Ledger Plan Line Item Table
GLPO1 Plan Line Items for Object Table
GLPO2 Plan Line Items for Object Table Global
GLPO3 Plan Line Items for Object Table
GLREFA Example for Local FI-SL Line Items (Actual)
GLREFC Example for Loc. FISL Objct Table 2 (Transaction Attributes)
GLREFO Example for Local Object Table 1 (Object/Partner)
GLREFP Example for Local FI-SL Line Items (Plan)
GLREFT Example for Local FI-SL Summary Table
GLREFU Example for FI-SL Rollup Line Items (Actual)
GLREFV Example for Rollup FI-SL Line Items (Plan)
GLS1 Local Logical General Ledger Actual Line Items
GLS2 Global logical Consolidation line items
GLSO1 FI-SL Line Item Table with Objects for GLTO1
GLSO2 FI-SL Table with Objects, Structure corresponds to GLS2
GLSO3 FI-SL LI Table with Objects for GLTO3
GLT0 G/L account master record transaction figures
GLT1 Local General Ledger Summary Table
GLTO1 FI-SL Table with Objects, Structure Corresponds to GLT1
GLTO2 FI-SL Table with Objects, Structure Corresponds to GLT2
GLTO3 FISL Table with Objects, Amounts and Quantities in Format P9
SMFISL Spec. FI-SL Data in Monitor (See Schedman_specific_fisl)
T000C Table for Installing FI-SL Customizing
T000G Cross-Client FI-SL Postings
T001C Valid Posting Periods for Global Companies
T022 FI-SL Activity: Fixed Data
T022F Format Table (Grouping of the Sender Tables)
T022FT Texts for Formats used in FI-SL
T022T FI-SL Activities: Text
T030C Global Standard Account Table
T800A FI-SL tables
T800A_KEYFIG FI-SL: Key Figures for Table Group
T800B Generated Archive and Database Reports for FI-SL Tables
T800D Fields for Master Data Check
T800DOM Fixed exits
T800G Flexible general ledger installation check
T800HISTH Log Tables for Program Runs in FI-GL or FI-SL: Header
T800HISTP Log Tables for Program Runs in FI-GL or FI-SL: Items
T800M FI-SL: Fixed Field Movements
T800O Object management FI-GL/FI-SL
T80U FI-SL: Control Table for User Exits
T80UT FI-SL: Control Table for User Exits
T830A FI-SL Master Record Table
T830B FI-SL Master Record Table
T830D FI-SL Master Record Table
T831A FI-SL Master data text
T831B FI-GLX Master Record Table
T831D FI-SL Master data text
T881 Ledger Master
T881_KEYFIG FI-SL: Key Figures per Ledger
T881T FI-SL Ledger text
T881W Possible Combinations of Currency Keys in FI-SL
T881Z Additional Ledger with Special Calculation Type
T882 Company Code/Ledger Assignment
T882C Global Company-Ledger Assignment in FI-SL
T883 User Table Fields
T883S FI-SL User Tables
T883T Descriptions of FI-SL user tables
T884C Control Balance Carried Forward
T886 FI-SL Activities
T886A Activity/Ledger Information
T886B Activity/Ledger/CCode Information
T886C Activity/Ledger/Company Information
T886TCODE FI-SL: Monitor Procedure - Transaction
T887 Activity/Ledger/CCode Information
T887C Activity/Ledger/Company Information
T888 Field Movement Header Table
T888M FI-SL Field Assignments
T888T FI-SL Field Assignment Texts
T889 FI-SL Document Types
T889A Number Ranges for Document Types for Local Objects
T889B Number Ranges for Document Types for Global Objects
T889C FI-SL Document Types - Global Company IDs
T889T Document Type Texts
T889TE Document Type Texts
T890 FI-SL: Boolean Formulas
T891B Validation for Special Purpose Ledger / Company Code
T891C Validation for Special Purpose Ledger / Global Company
T892B Substitution for Special Purpose Ledger / Company Code
T892C Substitution for Special Purpose Ledger / Global Company
T893 Ledger Selection Conditions
T894 FI-SL and FI-LC Versions
T894T FI-SL and FI-LC Version Texts
TGUMS FI-SL: Convert Tables
TLDGRP Ledger Group FI-SL
TLDGRP_MAP Assignment of Ledgers to Ledger Groups
TLDGRPT Ledger Group Texts (FI-SL)
TRWLVH List of variants for FI-SL line item reports (header)
TRWLVHT List of variants for FI-SL line item reports (texts)
TRWLVL List of variants for FI-SL line item reports (fields)


SAP Package GBAS contains 52 views.

