Alle Technologien in einem Band! Ob Sie zukunftssichere Erweiterungen programmieren oder mit den Modifikationen in Ihren SAP-Systemen aufräumen möchten – hier erhalten Sie das erforderliche Wissen. Jede Methode wird ausführlich und mit Codebeispielen erläutert: User-Exits, klassische und neue BAdIs, Business Transaction Events, implizite und explizite Erweiterungspunkte u. v. m.
Bei ansehen →The package FBZ (Payments) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | FBZ |
Short Text | Payments |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package FBZ contains 25 function groups.
0F29 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0F35 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0F42 | View V_T042R Building Society |
BNIN | International bank checks |
CUG_IT | Function group for Italy CUG/CUP |
F005 | Document update routines (SAPMF05A) |
F110 | Function modules for payment program |
F110_SCM | Payments with Schedule Manager |
F112 | Func.Modules for Payment Medium Programs |
F113 | customer-specific modifications f.MT100 |
F114 | Interface RFFOM100 - Open FI |
F115 | Sample function modules RFFOM100/BTE |
FCA1 | FM for Payment Program FINCAL relevant |
FHLP | F4 Help |
FI_FBQ | IHC Function Modules For Subsidiaries |
FK40 | Interfaces for T015*, instructions |
FPAY | Transfer payment data to FI |
FPAYM_SEPA | SEPA: Payment Information ID |
FPFT | DME format creation - HR formats only |
FPHR | FI check management for HR |
FPNT | Modules for ACH pronotification |
OPN_J1 | Open FI - Japanese Bank Transfer Abroad |
PYFM | Payment Program Interface - Availability |
UIC_IT | UIC Code Italy |
UICC | UIC code |
SAP Package FBZ contains 8 transactions.
FBN2 | Number Range Maintenance: FI_PYORD |
FCHU | Create Reference for Check |
OBCZ | C FI Maintain Table T021E |
OBF5 | C FI Maint. Table T042OFI/T042OFIT |
OBIA | C FI Maintain View Cluster VC_TFAG |
OBIB | Parameter Transaction for V_TFAGM |
OBW3 | Instructions in Payment Transactions |
OBWR | C FI Maintain Table FEDIWF1 |
SAP Package FBZ contains 58 database tables.
BANKA_CUP_IT | Bank Account Number maintenance for CUP/CIG Number |
CUP_DOC_IT | Document relevant for CUP/CIG Number |
FEDIWF1 | FI EDI: Person with signing authority |
OPN_J1 | Japanese DME Foreign Payment Accounting Data (Open FI) |
PNBK | Prenotification: New bank data from master records |
PNHD | Prenotification: Files created in ACH format |
PYONUMKR | Auxiliary structure for lock object EPYONUMKR |
PYORDH | Payment order header data |
PYORDP | Payment order item data |
REGUA | Change of payment proposals: user and time |
REGUH | Settlement data from payment program |
REGUHH | REGUH version before the 'n'th change |
REGUHO | REGUH version before the 'n'th change |
REGUP | Processed items from payment program |
REGUPO | Line item status before the 'n'th change |
REGUS | Acounts blocked by payment proposal |
REGUS_SEPA | SEPA Mandate Lock: Applications To Be Retrieved |
REGUV | Control records for the payment program |
SMFIAP | Spec. FI-SL Data in Monitor (See Schedman_specific_fisl) |
T004F | Field status definition groups |
T005_IT_UIC | UIC Code |
T005_IT_UICREG | UIC Code based on region and country key |
T012E | EDI-compatible house banks and payment methods |
T042 | Parameters for payment transactions |
T042A | Bank selection for payment program |
T042C | Technical Settings For The Payment Program |
T042D | Available amounts for payment program |
T042FSL | Last additional selections used |
T042G | Groups of company codes ( payment program ) |
T042I | Account determination for payment program |
T042J | Bank charges determination |
T042JB | Customizing table for Japan Bank Mergers |
T042JB1 | Customizing table for Japan Bank/Branch Mergers |
T042K | Accounts for bank charges |
T042L | Bank transaction code names |
T042M | User Numbers At The Bank |
T042N | Bank transaction codes |
T042OFI | Events for MT100 and other DME Formats |
T042OFIT | Events for MT100 and other DME Formats |
T042P | Bank selection by postal code |
T042R | Name of account holder (ref.specifications on bk.details) |
T042S | Charges/expenses for automatic pmnt transactions |
T042U | Block Entries for Debit Customers/Credit Vendors |
T042V | Value date for automatic payments |
T045T | User ID for bank transactions |
T077D | Customer account groups |
T077K | Vendor account groups |
T078D | Trans.-dependent screen selection for cust.master |
T078K | Transaction-dependent screen selection for vendor master |
T079D | Company code-dependent screen sel.for cust.master |
T079K | Company code-dependent screen sel.for vend.master |
T079M | Vendor master data screen selection ( |
TBACN | Bank EDI file version numbers |
TBSL | Posting Key |
TFAGS | Definition of FI clearing rules |
TFAGT | Texts on FI clearing rules |
TZGR | Grouping rules for automatic payments |
TZGRT | Name of grouping rules |
SAP Package FBZ contains 15 views.
