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Bei ansehen →The package PC13 (HR accounting: Australia) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCAU.
Package | PC13 |
Short Text | HR accounting: Australia |
Parent Package | HRCAU |
SAP Package PC13 contains 15 function groups.
0PQG | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
0PQI | International Leave Type Tables |
0PQL | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
0PQR | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
0PQS | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
0PQT | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
31AU | Australia |
HRAU_AVERA | Function grp to calc using fin yr result |
HRGC_AU | Group cretificate function modules |
HRIL_AU | International Leave Country Exit (AU) |
HRSP_AU | payroll splits AU |
HRTO_AU | Termination Organizer Function Modules |
HRUTIL_AU | HR Utility function modules - Australia |
OPQL | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
RPFQ | Print Routines for Australia |
SAP Package PC13 contains 55 transactions.
HRTIMAUCE_PT50 | Acts as dummy in NONCE |
PC00_M13 | Bereichsmenü-Abrechnung für Australi |
PC00_M13_ADDR | Addr. Infotype Validation For IT0006 |
PC00_M13_AP01 | Payment summary mag. med. file |
PC00_M13_APSED | APSED Report |
PC00_M13_CADV | Advance paym. Create Advance Pymn 13 |
PC00_M13_CALC | Personalabrechnung Australien |
PC00_M13_CALC_SIMU | Simulation payroll accounting 13 |
PC00_M13_CDTA | Abrechnung-überweisung-Vorpgm DTA-13 |
PC00_M13_CEDT | Pay Advices 13 |
PC00_M13_CG00 | 2000/2001 Payment summary |
PC00_M13_CG97 | 1997/1998 Group certificates |
PC00_M13_CG98 | Group certificates 13 |
PC00_M13_CG99 | 1999/2000 Group certificates |
PC00_M13_CGCT | Group certificates 13 |
PC00_M13_CKTO | Payroll account 13 |
PC00_M13_CLBT | Abrechnung - Leave batch update 13 |
PC00_M13_CLEA | Leave view |
PC00_M13_CLJN | Payroll journal 13 |
PC00_M13_CLSTR | Werkzeuge - abrechnungsergebnis - 13 |
PC00_M13_CP01 | 2001/2002 Payment Summary |
PC00_M13_CTO3 | Termination Organizer |
PC00_M13_CWTR | Wage Type Reporter |
PC00_M13_FFOT | Abrech.Überweisung-Erst.DTA 13 |
PC00_M13_JAHRLICHE | Bereichsmenü-Folgeaktivitäten - Annu |
PC00_M13_LADV | Advance pays Delete Advance Pymn 13 |
PC00_M13_LATO | Superannuation-ATO Notification 13 |
PC00_M13_LDED | Payroll rpts Deduction List Rpt 13 |
PC00_M13_LDET | Payroll reports Details Report 13 |
PC00_M13_LEAV | Leave Reports |
PC00_M13_LG00 | Payment summary listing 2000/2001 |
PC00_M13_LG97 | Group Certs. Listing 1997/1998 |
PC00_M13_LG98 | Group Certs. Listing 1998/1999 |
PC00_M13_LG99 | Group Certs. Listing 1999/2000 |
PC00_M13_LGCT | Group Certs. Listings 13 |
PC00_M13_LP01 | Payment summary listing 2001/2002 |
PC00_M13_LREC | Payroll rpts Reconciliation Report13 |
PC00_M13_LSUM | Payroll rpts Summary Report 13 |
PC00_M13_PAP | Bereichsmenü-Folgeaktivitäten-Per Pa |
PC00_M13_PDUNABHAGIG | Bereichsmenü-Folgeaktivitäten - Peri |
PC00_M13_PQGO | Maint pymnt sum / grp cert overrides |
PC00_M13_PSATO | Payment summary ATO file report |
PC00_M13_PSGEN | Payment summary generation report |
PC00_M13_PSGEN_FE | Payment Summary Generation - FE |
PC00_M13_PSLST | Payment summary listing report |
PC00_M13_REPOS | Documentation - Australian REPO |
PC00_M13_SONSPERIOD | Bereichsmenü-Folgeaktivitäten - Othe |
PC00_M13_SUPM | Superannuation fund maintenance |
PC00_M13_SUPR | Superannuation Report |
PC00_M13_SWCQ | SuperWork Choice Creation |
PC00_M13_UGCO | Payment Summary Override Table |
PC00_M13_WGST | Wage type statement Australia |
PC13 | Bereichsmenü-Abrechnung für Australi |
PQLV | Australian Leave Processing |
PQTO | Transaction for screen 2000 |
SAP Package PC13 contains 9 database tables.
