

Tabellenfelder über Popup bestimmen bzw. verändern

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The Function Module MC_POPUP_TO_SELECT_FIELDS (Tabellenfelder über Popup bestimmen bzw. verändern) is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP and is part of the function group MCS2 within the package MCR.

Technical Information

Short Text Tabellenfelder über Popup bestimmen bzw. verändern
Function Group MCS2
Package MCR
Module Type Normal Module

Importing Parameters

These are the IMPORTING parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
I_APPLICATION LIKE TMCAP-MCAPP SPACE Appl. of the field catalog or evaluation structure
I_CATALOG_TYPE LIKE TFCG-FCART SPACE Category of field catalog
I_COLUMN_WIDTH LIKE SY-CUCOL Column width for chosen fields
I_FIELD_FIRST LIKE SY-TABIX 1 Table index of the first field in popup
I_FIELD_NUMBER_MAX LIKE SY-TABIX SPACE Max. number of chosen fields
I_FIELD_NUMBER_MIN LIKE SY-TABIX 1 Min. number of chosen fields
I_FLG_CHECK_PLANNING LIKE SPACE Control indicator for the field validation
I_FLG_FORMAT LIKE SPACE Kennzeichen: Feldformat und -faktor eingebbar
I_FLG_LENGTH LIKE SPACE Kennzeichen: Länge pro Feld eingebbar
I_FLG_SORT LIKE SPACE Kennzeichen: Radio-Buttons für Sortierung
I_FLG_SORT_DOWN LIKE SPACE Kennzeichen: Default - Sortierung absteigend
I_FORMNAME LIKE SPACE External routine which changes the field texts
I_LIBRARY_NAME LIKE T801K-LIB SPACE Name of the Report Writer library
I_LINE_SIZE_MAX LIKE SY-LINSZ Width of output line
I_MAXLEN LIKE MCS01-INTLEN 0 Maximum length of the fields in bytes
I_NO_FIELD_SORT LIKE SY-DATAR SPACE Flag for no sorting of selectable fields
I_NO_UNIT_FIELDS LIKE SPACE Flag for displaying unit fields
I_OBJECT_NAME_PLURAL LIKE SPACE Name of table fields in plural
I_OBJECT_NAME_PLURAL_TITLEBAR LIKE SPACE Name of the table fields in plural for title
I_OBJECT_NAME_SINGULAR LIKE SPACE Name of table fields in singular
I_POPUP_LENGTH LIKE SY-CUROW SPACE Length of the pop-up (optional)
I_POPUP_WIDTH LIKE SY-CUCOL SPACE Width of the popup (optional)
I_SELECTION_INTTYPE LIKE SPACE Internal data type of the table fields
I_SELECTION_SOURCE LIKE SY-DATAR Category for source of the selectable fields
I_SELECTION_TYPE LIKE SY-DATAR SPACE Category of the table fields (all of them, keys, data)
I_START_COLUMN LIKE SY-CUCOL SPACE Column in the top left corner of popup (opt.)
I_START_ROW LIKE SY-CUROW 3 Line in the top left corner of popup (opt.)
I_TABLE_NAME LIKE SPACE Name of the Report Writer or DDIC table
I_TABLE_NAME_ADDITIONAL LIKE SPACE Name of the additional DDIC table

Exporting Parameters

These are the EXPORTING parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
E_FIELD_FIRST LIKE SY-TABIX Table index of the first field in popup

Changing Parameters

This function module does not define any CHANGING parameters.

Table Parameters

These are the TABLE parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
T_FIELDS LIKE MCS01 Fields which are imported or exported
T_FIELDS_EXCLUDE LIKE MCS02 Fields which should not be displayed


These are the Exceptions of this function module.

Exception Name Short Text