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Bei ansehen →The package P08P1 (HR Public Sector Great Britain) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCGB.
Package | P08P1 |
Short Text | HR Public Sector Great Britain |
Parent Package | HRCGB |
SAP Package P08P1 contains 38 function groups.
0PGPBS_CAR | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PGPBS_CLS | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PGPBS_ME | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PGPBS_SWF | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PGPBS_TPS | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PGPBS1 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PGPBSME | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
HRGBPS_CAR | HRGPBS: Views Car Mileages |
HRGBPS_CEDT | ME Single Payslip processing |
HRGBPS_CLASS | CLASS CPX Function Modules |
HRGPBS_BAR | Bar pointing |
HRGPBS_BAR_VIEW | Bar pointing: Table Views |
HRGPBS_CLASS | CLASS CPX Function Modules |
HRGPBS_ME_ABS | Multiple Employment Absence (SSP/SMP) |
HRGPBS_ME_AWE | Average weekly earnings calculation |
HRGPBS_ME_CHECK | Multiple Empoyment Consistency Check |
HRGPBS_ME_COSTING | Cost distribution for multiple employmen |
HRGPBS_ME_NI_REWRITE | NI Rewrite functions for concurrent emp. |
HRGPBS_ME_NI_REWRITE_FLAG | Transports concurrent employment flag |
HRGPBS_ME_P45 | Multiple Employment P45 processing |
HRGPBS_ME_P46 | Multiple Employment P46 Processing |
HRGPBS_ME_PRIORITY | ME Payroll Priority |
HRGPBS_ME_SXP | ME GBSXP checks and derivations |
HRGPBS_ME_TA | ME: Trading in Association |
HRGPBS_ME_YEAR_END | Multiple employment year end functions |
HRGPBS_PARA | Annual salary functionality (ANSAL) |
HRGPBS_SWF | SWF: Service modules |
HRGPBS_TPS | TPS: Service modules |
HRGPBS_UTILITIES | General useful utility functions |
HRGPBS_WTD | Working Time Directive (European) |
HRP08P1ME | Utilities in master data, show all ref's |
SAP Package P08P1 contains 59 transactions.
HRGPBS_IN1 | CLASS Interface (TemSe or Database) |
HRGPBS_IN3 | CLASS Interface (House-keeping) |
HRGPBS_ME_CHECK | Check ME Payroll Data is consistent |
HRGPBS_SMP_SSP_CHECK | Check ME SMP/SSP Data is consistent |
HRGPBS_SWF | SWF Annual Census |
HRGPBS_TPS | Teachers' Pensions Annual Return |
HRGPBS_TPS_ARCH | TPS Modification of archive data |
HRGPBS_TPS_SNRO | Number Range Maintenance |
OO_GB_ME | HR: Set up GB Multiple Employments |
OO_GB_ME_CHECK | HR: Set up GB ME consistency check |
OO_GB_ME_PAYSLIP | HR: Set up GB ME payslip aggregation |
PC00_M08_CEOY_PBS | End-of-year processing (PBS) |
PC00_M08_CP45_PBS | P45 processing (PBS) |
PC00_M08_CP46_PBS | P46 (Company Car) form (PBS) |
PC00_M08_CPENNOT_PBS | PENNOT processing (PBS) |
S_KI4_29000063 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS0302060401 |
S_KI4_29000064 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS0302060402 |
S_KI4_29000065 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS0302060501 |
S_KI4_29000066 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS0302060601 |
S_KI4_29000067 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS0302060701 |
S_KI4_29000068 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS0302060702 |
S_KI4_29000069 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS0302060304 |
S_KI4_29000070 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS0302060201 |
S_KI4_29000071 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS0302060202 |
S_KI4_29000072 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS0302060203 |
S_KI4_29000073 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS0302060301 |
S_KI4_29000074 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS0302060302 |
S_KI4_29000075 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS0302060303 |
S_KI4_29000076 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS0302060703 |
S_KI4_29000077 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS020201 |
S_KI4_29000078 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS020202 |
S_KI4_29000079 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS020203 |
S_KI4_29000080 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS0103 |
