

Api's for reporting of retirement plans

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The Function Group RTP_US_API_REPORT (Api's for reporting of retirement plans) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package BCA_US. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group RTP_US_API_REPORT
Short Text Api's for reporting of retirement plans
Package BCA_US

Function Modules

Function Group RTP_US_API_REPORT contains 5 function modules.

RTP_US_API_CALCULATE_FMV_REP Calculates the FMV for a set of retirement plans
RTP_US_API_DB_MODIFY_FMV Bridging function for updating the dbase table rtp_us_tot
RTP_US_API_OBTAIN_FMV_REP Obtains the year-end statements for several retirement plans
RTP_US_API_PRINT_FMV Printing routine for the fmv calls a BTE
SAMPLE_INTERFACE_00015700 Print fair market value for retirement plan