
SAP Package FBZ


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The package FBZ (Payments) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package FBZ
Short Text Payments
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package FBZ contains 25 function groups.

0F29 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
0F35 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
0F42 View V_T042R Building Society
BNIN International bank checks
CUG_IT Function group for Italy CUG/CUP
F005 Document update routines (SAPMF05A)
F110 Function modules for payment program
F110_SCM Payments with Schedule Manager
F112 Func.Modules for Payment Medium Programs
F113 customer-specific modifications f.MT100
F114 Interface RFFOM100 - Open FI
F115 Sample function modules RFFOM100/BTE
FCA1 FM for Payment Program FINCAL relevant
FHLP F4 Help
FI_FBQ IHC Function Modules For Subsidiaries
FK40 Interfaces for T015*, instructions
FPAY Transfer payment data to FI
FPAYM_SEPA SEPA: Payment Information ID
FPFT DME format creation - HR formats only
FPHR FI check management for HR
FPNT Modules for ACH pronotification
OPN_J1 Open FI - Japanese Bank Transfer Abroad
PYFM Payment Program Interface - Availability
UIC_IT UIC Code Italy


SAP Package FBZ contains 8 transactions.

FBN2 Number Range Maintenance: FI_PYORD
FCHU Create Reference for Check
OBCZ C FI Maintain Table T021E
OBF5 C FI Maint. Table T042OFI/T042OFIT
OBIA C FI Maintain View Cluster VC_TFAG
OBIB Parameter Transaction for V_TFAGM
OBW3 Instructions in Payment Transactions
OBWR C FI Maintain Table FEDIWF1

Database Tables

SAP Package FBZ contains 58 database tables.

BANKA_CUP_IT Bank Account Number maintenance for CUP/CIG Number
CUP_DOC_IT Document relevant for CUP/CIG Number
FEDIWF1 FI EDI: Person with signing authority
OPN_J1 Japanese DME Foreign Payment Accounting Data (Open FI)
PNBK Prenotification: New bank data from master records
PNHD Prenotification: Files created in ACH format
PYONUMKR Auxiliary structure for lock object EPYONUMKR
PYORDH Payment order header data
PYORDP Payment order item data
REGUA Change of payment proposals: user and time
REGUH Settlement data from payment program
REGUHH REGUH version before the 'n'th change
REGUHO REGUH version before the 'n'th change
REGUP Processed items from payment program
REGUPO Line item status before the 'n'th change
REGUS Acounts blocked by payment proposal
REGUS_SEPA SEPA Mandate Lock: Applications To Be Retrieved
REGUV Control records for the payment program
SMFIAP Spec. FI-SL Data in Monitor (See Schedman_specific_fisl)
T004F Field status definition groups
T005_IT_UIC UIC Code
T005_IT_UICREG UIC Code based on region and country key
T012E EDI-compatible house banks and payment methods
T042 Parameters for payment transactions
T042A Bank selection for payment program
T042C Technical Settings For The Payment Program
T042D Available amounts for payment program
T042FSL Last additional selections used
T042G Groups of company codes ( payment program )
T042I Account determination for payment program
T042J Bank charges determination
T042JB Customizing table for Japan Bank Mergers
T042JB1 Customizing table for Japan Bank/Branch Mergers
T042K Accounts for bank charges
T042L Bank transaction code names
T042M User Numbers At The Bank
T042N Bank transaction codes
T042OFI Events for MT100 and other DME Formats
T042OFIT Events for MT100 and other DME Formats
T042P Bank selection by postal code
T042R Name of account holder (ref.specifications on bk.details)
T042S Charges/expenses for automatic pmnt transactions
T042U Block Entries for Debit Customers/Credit Vendors
T042V Value date for automatic payments
T045T User ID for bank transactions
T077D Customer account groups
T077K Vendor account groups
T078D Trans.-dependent screen selection for cust.master
T078K Transaction-dependent screen selection for vendor master
T079D Company code-dependent screen sel.for cust.master
T079K Company code-dependent screen sel.for vend.master
T079M Vendor master data screen selection (
TBACN Bank EDI file version numbers
TBSL Posting Key
TFAGS Definition of FI clearing rules
TFAGT Texts on FI clearing rules
TZGR Grouping rules for automatic payments
TZGRT Name of grouping rules


SAP Package FBZ contains 15 views.

H_T042Z Help View for Payment Methods
H_TVOID Void Reason Code Help View
H_TZGR Payment Grouping
V_T001 Company Code
V_T012 House Banks
V_T012D Parameters for DMEs and Foreign Payment Transactions
V_T042JB View for Japanese Bank Mergers
V_T042JB1 View for Japanese Bank/Branch Mergers
V_T042OFI Events for MT100 and other DME Formats
V_T042R Building Society
V_T045T User IDs for Bank Transactions
V_TFAGM Maintenance View for Assigning FI Clearing Rules
V_TFAGS View for Defining FI Clearing Rules
V_TZGR Payment Grouping Rules
V_TZGRT Name Of Payment Grouping Keys


SAP Package FBZ contains 267 structures.

