

USS Interface Control Table (Contributions & Salary Changes)

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The table P08P_USSC (USS Interface Control Table (Contributions & Salary Changes)) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package P08P1.

Technical Information

Table P08P_USSC
Short Text USS Interface Control Table (Contributions & Salary Changes)
Package P08P1
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table P08P_USSC

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
RTYPE Interface Control File Run Type P08_USSC01 CHAR 1
RYEAR USS Interface Control File Run Year P08_USSC02 NUMC 4
RRUNN USS Interface Control File Run Number P08_USSC03 NUMC 10
RDATE USS Interface Control File Run Date P08_USSC05 DATS 8
RTIME USS Interface Control File Run Time P08_USSC06 TIMS 6
RNAME USS Interface Control File Run User Name P08_USSC07 CHAR 12
ROALV USS Interface Control File Run Output To ALV P08_USSC08 CHAR 1
ROTMS USS Interface Control File Run Output To Temse P08_USSC09 CHAR 1
ROFSY USS Interface Control File Run Output To File System P08_USSC10 CHAR 1
RTMSE USS Interface Control File Run TemSe File Id P08_USSC11 CHAR 8
RFILE USS Interface Control File Run Output File Name P08_USSC12 CHAR 40
REMPT USS Interface Control File Run Employees Processed P08_USSC13 NUMC 6
REMPR USS Interface Control File Run Employees Rejected P08_USSC14 NUMC 6
REMPC USS Interface Control File Run Employees Rejected (Customer) P08_USSC15 NUMC 6
REMPS USS Interface Control File Run Employees Successful P08_USSC16 NUMC 6
REMPF USS Interface Control File Run Employees Failing P08_USSC17 NUMC 6