H_T022 Generated Help View for Check Table T022
H_T881 Help View for the Ledger Display
H_T883S Help view for displaying the user tables
H_T888 Help View for Field Grouping Code
H_T889 Help View for Check Table T889
H_T894 Help View for Versions
T880_BIW Master data view for company
T880T_BIW Text view for company
V_T001B_GL Local Posting Periods
V_T001B_PL Local Plan Periods
V_T001C Global Posting Periods
V_T001C_PL Global Plan Periods
V_T030_GL Local Retained Earnings Accounts
V_T030C Global Retained Earnings Accounts
V_T800A FI-SL Table Directory
V_T800D Fields for Master Data Check
V_T800HIST Log Tables for Program Runs in FI-GL or FI-SL
V_T800M Fixed Field Movements
V_T811H Data Fields for Allocation
V_T811I Field Usage for Allocation
V_T811J Field Groups for Allocation
V_T811M Allocation: Texts for Data Fields
V_T811T Allocation System Information
V_T811U Partner object update
V_T858_GL Versions for Currency Translation
V_T880B_GL Assign Global Currency Translation Methods
V_T881_FREE_DB Only Free SL Ledgers (for Foreign Key Check)
V_T883 Fields for FI-SL User Tables
V_T883S FI-SL User Tables
V_T884_GL Maintain Currency Translation Methods
V_T884B_GL Assign Local Currency Translation Methods
V_T884C Field Movement for Balance Carried Forward
V_T884H_GL Historical Currency Translation
V_T884MT Define Currency Translation Methods
V_T889 Valid Document Types
V_T889_RO Valid Document Types for Rollup
V_T889T Texts for Document Types
V_T891B Validation for Special Purpose Ledger/CoCode
V_T891C Validation for Spec. Purpose Ledger/Glob.Co.
V_T892B Substitution for Special Purpose Ledger/CoCde
V_T892C Substitution for Spec.Purpose Ledger/Glob.Co.
V_T894 Actual Versions
V_T894_CC Versions for currency translation
V_T894_PL Plan Versions
V_T895 Local Fiscal Year-Dependent Version Parameters
V_T895C Global Fiscal Year-Dependent Version Parameters
V_TGUMS Convert FI-SL tables
V_TLDGRP Ledger Group
V_TLDGRP_MAP Assignment of Ledgers to Ledger Group
V_TRWLVH List of variants for FI-SL line item reports (header)
V_TRWLVL List of variants for FI-SL line item reports (fields)
VV_ARCH_REPOW_FI Reporting and Read Programs for Archive Files


SAP Package GBAS contains 136 structures.