T5QGO | Group Certificate Overrides |
T5QIA | PS Specific Characteristic for absence type |
T5QIG | Leave Quota Grouping |
T5QIT | Calculation rule for transfer frequency |
T5QLK | Leave Liability Constants |
T5QLL | Australian Leave Loading - international leave |
T5QPR | Aust. Leave Provision for international leave |
T5QSC | Table for Superannuation SuperChoices |
T5QTR | Term. Rules for Long Serv. Leave & Leave Loading Australia |
SAP Package PC13 contains 6 views.
M_PTRMA | Generierter View für Matchcode ID PTRM -A |
V_T5QIA | PS Specific characteristic for absence type |
V_T5QIG | International Leave Groupings |
V_T5QIT | Calculation rule for transfer frequency |
V_T5QSG | Superannuation Guarantee Contrib Admin Australia |
V_T5QTR | Rules for quota payment on termination. |
SAP Package PC13 contains 44 structures.
HRESS_AU_PS_OVERVIEW | Overview table showing the stored Payment Summary results |
P13_PSALLOW | Payment summary allowances |
P13_TRMLVE | International Leave Quota data for Terminations |
P13_TRMQUOTA | International Leave Quota data for Terminations |
PAU_RPCPSAQ0_01 | Structure PAL 1 for RPCPSAQ0 |
PAU_RPCPSAQ0_02 | Structure PAL 2 for RPCPSAQ0 |
PAU_RPCPSLQ0_02 | Structure PAL 2 for RPCPSLQ0 |
PAU_RPCPSLQ0_03 | Structure PAL 3 for RPCPSLQ0 |
PAU_RPCPSLQ0_03A | Structure PAL 3 for RPCPSLQ0 |
PAU_RPCPSLQ0_03B | Structure PAL 3 for RPCPSLQ0 |
PAU_RPCPSLQ0_04 | Structure PAL 4 for RPCPSLQ0 |
PAU_RPCPSLQ0_05 | Structure PAL 5 for RPCPSLQ0 |
PAU_RPCPSLQ0_06 | Structure PAL 6 for RPCPSLQ0 |
PAU_RPCPSLQ0_07 | Structure PAL 7 for RPCL01Q0 |
PAYAU_NATIONAL | HR-PAY-AU: Structure for payroll result (national part) |
PAYAU_RESULT | HR-PAY-AU: Definition of payroll result |
PC13Q | Superannuation structure for Australia |
PC22U | Payroll Results: Leave Accrual (Australia) |
PC23K | Structure for tax routine (Australia) |
PC23L | Superannuation structure for Australia |
PC268 | Payroll Results: LVEPR Table |
PC269 | Payroll Results: LSLPR Table |
PC28K | Payment summary components |
PC29J | Payroll Results: P5BAL Table |
PC29K | Payroll structure: Messages |
PC29L | Payroll Structure: RETP Table |
PC29N | Payroll structure for superannuation |
PC30K | SMTH and SQTR for Superannuation (Australia) |
PC30L | Payroll Structure: RETT Table |
PC410 | Structure for Income Tax Withholding variations (Australia) |
PME41 | Field string for feature: leave |
PME71 | Field String for Feature in T549B |
PMELL | Structure for Feature 13CST |
PMEQL | Structure for Feature 13LSL |
Q0817 | Temp Struc: Income Tax Wihholding Variations(Australia) |
RPCP01FEQ0_ALLOWANCE | Union, Workplace giving structure for Paysum FE |
RPCP01Q0_ALLOWANCE | Allowances, Union, Workplace giving structure for Paysum |
RPCP01Q0_ETPTAB | Payment summary Smart Form structure for ETPTAB |
RPCP01Q0_PSTAB | Payment summary Smart Form structure for PSTAB |
RPCPFE01Q0_PSTAB | Payment summary FE Smart Form structure for PSTAB |
RPCT02Q0_PREETPTAB | Pre ETP Smart Form structure for Termination Organiser |
RPCTO1Q0_STR_PDF | Structure for Termination Organiser for Australia |
RPCXXXQX | Structure for Australian Report parameters |
RPLRECQ0_ALV1 | Structure1 for RPLRECQ0 |
SAP Package PC13 contains 70 programs.
