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Bei ansehen →The package PC20 (HR accounting: Norway) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCNO.
Package | PC20 |
Short Text | HR accounting: Norway |
Parent Package | HRCNO |
SAP Package PC20 contains 16 function groups.
0PVA | Norwegian absence handling |
0PVT | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
31NO | Output module for Norway |
HR_NO_AA_REGISTER | Norwegian AA-register |
HR_NO_ALTINN | Function For RFC's Of Terminrapportin |
HR_NO_ERC | Reading payroll results for tax and ERC |
HR_NO_ORG_DATA | Read selected company data |
HRPAYNO_COMPANY_CAR | Norwegian Specific IT0442 functionality |
HRPTNO_CEXIT | Norwegian country exits for time man. |
HRPY_LOAN_NO | HCM-NO: Company loans (Norway) |
HRSP_NO | payroll splits NO |
HRTIMNO_ABSENCES | Norwegian specific absence handling |
HRV0 | Payroll Norway |
HRV1 | Norwegian annual tax statements |
OPV1 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
RPFV | Print function Norway |
SAP Package PC20 contains 49 transactions.
PC00_M20 | Bereichsmenü-Abrechnung für Norwegen |
PC00_M20_ALT_XII | ERC integration with Altinn |
PC00_M20_CALC | Personalabrechnung Norwegen |
PC00_M20_CALC_SIMU | Simulation payroll accounting 20 |
PC00_M20_CDTA | Überweisung Vorprogramm DTA 20 |
PC00_M20_CDTB | Prel. DME program, separate payment |
PC00_M20_CEDT | Entgeltnachweis 20 |
PC00_M20_CERC | Terminrapporten, rep. tax and employ |
PC00_M20_CERC_02 | Terminrapporten, rep. tax and employ |
PC00_M20_CGAR | Norwegian garnishment report |
PC00_M20_CIND | Import tax card 20 |
PC00_M20_CLSTR | Werkzeuge - abrechnungsergebnis - 20 |
PC00_M20_CRKV | Tax info. to TemSe 20 |
PC00_M20_CRMB | Reimbursable payments by absences |
PC00_M20_CTRM0 | Extract data for forskuddsskatt ER |
PC00_M20_CTRM1 | Terminrep -Tax and ER contrib. |
PC00_M20_EMFV | Statistsic on Self-declared Ilness |
PC00_M20_FONO_D | Payment Medium (NO) - BBS |
PC00_M20_FONO_T | Payment Medium (NO) - DME |
PC00_M20_JAHRLICHE | Bereichsmenü-Subs.activities - Annua |
PC00_M20_LAAM | AA-register - electronic version |
PC00_M20_LEAT | Arbeidstakerreg. 20 |
PC00_M20_LINS | Innsynsrapport 20 |
PC00_M20_LLON | Loan and Deposit Notification |
PC00_M20_LSDI | View self-declared sicknesses |
PC00_M20_LTEM | 2-month rpt-Transfer to file 20 |
PC00_M20_LTO_5VT0 | Status tax reporting |
PC00_M20_LTO_CATP | Prepare reporting |
PC00_M20_LTO_LATB | Kakseskatt |
PC00_M20_LTO_LATF | Download tax reporting file |
PC00_M20_LTO_LATK | Overview of LTO customization |
PC00_M20_LTO_LATS | Print tax form |
PC00_M20_OVTM | Overtime Reporting |
PC00_M20_PAP | Bereichsmenü-Subs.activities - Per p |
PC00_M20_RMB_DEL | Report to delete cluster |
PC00_M20_RMB_DIS | Report to display cluster |
PC00_M20_RMB_MAIN | Main report for Reimbursement |
PC00_M20_RMB_PRINT | Follow-Up report for Reimbursement |
PC00_M20_SONSPERIOD | Bereichsmenü-Subs.activities - Other |
PC00_M20_SSSB | Quarterly stats SSB statistics 20 |
PC00_M20_TFER | Check list vacation 20 |
PC00_M20_TFRV | Quarterly report 'Fraværsrapport' 20 |
PC00_M20_UKOM | Load Municipal Codes 20 |
PC00_M20_UPST | Load Postal Codes 20 |
PC00_M20_URMB | Import Reimbursement Claim File List |
PC00_M20_UTRY | Load 'Trygdekontor' 20 |
PC20 | Bereichsmenü-Abrechnung für Norwegen |
PUOC_20 | Off-Cycle Workbench Norway |
SAP Package PC20 contains 32 database tables.