ACCIT_GLX FI: Interface to Accounting: Item Information
ADB_DATES Data for Calculating Average Balances
ARCH_PROCESSING_OPTIONS_APPL Archiving: Process Control for Write / Delete Program
AUSZ_CLR_ASGMT Assgt of Clrg Items - Cleared Items with Acct Assignment
BAPI_TE_SPL_PARAMETER Customer fields: Special Purpose Ledger-Customer parameters
BAPI_TE_SPL_SUMMARY_RECORD Customer fields: Special Purpose Ledger - summary records
BAPI1021_1 Transfer structure object 1021: Importstructure1
BAPI1021_TOTALS_SPL Transfer structure object 1021, SL GetTotalRecords
COPABBSEG_GLX FI-SL: Interface for CO-PA plan data
FAGL_ACC_S_RGUREC40_LIST Structure for ALV Conversion of RGUREC40
FAGL_S_RGUC882C_LIST Structure for Report RGUC882C_alv
FAGL_S_RGUDEL00_LIST Field Catalog Structure - RGUDEL00_ALV
GBALANCE Structure for MiniApp
GFIELDLIST Structure for SELECT with Field Lists
GL007 Summarization Table SD -> FI-SL for Offsetting Entries
GLB0 Generated transfer structure for table GLT0
GLB1 Generated transfer structure for table GLT1
GLCHAR2000 FI-GL/SL: Data Structure of Length 2000
GLDATA FI-SL Key Figures
GLEDGER Ledger Table Direct Posting
GLEDTAB Internal Structure for FI Inquiries to FI-SL
GLFF Fixed Fields in FI-SL
GLFUNCB Generated transfer structure for table GLFUNCT
GLFUNCS Reporting for table GLFUNCT
GLS0 Line Item Structure G/L Account Monthly Debits and Credits
GLT0S Reporting for table GLT0
GLTROBJ Attributes from application-defined objects in FI-SL
GLU1 G/L user table 1
GLU1_ADD Additional fields for structure GLU1 (for generation)
GLU1_XSL_CUM Fields for accumulating amount and quantity fields, arch.
GLU2 FI-SL user table 2: 52+1 period fields
GLU3 FI-SL drilldown reporting: Superstructure w/all fields used
GLUFIX Fixed Fields of LI Structure
GLURECHFIX FI-SL drilldown reporting: Fixed fields
GLX_COBL_FIELDS COBL fields that are not used in FI-GL
GLX_EXCLUDED_FIELDS COBL fields that are not used in FI-GL
GLX_ORG_INFO Organizational Assignment
GLX_POPER Posting period
GLX_REP_STRUCTURE_TEMPLATE Template for Reporting Structure
GLX_VERSION_INFO FI-GL/FI-SL version information
GLXCOMP Entry Fields for Ledger Comparison
GMD00 Table for Transferring Master Data Values Without Text
GMD01 Occupancy of Value Tables Tnn and Value Combination
GMD02 Transfer Values for Creating Combinations
GMD03 Transfer Table for Function Group LGUMD
GMD04 Transfer Values for a Field for Field Validation
GMDTT Master Data Transfer with Texts
GMESS_HEADER FI-SL: Header Information for Subsequent Postings Log
GMESS_POSITION FI-SL: Item Information for Subsequent Postings Log
GOBJTAB Transfer Table for FI-SL Objects to G_OBJECTNR_SET/GET
GP01 Transfer Parameters for FI-SL Direct Posting
GPLS Parameters for Ledger Selection
GSTATINFO Statistical Information when Resetting Test Data
GTYPE_GLUDATA_LINES Generic type of structure for transporting data
GUSL_DATA_RFC SL Read Modules RFC: DATA Container
GUSL_S_SELECTION_RFC Field Name Structure for Selection Read FI-SL
INDEX_TAB Index Table for Validating Code Combinations
JVAH Joint Venture Header
JVAP Joint venture item
OBJTABLE General Structure for FI-SL Object Tables
RGACT Classify Activities in FI-SL
RGALL_TAB Tables Allowed for Using Customizing
RGALLOC Customizing for FI-SL Allocations
RGBUK Table for Module Pool SAPMGBUK
RGBUK1 Fields for PF4 Screen in GB01, GB11, GD13, GD23, ...
RGCU0 Internal Structure for Screen in FI-SL Customizing
RGCU1 Internal Structure for Standardized Ouput of Texts in Screen
RGCU10 Structure for Input Fields in FI-SL Customizing Reports
RGCU11 Interface Structure for Deletion Report
RGCU12 Internal Fields for Boolean Formulas in FI-SL Customizing
RGCU2 Internal Table for FI-SL Customizing
RGCU3 Internal Structure for FI-SL Customizing
RGCU4 Internal Structure for FI-SL Customizing
RGCU5 Internal Structure for FI-SL Customizing
RGCU6 Data Structure for the FI-SL Diagnostic Tool
RGCU7 Set Arguments for FI-SL Customizing
RGCU8 Internal Structure for Creating FI-SL Tables
RGCU9 Internal Structure for Installing FI-SL Tables
RGCURR Internal Structure for FI-SL Currency Problems
RGCURRTXT Currency Key Texts
RGDDI Fields of a Data Base Index
RGEXPRESS Express Installation FI-SL
RGFKEY FI-SL Installation: Foreign Key Relationship
RGGRAPH Structure for Graphical Functions in FI-SL Configuration
RGIACT Structure for the Direct Posting Program / Post Activities
RGIAD1 Internal Table for FI-SL Direct Posting
RGIAD2 Internal Table for FI-SL Direct Posting
RGIADMAIN Internal Table for FI-SL Direct Posting
RGICOA Structure for Maintaining Object Tables (Chart of Accounts)
RGICU Internal Table for Direct Posting - Fields for HSL and KSL
RGICUTAB Internal Table for Direct Posting - Fields for HSL and KSL
RGIDL Structure for Transfer to FM for Determining Average Balance
RGIGLX Additional Transfer Structure for FI-SL Direct Posting
RGINDEX FI-SL Table Installation: Indices
RGINHEAD FI-SL: Table Installation: Header Information
RGINST Help Structure for FI-SL Table Installation
RGINSTCURR Currency Settings for FI-SL Installation
RGINSTDY FI-SL Table Installation: Structure for Screen Creation
RGIUF Internal Table for Direct Posting - Fields Used
RGIUSE Internal Structure for the Direct Posting Program
RGLDB Dummy Segment for FI-SL Reorg
RGLFLDMVM1 Attributes for Field Movement and Ledger
RGLSI Additional Information for Line-Item Tables
RGMD0 Structure for Screens Master Data
RGPLN Planning: Input/Output Fields in Dynpros
RGPROG Structure for FI-SL Program Group
RGREFTAB FI-SL Table Installation: Reference Table
RGSTATE Status Definition for FI-SL Tables
RGTOOLS Internal Fields for FI-SL Tools
RGTRANS Connection of FI-SL Customizing to the Transport System
RGTRATAB Transfer Structure to Correction List for Transport
RGUAU Data for the FI-SL Authorization Check
RGUD0 Screen table for totals records display
RGUMD Table for Transfer Fields GUMD
RGUMSC Corresponding Fields in the FI-SL Conversion
RGUMSL Fields Lost in the FI-SL Conversion
RGUMSN New Fields in the FI-SL Conversion
RGUSO FI-SL Input/Output Fields in Selection Window
RGUUMS Input and Output Fields for the Conversion
RGVALUE FI-SL: Value Fields
RGVIEW Internal Structure for FI-SL Views
RLDNR_AND_TEXT Ledger and description
SCHEDMAN_SPECIFIC_FISL Allowed FI-SL Specific Fields for the Monitor
SI_T880 Global Company Data (for KONS Ledger)
T830 Internal Structure for Blocking T830x Tables
TABFLAG Internal Structure for Updating in FI-SL Customizing


