Das Standardwerk zum Änderungs- und Transportmanagement in der 4. Auflage! In diesem Buch finden Sie alle Informationen, die Sie zum Planen, Implementieren und Warten von Systemlandschaften benötigen. Sie lernen die Grundlagen und die Bedienung aller relevanten Werkzeuge und erhalten detaillierte Anleitungen zur Änderungs- und Transportverwaltung. Diese Neuauflage berücksichtigt Neuerungen in den Bereichen SAP NetWeaver AS Java und Development Infrastructure, CTS+, SAP Solution Manager und Enhancement Packages. Bringen Sie ihr Wissen auf den neuesten Stand!
Bei amazon.de ansehen →The package BCA_US (BCA modification for US specific requirements) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package EA-FINSERV.
Package | BCA_US |
Short Text | BCA modification for US specific requirements |
Parent Package | EA-FINSERV |
SAP Package BCA_US contains 51 function groups.
BCA_US_ACTIVE | Functions to enable US functionality |
BCA_US_ADB | Average Daily Balance |
BCA_US_AVAIL_BAL | Functions for acct. available balance |
BCA_US_BUD0 | Business partner - US enhancement |
BCA_US_DEA | Dormancy and Escheat Reporting |
BCA_US_DEA_BUT000 | BCA US Escheat BP Incorporation Data |
BCA_US_DEA_BUT000_CD | CHDO BCA_US_BUT000 => Gen. by RSSCD000 |
BCA_US_DEA_T_MNT | BCA US Escheat Maintenance Tables |
BCA_US_DEA1 | Dormancy and Escheat |
BCA_US_DEV | US Bank Check Development |
BCA_US_FBI9 | Withholding Tax on Withdrawals BTE |
BCA_US_FBK0 | BCA Online Entry (US specific) |
BCA_US_FBK3 | BCA: Data update (US Specific) |
BCA_US_FBK4 | BCA: Acct.data administr. (US Specific) |
BCA_US_FBK7 | BCA Amount-dependent block (US specific) |
BCA_US_FBKR | Current Accounts: Reporting US Specific |
BCA_US_FUND_AVAIL | Standard Funds Availability |
BCA_US_HOLD | Banking US Hold Group |
BCA_US_MEMO_ITEM | Memo Item processing |
BCA_US_OD_PROC | US overdraft processing functions |
BCA_US_TAB_MAINT | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
BCA_US_TAB_MNT | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
BCA_US_TD | BCA: Time deposit account |
BCA_US_TDA00 | BCA US Time Deposits |
BCA_US_TDRO | Time deposit rollover |
GEN_US_CUST | Function group for US enhancements |
RTP_RPUS_FPLAN | BDT related functions retirement plan |
RTP_US_API_ALV | Manipulations and checks for alv retirem |
RTP_US_API_CALC | Retirement plan: Calculations |
RTP_US_API_GENERAL | Generic functions for retirement plan |
RTP_US_API_HIST | History information retirement plan |
RTP_US_API_LOCKING | Performs locking and unlocking |
RTP_US_API_PLAN | Appl function group for retirement plans |
RTP_US_API_REPORT | Api's for reporting of retirement plans |
RTP_US_BP_TYPES | Function group to select a bp type |
RTP_US_CUST | Customzing functions |
RTP_US_DB_DELETE | Data base deletes for retirement plan |
RTP_US_DB_INSERT | Data base inserts for retirement plan |
RTP_US_DB_READ | Reading database tables retirement plan |
RTP_US_DB_READ_REPORT | Reading database tables for reporting |
RTP_US_DB_UPDATE | Data base updates for retirement plan |
RTP_US_FBKK | BCA US Account Maintenance for IRA |
RTP_US_FRTPA | Retirement plan: Portfolio accts(Dialog) |
RTP_US_FRTPS | Retirement plan: Standing orders(dialog) |
RTP_US_FSTOR | BCA US Standing Order Maint. for IRA |
RTP_US_PAYM | US retirement planning - Payments |
RTP_US_TAB_MAINT | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SAP Package BCA_US contains 60 transactions.