H_T042Z | Help View for Payment Methods |
H_TVOID | Void Reason Code Help View |
H_TZGR | Payment Grouping |
V_T001 | Company Code |
V_T012 | House Banks |
V_T012D | Parameters for DMEs and Foreign Payment Transactions |
V_T042JB | View for Japanese Bank Mergers |
V_T042JB1 | View for Japanese Bank/Branch Mergers |
V_T042OFI | Events for MT100 and other DME Formats |
V_T042R | Building Society |
V_T045T | User IDs for Bank Transactions |
V_TFAGM | Maintenance View for Assigning FI Clearing Rules |
V_TFAGS | View for Defining FI Clearing Rules |
V_TZGR | Payment Grouping Rules |
V_TZGRT | Name Of Payment Grouping Keys |
SAP Package FBZ contains 267 structures.
AUSZUG_MC | MultiCash: Account statement structure |
BANKA_CUP_IT1 | banka_cup_it1 for multiple records update |
DTA_BELEGE | Extended Document Header for DME Payment Documents |
DTAATV3 | Structure of Internal Table for V3 Format |
DTAAVIS | Structure for Table with Payment Advice Note Entries |
DTABA | Domestic Tape DME Data Record A (Data Carrier Header Record) |
DTABATA | Domestic DME Austria Header Record For Tape |
DTABATB | Domestic DME Austria Sales Record_1 For Tape |
DTABATC | Domestic DME Austria Sales Record_2 For Tape |
DTABATD | Domestic DME Austria Text Record For Tape |
DTABATE | Domestic DME Austria Summary Record For Tape |
DTABATF | Domestic DME Austria End Record For Tape |
DTABATI | Foreign DME Austria Header Record For Tape |
DTABATJ | Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_1 For Tape |
DTABATK | Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_2 For Tape |
DTABATL | Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_3 For Tape |
DTABATM | Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_4 For Tape |
DTABATN | Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_5 For Tape |
DTABATO | Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_6 For Tape |
DTABATP | Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_7 For Tape |
DTABATQ | Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_8 For Tape |
DTABATR | Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_9 For Tape |
DTABATT | Foreign DME Austria Totals Record For Tape |
DTABATU | Foreign DME Austria End Record For Tape |
DTABATX | DME Austria Check Service Info Record for Tape |
DTABC | Domestic Tape DME Data Record C (Payment Exchange Record) |
DTABE | Domestic DME Tape Data Record E (Data Carrier Trailer Label) |
DTABR | Foreign DME Tape Data Record R (Data Carrier Header Record) |
DTABT | Foreign DME Tape Data Record T (Individual Data Record) |
DTABU | Foreign DME Tape Data Record U (Gds Importation Report Recd) |
DTABV | Foreign DME Tape Data Record V (Transit Report Record) |
DTABW | Foreign DME Tape Data Record W (Report Recd, Miscellaneous) |
DTABZ | Foreign DME Tape Data Record Z (Data Carrier Trailer Label) |
DTADA | Domestic DME Diskette Data Recd A (Data Carrier Header Recd) |
DTADATA | Domestic DME Austria Header Record For Diskette |
DTADATB | Domestic DME Austria Sales Record_1 For Diskette |
DTADATC | Domestic DME Austria Sales Record_2 For Diskette |
DTADATD | Domestic DME Austria Text Record For Diskette |
DTADATE | Domestic DME Austria Totals Record For Diskette |
DTADATI | Foreign DME Austria Header Record For Diskette |
DTADATJ | Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_1 For Diskette |