MP026100 | Table ARRRS: Output of title and header |
RPCA01Q0 | ATO Magnetic Media file & Reconciliation Report |
RPCADVQ0 | Create Advance Payments for Australia |
RPCALCQ0 | Payroll Driver Australia |
RPCDAVQ0 | test for dynamic event for adv pay |
RPCDTAQ0 | Preliminary Program - Data Medium Exchange for Several Payment Runs |
RPCEDTQ0 | Editing Payroll Results (Australian Version) |
RPCG00Q0 | Payment Summary Print and Tape Create Australia |
RPCG00Q3 | Common Forms of Payment Summary and Listing report |
RPCG98Q0 | Group Certificate Print and Tape Create Australia |
RPCG99Q0 | Group Certificate Print and Tape Create Australia |
RPCG99Q3 | Common Forms of Group Certificates and Listing report |
RPCGCOQ0 | Payment Summary override table maintenance |
RPCGCTQ0 | Group Certificate Print and Tape Create Australia |
RPCHEDQL | Standard Report Header |
RPCKTOQ0 | Australian Payroll Account |
RPCL01Q0 | Payment Summary/ETP Summary Listing Report |
RPCLACQ0 | Australian Leave Accruals |
RPCLBTQ0 | Leave Batch Update Australia |
RPCLBTQ1 | Leave batch Update Australia - Check for Update Runs already Processed |
RPCLEAQ0 | Module Pool to display/adjust Leave for Australia |
RPCLGAQ0 | Wage type statement Australia (read cluster RQ) |
RPCLJNQ0 | Payroll Journal (AU) |
RPCLPRQ0 | Leave Liability Projection Accrual Program |
RPCLPVQ0 | Leave Liability Projection Accrual Program |
RPCLPVQ1 | Leave Liability Projection Accrual Program |
RPCLSTRQ | Payroll Cluster RQ |
RPCMLIQ0 | Cash breakdown (Australia version) |
RPCP01Q0 | Payment summary/ETP summary Report |
RPCPFEQ0 | Program for generation of Payment summary Foreign Employment |
RPCPSAQ0 | Program for ATO file generation |
RPCPSLQ0 | Payment Summary/ETP Summary Listing Report |
RPCPSPQ0 | Program for generation of Payment summary and ETP |
RPCSUPQ0 | Superannuation Calculations Australia |
RPCSUPQ0_PVT | Superannuation Calculations Australia |
RPCSUPQ1 | Superannuation Australia Hours Worked |
RPCT5QLA | Convert T5QLA to have extra key field MOABW |
RPCTAXQ0 | Taxation Australia |
RPCTO1Q0 | Termination Organiser Australia |
RPCTO2Q0 | Terminations/Redundancy Packaging |
RPLADVQ0 | Program to delete advance payment clusters (q3) 31G onwards. |
RPLATOQ0 | Super. Guarantee Contrib. - Australian Taxation Office Notif Rpt |
RPLCONQ0 | Leave Conversion - Australian to International Leave |
RPLDEDQ0 | Deduction Listing |
RPLDETQ1 | Employee Pay Details Report |
RPLEAVQ0 | Australian leave reporting |
RPLG00Q0 | Payment Summary listing report |
RPLG98Q0 | Group Certificate listing report |
RPLG99Q0 | Group Certificate listing report |
RPLGCTQ0 | Group Certificate listing report |
RPLMCTQ1 | Calling program for getting previous period employees |
RPLRCLQ0 | Payroll reconcilliation report |
RPLRECQ0 | Run To Run Reconciliation Report (Australia) |
RPLRECQ1 | Run To Run Reconciliation Report (Australia) |
RPLSPRQ0 | Australian Superannuation Reporting |
RPLSUMQ0 | Employee Summary Report |
RPU40CQL | Conversion of payroll results in Release 4.0A |
RPUADDQ0 | Address Infotype Validation Report For ATO File |
RPUARQQP | Common Data Area - Actual |
RPUCB2QP | Display Cluster B2 of DB PCL2 |
RPUCDCQ0 | Convert Payroll Results for Conversion to > 2 Decimal Places |
RPUDRQQ0 | Payroll Results (RQ) - Original and differences from retro periods |
RPUGCOQ0 | Payment Summary override table maintenance through file |
RPUMSFQ0 | Superannuation fund maintenance - transaction PC00_M13_SUPM |
RPUORQQP | Common Data Area - Actual |
RPUP2DQ0 | Display and Delete of Advance Pay Records. |
RPURESQ0 | Calculate and Update the RESC in override table |
RPUSTDQ9 | Master Data Transfer |
RPUSWCQ0 | Program for Uploading data into table T5QSC |
SAP Package PC13 contains 3 search helps.
PTRM | Termination Reasons (HR Australia) |
PTRMA | Termination Reason |
SFUND | Search help for superannuation fund maintenance |
SAP Package PC13 contains 3 message classes.
13PS | Store dummy messages for Payment Summary to cater PA LOG |
HRRESCAU | Message class for RPURESQ0 |
SUP | Message class for superannuation fund maintenance |