BCA_US_CD_NO | Number range maintenance: BCA_US_CD |
BCA_US_COMP | BCA: Activate US/Canada Component |
BCA_US_DEA1 | Dormancy and Escheat Accounts Report |
BCA_US_DS_BC | Display Bank Checks |
BCA_US_DS_HOLD | Create a Detailed Hold Report |
BCA_US_F971 | Account Blocks (US specific) |
BCA_US_ISS_BC | Issue Bank Checks |
BCA_US_ISS_CC | Issue Certified Checks |
BCA_US_OD_ANAL | Overdraft protection Analyze & print |
BCA_US_OD_PLAN | Maintain Overdraft Plan |
BCA_US_OD_PR_LOG | Overdraft protection (US) - view log |
BCA_US_OD_PROC | Overdraft protection (US) |
BCA_US_OD_REL | Maintain Account Relationship |
BCA_US_OD_SETUP | BCA: Maintain Overdraft Protection |
BCA_US_RE_BC | Reprint Bank Check |
BCA_US_RV_BC | Reverse Bank Check |
BCA_US_TDA1 | Time Deposit - Create |
BCA_US_TDA3 | Time Deposit - Display |
BCA_US_TDRO1 | Time deposit rollover - Mass run |
BCA_US_TDRO2 | Time deposit rollover - Single run |
BCA_US_TDROLG | App log time deposit rollover |
F9HLDAUTH | BCA: Authorization Amts for Holds |
F9HLDREL | Release Holds requiring Dual Control |
GEN_US_2 | Activate/deactivate US enhancements |
RTP_US_C1 | Create a retirement plan |
RTP_US_CUST | Maintain defaults |
RTP_US_D1 | Display a retirement plan |
RTP_US_DEFAULT | Maintain defaults retirement plan |
RTP_US_M1 | Change a retirement plan |
RTP_US_PLAN_NO | Transaction code for number range |
RTP_US_R1 | Retirement plan year-end report |
RTP_US_R2 | Retirement plan age limit report |
RTP_US_R3 | Retirement plan contribution limit |
RTP_US_R4 | Retirement plan distribution limit |
RTP_US_R5 | Calculate fair market value |
RTP_US_R6 | Check consistency fair market value |
RTP_US_R7 | Application log for FMV updates |
RTPB01 | RPUS Cntrl: Application Transactions |
RTPB02 | RPUS Cntrl: Tables |
RTPB03 | RPUS Cntrl: Activities |
RTPB04 | RPUS struct: Applications |
RTPB05 | RPUS Struct Scr Layout: Field Groups |
RTPB06 | RPUS Struct Scr Layout: Views |
RTPB07 | RPUS Struct Scr Layout: Sections |
RTPB08 | RPUS Struct Scr Layout: Screens |
RTPB09 | RPUS Struct: Screen Sequence |
RTPB10 | RPUS Struct: Events |
RTPB11 | RPUS GUI: Standard Functions |
RTPB12 | RPUS GUI: Additional Functions |
RTPB13 | RPUS GUI: Assignm scrn fld -> DB fld |
RTPB14 | RPUS Field Mod: Criteria |
RTPB15 | RPUS Field Mod: Activity Category |
RTPB16 | Create data set for retirement plan |
RTPB17 | Retirement types |
RTPB18 | RPUS Authorization types |
RTPB19 | RPUS Field groups for authorization |
S_KFM_86000306 | Delete memo items (payment orders an |
S_KFM_86000307 | Delete memo items (payment orders an |
S_KFM_86000308 | Report: Output of application log me |
S_KFM_86000309 | Memo item |
SAP Package BCA_US contains 74 database tables.