DTADATK | Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_2 For Diskette |
DTADATL | Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_3 For Diskette |
DTADATM | Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_4 For Diskette |
DTADATN | Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_5 For Diskette |
DTADATO | Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_6 For Diskette |
DTADATP | Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_7 For Diskette |
DTADATQ | Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_8 For Diskette |
DTADATR | Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_9 For Diskette |
DTADATT | Foreign DME Austria Totals Record For Diskette |
DTADATX | DME Austria Check Service Info Record For Diskette |
DTADAU0 | DME Australia (BECS Header) |
DTADAU1 | DME Australia (BECS Detail) |
DTADAU7 | DME Australia (BECS Trailer) |
DTADC | Domestic DME Diskette Data Record C (Paymnt Exchange Record) |
DTADCAA | DME Canada - Header Record - Standard 005 |
DTADCAC | DME Canada - Transaction Record - Standard 005 |
DTADCAH | DME Canada - Prefix - Standard 005 |
DTADCAZ | DME Canada - Trailer Record - Standard 005 |
DTADCHA | DME Switzerland: TA836 Foreign and FC Domestic Diskette |
DTADCHB | DME Switzerland: TA826 POR Payments Diskette |
DTADCHC | DME Switzerland: TA827 Domestic SFr Payments Diskette |
DTADCHD | DME Switzerland: TA830 Foreign and FC,(Domestic) Diskette |
DTADCHE | DME Switzerland: TA832 Bank Check Diskette |
DTADCHF | DME Switzerland: TA870 Bank Collection Diskette |
DTADCHG | DME Swizerland: TA890 Total Record Diskette |
DTADCHH | SAD Switzerland:TA00 Control Area Diskette |
DTADCHI | SAD Switz.: TA05 Domest. Bk/Pst Office Transfer Diskette |
DTADCHJ | SAD Switzerland: TA08 Payment Order With Reference Diskette |
DTADCHK | SAD Switzerland: TA11 Payment Instructions Diskette |
DTADCHL | SAD Switz.: TA 48 Debits From Dom. Post Office Act Diskette |
DTADCHM | SAD Switzerland: TA98 Total Record Diskette |
DTADCHN | SAD Switzerland: TA12 Transfer to Foreign Postal Acct Disk |
DTADE | Domestic DME Diskette Data Rec.E(Data Carrier Trailer Label) |
DTADIT10 | DME Italy: Domestic Bank Transfer, Record 10 (Transfer Order |
DTADIT16 | DME Italy: Domestic Bank Transfer, Record 16 |
DTADIT17 | DME Italy: Domestic Bank Transfer, Record 17 |
DTADIT20 | DME Italy: Domestic Transfer, Record 20 (Payer) |
DTADIT30 | DME Italy: Domestic Transfer, Record 30 (Payee Data) |
DTADIT40 | DME Italy: Domestic Transfer, Record 40 (Payee Data) |
DTADIT50 | DME Italy: Domestic Transfer, Record 50/60 (Ref.for Payee) |
DTADIT70 | DME Italy: Domestic Transfer, Record 70 (Ref.for Bank) |
DTADITEF | DME Italy: Domestic Transfer, Record EF (End Record) |
DTADITHR | DME Italy: Domestic Transfer, Header Record |
DTADNLI0 | Definition PC File Start Record for BGC Diskette |
DTADNLT0 | BGC-PC Fix Text Record |
DTADNLX0 | GBGC-PC File End Record for Diskette |
DTADNZ1 | New Zealand MTS - Header Record |
DTADNZ2 | New Zealand MTS - Transaction Record |
DTADNZ9 | New Zealand MTS - Trailer Record |
DTADR | Foreign DME Diskette Data Rec. R (Data Carrier Header Rec.) |
DTADT | Foreign DME Diskette Data Record T (Single Data Record) |
DTADU | Foreign DME Disk.Data Rec.U (Report Record, Gds Importation) |
DTADV | Foreign DME Disk.Data Rec. V (Report Record Transit) |
