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Bei ansehen →The package PC41 (HR Payroll: Korea) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCKR.
Package | PC41 |
Short Text | HR Payroll: Korea |
Parent Package | HRCKR |
SAP Package PC41 contains 10 function groups.
31KR | Output module for South Korea |
3KR4 | Table maint. tax in payroll |
3KR5 | Table maint. SI in payroll |
3KR7 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
3KR8 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
3KR9 | Table maint. SI in payroll 2 |
HRPAYKR01 | Function modules for tax KR |
HRPAYKR02 | Function modules for separation KR |
HRPAYKR03 | Function modules for Loan KR |
HRPAYKRCLST | Modules for table display in HKRCLSTR |
SAP Package PC41 contains 41 transactions.
PC00_M41_BEN_DED | Benefits deduction list |
PC00_M41_BONUS | Bonus payroll Korea |
PC00_M41_CALC | Start payroll |
PC00_M41_CALC_RETIRE | Start payroll |
PC00_M41_CALC_SIMU | Simulation payroll accounting |
PC00_M41_CALC_SIMU_R | Simulation payroll |
PC00_M41_CDTA | Prepare Bank Transfer |
PC00_M41_CEDT | Print Remuneration Statement |
PC00_M41_CKTO | Payroll account |
PC00_M41_CLJN | Payroll journal |
PC00_M41_CMIS | List for Health Insurance Lost |
PC00_M41_EIAL0 | List for EI Eligibility Aquired.Lost |
PC00_M41_JAHRLICHE | Subsequent activities - annual |
PC00_M41_LEAVE | Leave compensation payroll |
PC00_M41_LQC0 | Generate leave quota compensation |
PC00_M41_NP00 | Grade Change BDC (SI) |
PC00_M41_PAP | Area menu - Subsequent activities pe |
PC00_M41_PDUNABHAGIG | Subsequent activities - period indep |
PC00_M41_PTAX_RCT | Tax payment receipt |
PC00_M41_RETIRE | Retirement payroll |
PC00_M41_SEPARATION | Separation |
PC00_M41_SEPR | Withholding separation tax receipt |
PC00_M41_SIACQ | The acquired of SI eligiblity |
PC00_M41_SICHG | The changed of SI eligiblity |
PC00_M41_SILOS | The lost of SI eligiblity |
PC00_M41_SIP0 | SI premium deduction list |
PC00_M41_SONSPERIOD | Subsequent activities - other period |
PC00_M41_UPNP | Annual income notification (SI) |
PC00_M41_UTSV | Download TemSe file |
PC00_M41_YEA | Year end adjustment Korea |
PC00_M41_YEA_DED | Report of Income Exemption & Deducti |
PC00_M41_YEA_DON | Report of Donation Expense |
PC00_M41_YEA_LST | Withholding income tax payment list |
PC00_M41_YEA_MED | Report of Medical Expense |
PC00_M41_YEA_RCT | Withholding income tax receipt |
PC41 | Payroll Korea |
PUOC_41 | Off-Cycle Workbench for Korea |
S_KPH_31000489 | Remuneration Statements |
S_KPH_31000490 | Payroll Accounts |
S_KPH_31000492 | Payroll Journal --- International |
S_KPH_31000613 | The payment certificate of earned in |
SAP Package PC41 contains 24 database tables.
T7KR31 | Allowance cumulation for MCA per medical insurance assoc. |
T7KR32 | Standardized monthly compensation |
T7KRF0 | Family allowance |
T7KRP0 | Previous Company / Taxpayer Association |
T7KRP1 | Previous Company / Taxpayer Association Text |
T7KRR0 | Seniority allowance |
T7KRR1 | Seniory year calculation method |
T7KRS1 | Weighted value for service period |
T7KRS2 | Separation payment average calculation period |
T7KRS3 | Wage type group |
T7KRS4 | Wage Type Group Texts |
T7KRS5 | Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups |
T7KRS6 | Cumulation method |
T7KRS7 | Income deduction based on service period |
T7KRS8 | Service period calculation method |
T7KRSA | Payroll grouping |
T7KRSB | Payroll grouping text |
T7KRT1 | Tax deduction items |
T7KRT2 | Text of tax deduction items |
T7KRTD | Validity period for Version of Tax rate |
T7KRTR | Tax rate table |
T7KRTS | Selection of deduction items for witholding tax calculation |
T7KRTT | Version number of Tax rate table - Text |
T7KRTV | Version number of Tax rate table |
SAP Package PC41 contains 21 views.