BCA_PO_CHEQ_REL | Payment order and Cheque relationship for Banking |
BCA_US_BC_ADDR | Addresses Associated with Bank Cheques |
BCA_US_BKK_TD | BCA: Time deposit account data |
BCA_US_BKK44A | Current account master data: Amount-dependent blocks |
BCA_US_BUT000 | US Specific Enhancements to BP |
BCA_US_COMP | BCA US specific settings |
BCA_US_DEA_ESCH | Escheat Accounts Data |
BCA_US_DEA_HIST | Correspondence History |
BCA_US_HLD2REL | Hold Records which have not been released - Dual Control |
BCA_US_HOLD | Hold Amounts Which Affect Available Balance |
BCA_US_MEM_ITEMS | Memo item table |
BCA_US_OD_PLAN | Account master data: Overdraft plan |
BCA_US_OD_REL | Accounts - US specific overdraft relation details |
BCA_US_OD_TRANS | Transaction details for Overdraft protection |
RTP_US_ACC | Linking table between a retirement plan and an account |
RTP_US_BEN | Beneficiary table for a retirement plan |
RTP_US_BP_PLAN | Business partners associated with a retirement plan |
RTP_US_HIST | Retirement plan history and audit table |
RTP_US_PLAN | Retirement plan data (US enhancement) |
RTP_US_RMD | Required minimum distribution |
RTP_US_TOT | Total amounts for a retirement plan |
TBCA_OD_METHOD | Method of Overdraft protection transfer |
TBCA_OD_METHODT | Description for overdraft protection methods |
TBCA_US_BC_TCODE | Transaction Type: Bank Checks |
TBCA_US_BCSTACKS | Configuration of Stacks used for Bank Checks |
TBCA_US_CAL_IND | Cust. table for maintaining Calculation indicators |
TBCA_US_CAL_INDT | Description for Calculation indicators |
TBCA_US_DEA_ADD | Property Addition Codes |
TBCA_US_DEA_ADDT | Escheat Property Addition Codes Description |
TBCA_US_DEA_COR | Dormancy Correspondence Codes |
TBCA_US_DEA_CORT | Dormancy Correspondence Codes Description |
TBCA_US_DEA_DED | Cross Reference Escheat Deduction Codes |
TBCA_US_DEA_DEDT | Deduction Codes Text Description |
TBCA_US_DEA_DEL | Escheat Property Deletion Codes |
TBCA_US_DEA_DELT | Escheat Property Deletion Codes Description |
TBCA_US_DEA_PRO | Cross Reference Escheat Property Codes |
TBCA_US_DEA_PROT | Property Type Codes Text Description |
TBCA_US_DEA_REF | Escheat Account Closure Reference Data |
TBCA_US_DEA_REL | Cross Reference Escheat Relationship Codes |
TBCA_US_DEA_RELT | Relationship Codes Text Description |
TBCA_US_DEA1 | Maintain Escheat Attributes |
TBCA_US_H_TYPE | Hold Types Table |
TBCA_US_H_TYPET | Texts For Hold Types |
TBCA_US_PAY_AMT | Overdraft transaction sequence for Products |
TBCA_US_R_HOLD | Refrence adjustment types that can be created |
TBCA_US_R_HOLDT | Text table for reference table |
TBCA_US_TRAN_SEQ | Overdraft transaction priority sequence for Products |
TBCATDAUTH | Time Deposit: Interest Dependent Authority |
TBKKHLDAUTH | Amount Authorization/Permanent Holds |
TRTP_US_AGE_LIM | Age limits for contributions made to a retirement plan |
TRTP_US_AM_CAT | Posting categories and Amount ID's assignment |
TRTP_US_AMNTID | Amount identifier |
TRTP_US_AMNTIDT | Amount identifier |
TRTP_US_BP_ED | Special business partner roles for an ESA |
TRTP_US_CONT | Contribution codes for a retirement plan |
TRTP_US_CONT_DAT | Contribution dates for a retirement plan |
TRTP_US_CONT_LIM | Contribution limits for a retirement plan |
TRTP_US_CONT_TYP | Contribution limits for a retirement plan type |
TRTP_US_CONTT | Contribution codes for a retirement plan |
TRTP_US_D_REL | IRS Distribution codes |
TRTP_US_DFLT | Default values for screen input fields |
TRTP_US_DIST_PER | Distribution period (For Use by Owners) |
TRTP_US_DIST_S | IRS Distribution codes |
TRTP_US_DISTT | IRS Distribution codes |
TRTP_US_FSTAT | Field status for screen fields |
TRTP_US_GEN | General data for a retirement plan |
TRTP_US_JLIFE | Joint life expectancy |
TRTP_US_LIM_ID | Contribution limits for a retirement plan |
TRTP_US_LIM_IDT | Description for contribution limit code of a retirement plan |
TRTP_US_PLAN_INF | Plan information for a type of retirement plan |
TRTP_US_PLANTYPE | Type of retirement plan |
TRTP_US_PLANTYPT | Type of retirement plan |
TRTP_US_SLIFE | Single life expectancy |
TRTP_US_TRANS | Witholding transaction type information |
SAP Package BCA_US contains 35 views.
