
SAP Function Group RTP_US_API_PLAN

Appl function group for retirement plans

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The Function Group RTP_US_API_PLAN (Appl function group for retirement plans) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package BCA_US. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group RTP_US_API_PLAN
Short Text Appl function group for retirement plans
Package BCA_US

Function Modules

Function Group RTP_US_API_PLAN contains 24 function modules.

RTP_US_API_AGE_TO_DATE Converts a floating number to year, month, days
RTP_US_API_AMOUNT_DESCRIPT Reads the amount description and puts amount in cr/deb
RTP_US_API_CALC_FMV calculates the fair market value of a retirement plan
RTP_US_API_CHANGE_PLAN Locks plan number & fills tables
RTP_US_API_CHECK_CLOSING_DATE Checks the closing dates of the accounts belonging to a plan.
RTP_US_API_CHECK_ED_BP_ROLES Verifies the business partner roles for an Education IRA
RTP_US_API_CHECK_OTHER_BP_ROLE Checks whether the roletype of an Other bp is allowed
RTP_US_API_CHECK_STATUS Checks the status of a retirement plan
RTP_US_API_DBMODIFY Bridging function to update retirement plan DB-tables
RTP_US_API_DETERMINE_ACCHOLDER Determines the BP number and role of the accountholder
RTP_US_API_DETERMINE_FMV Reads or calculates the fair market value of a retirement plan
RTP_US_API_DISPLAY_PLAN Fills the plan data
RTP_US_API_ERROR_INFO_SET Exports additional info in case an error occurred
RTP_US_API_EXTEND_BP_DATA Reads the full name and address of a BP
RTP_US_API_F4_ROLES Supports the F4 help for roles Other business partners
RTP_US_API_MAINTAIN_BP Bridging function for maintaining a business partner
RTP_US_API_NEW_PLAN Performs verifications for creating a new plan
RTP_US_API_OBTAIN_YES Obtains the year-end information for a retirement plan
RTP_US_API_PLAN_ACC_GET Get plan structure rtp_us_plan by account number
RTP_US_API_PLANTYPE_GET_TEXT Bezeichnung zu Bankkreis ermitteln
RTP_US_API_READ_STANDARD_ROLE Reads and buffers standard roles for specified category
RTP_US_API_STOR_GET Get standing orders for all BCA accounts of a retirement plan
RTP_US_API_VERIFY_BP verifies the business partner
RTPA_BKKA_UPDATE BCA US Account Maintenance for IRA - DB Update