SAP Package GBAS contains 202 programs.

FAGL_CLEAR_COST_ELEM New Gen. Ledger Accounting: Initialize COST_ELEM If Content Incorrect
FAGL_COFI_RECON Comparison of New General Ledger Accounting with CO
FAGL_FILL_COST_ELEM New Gen. Ledger Accounting: Correction Program for the COST_ELEM Field
FGVTRGEN FI-SL: Generate FIELDS Includes and Update Routines for SAPFGVTR
FI_SL_DATA_DEL Special Ledger Archiving: Deletion Program
FI_SL_DATA_WRI Special Ledger Archiving: Write Program
GENERATE Generation Program for CASE Loop (Engineering Change Management)
MM_ACCTIT_DEL MM Subsequent Posting Data Archiving: Deletion Program
MM_ACCTIT_WRI MM Subsequent Posting Data Archiving: Write Program
RGBCFL00 Update FI-SL Programs
RGBCFL01 Generate All Coding Block-Dependent FI-SL Programs
RGBCUT00 Generate FI-SL Update Function Modules for Summary Tables
RGCHKINT Update FI-SL Programs
RGGD1300 Totals record display
RGGD1300_FISL Totals record display
RGGD1300_FIX Totals record display
RGGD1300_FLEXGL Totals record display
RGGD1301 Cover for RGGD1300
RGGD2300 Line item search
RGGD2300_FISL Line item search
RGGD2300_FIX Line item search
RGGD2300_FLEXGL Line item search
RGGSTORN Generates Code for FI-SL Document Reversal
RGICGLU1 Generate GLU1
RGICGLU2 FI-SL: Update Internal Structure GLU2
RGICHKEX RGUXI30A Conversion of FI Tables
RGICOPY0 Copy From FI-SL User Exit Programs
RGIFS000 SAP Exit Routines for Fixed Field Movements
RGIMOVF0 FI-SL Generate Fixed Field Movements
RGIMOVV0 FI-SL: Generate Variable Field Movements
RGIMOVV1 FI-SL Generate Allocation Select Statement
RGIOBTAB Generate Tables and Data Declarations for Object Tables 1
RGISETAA Maintain the Flow Type for the Update
RGISETGL Maintain the Update Type in Special Purpose Ledger
RGITAB00 FI-SL: Generate FIELDS Includes and Update Routines
RGIUGLT0 RGUUM21D Conversion of FI-SL MM Activities
RGIVS000 SAP Exits for Variable Field Movements
RGIVU000_TEMPLATE SAP Exits for Variable Field Movements
RGLITGEN Generate new update modules (for each summary table)
RGLIUGEN FI-SL: Generating update function modules in SAPLGLIU
RGLUCALE FI-SL Distribution (ALE): Generate Distribution Routines
RGPARTNER_ACCOUNT Offsetting Account Program
RGPOSCHN Generates Code to Ask Which ACCIT Fields are Used in SL
RGRGENSI Report Writer / FI-SL: Generate Summary and Line Item Report
RGRTDF01 Report Writer: Copying Report Writer Control Tables
RGTBGD13 Totals record display GD13
RGTBGD23 Line Item Search GD20
RGTTSG31 Like rgttsg30, but also for 2.2
RGU88122 RGUUMSAL Conversion of FI-SL Allocation Tables
RGUAOBJ0 RGUAOBJ0 Conversion of the FI-SL Allocation Tables
RGUARCFI Finding archives with fixed fields
RGUC882C Copy the Posting and Check Indicator in T886A, T886B and T886C
RGUC888M Check Program for Variable and Fixed Field Movements
RGUCALE1 FI-SL Distribution (ALE): Update the IDOC Field Assignment Table
RGUCALE2 FI-SL Distribution (ALE): Generate the Import and Export Programs
RGUCALE3 FI-SL Distribution (ALE): Reset the Settings for a Table
RGUCALE4 FI Distribution (ALE): Copy the Rollup Set from a Client
RGUCHECK General Foreign Key Validations
RGUCHEFI Check currency settings for FI-GL fixed ledgers
RGUCOFIP Plan Line Items for Table COFIT
RGUCOFIS Actual line items for table COFIT
RGUCOFIT Totals Records from Table COFIT
RGUCOMP1 Compare General Ledger Transaction Figures with Another Ledger
RGUCOMP4 Ledger Comparison