V_T7KR31 | Allowance cumulation according to Medical Insurance assoc. |
V_T7KR32 | SI standardized compensation |
V_T7KRF0 | Family allowance maintenance |
V_T7KRP0 | Previous company |
V_T7KRR0 | Seniority allowance |
V_T7KRR1 | Seniority calculation method |
V_T7KRS2 | Separation payment average calculation period |
V_T7KRS3 | Wage type group |
V_T7KRS5 | Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups |
V_T7KRS6 | Calculation method |
V_T7KRS8 | Service period calculation method |
V_T7KRSA | Payroll grouping |
V_T7KRSI_D | Compensation amount calculation method for medical insurance |
V_T7KRT1 | Tax deduction items |
V_T7KRTD | Validity period for version of Tax rate table |
V_T7KRTM | Tax calculation method |
V_T7KRTR | Income tax rate table |
V_T7KRTS | Selection of deduction items in withholding tax calculation |
V_T7KRTV | Version number |
VV_511K_B_DNUFO | Disable Union Fee Optimization |
VV_T511K_KR_PCCOL | Korea Payroll Constants: PCCOL |
SAP Package PC41 contains 10 structures.
HKRCDON0_ALV1 | For output of report HKRCDON0: Header data |
HRKRMOD | Modifier for Korea |
PAYKR_NATIONAL | Payroll result (South Korea): Country specific part |
PAYKR_RESULT | HR-PAY-KR: Structure for payroll result |
PC2H1 | Payroll Result Korea : Tax |
PC2H3 | Payroll Result Korea : Social Insurance |
PC2H5 | Payroll Results Korea: Separation payroll II |
PKRSEP02 | Previous compnay ( Separation payment ) |
PKRSEP03 | Previous Company II (Separation) |
PMEKR | Decision Tree structure for KR features |
SAP Package PC41 contains 29 programs.
HKRCALC0 | Payroll Driver, Version for South Korea |
HKRCCMSC | List for changes of monthly standard compensation |
HKRCDON0 | DME for donation |
HKRCDTA0 | Preliminary Program - Data Medium Exchange for Several Payment Runs |
HKRCEDT0 | Remuneration Statements KR |
HKRCKTO0 | Payroll Accounts |
HKRCLJN0 | Payroll Journal --- South Korea |
HKRCLLO0 | Country-Specific Report for RPCLSTLO |
HKRCLSTR | Payroll Results for Cluster KR (South Korea) |
HKRCMED0 | DME for medical expense |
HKRCMIS0 | List for Health Insurance Lost |
HKRCPTX0 | The payment certificate of earned income tax |
HKRCSIP0 | Social insurance premium deduction statement |
HKRCSMIP | Statistics for medical payment |
HKRCUPNP | Annual notification for Health Insurance & National Pension |
HKRCYEA0 | The payment receipt of withholding income tax |
HKRCYED0 | Generating Receipt of Exempted and Deducted Income |
HKRCYEG0 | The payment list of withholding income tax |
HKRLEIAL0 | List for Employment Insurance Eligibility Acquired and Lost |
HKRLSIACQ | The acquired list of social insurance |
HKRLSICHG | List for the SI eligibility changed |
HKRLSILOS | List for National Pension Eligibility Acquired and Lost |
HKRSEPR0 | The separation payment tax receipt |
HKRULQC0 | Generate leave quota compensation |
HKRUNP00 | Health Insurance & National Pension Grade Change BDC (Korea) |
HKRUSYNC | Synchronize infotype 0809 from infotype 0542 of records bf. 2004.01.01 |
HKRUTSV0 | TemSe Download for Reporting Korea |
RPU_M41_CALC_RETIRE | HKRCALC0 execution program for retirement before regular payroll |
RPU_M41_RETIRE_SIMU | HKRCALC0 execution program for retirement regular payroll simulation |
SAP Package PC41 contains 1 message classes.
HRPAYKR01 | Message Class HR Korea - Payroll related |