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Bei ansehen →The Function Group HRGPBS_ME_CHECK (Multiple Empoyment Consistency Check) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package P08P1. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.
Function Group | HRGPBS_ME_CHECK |
Short Text | Multiple Empoyment Consistency Check |
Package | P08P1 |
Function Group HRGPBS_ME_CHECK contains 24 function modules.
HRGPBS_ME_CHECK_ACTIVE | Derive whether the Maximum amount of OMP should be offset |
HRGPBS_ME_CHECK_ADD_MESSAGE | Add a message to the Error Log |
HRGPBS_ME_CHECK_ALV | Derive ME Check Data |
HRGPBS_ME_CHECK_CLEAR_LOG | Create Application Log |
HRGPBS_ME_CHECK_CREATE_DETAIL | Create New Header Record |
HRGPBS_ME_CHECK_CREATE_HEADER | Create New Header Record |
HRGPBS_ME_CHECK_CREATE_LOG | Create Application Log |
HRGPBS_ME_CHECK_DATA | Derive ME Check Data |
HRGPBS_ME_CHECK_GET_COLOUR | Derive colour table entries for a RFPNR |
HRGPBS_ME_CHECK_INFOTYPE_ENTRY | Check 2001 Absence Entry |
HRGPBS_ME_CHECK_ME_INFOTYPES | Derive Multiple Employement Infotypes |
HRGPBS_ME_CHECK_ME_SPLIT_0001 | Derive Multiple Employement Infotypes |
HRGPBS_ME_CHECK_ME_SPLIT_0065 | Derive Multiple Employement Infotypes |
HRGPBS_ME_CHECK_ME_SPLIT_0069 | Derive Multiple Employement Infotypes |
HRGPBS_ME_CHECK_ME_SPLIT_0121 | Derive Multiple Employement Infotypes |
HRGPBS_ME_CHECK_ME_SPLIT_CHECK | Derive Multiple Employement Infotypes |
HRGPBS_ME_CHECK_ME_SPLITS | Derive Multiple Employement Infotypes |
HRGPBS_ME_CHECK2_ALV | Derive ME Check Data |
HRGPBS_ME_CHECK2_CREATE_DETAIL | Create New Header Record |
HRGPBS_ME_CHECK2_DATA | Derive ME Check Data |
HRGPBS_ME_CHECK2_GET_COLOUR | Derive colour table entries for a RFPNR |
HRGPBS_ME_EMPLOYMENTS_CHECKS | Check 2001 Absence Entry |