T5V0P | Attributes of the Norwegian organisational structure |
T5V2G | Connection org. numbers and rep. org. number |
T5V2H | Assessment limit (bunnfradrag) per legal org. no. |
T5V2I | Reporting organisational number for tax and ERC reporting |
T5V2J | NACE codes (Business area codes, Næringskoder) |
T5V2K | Entity table for legal org. unit (juridisk nummer) |
T5V2L | Entity table for Bedriftsnummer |
T5V2N | Connection rep. org. no and status for ERC reporting |
T5V2O | Organisation group for AA register reporting |
T5V2OT | Orgledd table (Norway) |
T5V2T | Text table for NACE codes |
T5V3E | Holiday allowance: Payment |
T5V3F | Text for T5V3E |
T5V3G | Leave quota types |
T5VA3 | Norwegian absence evaluation segment definition |
T5VA4 | Norwegian absence valuation segment definition - text |
T5VA5 | Norwegian absence classification |
T5VA6 | Norwegian absence evaluation rules |
T5VBF | Assessment limit (bunnfradrag) per Reporting Org. No |
T5VBP | Altinn Integration Status Table |
T5VCT | Assignment of granularity to EE status/travel tax key |
T5VOT | Overtime Limits |
T5VS2 | Tax code granularity - Check table |
T5VS3 | Tax code granularity - Text table |
T5VS4 | Tax codes with direct attributes |
T5VS5 | Tax codes - text table |
T5VS8 | Assignment of wage types to tax codes |
T5VSA | Cumulation category of wage types for annual tax reporting |
T5VST | Assignment of granularity to EE status/travel tax key |
T5VT0 | Annual tax statements - Reporting status |
T5VT1 | AA-Register file table. |
T5VXI | Connecting rep. org. number with Enterprise ID |
SAP Package PC20 contains 30 views.
V_5VA3_B | Norwegian absence valuation segments |
V_5VA6_ALL | Norwegian absence valuation rules (complete view) |
V_5VS6_ALL | Overview over all tax code column definitions |
V_5VS7_ALL | Additional wagetypes to tax reporting wagetypes - complete |
V_5VS8_H | Helpview for selection of wagetypes assigned to taxcodes |
V_T5V0P | Attributes of the Norwegian organisational structure |
V_T5V2G | Connection org. numbers and rep. org. number |
V_T5V2H | Remaining assessment limit (bunnfradrag) per legal org. no. |
V_T5V2I | Reporting organisational number for tax and ERC reporting |
V_T5V2J | NACE codes (Business area codes, Næringskoder) |
V_T5V2K | Maintainance view for legal org. unit (juridisk nummer) |
V_T5V2L | Entity table for Bedriftsnummer |
V_T5V2M | Entity table for the legal org. no. (juridisk nummer) |
V_T5V2N | Connection rep. org. no and status for ERC reporting |
V_T5V2O | Orgledd number for AA register reporting |
V_T5V3E | Vacation allowance calculation |
V_T5V3G | Leave quoata types |
V_T5VA3 | Norwegian absence valuation segments |
V_T5VA5 | Norwegian absence classification |
V_T5VA6 | Norwegian absence valuation rules |
V_T5VBF | Assessment limit (Fribeløpet) per Reporting Rep. No |
V_T5VBP | View for table T5VBP |
V_T5VCT | View : Assignment of granularity to EE status/travel tax key |
V_T5VOT | Overtime Limit Maintenance |
V_T5VS2 | Tax code granularity |
V_T5VS4 | Tax codes for annual tax statements |
V_T5VS8 | Assignment of wage types to tax codes |
V_T5VST | Assignment of granularity to EE status/travel tax key |
V_T5VXI | View for Tables T5VXI |
VV_T511K_NAV_TRY | Maintain NAVUT constant |
SAP Package PC20 contains 57 structures.
