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Bei ansehen →The Function Group HRGPBS_TPS (TPS: Service modules) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package P08P1. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.
Function Group | HRGPBS_TPS |
Short Text | TPS: Service modules |
Package | P08P1 |
Function Group HRGPBS_TPS contains 19 function modules.
HRGPBS_TPS_CHECK_CASUAL | Check whether an employment is casual |
HRGPBS_TPS_CHECK_EXCLD | Evaluate days excluded based on infotype 0021 |
HRGPBS_TPS_CHECK_EXCLD_MARK | Evaluate days excluded for individual absence type |
HRGPBS_TPS_CHECK_EXCLD_SUBTY | Evaluate days excluded for individual absence type |
HRGPBS_TPS_CHECK_FAST_TRACK | Check whether contract is a 'Fast track' |
HRGPBS_TPS_CHECK_IRREGULAR | Check whether employment is a part-time irregular |
HRGPBS_TPS_CHECK_PENSION_TYPE | Check for a specific pension subtype in infotype 0071 |
HRGPBS_TPS_CHECK_SCHOOL_RANGE | TPS: Check validity of the school range |
HRGPBS_TPS_CHECK_WAGE_TYPES | Checks whether wagetypes are in IT0008, IT0014, IT0015 |
HRGPBS_TPS_DATE_FORMAT | Format a date valid for TPS: DDMMYY |
HRGPBS_TPS_DFES_CHECK | Checks that teacher's DfES number is correct |
HRGPBS_TPS_EVALUATE_WT_AMOUNT | Evaluate wagetypes amount |
HRGPBS_TPS_FILL_PERNR_HEADER | Fills header fields for PERNR based on Master Data |
HRGPBS_TPS_GET_LEA | Get LEA number / Area code |
HRGPBS_TPS_GET_PAYPERIOD_HOURS | TPS get person's working hours per payroll period |
HRGPBS_TPS_GET_PAYSCALE_HOURS | TPS get standard working hours assigned to payscale |
HRGPBS_TPS_GET_SALARY_SCALE | Get a TPS salary scale corresponding to SAP salary scale |
HRGPBS_TPS_GET_SCHOOL | Get a school number / employment type |