DTADW | Foreign DME Diskette Data Record W (Report Record, Misc.) |
DTADX | Foreign DME Disk Dummy Data Record (incl. ISO Country Code) |
DTADZ | Foreign DME Diskette Data Rec.Z (Data Carrier Trailer Label) |
DTAEDKE | Structure of Internal Table for EDIFAKT Messages |
DTAJP1 | Japanese DME Foreign Payment Format (Header) |
DTAJP2 | Japanese DME Foreign Payment Format (General Data) |
DTAJP3 | Japanese DME Foreign Payment Format (Accounting Data) |
DTAJP4 | Japanese DME Foreign Payment Format (Payment Data One) |
DTAJP5 | Japanese DME Foreign Payment Format (Payment Data 2) |
DTAJP6 | Japanese DME Foreign Payment Format (Payment Data 3) |
DTAJP7 | Japanese DME Payment Medium Format (Attachment) |
DTAJP8 | Japanese DME Payment Medium Format (Attachment) |
DTAM100 | SWIFT Format User Exit Structure MT100 |
DTAM100C | Total Sums in Each Currency for Transfer to OPEN FI |
DTAM100H | SWIFT Format MT100 User Exit Structure (Header) |
DTAM100S | Check Totals for Copying to User Exit MT100 (Header/Trailer) |
DTAM100T | SWIFT Format User Exit MT100 Structure (Trailer) |
DTAM100V | Structure of Internal Table Tab_dtam100v for User Exit MT100 |
DTAM100X | Append Structure for MT100 |
DTAM200 | SWIFT Format User Exit Structure MT200 |
DTAM202 | SWIFT Format MT202 User Exit Structure |
DTAM210 | SWIFT Format MT210 User Exit Structure |
DTAM2XXH | SWIFT Format MT2XX User Exit Structure (Header) |
DTAM2XXS | Check Totals for Transfer to User Exit MT2XX(Header/Trailer) |
DTAM2XXT | SWIFT Format MT2XX User Exit Structure (Trailer) |
DTAMAU0 | Australia BECS Header Record - Structure for User Exit |
DTAMAU1 | Australia BECS Detail Record - Structure for User Exit |
DTAMBE4 | Domestic DME User Exit Structure (Belgium) |
DTAMBE5 | Foreign DME User Exit Structure (Belgium) |
DTAMBE6 | DOM80 DME User Exit Structure (Belgium) |
DTAMCHB | SAD Switzerland User Exit Transfer Structure TA826 |
DTAMCHC | SAD Switzerland User Exit Transfer Structure TA827 |
DTAMCHD | SAD Switzerland User Exit Transfer Structure TA830 |
DTAMCHE | SAD Switzerland User Exit Transfer Structure TA832 |
DTAMCHF | SAD Switzerland User Exit Transfer Structure TA870 |
DTAMCHI | SAD Switzerland User Exit Transfer Structure TA05 |
DTAMCHK | SAD Switzerland User Exit Transfer Structure TA11 |
DTAMCHL | SAD Switzerland User Exit Transfer Structure TA48 |
DTAMCHN | SAD Switzerland User Exit Transfer Structure TA12 |
DTAMCHO | SAD Switzerland User Exit Transfer Structure TA14 |
DTAMCHP | SAD Switzerland User Exit Transfer Structure TA25 |
DTAMDEA | Domestic DME (Germany) User Exit Structure Data Record A |
DTAMDEC | German Domestic DME User Exit Structure Data Record C |
DTAMDET | German Foreign DME User Exit Structure Data Record T |
DTAMFRA | User Exit Structure DME France Foreign Record A |
DTAMFRB | User Exit Structure DME France Foreign Records B - E |
DTAMHK1 | Autopay Header Payment File Hong Kong (User Exit) |
DTAMHK2 | Autopay Detail Payment File Hong Kong |
DTAMJP | Japanese DME Foreign Payment Format (for Modifications) |
DTAMNLB | User Exit Structure Domestic DME Netherlands Format BGC |
DTAMNLC | User Exit Structure Domestic DME Netherlands Format ClieOp02 |
DTAMNZ2 | New Zealand MTS - Transaction Record |
DTAMT100 | Structure of the Internal Table DTA_MT100 for Format Filling |
DTAMUSADD | User Exit Structure for ACH Addenda Record |