RGUCPOOL FI-SL: Check whether a Pool Table is Being Used (4.6B only)
RGUCREP0 Activate Drilldown Reporting for FI-SL Table
RGUCREP1 Deactivate Drilldown Reporting for FI-SL Table
RGUCURRA Activate Currency Keys In FI-SL
RGUCURRC Analysis of Currencies Stored in FI-SL Customizing
RGUDBANA Number of data records in the FI-SL ledgers
RGUDEL00 Delete Transaction Data from Ledgers
RGUDELEC Delete Incorrect Configuration Entries
RGUDOCTY RGUREC00 - Example for Batch Update
RGUGCU00 Report for Generating Code for FI-SL Customizing
RGUGDBAN Generator for Program RGUDBANA
RGUGDEL0 Generate Deletion Routines
RGUGFIS0 FI-SL drilldown reporting: Generate internal tables for FIS
RGUGLG00 Generation Program for Logical Database GLG
RGUGLG05 Generation Program for Logical Database GLG
RGUGLGAS Manual Update of Standard FI-SL Field Catalog (Note 198106)
RGUGLS10 Display Actual Line Items for Table GLT1
RGUGLS11 Actual Line Items for Table GLT1
RGUGLS12 Actual Line Items for Table GLT1
RGUGRA01 Hierarchy Graphics for FI-SL Master Data
RGUGRA02 Hierarchy Graphics for FI-SL Master Data
RGUGRA03 Graphic Display of Table Installation
RGUGSL00 G/L Generate Allocation Select Statement
RGUGTYP0 Generate type information for SFIS
RGUGTYPES Generating Types
RGUGUMS0 Report To Convert A Database Using Archiving
RGUGVTR0 FI-SL: Generate FIELDS Includes and Update Routines for SAPFGVTR
RGUI0300 FI-SL: Report Directory
RGUINVX0 Program to rename FI_SL_DATA -> GLX-OBJECT
RGUIST00 Program to Find an Optimal Index for SL Tables
RGUIST01 Calculation of Potential Number of Records in a New GL Totals Table
RGUJUMP0 Program to Directly Access Functions in the Diagnosis Tool
RGULCARCFIND Find FI-LC Archives with Fixed Fields
RGULDB00 Display Structure of the Logical Database GLG
RGULED00 Check and Correct Customizing Entries in the General Ledger
RGULIST0 Contents of FI-SL Direct Posting Tables
RGUMD000 Generating Includes for Master Data Validation
RGUMLFIX Identify Ledger as a 'Fixed' Ledger of a Specific Application
RGUMT80U FI-SL: XPRA for Conversion of Table T80U (User exits)
RGUMT889 Conversion Report for the Text Tables T889T and T889TE
RGUOBJTE Example Object Number Test Program for GLFUNCT
RGUPLUM0 Convert Planning Data
RGUPOOL0 Ledger in Pool Tables
RGUREC00 Example of External Data Transfer into FI-SL
RGUREC01 Test Data Creation for RGUREC00
RGUREC10 Transfer Documents from Financial Accounting
RGUREC20 Transfer CO Documents (Actual Data) to FI-SL
RGUREC30 Transfer Documents from Materials Management
RGUREC40 Transfer Opening Balance of Stat. Key Figures (Type 1)
RGUREC50 Transfer CO Plan Documents to FI-SL
RGURECFI Subsequent posting of FI docs in GLT0
RGURECGLFLEX Transfer of Opening Balance Actual Data to General Ledger
RGURELMM Reload Program for Archiving Object MM_ACCTIT
RGURELSL FI-SL: Reload Archived Data (Archiving Object FI_SL_DATA)
RGUREP00 Generator for Table Repair Program RGUREP02
RGUREP01 Table Repair Main Program
RGUREP02 Repair Program: Totals from Line Items for Pool and Transport Tables
RGUREP03 FI-SL: Delete Actual Line Items and Correct Totals Records
RGUREP04 Correction of Duplicate Object Numbers (Takes S Fields into Account)
RGUREP05 Correction of Incorrect RPMAXs in Summary Table
RGUREP06 Conversion of logsys in Summary Tables (Beginning with 4.5)
RGUREP07 Change of Values in Logical Key Fields in FI-SL ('Realignment')
RGUREP10 Deletion/Follow-Up Posting of FI Follow-On Docs in User-Def. Ledgers