V_RTP_US_DIST | Maintenance view for table trtp_us_dist_s |
V_RTP_US_PLAN | Database view for table rtp_us_plan |
V_RTP_US_PLAN_AC | Database view for search help retirement plan BCA acct no. |
V_RTP_US_SCODE | Database view for search help retirement plan distr. subcode |
V_TBCA_H_TYPE | Maintenance View for Hold Types |
V_TBCA_PAY_AMT | View for overdraft payment details for Products |
V_TBCA_TRAN_SEQ | Overdraft priority transaction sequence for Products |
V_TBCA_US_DEA1 | Maintain Escheat Attributes Maintenance |
V_TBCA_US_DEAADD | Property Addition Codes Maintenance |
V_TBCA_US_DEACOR | Dormancy Correspondence Codes Maintenance |
V_TBCA_US_DEADED | Cross Reference Escheat Deduction Codes Maintenance |
V_TBCA_US_DEADEL | Property Deletion Codes Maintenance |
V_TBCA_US_DEAPRO | Cross Reference Escheat Property Type Codes Maintenance |
V_TBCA_US_DEAREF | Escheat Account Closure Reference Data Maintenance |
V_TBCA_US_DEAREL | Cross Reference Escheat Relationship Codes Maintenance |
V_TBCA_US_R_HOLD | Reference adjustment types that can be created |
V_TBKKHLDAUTH | Amount Authorization Perm Holds Maintenance |
V_TRTP_US_AGE_LM | Maintain age limits |
V_TRTP_US_AM_CAT | Posting category and Amount indentifier mapping |
V_TRTP_US_AMNTID | Maintain amount identifiers |
V_TRTP_US_BP_ED | Maintain role types specific for a Coverdell ESA |
V_TRTP_US_CNT_DT | Maintain contribution dates |
V_TRTP_US_CNT_LM | Maintain contribution limits |
V_TRTP_US_CNT_TP | Associate type codes to contribution limit codes |
V_TRTP_US_CONT | Maintain contribution codes |
V_TRTP_US_D_REL | Associated distribution sub-code to an IRS distribution code |
V_TRTP_US_DIST_P | Maintain distribution period |
V_TRTP_US_FSTAT | Maintenance view for table trtp_us_fstat |
V_TRTP_US_GEN | Maintain general defaults |
V_TRTP_US_JLIFE | Maintain life expectancy (joint lifes) |
V_TRTP_US_LIM_ID | Maintain contribution limit codes |
V_TRTP_US_PLAN_I | Maintain number range numbers for plan types |
V_TRTP_US_PLANTP | Maintain plan type description |
V_TRTP_US_SLIFE | Maintain life expectancy (single life) |
V_TRTP_US_TRANS | Maintain Withholding transaction type for retirement payment |
SAP Package BCA_US contains 139 structures.