DTAMUSBC | User Exit Structure for ACH Batch Control Record |
DTAMUSBH | User Exit Structure for ACH Batch Header Record |
DTAMUSCCD | User Exit Structure for ACH CCD Record |
DTAMUSCTX | User Exit Structure for ACH CTX Record |
DTAMUSFH | User Exit Structure for ACH File Header Record |
DTATCHA | DME Switzerland: Header |
DTATCHB | DME Switzerland: TA826 POR Payments |
DTATCHC | DME Switzerland: TA827 Domestic SFr Payments |
DTATCHD | DME Switzerland: TA830 Foreign,and Foreign Curr.,(Domestic) |
DTATCHE | DME Switzerland: TA832 Bank Check |
DTATCHF | DME Switzerland: TA870 Bank Collection |
DTATCHG | DME Switzerland: TA890 Total Record |
DTATCHH | SAD Switzerland: TA00 Control Area |
DTATCHI | SAD Switzerland: TA05 Domestic Transfer Bank/Post Office |
DTATCHJ | SAD Switzerland: TA08 Payment Order with Reference |
DTATCHK | SAD Switzerland: TA11 Payment Instructions |
DTATCHL | SAD Switzerland: TA48 Debits from Domestic Post Office Acct. |
DTATCHM | SAD Switzerland: TA98 Total Record |
DTATCHN | SAD Switzerland: TA12 Transfer to Foreign Postal Account MB |
DTATCHO | SAD Swtizerland: TA14 foreign postal transfers MB |
DTATCHP | SAD Switzerland: TA25 foreign bank payments MB |
DTATCHR | DME Switz: TA836 with IBAN Domestic and Abroad for all Curr. |
DTATNLG0 | Postal transfer on tape |
DTATNLP0 | Postbank start record for tape |
DTATNLX0 | Postal giro x-record for tape |
DTATNLZ0 | Postal giro end record for tape |
DTAUSADD | DME USA - ACH Addenda Record |
DTAUSBC | DME USA - ACH Company/Batch Control Record |
DTAUSBH | DME USA - ACH Company/Batch Header Record |
DTAUSCCD | DME USA - ACH Entry Detail Record CCD |
DTAUSCTX | DME USA - ACH Entry Detail Record CTX |
DTAUSFC | DME USA - ACH File Control Record |
DTAUSFH | DME USA - ACH File Header Record |
DTAXATB | Domestic DME Austria sales record_1 for tape/diskette |
DTAXATC | Domestic DME Austria sales record_2 for tape/diskette |
DTAXATD | Domestic DME Austria text record for tape/diskette |
DTAXATE | Domestic DME Austria totals record for tape/diskette |
DTAXATF | Domestic DME Austria end record for tape/diskette |
DTAXATI | Foreign DME Austria header record for tape/diskette |
DTAXATJ | Foreign DME Austria sales record_1 for tape/diskette |
DTAXATK | Foreign DME Austria sales record_2 for tape/diskette |
DTAXATL | Foreign DME Austria sales record_3 for tape/diskette |
DTAXATM | Foreign DME Austria sales record_4 for tape/diskette |
DTAXATN | Foreign DME Austria sales record_5 for tape/diskette |
DTAXATO | Foreign DME Austria sales record_6 for tape/diskette |
DTAXATP | Foreign DME Austria sales record_7 for tape/diskette |
DTAXATQ | Foreign DME Austria sales record_8 for tape/diskette |
DTAXATR | Foreign DME Austria sales record_9 for tape/diskette |
DTAXATS | Foreign DTA Austria sales record_10 for tape/diskette |
DTAXATT | Foreign DTA Austria totals record for tape/diskette |
DTAXATU | Foreign DME Austria end record for tape/diskette |
DTAXFR1 | DME France data record E (=Emetteur 1->80) |
DTAXFR2 | DME France data record E (=Emetteur 81->160) |
DTAXFR3 | DME France data record D (=Emetteur 1->80) |
DTAXFR4 | DME France data record D (=Emetteur 81->160) |
DTAXFR5 | DME France data record T (=Emetteur 1->80) |
DTAXFR6 | DME France data record T (=Emetteur 81->160) |
DTAXHKAD | Autopay Detail Payment File Hong Kong |