P20_1025_1 | Til Skatteoppkreveren and Fra Arbeidsgiver |
P20_1025_4 | Sammendrag av lønns- og trekkoppgaver |
P20_AA_LIMIT_HOURS | Norwegian AA-register 4-hours-limit for work time |
P20_AA_WORK_TIME | AA-register weekly working time |
P20_ABSENCE | Merged and classified absence |
P20_ABSSEG | Norwegian attributes for an absence evaluation segment |
P20_ALTINN_DETAILS | The structure of RFC that send Data to Altinn |
P20_ALTINN_HEADER | Altinn Header Detals |
P20_ATBAL | Norwegian ATS Structure for Balance Sheet |
P20_ATCRT | Norwegian annual tax wagetype cumulation structure |
P20_ATSPDF_1025_PDF | structure for the 1025B norway balance sheet |
P20_ATSPDF_ADDR | Structure contains Address |
P20_ATSPDF_CLINE | Annual tax statements - Codeline information |
P20_ATSPDF_MAIN | Structure for Interface HR_NO_ATs_RF1015B_interf from Norway |
P20_ATSPDF_RT1 | Annual tax statements - Employer information |
P20_ATSPDF_RT3 | Annual tax statements - Employee information |
P20_ATSPDF_SPLCODE | Annual Tax Statements - Specialcode Information |
P20_ATTCOUT | Norwegian annual tax: information on dropped and error codes |
P20_ERC | ERC Details of the Repnr send to Altinn |
P20_ERC_TAX_REIM | Reimbursement of Employers Contribution per Zone |
P20_ERCOM | Company data used in tax and ERC reporting |
P20_ERCONS | Constants used by 'Terminrapporten' |
P20_ERCRT | Cumulation result table for tax and ERC reporting |
P20_FRV_ANT | Number and days of absences within Norwegian Fraværsrapport |
P20_FRV_OUT | Output structure for Norwegian Fraværsrapport |
P20_GENRAL_INFO | Genral Information about the Repnr send to Altinn |
P20_NO_RESULT | ERC Sum Results for Altinn |
P20_OVERTIME_RESULT | Overtime report output on ALV |
P20_REIMBURSEMENT | Reimbursement-Norway |
P20_RESULT | ERC Sum Results for Altinn |
P20_RMB_ABS | Absence information for Norwegian reimbursement reporting |
P20_RMB_BASE | Base income info for Norwegian reimbursement reporting |
P20_RMB_DEDUC | Deduction information for Norwegian reimbursement reporting |
P20_RMB_DETAILS | Reimbursement details |
P20_RMB_EE | Employee information for Norwegian reimbursement reporting |
P20_RMB_KEY | Reimbursement-Norway |
P20_RMB_MAIN | Reimbursement main - Norway |
P20_RMB_PAY | Payment information for Norwegian reimbursement reporting |
P20_RMB_SUPPORT | Support structure for reimbursement - Norway |
P20_RPLATKV0 | Internal information structure for tax code documentation |
P20_SPECIAL_GRPS | Special Conditions Of ERC Results For Altinn |
P20_TAX | Tax Reporting at Employee Munice Level |
P20_YRKE_LINE | Structure for storing Norwegian occupational codes |
P20ABS_RMB | RMB Structure for Norway Reimbursement |
PAYNO_NATIONAL | Abrechnungsergebnis Norwegen: nationaler Teil |
PAYNO_RESULT | Struktur für Abrechnungsergebnis: Norwegen |
PC22W | ST for Norway (Cluster for tax) |
PC27W | SCRT Norway |
PC27Y | RETP Structure Norway |
PMEV0 | Decision Tree Fields for Feature 20SOL |
PNOPL | Structure for garnishment |
RPCATPV0 | Structure for usage in annual tax reporting |
RPCINDV0 | Structure for online documentation for RPCINDV0 |
RPCLT0V1 | Structure for online documentation, RPCLT0V1 |
RPCTUSV0 | Structure for online documentation for RPCTUSV0 |
RPSSBLV0 | Structure for online doc. of selection fields |
RPSSBLV0L | Structure for Report RPSSBLV0 |
SAP Package PC20 contains 48 programs.
