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Bei ansehen →The table GLSO1 (FI-SL Line Item Table with Objects for GLTO1) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package GBAS.
Table | GLSO1 |
Short Text | FI-SL Line Item Table with Objects for GLTO1 |
Package | GBAS |
Table Type | Transparent Table |
Field Name | Key | Description | Data Element | Type | Length | Check Table |
RCLNT | ✔ | Client | MANDT | CLNT | 3 | T000 |
RLDNR | ✔ | Ledger | RLDNR | CHAR | 2 | T881 |
RRCTY | ✔ | Record Type | RRCTY | CHAR | 1 | |
RVERS | ✔ | Version | RVERS | CHAR | 3 | T894 |
RYEAR | ✔ | Fiscal Year | GJAHR | NUMC | 4 | |
ROBJNR | ✔ | Object number for FI-SL tables | GOBJNR | CHAR | 18 | |
SOBJNR | ✔ | Object number for FI-SL tables | GOBJNR | CHAR | 18 | |
OCLNT | ✔ | Original client | OCLNT | NUMC | 3 | |
RTCUR | ✔ | Currency Key | RTCUR | CUKY | 5 | TCURC |
RUNIT | ✔ | Base Unit of Measure | MEINS | UNIT | 3 | T006 |
DRCRK | ✔ | Debit/Credit Indicator | SHKZG | CHAR | 1 | |
POPER | ✔ | Posting period | POPER | NUMC | 3 | |
DOCCT | ✔ | Document Type | DOCCT | CHAR | 1 | |
DOCNR | ✔ | Accounting Document Number | BELNR_D | CHAR | 10 | |
DOCLN | ✔ | Document line | DOCLN | CHAR | 3 | |
RBUKRS | Company Code | BUKRS | CHAR | 4 | T001 | |
RACCT | Account Number | RACCT | CHAR | 10 | * | |
RBUSA | Business Area | GSBER | CHAR | 4 | TGSB | |
RUMSKZ | Special G/L Indicator | UMSKZ | CHAR | 1 | * | |
RMVCT | Transaction Type | RMVCT | CHAR | 3 | T856 | |
RASSC | Company ID of trading partner | RASSC | CHAR | 6 | T880 | |
RKOKRS | Controlling Area | KOKRS | CHAR | 4 | TKA01 | |
RCNTR | Cost Center | KOSTL | CHAR | 10 | CSKS | |
RACVT | Activity Type | LSTAR | CHAR | 6 | CSLA | |
SBUKRS | Company Code | BUKRS | CHAR | 4 | T001 | |
SACCT | Account Number | RACCT | CHAR | 10 | * | |
SBUSA | Trading partner's business area | PARGB | CHAR | 4 | TGSB | |
SUMSKZ | Special G/L Indicator | UMSKZ | CHAR | 1 | * | |
SMVCT | Transaction Type | RMVCT | CHAR | 3 | T856 | |
SASSC | Company ID of trading partner | RASSC | CHAR | 6 | T880 | |
SKOKRS | Controlling Area | KOKRS | CHAR | 4 | TKA01 | |
SCNTR | Cost Center | KOSTL | CHAR | 10 | CSKS | |
SACVT | Activity Type | LSTAR | CHAR | 6 | CSLA | |
TSL | Value in Transaction Currency | VTCUR9 | CURR | 17 | ||
HSL | Value in local currency | VLCUR9 | CURR | 17 | ||
KSL | Value in group currency | VGCUR9 | CURR | 17 | ||
MSL | Quantity | QUAN1 | QUAN | 15 | ||
ASL | Additional Quantity | QUAN2 | QUAN | 15 | ||
AUNIT | Additional unit of measure | AUNIT | UNIT | 3 | T006 | |
SGTXT | Item Text | SGTXT | CHAR | 50 | ||
AUTOM | Indicator: Automatic posting lines | AUTOM | CHAR | 1 | ||
DOCTY | FI-SL Document Type | DOCTY | CHAR | 2 | T889 | |
ACTIV | Business Transaction | GLVOR | CHAR | 4 | ||
BVORG | Number of Cross-Company Code Posting Transaction | BVORG | CHAR | 16 | ||
BUDAT | Posting Date in the Document | BUDAT | DATS | 8 | ||
WSDAT | Value Date for Currency Translation | WSDAT | DATS | 8 | ||
REFDOCNR | Accounting Document Number | BELNR_D | CHAR | 10 | ||
REFRYEAR | Fiscal Year | GJAHR | NUMC | 4 | ||
REFDOCLN | Number of Line Item Within Accounting Document | BUZEI | NUMC | 3 | ||
REFDOCCT | Document Type | DOCCT | CHAR | 1 | ||
REFACTIV | Business Transaction | GLVOR | CHAR | 4 | ||
CPUDT | Day On Which Accounting Document Was Entered | CPUDT | DATS | 8 | ||
CPUTM | Time of Entry | CPUTM | TIMS | 6 | ||
USNAM | User name | USNAM | CHAR | 12 | * |