BCA_US_BANK_CHQ_REPORT | Bank Cheque Report Structure |
BCA_US_BANK_CHQ_REPORT_PRINT | Bank Cheque Report Struct For Print Report |
BCA_US_BKK_TD_CERTIFICATE | BCA: Time Deposit Certificate |
BCA_US_BKKIT | Append to Table BKKIT for US Specific Data |
BCA_US_BKKIT_MEMO | Fields for memo records |
BCA_US_BKKITENQ | US specific fields for Blocked payment items |
BCA_US_BKKITMP_DEL | US specific fields for Planned payment items - completed |
BCA_US_BKKITPRE | US specific fields for parked payment items |
BCA_US_BKKITPRE_MEMO | Fields for memo items |
BCA_US_BKKITTMP | US specific fields for planned items |
BCA_US_BKKITTMP_DEL_MEMO | Fields for memo items |
BCA_US_BKKITTMP_MEMO | Fields for memo items |
BCA_US_BKKPOHD_MEMO | Fields for memo records |
BCA_US_BKKPOIT | US specific fields for payment order items |
BCA_US_BKKPOIT_MEMO | Fields for memo records |
BCA_US_BKKSO | BCA US append structure for US specific fields |
BCA_US_BUS000O | BCA US: BP Incorporporation Data |
BCA_US_BUS000O_DI | BCA US: BP Incorporporation Data |
BCA_US_BUT000_DI | Append for BP Incorporation Data: DI |
BCA_US_ESCHEAT | Fields for Dormancy and Escheat Procedures |
BCA_US_IBKK_ITEM | Append to structure IBKK_ITEM for US specific data |
BCA_US_IBKK_ITEM_MEMO | Fields for memo items |
BCA_US_IBKK_PSTBK | US specific fields for payment item interface |
BCA_US_IBKK_PSTCL | Retirement plan for clearing item |
BCA_US_IBKK_PSTPI | Retirement plan - Payment item data for interface |
BCA_US_IBKK_PSTRC | Retirement plan for receiver |
BCA_US_IBKK_PSTSD | Retirement plan for sender item |
BCA_US_IBKK_SO_DYN_ACCNT | BCA US Append structure for US specific fields |
BCA_US_IBKK_SO3 | BCA US append structure for US specific fields |
BCA_US_IBKK44A | Bank current accounts: Amount-dependent blocks |
BCA_US_IBKK53 | Structure for amt-dependent block overview (table control) |
BCA_US_IBKKAPIEXP | US specific fields for Payment item data |
BCA_US_IBKKAPIIMP | US specific fields for Payment item data |
BCA_US_IBKKAPIIMP_MEMO | Fields for memo items |
BCA_US_IBKKBAPISSO1 | Append structure for US specific fields |
BCA_US_IBKKG31_MEMO | Fields for memo items |
BCA_US_IBKKITDIEX | Retirement planning |
BCA_US_IBKKRFCPORCV | Retirement plan - Payment order, recipient party information |
BCA_US_IBKKRFCPOSND | Retirement plan - Payment order, Ordering party information |
BCA_US_IBKKSO_DI_S1 | Append structure for US specific fields |
BCA_US_MEMO_ITEM | Fields for memo items |
BCA_US_SBKKRS | Stucture for Bankarea |
BCA_US_STR_BANK_CHQ_ITEM | Structure Used Hold Information about a single Bank Check |
BCA_US_STR_BUT000_UPDATE | BP Incorporation Data update structure |
BCA_US_STR_CHANGE_ITEM | Change structure used for memo item change table type |
BCA_US_STR_CORR_REP_DISP | Report struct. for Dormancy and Escheat Corres. History |
BCA_US_STR_DEA_ADD_PROP_REC | Escheat Additional Property Record |
BCA_US_STR_DEA_ESCHEAT_FILE | Escheat File Output |
BCA_US_STR_DEA_HOLDER_REC | Escheat Holder Record |
BCA_US_STR_DEA_PROPERTY_REC | Escheat Property Record |
BCA_US_STR_DEA_REP_DISP | Report structure for Dormancy and Escheat Accounts |
BCA_US_STR_DEA_SUMMARY_REC | Escheat Summary Record |
BCA_US_STR_DEA_SUMMARY_TOTALS | Escheat Summary Record Totals |
BCA_US_STR_HOLD_DISP | Include Structure for BCA_US_HOLD |
BCA_US_STR_HOLD_REP_DISP | Include Structure for BCA_US_HOLD |
BCA_US_STR_ITEM_NUMBERS | Item number structure for payment items |
BCA_US_TBKKG3 | US Specific Enhancements |
IBCA_TMP_NOTE | BCA US: Hold Temporary Note IDs |
IBCA_US_BKK_TD | BCA: Time deposit account data plus status information |
IBCA_US_BKK_TD_S1 | Included structure of BCA_US_BKK_TD (for Direct Input) |
IBCA_US_BKK_TD_S2 | Included structure of BCA_US_BKK_TD |
IBCA_US_DI_BKK_TD | DI struc. for Time deposit |
IBCA_US_DI_BKK44A | DI struc. for Amt. blocks in account master (BCA) |
IBCA_US_DI_HOLD | DI structure for hold records |
IBCA_US_DI_OD_PLAN | DI structure for. overdraft parameter (header) |
IBCA_US_DI_OD_REL | DI structure for overdraft parameter (relations) |
IBCA_US_DI_RTP | Direct input structure for retirement plan |
IBCA_US_OD_PLAN | Include for overdraft parameter (header data) |
IBCA_US_OD_REL | Include for overdraft parameters (relationship data) |
IBCA_US_OD_RELTC | Structure for table control in Overdraft protection program |
IBCA_US_OD_TRANS | Structure for Overdraft protection transaction details |
IBCA_US_OD_TRANS_PRINT | Overdraft transaction data for notification printing |