DTAXHKAH | Autopay header payment file Hong Kong |
DTAXNL1A | Foreign payments header record (Netherlands) |
DTAXNL3A | Foreign payments payment record-1 (Netherlands) |
DTAXNL4A | Foreign payments payment record-2 (Netherlands) |
DTAXNL5A | Foreign payments payment record-3 (Netherlands) |
DTAXNL6A | Foreign payments payment record-4 (Netherlands) |
DTAXNL8A | Foreign payments totals record (Netherlands) |
DTAXNL9A | Foreign payments end record (Netherlands) |
DTAXNLB0 | BGC-PC payment record for tape/diskette |
DTAXNLC0 | CLIEOP02 record for pmnts and collection (domestic pmnts) |
DTAXNLP0 | BGC-PC postal giro payment record for diskette/tape |
DTAXNLZ0 | BGC-PC end record for diskette/tape |
DTAZDEA | German domestic DME format POfS (mail) data record A |
DTAZDEC | German domestic DME format POfS (mail) data record C |
DTAZDEE | German domestic DME format POfS (mail) data record E |
F110_FLDTAB_1820 | Transfer Free Selections to BTE 00001820 (F110) |
F110_KBANK | Data for Correspondent Bank |
F110_LST | Proposal for payment list and variants in F110 |
F110_PAYRUN_INFO | F110 Payment Run Info |
F110_PBANK | Structure of partner's bank data |
F110C | Control information for SAPF110 |
F110H | Data for hash routine one-time account data F110 |
F110HELP | Dialog fields for F4 Help in payment program |
F110O | Online fields for SAPF110O |
F110V | Fields for SAPF110V (payment program parameters) |
FAGL_S_RFEBFI20_LIST1 | ALV Structure for report - RFEBFI20 - Header. |
FDTA | Help fields structure for 'DME Administration' transaction |
FMPAYDAT | Payment data to be transferred to FM |
FMPAYITEM | Payment line item data for calculation of payment amounts |
FMPAYSTA | Payment data status |
FOAP_S_RFCHKU00_LIST | Reference for Check from Payment Document Structure |
FOAP_S_RFPAYS00_LIST | Structure for RFPAYS00: ALV Conversion |
GSS_RFEBESCSB00_LIST | Structure List Output RFEBESCSB00 |
OPN_J1_S | Japanese DME Foreign Payment Screen Auxiliary Fields |
PAY_NOR_MASS | Include the payment method for mass transfer (HR) |
PNRT | Prenotification: File with checked bank data (SAP format) |
PYORDKEY | Transfer structure for payment order function modules |
R042 | Customizing payment program help fields (FBZP) |
R042S | Help fields for T042S |
R042V | Help fields for T042v |
REGU1_LST | Payment data - totals by business area |
REGU2_LST | Payment data - totals by country |
REGU3_LST | Payment data - totals by currency |
REGU4_LST | Payment Data - Totals per Payment Method |
REGU5_LST | Payment data - totals per bank |
REGUD | Form print transfer data |
REGUE | Line items from the settlement in the payment proposal |
REGUH_1830 | Transfer REGUH to BTE 00001830 in payment program |
REGUH_FM | Budget data section of payment data |
REGUH_LST | Payment data (neutral communication structure) |
REGUHX | REGUH extension for the payment request |
REGUO | Extract from the payment records for online list |
REGUP_1830 | Transfer REGUP to BTE 00001830 in payment program |
REGUP_LST | Paid items (neutral communication structure) |
REGUSRT | Help fields for sorting the payment data |
SCHEDMAN_SPECIFIC_FIAP | FI-AP Structures for Schedule Manager |
SEC_IDX_FLAGS | Flags for Processing FI Secondary Indexes |
SI_T001 | Company codes |
UMSATZ_MC | MultiCash bank statement: Item structure |
SAP Package FBZ contains 114 programs.