S_KI4_29000081 | IMG-Aktivität: IHOGBPBS0101 |
S_KI4_29000082 | IMG-Aktivität: IHOGBPBS0102 |
S_KI4_29000083 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS020101 |
S_KI4_29000084 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS0302060704 |
S_KI4_29000085 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS0302060801 |
S_KI4_29000086 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS0302060802 |
S_KI4_29000087 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS03020609 |
S_KI4_29000088 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS030301 |
S_KI4_29000089 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS030302 |
S_KI4_29000090 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS03020201 |
S_KI4_29000091 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS03020202 |
S_KI4_29000092 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS03020203 |
S_KI4_29000093 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS03020301 |
S_KI4_29000094 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS03020302 |
S_KI4_29000095 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS03020102 |
S_KI4_29000096 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS030101 |
S_KI4_29000097 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS030102 |
S_KI4_29000098 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS030103 |
S_KI4_29000099 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS030104 |
S_KI4_29000100 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS03020101 |
S_KI4_29000101 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS03020501 |
S_KI4_29000102 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS03020401 |
S_KI4_29000103 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS0302060101 |
S_KI4_29000104 | IMG-Aktivität: OHIGBPBS03020303 |
S_PL0_09000028 | IMG Activity: OHIGBPBSBAR01 |
S_PL0_09000029 | IMG Activity: OHIGBPBSBAR02 |
SAP Package P08P1 contains 48 database tables.
P08P_CLSC | CLASS Interface Control Table (46C onwards) |
P08P_USSC | USS Interface Control Table (Contributions & Salary Changes) |
P08P1CLD | CLASS Interface Clear-down Parameter File |
P08P1CNT | CLASS Interface Control Table (OBSOLETE from 46C) |
PA0648 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0648 |
PA3215 | HR Master Record: Infotype 3215 |
PA3216 | HR Master Record: Infotype 3216 |
PA3217 | HR Master Record: Infotype 3217 |
PAPBSGB_SWF_CONT | SWF: Contract Details |
PAPBSGB_SWF_CURR | SWF: Curriculum |
PAPBSGB_SWF_EP | SWF: Educational Psychologists |
PAPBSGB_SWF_INFO | SWF: Staff Information |
PAPBSGB_SWF_PAY | SWF: Additional Payments |
PAPBSGB_SWF_QUAL | SWF: Qualifications |
PAPBSGB_SWF_QUL2 | SWF: Qualifications |
PAPBSGB_SWF_STAF | SWF: Staff Details |
PAPBSGB_TPS_ARCH | TPS Archive table for TPS Annual return records of type 1 |
T5GPBS_CARALLOW | HRGPBS: Car Allowance for essential car users |
T5GPBS_ME_TA | ME Tax Districts/References Trading in Association |
T5GPBS_MEREPORTS | Multiple employment: Reports that are can be set for ME |
T5GPBS_SEL | ME: Selection in reporting (Primary/all) |
T5GPBS_TRANS | GB-ME: Transfer of w'types between 2ndary and 1st contract |
T5GPBS_USS | Absence Evaluation: Scheme Switches |
T5GPBS_VEHCLASS | Derive vehicle class from car manufacturer and model |
T5GPBS_VEHTYPE | Derive vehicle types from car information |
T5GPBS1 | CLASS CPX Pension Scheme Cross Reference |
T5GPBS41 | Vehicle classes for car mileage |
T5GPBS42 | Declare vehicle types for private and business miles |
T5GPBS43 | Lump sum payment for car mileage |
T5GPBSB_REASON | Bar pointing: Reson for overriding bar point |
T5GPBSB_REASONT | Bar pointing: Text for reason for changes |
T5GPBSS_ABS | SWF: Absences |
T5GPBSS_ADD | SWF: Additional Payments |
T5GPBSS_DIS | SWF: Disablity |
T5GPBSS_ETH | SWF: Ethnicity |
T5GPBSS_PSC | SWF: Pay Scale |
T5GPBST_CONTROL | TPS Control records |
T5GPBST_EXC | TPS Absence evaluation rules relevant as days excluded |
T5GPBST_LEA | TPS: LEA numbers and names |
T5GPBST_PEN | TPS Primary and Additional pension schemes |
T5GPBST_SER | TPS Recordable service |
T5GPBST_SSCALE | TPS Salary Scale Codes |
T5GPBST_SSCALET | TPS Salary Scale Code Description |
SAP Package P08P1 contains 59 views.