RGUREP11 FI-SL: Check Object Number Consistency
RGUREP12 FI-SL: Object Number Consistency Check (Generated by RGUREP11)
RGUREP13 FI-SL: Reversal of Actual Documents
RGURESELDEC FI-SL Drilldown Reporting: Generated Routine to Decode Select Options
RGURTD00 FI-SL: Currency Translation
RGURTD01 FI-SL: Currency Translation
RGUSLAFI Finding archives with fixed fields
RGUSLARCFIND Finding archives with fixed fields
RGUSLSEP Compare Summary Records with Total from Line Items
RGUSTORG Reverse Global FI-SL Actual Documents
RGUSTORL Reverse Local FI-SL Actual Documents
RGUT881W Fill Table T881W With Currency Combinations
RGUTGUMS Field Movements for the Table Conversion in FI-SL
RGUTITIC Archiving Object MM_ACCTIT: Create Indices in Archive
RGUTITID Archiving Object MM_ACCTIT: Delete Indexes in Archives
RGUTRACE01 Special Ledger Trace
RGUTRS00 Special Purpose Ledger: Check Cross-Client Tables
RGUUM21D RGUUM21D Conversion of FI-SL MM Activities
RGUUM22A RGUUM21D Conversion of FI-SL MM Activities
RGUUMR01 FI-SL: Currency Translation
RGUUMS01 Conversion of Summary Table Transaction Data
RGUUMS02 Delete Summary Table Sets
RGUUMS03 Delete the Transaction Data of a Summary Table
RGUUMS04 Compare Two FI-SL Tables
RGUUMS05 Convert FI-SL Control Tables
RGUUMS06 Check Field Movements for Conversion
RGUUMS07 Estimate Resources for Conversion
RGUUMS08 Convert the Transaction Data of a Line Item Table
RGUUMS09 Summary Record Display After Conversion of the Summary Table
RGUUMS10 Generate Report Groups After Conversion
RGUUMS40 Customizing conversions for 4.0A
RGUUMSA1 RGUUMSA1 Conversion of Table T8000A Due to Lock Object
RGUUMSAL RGUUMSAL Conversion of FI-SL Allocation Tables
RGUUMSC2 RGUUMSCO Conversion of FI-SL Tables Based on New CO Tables
RGUUMSCU Convert FI-SL Customizing From Pool Tables To Tables With Objects
RGUUX000 User Exits for the Conversion
RGUXI30A RGUXI30A Conversion of FI Tables
RGVTR000 Balance Carryforward
RGWTAB00 FI-SL: Generate Update Routines for Currency Translation
RGXU001B XPRA for Converting the View V_T001B_GL for Release 3.0F
RGXU46A1 XPRA: Creating Fixed Field Movements for CO-PA Plan Data Transfer
RGZZGLUX FI-SL XPRA: Generation GLU1, GLU2, FI-SL Programs
RKEARCRE Finding Archives with Fixed Fields
RSCATGL1 Select CATT Procedures for 'Special Purpose Ledger' (FI-SL)
RSCATGLO Select CATT Procedures for 'Special Purpose Ledger' (FI-SL)
RSCATGLX Select CATT Procedures for 'Special Purpose Ledger' (FI-SL)
SAPFGARC Form Pool for Archiving FI-SL Tables
SAPFGBO1 FI-SL: Boolean Processor (Field Routines)
SAPFGDEL Deletion Routines
SAPFGIDB Generate the FI-SL Direct Posting Includes
SAPFGIDO Generate the FI-SL Direct Posting Includes
SAPFGLET FI-SL: Ledger Selection User Exits
SAPFGLSL FI-SL: Ledger Selection Interface
SAPFGUBT FI-SL: Batch Update Utility (Internal)
SAPFGUSL FI-SL: Select Form Pool
SAPFGVTR Balance carryforward
SAPFGVTR_NACC Balance Carryforward (NACC)
SAPMGCU0 Module Pool for FI-SL Customizing
SAPMGCU1 FI-SL Diagnosis
SAPMGCU2 FI-SL: Table Installation
SAPMGCU3 FI-SL: Delete Transaction Data
SAPMGRAP Module Pool for Graphic Displays in FI-SL Customizing
SAPMGTRA Transport of Customizing Objects
SAPMGUM1 FI-SL: Master Data Maintenance (TG55)
SAPMGUM2 FI-SL: Master Data Maintenance (TG55)
SAPMGUM3 FI-SL: Master Data Maintenance (TG55)
SAPMGUM6 FI-SL: Master Data Maintenance (TG55)
SAPMGUMS Overview for Conversion
SAPMGUOB Maintain Code Combinations

