
SAP Function Group HRV0

Payroll Norway

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The Function Group HRV0 (Payroll Norway) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package PC20. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group HRV0
Short Text Payroll Norway
Package PC20

Function Modules

Function Group HRV0 contains 15 function modules.

HR_NO_ABS_AP Calculates no of employer days left for splitting absence record
HR_NO_ABS_AP_CHILD Calculate number of employers days left for sick child pay
HR_NO_ABS_DATE_AFTER_TP Date after (n) days in trygdeperioden as calculated by RTV
HR_NO_ABS_EVALUATION_SPLIT Norwegian determination of absence evaluation segments
HR_NO_ABS_NUM_TP Number of days in a period according to RTV
HR_NO_ABS_SPLIT Norwegian determination of absence evaluation segments
HR_NO_ABS_TP Calculation of TP days left
HR_NO_ABS_TP_CHILD Calculation of TP days in case of Child sickness
HR_NO_CALC_TAX Tax calculation routine Norway
HR_NO_DATE_AFTER_TRYGDEDAYS Date after (n) days in trygdeperioden as calculated by RTV
HR_NO_LEN_ARBEIDSGIVERPERIODE Calculation of length of employer's period for sick pay
HR_NO_LEN_TRYGDENPERIODE Calculation of social insurance sick pay length (reimbursable time)
HR_NO_NUM_TRYGDENDAGER Number of days in a period according to RTV
HR_NO_READ_CHLD Read the subtypes for child data from IT0021
HR_NO_TAXTABLE_INFO Information on tax table