H_P08P_CLSC_1 | Standard CLASS Interface runs (that can be re-run) |
V_P08P_CLSC | Interface Control File Maintenance |
V_P08P_USS | Interface Control File Maintenance |
V_T52D7_GB_TPEH | TPS View T52D7 Special Education Needs Allowance Higher Rate |
V_T52D7_GB_TPEL | TPS View T52D7 Special Education Needs Allowance Lower Rate |
V_T52D7_GB_TPFL | TPS View T52D7 Fringe London Allowance |
V_T52D7_GB_TPIL | TPS View T52D7 Inner London Allowance |
V_T52D7_GB_TPM1 | TPS View T52D7 Management Allowance Level 1 |
V_T52D7_GB_TPM2 | TPS View T52D7 Management Allowance Level 2 |
V_T52D7_GB_TPM3 | TPS View T52D7 Management Allowance Level 3 |
V_T52D7_GB_TPM4 | TPS View T52D7 Management Allowance Level 4 |
V_T52D7_GB_TPM5 | TPS View T52D7 Management Allowance Level 5 |
V_T52D7_GB_TPPH | TPS View T52D7 Social Priority Allowance HIgher Rate |
V_T52D7_GB_TPPL | TPS View T52D7 Social Priority Allowance Lower Rate |
V_T52D7_GB_TPR1 | TPS View T52D7 Retention Allowance Level 1 |
V_T52D7_GB_TPR2 | TPS View T52D7 Retention Allowance Level 2 |
V_T52D7_GB_TPR3 | TPS View T52D7 Retention Allowance Level 3 |
V_T52D7_GB_TPR4 | TPS View T52D7 Retention Allowance Level 4 |
V_T52D7_GB_TPR5 | TPS View T52D7 Retention Allowance Level 5 |
V_T52D7_GB_TPSL | TPS View T52D7 London Supplement Allowance |
V_T52D7_GB_WTD1 | Working Time Directive Overtime Wage Types |
V_T539J_GB_TPAD | TPS View T539J Additional Contribution Wage Type Valuation |
V_T539J_GB_TPAL | TPS View T539J Other Allowances Wage Type Valuation |
V_T539J_GB_TPRE | TPS View T539J Additional Contributions as Refund Valuation |
V_T539J_GB_TPSA | TPS View T539J Annual Salary Wage Type Valuation |
V_T539J_GB_TPSU | TPS View T539J Local Supplement Wage Type Valuation |
V_T5GBPST_EXC | TPS absence valuation rules relevant for days exclusion |
V_T5GPBS_ALL_TPD | TPS: Field name for teacher's DfES number |
V_T5GPBS_ALL_TPL | TPS: LEA number / Area Code of the originator of TPS return |
V_T5GPBS_ALL3 | Constants: dates, text display only |
V_T5GPBS_ALLDRIL | Drilldown Reporting Options |
V_T5GPBS_ALLHECK | HESA: Switch off checking vs. hire date on infotype 0615 |
V_T5GPBS_ALLME | Multiple Employment system constants |
V_T5GPBS_ALLMECC | Multiple Employment system constants |
V_T5GPBS_ALLMESP | Multiple Employment system constants |
V_T5GPBS_CARALL | Define Car Allowance for Essential User |
V_T5GPBS_ME_TA | Trading in Association |
V_T5GPBS_SEL | PS GB: Multiple employment reporting selection (all/primary) |
V_T5GPBS_TRANS | Maintainance view for transfer of wagetypes in ME payroll |
V_T5GPBS_U | USS Interface Pension Schemes |
V_T5GPBS_VEHCLA | Define Vehicle Class for Car Data |
V_T5GPBS_VEHTYPE | Define Vehicle Types for Car Data |
V_T5GPBS1 | CLASS CPX Pension Scheme Cross Reference |
V_T5GPBS41 | Vehicle classes for car mileage |
V_T5GPBS42 | Declare vehicle types for private and business miles |
V_T5GPBS43 | Annual car allowance for essential users |
V_T5GPBSB_REASON | Bar pointing: Reason for overriding bar point |
V_T5GPBSS_ABS | SWF: Absences |
V_T5GPBSS_ADD | SWF: Additional Payments |
V_T5GPBSS_DIS | SWF: Disablity |
V_T5GPBSS_ETH | SWF: Ethnicity |
V_T5GPBSS_PSC | SWF: Pay Scale |
V_T5GPBST_EXC | TPS absence valuation rules relevant for days exclusion |
V_T5GPBST_LEA | TPS LEA number and name |
V_T5GPBST_PEN | TPS Relevant pension schemes |
V_T5GPBST_SSCALE | TPS Salary Scale Codes |
V_T77S0_PS_GB | View Of T77S0 |
VV_T5GPBSALL2_02 | Multiple Employments: Low Active Status |
VV_T5GPBSALL3_02 | Working Time Directive Weekly Limit (in hours) |
SAP Package P08P1 contains 126 structures.