Search Helps

SAP Package GBAS contains 10 search helps.

COBL_EX_VBUND_APPEND Append for global company at the coding block
G_SI_TABLES Line Item Tables
H_T022 Generated help view for check table T022
H_T022F Formats (Grouping of the Sender Tables)
H_T881 Help View for the Ledger Display
H_T881_FREE Help View for the Ledger Display
H_T883S Help view for displaying the user tables
H_T888 Help view for field grouping code
H_T889 Help View for Check Table T889
H_T894 Help View for Versions

Message Classes

SAP Package GBAS contains 9 message classes.

GD_ARCHIV Nachrichten der Funktionsgruppe GD_ARCHIV
GG Nachrichten für das FI-SL-Customizing
GH Hilfsfunktionen und Werkzeuge im FI-SL
GI FI-SL-Durchbuchung
GM Kombinationsmanager
GO FI-SL: Transport-Utilities Report Writer/Sets
GP FI-SL- und CO-Planung
GU FI-SL-Hilfsmittel
GX Archivierung/Reorganisation

Authorization Objects

SAP Package GBAS contains 14 authorization objects.

G_022_GACT FI-SL Customizing: Transactions
G_800S_GSE Special Purpose Ledger Sets: Set
G_802G_GSV Special Purpose Ledger Sets: Variable
G_820_GPL FI-SL Planning: Planning Parameters
G_821S_GSP FI-SL planning: Distribution keys
G_880_GRMP FI-SL Customizing: Global companies
G_881_GRLD FI-SL Customizing: Ledger
G_888_GFGC FI-SL Customizing: Field movements
G_ADMI_CUS Central Administrative FI-SL Tools
G_ALLOCTN Special Purpose Ledger - Assessment/Distribution
G_GB90_ Validation/Substitution/Rules: Rules
G_GB92_ Validation/Substitution/Rules: Substitution
G_GB93_ Validation/Substitution/Rules: Validation
G_GLTP Spec. Purpose Ledger Database (Ledger, Record Type, Version)