
SAP Function Group HRIL_AU

International Leave Country Exit (AU)

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The Function Group HRIL_AU (International Leave Country Exit (AU)) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package PC13. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group HRIL_AU
Short Text International Leave Country Exit (AU)
Package PC13

Function Modules

Function Group HRIL_AU contains 14 function modules.

HR_QTACC_ACCRUAL_PERIOD_13 Recalc the dates for the period, if the transfer date falls in this period
HR_QTACC_CALC_SERVICE_DTLS_13 Calculate length of service
HR_QTACC_CALC_TRANS_DATE_13 Calculate transfer date based on a start date and transfer rule
HR_QTACC_HIRE_FIRE_13 Adjust the hire date by any LWOP absences (Used for lngth of service calc)
HR_QTACC_INC_LWOP_HIRE_FIRE_13 Calculate the number of LWOP days between a start date and current date
HR_QTACC_LSL_TRANSFER_13 Calculate transfer date of LSL quota
HR_QTACC_NUMBER_REDUCE_13 Reduction rule for Victorian LSL quota type
HR_QTACC_QUOTAS_TRANSFER_13 Absence Quota Transfer
HR_QTACC_RULE_USABILITY_13 Examination on applicability of the rules in accordance with land exit
HR_QTACC_TRANS_START_DATE_13 Calculate transfer date based on configuration tables (AU)
HR_QTACC_TRANSFER_RULE_13 Calculate transfer date based on configuration tables (AU)
HRAU_ADVPAY_CLSTR_DEL Delete corresponding Q3 cluster, based on leave
HRAU_CHK_MAX_CARER_LV Check maximum carer's leave taken in calendar/anni. year