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Bei ansehen →The Message Class HRPAYKR01 (Message Class HR Korea - Payroll related) is a standard Message Class in SAP ERP and is part of the package PC41.
Message Class | HRPAYKR01 |
Short Text | Message Class HR Korea - Payroll related |
Package | PC41 |
ID | Language | Text |
000 | E | Payroll related messages HR Korea |
101 | E | Date &1 does not exist for tax rate |
102 | E | Tax rate does not exist for date &1 |
103 | E | Progressive taxation amount &1 does not exist for date &2 |
104 | E | No temse objects has been created |
105 | E | Cannot read business place information |
106 | E | Error reading pension insurance number |
107 | E | Cannot find the leaving date |
108 | E | Fail to read EE premium |
109 | E | Fail to read ER premium |
110 | E | Working month should not be zero |
111 | E | Cannot retrieve the file name: invalid system |
112 | E | Extension name of the file you selected should be 'txt', try it again |
113 | E | No data that met your selection criteria retrieved |
114 | E | No entry in simple tax table for Date &1 |
115 | E | No entry is maintained in T511P for name &1 |
201 | E | No entry exists in table T7KRSI for subtype &1, SI agency &2 |
202 | E | Name format incomplete for personnel number & |
203 | E | No entry in table T7KR24 for key &1, &2, &3, &4 |
300 | E | Leaving date was not found |
301 | E | Personnel number does not exist |
302 | E | Unknown error while finding the leaving date |
400 | E | Error in finding the last day of month |
401 | E | No business place data for personnel area '&1' and personnel subarea '&2' |
402 | E | No data in subtype '&1' of infotype '&2' |
403 | E | Error in finding business place information |
404 | E | No payroll results for the given selection condition |
405 | E | No payroll results |
406 | E | No company name for company code '&1' |
407 | E | The form is only valid since 2004.01.01 |
500 | E | Entry date was not found |
501 | E | Unknown error while finding the entry date |