
SAP Function Group RTP_US_DB_READ

Reading database tables retirement plan

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The Function Group RTP_US_DB_READ (Reading database tables retirement plan) is a standard Function Group in SAP ERP and is part of the package BCA_US. It contains the following embedded function modules and dictionary objects.

Technical Information

Function Group RTP_US_DB_READ
Short Text Reading database tables retirement plan
Package BCA_US

Function Modules

Function Group RTP_US_DB_READ contains 36 function modules.

RTP_US_DB_ACC_READ_MULT Reads all the accounts belonging to a retirement plan
RTP_US_DB_ACC_READ_PLAN_SNG Read Retirement plan from account number
RTP_US_DB_ADRC_READ Reads from DB-table adrc
RTP_US_DB_AGE_LIM_READ Reads the database table trtp_us_age_lim
RTP_US_DB_AMNTID_READ_MULT Read the DB-tables trtp_us_amntid and trtp_us_amntidt
RTP_US_DB_AMNTID_READ_SNG Read the DB-tables trtp_us_amntid and trtp_us_amntidt
RTP_US_DB_BEN_READ Reads the db table rtp_us_ben
RTP_US_DB_BP_ED_READ Reads the business partner roles for an education IRA
RTP_US_DB_BP_PLAN_READ Reads the db table rtp_us_bp_plan
RTP_US_DB_BP_PLAN_READ_MULT Reads the db table rtp_us_bp_plan
RTP_US_DB_BUT000_READ Reads the BUT000 data
RTP_US_DB_BUT020_READ Reads the BUT020 data
RTP_US_DB_BUT100_EXISTS Reads the database table BUT100 to see if there is an entry
RTP_US_DB_CONT_DAT_READ_SNG select contribution date limits information
RTP_US_DB_CONT_LIM_READ_MULT select contribution limits information
RTP_US_DB_CONT_LIM_READ_SNG select contribution limits information
RTP_US_DB_CONT_READ Reads the DB-tables trtp_us_cont and trtp_us_contt
RTP_US_DB_CONT_TYP_READ Reads the database table trtp_us_cont_typ
RTP_US_DB_D_REL_READ Reads the distribution sub-code based on the distribution code
RTP_US_DB_DEFAULTS_READ Reads DB-table trtp_us_dflt
RTP_US_DB_DFKKBPTAXNUM_READ Reads the taxnumbers of a business partner
RTP_US_DB_DFLT_TAX_PERC_READ Get withholding transaction type
RTP_US_DB_DIST_CODE_READ_SNG select single record for distribution code
RTP_US_DB_FSTAT_READ Reads the DB-table trtp_us_fstat
RTP_US_DB_HIST_READ_MULT Reads multiple records from DB-table rtp_us_hist
RTP_US_DB_HIST_READ_MULT_TAXYR Reads multiple records from DB-table rtp_us_hist based on the tax-year
RTP_US_DB_LIM_ID_READ Reads the database tables trtp_us_lim_id & trtp_us_lim_idt
RTP_US_DB_PLAN_INFO_READ Reads DB-table trp_us_plan_info
RTP_US_DB_PLAN_READ_INIT Initializes the static variables
RTP_US_DB_PLAN_READ_SNG Single read of the db table rtp_us_plan
RTP_US_DB_PLANTYPE_READ Reads the DB-tabl trtp_us_plantype
RTP_US_DB_READ_AMNTID_PCAT_SNG Single record read for RTP amount ID and BCA posting category
RTP_US_DB_TB044_READ_MULT Reads all the BP roletypes which should be hidden
RTP_US_DB_TOT_READ Reads the DB-table rtp_us_tot
RTP_US_DB_TRANS_WH_READ Get withholding transaction type
RTP_US_DIST_S_CODES_READ_MULT Read distribution reason sub-codes for retirement plan