RPCALCV0 | Payroll driver (Norwegian version) |
RPCATPV0 | Norwegian annual tax statement preparation |
RPCDTAV0 | Transfer of payroll results to WREG, which is read by Telepay |
RPCEDTV0 | Remuneration statements |
RPCERCV0 | Terminrapporten, reporting tax and employer's contribution |
RPCERCV0_02 | Terminrapporten, reporting tax and employer's contribution (2002) |
RPCERIV0 | Terminrapporten, reporting tax and employer's contribution |
RPCINDV0 | Import tax card |
RPCLLOV0 | Country specific report for RPCLSTLO |
RPCLSTRV | Printout of payroll results |
RPCPALV0 | 2-month report/<terminrapport> - Garnishment/<Påleggstrekk> |
RPCRBAV0 | List of refundable <fødselspenger> - full-time |
RPCRBTV0 | <Refusjonskrav> for <fødselspenger> for <tidskonto> |
RPCRFUV0 | List of refundable sick pay |
RPCRKVV0 | Transfer of Tax Card Information to File |
RPCRMBV0 | List of reimbursable payments (sickness payments, fødselspenger) |
RPCRMBV0_DELETE | Norway Reimbursement Report (Delete Cluster Data) |
RPCRMBV0_DISPLAY | Norway Reimbursement Report (Display Cluster Data) |
RPCRMBV0_MAIN | Reporting of reimbursable payments due to absences |
RPCRMBV0_PRINT | Follow Up Report for Norway Sickness Reimbursement |
RPCRMBV0_SMARTFORM | Reimbursable payments according RTV blankett 3.02A |
RPCTAXV0 | Tax calculation program for Norwegian payroll |
RPCTRMV0 | 2-month report - part 1: extract data for arbeidsgivers forskuddsskatt |
RPCTRMV1 | 2-month report - part 2: Build up arbeidsgivers forskuddsskatt |
RPCTUSV0 | <Formidlingstrekk> lists without balance |
RPLAAMV0 | AA-register - electronic version |
RPLAARV0 | Report to <Arbeidstakerregisteret> |
RPLATBV0 | List of employees with taxable income > 16 G |
RPLATFV0 | Norwegian download file generation for annual tax statements |
RPLATKV0 | Tax Code Documentation |
RPLATSV0 | Norwegian documents for annual tax statements |
RPLGARV0 | Norwegian garnishment report |
RPLINSV0 | <Innsynsrapport> |
RPLLONV0 | Loan and deposit notification - Norway |
RPLTEMV0 | File transfer between TemSe and disk |
RPOVTMV0 | Norway Overtime Reporting |
RPSSBLV0 | Survey of earnings - <Statistisk Sentralbyrå> |
RPSSSBV0 | Survey of earnings - <Statistisk Sentralbyrå> |
RPTEMFV0 | Statistic on self-declared illness (egenmeld sykefravær) |
RPTFERV0 | Check list for vacation |
RPTFRVV0 | Norwegian sickness statistics |
RPU_M20_FONO_D | Payment Medium (Norway) - Direct Remittance and Autogiro via BBS |
RPU_M20_FONO_T | Payment Medium Norway - DME with Domestic and Foreign Bank Transfers |
RPU45AV0 | Conversion of payroll results Norway - Release 4.5A |
RPUKOMV0 | Load Norwegian Municipal codes into T5V2A |
RPUORGV0 | Convert org. numbers into reporting structure |
RPUPSTV0 | Report to load Norwegian postal codes into T5V01 |
RPURMBV0 | Import Reimbursement Claims File List |
SAP Package PC20 contains 1 search helps.
H_T5VS6 | Column definition for tax codes |