IBCA_US_OD_TRANS_REP_DATA | Overdraft transaction data for reporting & printing |
IBCA_US_STR_BKKIT_HD | Include Structure for BCA_US_HOLD - Payment Items |
IBCA_US_STR_HOLD | Include Structure for BCA_US_HOLD |
IBCA_US_STR_HOLD_00015036 | Structure to base internal table of event 00015036 |
IBCA_US_STR_HOLD_BDT_DISP | Include Structure for BCA_US_HOLD |
IBCA_US_STR_HOLD_STATUS | Status/Text structure for Holds |
IBCA_US_STR_NEWPOS | Basic structure for BTE 00015037 interface |
IBCA_US_STR_TAB_HY_BAL | Data used by BCA_US Event 10024 |
IBCA_US_STR_TAB_IND_BAL | Data used by BCA_US Event 10024 |
IBCA_US_TD | Time Deposit specific Information |
IBCA_US_TD_HIST | History for ALV |
IGEN_US_TBZ0A | Structure for table control of tbz0a information |
IRTP_US_ACC | Screen fields for retirement plan portfolio accounts |
IRTP_US_ACC_DB | Database struct for link between retirement plan and account |
IRTP_US_ALV_HISTORY | Screen fields for the history data displayed with the ALV |
IRTP_US_AMNTID | Structure for amount identification + description |
IRTP_US_BEN | Screen fields for a beneficiary |
IRTP_US_BEN_DB | Database structure of beneficiaries & database action |
IRTP_US_BKK_SO_DYN | Include structure for table control IRA standings orders |
IRTP_US_BP | Screen fields for business partner |
IRTP_US_BP_CBEN_PLAN | Structure for scr table contingent benefis & selection indi |
IRTP_US_BP_ED_PLAN | Structure for bps associated with an Ed-IRA & selection indi |
IRTP_US_BP_ID | business partner identification |
IRTP_US_BP_PBEN_PLAN | Structure for scr table primary benefis & selection indi |
IRTP_US_BP_PLAN | Structure for bps associated with a plan & selection indic |
IRTP_US_BP_PLAN_DB | Db structure of business partner - retirement plan & db acti |
IRTP_US_BP_PLAN_NO_IND | Structure for business partners associated with a plan |
IRTP_US_BP_SR_PLAN | Structure for screen table statem recips & selection indi |
IRTP_US_BP_TYPE_SEL | Business partner type selection |
IRTP_US_DFLT_DB | Structure for default field value & db activity |
IRTP_US_FIELD_STAT_SELECT | Structure for selections of a retirement plan |
IRTP_US_FLDGRP | Structure for screen table field groups |
IRTP_US_FMV_SELECTION | Structure for selections of a fair marktet value |
IRTP_US_FSTAT_DB | Structure for field status & db activity |
IRTP_US_FV_FLDGRP | Structure for fixed values per fieldgroup |
IRTP_US_PAYM | Retirement plan payment item data |
IRTP_US_PAYM_DYNP | Dynpro structure for Retirement plan payment item data |
IRTP_US_PAYM_RFC | Retirement plan - Payment item data for interface |
IRTP_US_PAYM_S1 | Include for Retirement plan payment item data |
IRTP_US_PAYM_S2 | Retirement plan-Include structure withholding information |
IRTP_US_PLAN | Screen fields for a retirement plan |
IRTP_US_PLAN_ACC | Retirement plan data for BCA account maintenance |
IRTP_US_PLAN_DB | Database structure of a retirement plan & indicators |
IRTP_US_PLAN_ID | Screen fields for the identification of a retirement plan |
IRTP_US_PLAN_INIT | Screen fields on the initial screen for a retirement plan |
IRTP_US_PLAN_REPORT | Structure for reporting of master data retirement plan |
IRTP_US_PLAN_SELECTION | Structure for selections of a retirement plan |
IRTP_US_PORTFOLIO | Structure for screen table portfolio accounts |
IRTP_US_RNG_PARTNER_NUMBER | Structure for range of a partner number |
IRTP_US_RNG_PLAN_TYPE | Structure for range of a plan type |
IRTP_US_RNG_PLANNUMBER | Structure for range of a plannumber |
IRTP_US_STATUS | Retirement plan status |
IRTP_US_TOT | Structure for accumulated amounts |
IRTP_US_TOT_PERC | Screen fields for total percentages |
IRTP_US_TOT_REPORT | Structure for reporting of master data retirement plan |
IRTP_US_YES | Screen fields for the year end statement |
IRTP_US_YES_HEADER | Screen fields for the header of the year end statement |
ITRTP_US_PLAN_INFO | Structure for retirement plan information |
VBCA_US_BKK44A | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
VBCA_US_BUT000 | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
VBCA_US_HOLD | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
VBCA_US_OD_PLAN | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
VBCA_US_OD_REL | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
VRTP_US_BEN | Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000 |
VRTP_US_BP_PLAN | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
SAP Package BCA_US contains 27 programs.
