
SAP Package PC41

HR Payroll: Korea

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The package PC41 (HR Payroll: Korea) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCKR.

Technical Information

Package PC41
Short Text HR Payroll: Korea
Parent Package HRCKR

Function Groups

SAP Package PC41 contains 10 function groups.

31KR Output module for South Korea
3KR4 Table maint. tax in payroll
3KR5 Table maint. SI in payroll
3KR7 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
3KR8 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
3KR9 Table maint. SI in payroll 2
HRPAYKR01 Function modules for tax KR
HRPAYKR02 Function modules for separation KR
HRPAYKR03 Function modules for Loan KR
HRPAYKRCLST Modules for table display in HKRCLSTR


SAP Package PC41 contains 41 transactions.

PC00_M41_BEN_DED Benefits deduction list
PC00_M41_BONUS Bonus payroll Korea
PC00_M41_CALC Start payroll
PC00_M41_CALC_RETIRE Start payroll
PC00_M41_CALC_SIMU Simulation payroll accounting
PC00_M41_CALC_SIMU_R Simulation payroll
PC00_M41_CDTA Prepare Bank Transfer
PC00_M41_CEDT Print Remuneration Statement
PC00_M41_CKTO Payroll account
PC00_M41_CLJN Payroll journal
PC00_M41_CMIS List for Health Insurance Lost
PC00_M41_EIAL0 List for EI Eligibility Aquired.Lost
PC00_M41_JAHRLICHE Subsequent activities - annual
PC00_M41_LEAVE Leave compensation payroll
PC00_M41_LQC0 Generate leave quota compensation
PC00_M41_NP00 Grade Change BDC (SI)
PC00_M41_PAP Area menu - Subsequent activities pe
PC00_M41_PDUNABHAGIG Subsequent activities - period indep
PC00_M41_PTAX_RCT Tax payment receipt
PC00_M41_RETIRE Retirement payroll
PC00_M41_SEPARATION Separation
PC00_M41_SEPR Withholding separation tax receipt
PC00_M41_SIACQ The acquired of SI eligiblity
PC00_M41_SICHG The changed of SI eligiblity
PC00_M41_SILOS The lost of SI eligiblity
PC00_M41_SIP0 SI premium deduction list
PC00_M41_SONSPERIOD Subsequent activities - other period
PC00_M41_UPNP Annual income notification (SI)
PC00_M41_UTSV Download TemSe file
PC00_M41_YEA Year end adjustment Korea
PC00_M41_YEA_DED Report of Income Exemption & Deducti
PC00_M41_YEA_DON Report of Donation Expense
PC00_M41_YEA_LST Withholding income tax payment list
PC00_M41_YEA_MED Report of Medical Expense
PC00_M41_YEA_RCT Withholding income tax receipt
PC41 Payroll Korea
PUOC_41 Off-Cycle Workbench for Korea
S_KPH_31000489 Remuneration Statements
S_KPH_31000490 Payroll Accounts
S_KPH_31000492 Payroll Journal --- International
S_KPH_31000613 The payment certificate of earned in

Database Tables

SAP Package PC41 contains 24 database tables.

T7KR31 Allowance cumulation for MCA per medical insurance assoc.
T7KR32 Standardized monthly compensation
T7KRF0 Family allowance
T7KRP0 Previous Company / Taxpayer Association
T7KRP1 Previous Company / Taxpayer Association Text
T7KRR0 Seniority allowance
T7KRR1 Seniory year calculation method
T7KRS1 Weighted value for service period
T7KRS2 Separation payment average calculation period
T7KRS3 Wage type group
T7KRS4 Wage Type Group Texts
T7KRS5 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups
T7KRS6 Cumulation method
T7KRS7 Income deduction based on service period
T7KRS8 Service period calculation method
T7KRSA Payroll grouping
T7KRSB Payroll grouping text
T7KRT1 Tax deduction items
T7KRT2 Text of tax deduction items
T7KRTD Validity period for Version of Tax rate
T7KRTR Tax rate table
T7KRTS Selection of deduction items for witholding tax calculation
T7KRTT Version number of Tax rate table - Text
T7KRTV Version number of Tax rate table


SAP Package PC41 contains 21 views.

