

Read first meas. document for technical object by meas. point sort field.

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The Function Module MEAS_DOC_FIRST_READ_FOR_OBJECT (Read first meas. document for technical object by meas. point sort field.) is a standard Function Module in SAP ERP and is part of the function group IMRF within the package IMRC.

Technical Information

Short Text Read first meas. document for technical object by meas. point sort field.
Function Group IMRF
Package IMRC
Module Type Normal Module

Importing Parameters

These are the IMPORTING parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
CHAR_CONVERT LIKE IREF-IIND 'X' X - Return value in character format as well
FLAG TYPE C IMRF_NEAREST_TO_DATE Flag to control next or nearest document
MDOCM_IGNORE LIKE IMRG-MDOCM SPACE Ignore measurement document specified
MEASURE_POINT_EQUNR LIKE EQUI-EQUNR SPACE Equipment number for measuring point select
MEASURE_POINT_OBJECT LIKE IMPT-MPOBJ SPACE Object number for measuring point select
MEASURE_POINT_TPLNR LIKE IFLOT-TPLNR SPACE Functional location for measuring point select
OFFSET_DATE LIKE IMRG-IDATE '99991231' Offset point for DB selection: Date
OFFSET_INCLUSIVE LIKE IREF-IIND 'X' X - DB-Selection inclusive offset point
OFFSET_TIME LIKE IMRG-ITIME '235959' Offset point for DB selection: Time
USE_IMP_TABLE LIKE IREF-IIND SPACE X - Use imprted table for measuring points

Exporting Parameters

These are the EXPORTING parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
CHAR_DECIM LIKE RIMR0-IODEC Number of decimals in char value (from imptt)
CHAR_MEAS LIKE RIMR0-READC Measurement document value as character
IMRG_WA2 LIKE IMRG Work area for measurement documents

Changing Parameters

This function module does not define any CHANGING parameters.

Table Parameters

These are the TABLE parameters of this function module.

Parameter Name Type Associated Type Default Value Short Text
ITAB_IMPTT LIKE IMPTT Table of measuring points for objects


These are the Exceptions of this function module.

Exception Name Short Text
CONVERSION_ERROR Floating point conversion error
IMPT_NOT_FOUND No measurement points found for this object
IMRG_NOT_FOUND No document found for this measuring point
INVALID_CALL Invalid call of function module (e.g. missing parameters)
PSORT_NOT_FOUND No measuring points with this position found