HRGPBS_ERROR_LOG | HRGPBS: Error log structure |
P0648 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0648 |
P08_CUM_CLASS_STRUC | PS-UK: Structure for cumualtion classes table |
P08_REF_PERNR | Reference (transfer from dyn. action to IT0121) |
P08P_ACTIVE_STATUS_RANGE | Range Table of Active Status |
P08P_AVRULE_ABZNR | Average calculation rules |
P08P_BAR_PAY_SCALE | Bar pointing: Pay scale |
P08P_DISTRIBUTION | Distribution values table |
P08P_LGART | Structure To Hold Wage Types |
P08P_ME_ABS_CELL | Multiple Employment Person/Employees in ALL History |
P08P_ME_ABS_INFOTYPES | Multiple Employment Infotypes |
P08P_ME_ABS_REC | Multiple Employment Person/Employees in ALL History |
P08P_ME_ABSENCE | Multiple Employment Person/Employees in ALL History |
P08P_ME_ACT_INFOTYPE | Multiple Employment Infotypes |
P08P_ME_ACTIVE | Multiple Employment Person/Employees in ALL History |
P08P_ME_ACTIVE_CELL | Multiple Employment Person/Employees in ALL History |
P08P_ME_ACTIVE_REC | Multiple Employment Person/Employees in ALL History |
P08P_ME_AVERAGE | Multiple Employment Average Values |
P08P_ME_AWE | Multiple Employment AWE Number, Rate & Amount |
P08P_ME_AWE_DATA | Multiple Employment AWE Data (Payroll Result + Grosses) |
P08P_ME_AWE_SMP_INFOTYPES | Multiple Employment AWE SMP infotypes |
P08P_ME_AWE_SSP_INFOTYPES | Multiple Employment AWE SSP infotypes |
P08P_ME_CEDT | Multiple Emploment Single Payslip |
P08P_ME_CEDT_OLDNEW | Table of Old to New seqence numbers |
P08P_ME_CHECK | Multiple Employment Check RFPNR record |
P08P_ME_CHECK_DET | Multiple Employment Check: Detail |
P08P_ME_CHECK_DET2 | Multiple Employment Check: Detail |
P08P_ME_CHECK_HDR | Multiple Employment Check: Header |
P08P_ME_CHECK_HDR2 | Multiple Employment Check: Header |
P08P_ME_CHECK_MSA | Multiple Employments: Checking Tables MSA and MSAX |
P08P_ME_CHECK2 | Multiple Employment Check RFPNR record |
P08P_ME_CHECK2_DET | Multiple Employment Check: Detail |
P08P_ME_CHECK2_DET2 | Multiple Employment Check: Detail |
P08P_ME_CHK_INFOTYPES | Multiple Employment Infotypes |
P08P_ME_HIRE_FIRE | Multiple Employment Hire & Fire Dates |
P08P_ME_LATE_LEAVER | Late Leaver: Leaving Date and Previous Period |
P08P_ME_LS_PERIOD | ME Late Starter Period |
P08P_ME_ME_NI | ME NI fields |
P08P_ME_NI | Record of payroll results |
P08P_ME_NI_PERIOD | Structure to store period information of primary contract |
P08P_ME_P2001 | Multiple Employment P2001 & Absence Category |
P08P_ME_PC2APER | structure of table APER in payroll |
P08P_ME_PERNR | Multiple Employment Structure of Pernrs |
P08P_ME_PRI_INFOTYPES | Multiple Employment Priority Infotype |
P08P_ME_PRIORITY | Multiple Employment PRIORITIES in ALL History |
P08P_ME_PRIORITY_CELL | Multiple Employment PRIORITY in ALL History |
P08P_ME_PRIORITY_REC | Multiple Employment Person/Employees in ALL History |
P08P_ME_RELEVANT_PERIOD | Multiple Employment Relevant Period Dates |
P08P_ME_RESULT | ME TA: Payroll Result |
P08P_ME_RGDIR | Multiple Employment Payroll Result Directory |