RBCA_US_ACTIVATE | Report RBCA_US_ACTIVATE- Activate All US Functionality |
RBCA_US_DEA1 | Dormancy and Escheat Accounts Maintenance Report |
RBCA_US_DEL_MEMO_MASS | Delete memo items (payment orders and payment items) |
RBCA_US_DELETE_MEMO | Delete memo items (payment orders and payment items) |
RBCA_US_DS_HOLD | Holds Report Program |
RBCA_US_FBKLOC1 | Account Locks |
RBCA_US_MEMO_ITEMLG | Report: Output of application log memo item delete |
RBCA_US_OD_ANALYSIS | Overdraft protection - Analysis and printing program |
RBCA_US_OD_PROCESS | Overdraft protection process |
RBCA_US_ODPRLG | Report: Output of application for 'Overdraft protection process' |
RBCA_US_ON_OFF | BCA: Turn US/CAN specific enhancements on and off |
RBCA_US_RE_BC | Bank Check Report Program |
RBCA_US_TDRO1 | Report: Time deposit rollover - Mass run |
RBCA_US_TDRO2 | Report: Time deposit rollover - Single run |
RBCA_US_TDROLG | Report: Output of application log time deposit rollover |
RGEN_US_CUST | Customizing program to switch US enhancements on and off |
RRTP_US_AGE | Report: Age limits for retirement plan (US enhancement) |
RRTP_US_CHECK_FMV | Report for the verification of the fair market value retirement plans |
RRTP_US_CONTRIBUTION | Report: Contribution limits for retirement plan (US enhancement) |
RRTP_US_DISTRIBUTION | Report: Distribution limits for retirement plan (US enhancement) |
RRTP_US_FMV | Calculate or update the fair market value of a retirement plan |
RRTP_US_FMV_LOG | Displays the application log for the program rrtp_us_fmv |
RRTP_US_YES | Report for Year-end statements retirement plan (US enhancement) |
SAPMBCA_RE_BC | Bank Check Reprinting |
SAP Package BCA_US contains 4 search helps.
H_RTP_US_DIST_SCODE | Secondary distribution codes |
H_RTP_US_PLAN | Search help for a retirement plan |
H_RTP_US_PLAN_ACC | Search help retirement plan BCA account numbers |
H_RTP_US_PLAN2 | Search help for a retirement plan |
SAP Package BCA_US contains 2 message classes.
BCA_US_GENERAL | Message ID for North America specific modifications |
RTP | Message class for retirement plans (US enhancement) |
SAP Package BCA_US contains 9 authorization objects.
F_HOLD_ACT | BCA Holds: Activity |
F_RPUS_ATT | Retirement plan: Authorization types |
F_RPUS_FDG | Retirement plan: Field groups |
F_RTP_ACT | Retirement plan: Activity |
F_RTP_AGP | Retirement plan: Authorization group |
F_RTP_BKA | Retirement plan: Bank area |
F_RTP_BPA | Retirement plan: Authorization accountholder |
F_RTP_BPG | Retirement plan: Authorization accountholder (obsolete) |
F_RTP_GRP | Retirement plan: Authorization group (obsolete) |