V_T7KR31 Allowance cumulation according to Medical Insurance assoc.
V_T7KR32 SI standardized compensation
V_T7KRF0 Family allowance maintenance
V_T7KRP0 Previous company
V_T7KRR0 Seniority allowance
V_T7KRR1 Seniority calculation method
V_T7KRS2 Separation payment average calculation period
V_T7KRS3 Wage type group
V_T7KRS5 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups
V_T7KRS6 Calculation method
V_T7KRS8 Service period calculation method
V_T7KRSA Payroll grouping
V_T7KRSI_D Compensation amount calculation method for medical insurance
V_T7KRT1 Tax deduction items
V_T7KRTD Validity period for version of Tax rate table
V_T7KRTM Tax calculation method
V_T7KRTR Income tax rate table
V_T7KRTS Selection of deduction items in withholding tax calculation
V_T7KRTV Version number
VV_511K_B_DNUFO Disable Union Fee Optimization
VV_T511K_KR_PCCOL Korea Payroll Constants: PCCOL


SAP Package PC41 contains 10 structures.

HKRCDON0_ALV1 For output of report HKRCDON0: Header data
HRKRMOD Modifier for Korea
PAYKR_NATIONAL Payroll result (South Korea): Country specific part
PAYKR_RESULT HR-PAY-KR: Structure for payroll result
PC2H1 Payroll Result Korea : Tax
PC2H3 Payroll Result Korea : Social Insurance
PC2H5 Payroll Results Korea: Separation payroll II
PKRSEP02 Previous compnay ( Separation payment )
PKRSEP03 Previous Company II (Separation)
PMEKR Decision Tree structure for KR features


SAP Package PC41 contains 29 programs.

HKRCALC0 Payroll Driver, Version for South Korea
HKRCCMSC List for changes of monthly standard compensation
HKRCDON0 DME for donation
HKRCDTA0 Preliminary Program - Data Medium Exchange for Several Payment Runs
HKRCEDT0 Remuneration Statements KR
HKRCKTO0 Payroll Accounts
HKRCLJN0 Payroll Journal --- South Korea
HKRCLLO0 Country-Specific Report for RPCLSTLO
HKRCLSTR Payroll Results for Cluster KR (South Korea)
HKRCMED0 DME for medical expense
HKRCMIS0 List for Health Insurance Lost
HKRCPTX0 The payment certificate of earned income tax
HKRCSIP0 Social insurance premium deduction statement
HKRCSMIP Statistics for medical payment
HKRCUPNP Annual notification for Health Insurance & National Pension
HKRCYEA0 The payment receipt of withholding income tax
HKRCYED0 Generating Receipt of Exempted and Deducted Income
HKRCYEG0 The payment list of withholding income tax
HKRLEIAL0 List for Employment Insurance Eligibility Acquired and Lost
HKRLSIACQ The acquired list of social insurance
HKRLSICHG List for the SI eligibility changed
HKRLSILOS List for National Pension Eligibility Acquired and Lost
HKRSEPR0 The separation payment tax receipt
HKRULQC0 Generate leave quota compensation
HKRUNP00 Health Insurance & National Pension Grade Change BDC (Korea)
HKRUSYNC Synchronize infotype 0809 from infotype 0542 of records bf. 2004.01.01
HKRUTSV0 TemSe Download for Reporting Korea
RPU_M41_CALC_RETIRE HKRCALC0 execution program for retirement before regular payroll
RPU_M41_RETIRE_SIMU HKRCALC0 execution program for retirement regular payroll simulation

Message Classes

SAP Package PC41 contains 1 message classes.

HRPAYKR01 Message Class HR Korea - Payroll related