P08P_ME_SXP_INFOTYPES | Multiple Employment Infotypes |
P08P_ME_SXP_NCALE | Multiple Employment NCALE |
P08P_ME_TA_AWE | ME TA: AWE by Tax District/Reference |
P08P_ME_TA_INFOTYPES | ME TA: Infotypes |
P08P_MIC_MATCH_0085 | Mandatory Infotype Copy: Matched Up Records |
P08P_MIC_MATCH_0086 | Mandatory Infotype Copy: Matched Up Records |
P08P_MIC_MATCH_0088 | Mandatory Infotype Copy: Matched Up Records |
P08P_MIC_MATCH_2001 | Mandatory Infotype Copy: Matched Up Records |
P08P_P46_ALV_TABS | Stucture for P46 alv-output |
P08P_P46_BASISDATA | Stack table for P46 ME processing |
P08P_P46_PERNR_TAB | For storage of the personal numbers for Repeating process |
P08P_TPS_ADDITION_DISPLAY | TPS Additional contributions record display format |
P08P_TPS_ADDITION_GRID | TPS Additional contribution record ALV GRID format |
P08P_TPS_ADDITION_OUT | TPS Additional contributions record in mechanised format |
P08P_TPS_ADDITION_VAR | TPS Additional contributions variable fields |
P08P_TPS_APPOINTMENT_DISPLAY | TPS Appointment record display format |
P08P_TPS_APPOINTMENT_GRID | TPS Appointment record ALV GRID format |
P08P_TPS_APPOINTMENT_OUT | TPS Service (amendment) record in mechanised format |
P08P_TPS_APPOINTMENT_VAR | TPS Appointment record variable fields |
P08P_TPS_APPOINTMENT_VAR_OUT | TPS Appointment record var. fields mechanised form |
P08P_TPS_HEADER | TPS header fields of an individual record |
P08P_TPS_HEADER_DISPLAY | TPS Header fields of an individual record in display format |
P08P_TPS_HEADER_OUT | TPS header fields of an individual record in mechanised form |
P08P_TPS_HEADER_RECORD | TPS Header label record |
P08P_TPS_SERVICE_DISPLAY | TPS Service (amendment) record display format |
P08P_TPS_SERVICE_GRID | TPS Service (amendment) record ALV GRID format |
P08P_TPS_SERVICE_OUT | TPS Service (amendment) record in mechanised format |
P08P_TPS_SERVICE_VAR | TPS Service (amendment) record variable fields |
P08P_TPS_SERVICE_VAR_OUT | TPS Service (amendm.) record var. fields in mechanised form |
P08P_TPS_TRAILER_RECORD | TPS Trailer label record format |
P08P_USS0 | USS Contributions Interface: Extract |
P08P_USS1 | USS Contributions Interface: Header Record |
P08P_USS2 | USS Contributions Interface: Contributions |
P08P_USS3 | USS Contributions Interface: Reconciliation Record |
P08P_USS4 | USS Contributions Interface: Interface File |
P08P_USS5 | USS Salary Changes Interface: Extract |
P08P_USS6 | USS Salary Changes Interface: Salary Changes |
P08P_USS7 | USS Salary Changes Interface: Interface File |
P08P_USSDT | USS Interface Display Field Structure |
P08P_WTD | Working Time Directive |
P08P1_CAR_SCHEME | Test car scheme |
P08P1_CLDN | CLASS CPX CLEARDOWN File Non-key Fields |
P08P1_CLSN | CLASS CPX INTERFACE File Non Key Fields |
P08P1_CNTN | CLASS CPX CONTROL File Non Key Fields |
P08P1_EOY_TF_ALV | Public Sector Structure of Timeframe Including Pernr |
P08P1_ME | Multiple Employment Person/Employees |
P08P1_ME_RGDIR | Cluster Directory + Pernr |