RF_INSTREP | Conversion of Instr.Key Appl.Area '001' to '100' (Single Repair) |
RF110SMS | Report Program RF110SMS |
RFCHKA00 | Archiving Check Data |
RFCHKA10 | Deleting Check Data in the Archive |
RFCHKA20 | Retrieval of Check Data from the Archive |
RFCHKD20 | Delete Information on Checks Created Manually |
RFCHKN00 | Check Register |
RFCHKR00 | Lengthen Check Numbers for Account &0.. &1... &2... |
RFCHKU00 | Create Reference for Check from Payment Document |
RFEBESCSB00 | Bank statement Spain - conversion to MultiCash format |
RFEBFI00 | Bank Statement: Finland Reference Payments - Convert to Multicash |
RFEBFI00_NACC | Bank Statement: Finland Reference Payments - Convert to Multicash |
RFEBFI20 | Account Statement for Finland in TITO Format |
RFEBFI20_NACC | Account Statement for Finland in TITO Format |
RFEBFILUM00 | Bank Statement Finland - Conversion to Multicash Format |
RFEBIT00 | Bank Statement:Italy CBI - Convert to Multicash |
RFEPOSSU | $: Summary Sheet |
RFF110S | Report for the Automatic Scheduling of the Payment Program |
RFF110SSP | Balance Check after a Payment Proposal |
RFF110SSPL | Balance Check: Overview of Blocked Accounts |
RFFOAT_A | Payment Medium Austria - Foreign Payment Transactions V3 Format |
RFFOAT_P | Payment Medium (Austria) - V3 Format |
RFFOAU_T | Payment Medium for Australia - Bank Transfers/Debit Memo BECS |
RFFOAVIS | Payment Medium International - Zero Balance Notice |
RFFOAVIS_FPAYM | Payment Medium - Correspondence for Generic Payment Medium Program |
RFFOBE_D | Payment Medium Belgium - DME DOM 80 (Customer Pmnts and Collections) |
RFFOBE_E | Payment Medium Belgium - Foreign DME |
RFFOBE_I | Payment Medium Belgium - Domestic DME |
RFFOCA_T | Payment Medium (Canada) - DME Bank Transfers/Collection in Stand. 005 |
RFFOCH_P | Payment Medium Switzerland - Postal Giro/SAD/BAD |
RFFOCH_U | Payment Medium Switzerland - Transfers, Bank Collection / DME |
RFFOCZ_U | Payment Medium Czech Republic - Transfers |
RFFOD__L | Payment Medium Germany - Pmts in Ger.For.Tr.Regs (Z1 Form)/Foreign DME |
RFFOD__S | International Payment Medium - Check (without check management) |
RFFOD__T | Payment Medium International - Check/Bill of Exchange Procedure |
RFFOD__U | Payment Medium Germany - Transfers/Bank Direct Debits, Coll./Dom.DME |
RFFOD__V | Payment Medium International - Notification |
RFFOD__W | Payment Medium International - Bills of Exchange |
RFFOD__Z | German Payment Medium: Payment Order for Settlement (POfS) |
RFFODK_B | Domestic DME (Denmark) - Domestic Bank Transfers and Collections (PBS) |
RFFODK_E | Payment Medium for Denmark - Payments Abroad (PAYMUL) |
RFFODK_P | Domestic DME (Denmark) - Domestic Transfers/Collections (Postal Giro) |
RFFODK_U | Danish Payment Medium - Foreign Transfers in Postal Giro Format |
RFFODOWN | Payment Medium International - Load Data Medium Exchange File to Disk |
RFFODTA0 | Payment Medium International - Payment Summary for Payment Medium |
RFFODTA1 | Generate Payment Advice Note for List of Payment Document Numbers |
RFFOEDI0 | Payment Medium International - Repetition Run for EDI Payment Advices |
RFFOEDI1 | International Payment Medium - Payment Orders by EDI |
RFFOEDI2 | International Payment Medium - Correction of EDI Status |
RFFOEDI3 | International Payment Medium - EDI Accompanying Sheet |
RFFOES_D | Payment Medium Spain - DME Bank Collection, Customer Credit |
RFFOES_T | Payment Medium Spain - DME Transfers, Bank Checks |
RFFOEXI2 | Main Program for User Exits MT200/202/210 |
RFFOEXIT | International Payment Medium - User Exits for the Pyt Medium Programs |
RFFOF__T | Payment Medium for France - Foreign Bank Transfers |
RFFOF__V | Payment Medium France - Collective Bank Transfer Order |
RFFOFI_A | Payment Medium (Finland) - Domestic Customers (Direct Debit) |
RFFOFI_L | Data Medium Finland - Domestic Vendor Transactions (LM02) |
RFFOFI_U | Payment Medium for Finland - Vendor Transactions Abroad |
RFFOGB_T | Payment Medium Great Britain and Ireland - BACWAY, BACSBOX, EFTS, EMTS |
RFFOHK_A | Payment Medium for Hong Kong - DME Domestic (Autoplan) |
RFFOIT_B | Payment Medium (Italy) - Domestic DME |
RFFOIT_FOR | Payment Medium(Italy) - Foreign DME |
RFFOJP_L | Payment Medium (Japan) - DME Abroad |
RFFOJP_T | Payment Medium Japan - Domestic DME (and Bank Charges) |
RFFOLU_X | Automatice Direct Debiting Procedure, DOM2000 Format |
RFFOM100 | International Payment Medium - SWIFT Format MT100 |
RFFOM200 | International Payment Medium - SWIFT Format MT200 |
RFFOM202 | International Payment Medium - SWIFT Format MT202 |
RFFOM210 | International Payment Medium - SWIFT Format MT210 |
RFFONL_A | Payment Medium Netherlands - Foreign DME |
RFFONL_I | Payment Medium Netherlands - Domestic DME |
RFFONO_D | Payment Medium (Norway) - Direct Remittance and Autogiro via BBS |
RFFONO_G | Payment Medium for Norway - DME (DATADIALOG) |
RFFONO_T | Payment Medium Norway - DME with Domestic and Foreign Bank Transfers |
RFFONZ_T | Payment Transfer Medium (NZ) - Local Transfers/Debit Memos (MTS) |
RFFOSCRP | International Payment Medium - SAPscript Subroutines |
RFFOSE_A | Payment Medium (Sweden) - Domestic Autogiro (Customers) |
RFFOSE_B | Payment Medium Sweden - Domestic Vendor Bank Giro (BGC) |
RFFOSE_H | Payment Medium (Sweden) - Foreign Vendor Payments via BGC |
RFFOSE_P | Payment Medium Sweden - Domestic Vendor PostGiro |
RFFOUS_C | International Payment Medium - Check (with check management) |
RFFOUS_T | Payment Medium USA - Transfers/Bank Direct Debits in ACH Format |
RFFOZA_A | Payment Medium South Africa - DME in ACB Format |
RFIDATEB00 | Creation of an MT940 file with data from the V3 return data carrier |
RFPAYS00 | Payment Orders in Data Medium Exchange |
RFPAYS00_NACC | Payment Orders in Data Medium Exchange |
RFPNFC00 | Prenotification: Creation of the Prenotification File |
RFPNFR00 | Prenotification: Importing the Feedback from the Bank (SAP Format) |
RFPNLS00 | Prenotification: List of Prenotification Files |
RFPNLS10 | Prenotification: List of Changed Bank Data |
RFPNSL00 | Prenotification: Selection of New/Changed Bank Data |
RFPYORDD | Deletion Report for Payment Entries |
RFPYORDL | Display Report for Payment Orders |
RFXPRA10 | Conversion of ZWF into PYF |
RFXPRA21 | Extension and Type Change for Field 'Company Number' in T021D |
RFZALI00 | Payment Settlement List |
RFZALI10 | Payment Settlement - List of Exceptions |
RFZALI20 | Payment list |
RFZALKHU | Rounding Payment Amounts to the Forint |
SAPDFKZ1 | Payment Program Configuration |
SAPDFKZ2 | Payment Program Configuration |
SAPDFKZ3 | Payment Program Configuration |
SAPF110I | Cash Discount Losses Layout Index for Payment Proposal |
SAPF110O | ?... |
SAPF110R | Reorganization Program for Payment Data |
SAPF110S | Payment Program |
SAPF110V | Module Pool for Entering Payment Runs |
SAPMF02I | House Bank/Bank Account Customizing |
SAPMFCHK | Check management module pool |
SAPMFDTA | Administration Transaction for TemSe and REGUT Data |
SAPMFKZ0 | Payment Program Customizing |
SAPMFKZ1 | Payment Program Configuration Error Analysis |
SAP Package FBZ contains 1 search helps.
H_TZGR | Payment Grouping |
SAP Package FBZ contains 3 message classes.
F5 | Belegbearbeitung |
FZ | Zahlungsverkehr |
IT_CUP_CIG | CUP/CIG Number Capture at Vendor Invoice for Italy |