P08P1_MEHISTORY | Multiple Employment Person/Employees in ALL History |
P08P1_MEHISTORY1 | Multiple Employment Person/Employees in ALL History |
P08P1_MEPAY | Multiple Employment Payroll Parameters |
P08P1_METAX | Multiple Employments (many records per person) |
P08P1_NIPAYINFO | Keeps Payroll Period Based Information for NI calculation |
P08P1_SEL_PERNR | Structure to store Ranges of Personnel numbers |
P08P1_SEL_RFP_TITLES | Headings and active fields in HR_ME_SELECT_REF_PERNR |
P08P1CLS2 | CLASS CPX INTERFACE Snapshot Table |
P3215 | HR Master Record for Infotype 3215 |
P3215_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P3216 | HR Master Record for Infotype 3216 |
P3216_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P3217 | HR Master Record for Infotype 3217 |
P3217_AF | Additional Query Fields |
PMEEX | Decision Tree Fields for Feature 08MEX |
PMESL | Field String for Feature in GSALC (Salary Calculation) |
PMEWT | Field String for Feature in GWTDC (Working Time Directive) |
PS0648 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0648 (Pay Scale Bar Pointing) |
PS3215 | HR Master Record: Infotype 3215 (4.2.1 SWF Staff Details) |
PS3216 | SWF Contract Details |
PS3217 | HR Master Record: Infotype 3217(SWF Qualifications) |
Q0008_PSGB | Additional fields for infotype basic pay (0008) |
Q0648 | Display fields for infotype 0648 (Bar pointing) PS-UK |
Q3216 | Screen Fields: Infotype 3216 (SWF Contract Details) |
RPUTPSXX | Structure for Report Parameters (Teachers Pensions Return) |
SAP Package P08P1 contains 19 programs.
MP321500 | Mod. Pool MP321500 |
MP321600 | Mod. Pool MP321600 |
MP321700 | Mod. Pool MP321700 |
RPCEOYG0PBS | GB Year End Report : Production of Legislative Forms |
RPCP45GN_PRESELECTION | HR-GB: P45 form for Great Britain |
RPCP46G0_PRESELECTION | HR-GB: P46(Company Car) form for Great Britain |
RPLMESG1 | ME Solution Check 1 (Payroll Data: IT0000, IT0065, IT0069 & IT0121) |
RPLMESG2 | ME Solution Check 2 (SXP Data: IT0000, IT0001, IT0088 & IT2001) |
RPU46BCAR | XPRA report for company car infotypes (0222 and 0225) |
RPUAC2G0 | Dynamical Action on infotype 0000 (leave) |
RPUCLSG0 | CLASS (Interface to TemSe or File Server) |
RPUCLSG8 | CLASS (Snapshot & Control File Deletion) |
RPUEFO_PENNOTPBS | HR-GB: PENNOT form for Great Britain |
RPUHESG0 | HESA Reporting (Interface to ALV, TemSe or File Server) |
RPUREFG0 | GB-PS: Find other contract of person and offer in popup (dyn.action) |
RPUTPSG0 | Teachers' Pensions Annual Return |
RPUTPSG1 | TPS Archive table maintenance |
SAP Package P08P1 contains 2 search helps.
HRPBSGB_CLASS_RUNNO | Display Standard Interfaces (for Re-Running) |
HRPBSGB_T5GPBS42_SCHEM | Car Scheme Allowed |
SAP Package P08P1 contains 5 message classes.
HRGB_SWF | School Work Force Census |
HRPSGB | HR PS Great Britain |
HRPSGB_LG | HR GB PS Messages for Local Government |
HRPSGB_ME | Multiple Employment Errors & Warnings |
HRPSGB_ME_NEW | Multiple Employment (Re-work Into STD) |