AUSZUG_MC MultiCash: Account statement structure
BANKA_CUP_IT1 banka_cup_it1 for multiple records update
DTA_BELEGE Extended Document Header for DME Payment Documents
DTAATV3 Structure of Internal Table for V3 Format
DTAAVIS Structure for Table with Payment Advice Note Entries
DTABA Domestic Tape DME Data Record A (Data Carrier Header Record)
DTABATA Domestic DME Austria Header Record For Tape
DTABATB Domestic DME Austria Sales Record_1 For Tape
DTABATC Domestic DME Austria Sales Record_2 For Tape
DTABATD Domestic DME Austria Text Record For Tape
DTABATE Domestic DME Austria Summary Record For Tape
DTABATF Domestic DME Austria End Record For Tape
DTABATI Foreign DME Austria Header Record For Tape
DTABATJ Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_1 For Tape
DTABATK Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_2 For Tape
DTABATL Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_3 For Tape
DTABATM Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_4 For Tape
DTABATN Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_5 For Tape
DTABATO Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_6 For Tape
DTABATP Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_7 For Tape
DTABATQ Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_8 For Tape
DTABATR Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_9 For Tape
DTABATT Foreign DME Austria Totals Record For Tape
DTABATU Foreign DME Austria End Record For Tape
DTABATX DME Austria Check Service Info Record for Tape
DTABC Domestic Tape DME Data Record C (Payment Exchange Record)
DTABE Domestic DME Tape Data Record E (Data Carrier Trailer Label)
DTABR Foreign DME Tape Data Record R (Data Carrier Header Record)
DTABT Foreign DME Tape Data Record T (Individual Data Record)
DTABU Foreign DME Tape Data Record U (Gds Importation Report Recd)
DTABV Foreign DME Tape Data Record V (Transit Report Record)
DTABW Foreign DME Tape Data Record W (Report Recd, Miscellaneous)
DTABZ Foreign DME Tape Data Record Z (Data Carrier Trailer Label)
DTADA Domestic DME Diskette Data Recd A (Data Carrier Header Recd)
DTADATA Domestic DME Austria Header Record For Diskette
DTADATB Domestic DME Austria Sales Record_1 For Diskette
DTADATC Domestic DME Austria Sales Record_2 For Diskette
DTADATD Domestic DME Austria Text Record For Diskette
DTADATE Domestic DME Austria Totals Record For Diskette
DTADATI Foreign DME Austria Header Record For Diskette
DTADATJ Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_1 For Diskette
DTADATK Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_2 For Diskette
DTADATL Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_3 For Diskette
DTADATM Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_4 For Diskette
DTADATN Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_5 For Diskette
DTADATO Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_6 For Diskette
DTADATP Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_7 For Diskette
DTADATQ Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_8 For Diskette
DTADATR Foreign DME Austria Sales Record_9 For Diskette
DTADATT Foreign DME Austria Totals Record For Diskette
DTADATX DME Austria Check Service Info Record For Diskette
DTADAU0 DME Australia (BECS Header)
DTADAU1 DME Australia (BECS Detail)
DTADAU7 DME Australia (BECS Trailer)
DTADC Domestic DME Diskette Data Record C (Paymnt Exchange Record)
DTADCAA DME Canada - Header Record - Standard 005
DTADCAC DME Canada - Transaction Record - Standard 005
DTADCAH DME Canada - Prefix - Standard 005
DTADCAZ DME Canada - Trailer Record - Standard 005
DTADCHA DME Switzerland: TA836 Foreign and FC Domestic Diskette
DTADCHB DME Switzerland: TA826 POR Payments Diskette
DTADCHC DME Switzerland: TA827 Domestic SFr Payments Diskette
DTADCHD DME Switzerland: TA830 Foreign and FC,(Domestic) Diskette
DTADCHE DME Switzerland: TA832 Bank Check Diskette
DTADCHF DME Switzerland: TA870 Bank Collection Diskette
DTADCHG DME Swizerland: TA890 Total Record Diskette
DTADCHH SAD Switzerland:TA00 Control Area Diskette
DTADCHI SAD Switz.: TA05 Domest. Bk/Pst Office Transfer Diskette
DTADCHJ SAD Switzerland: TA08 Payment Order With Reference Diskette
DTADCHK SAD Switzerland: TA11 Payment Instructions Diskette
DTADCHL SAD Switz.: TA 48 Debits From Dom. Post Office Act Diskette
DTADCHM SAD Switzerland: TA98 Total Record Diskette
DTADCHN SAD Switzerland: TA12 Transfer to Foreign Postal Acct Disk
DTADE Domestic DME Diskette Data Rec.E(Data Carrier Trailer Label)
DTADIT10 DME Italy: Domestic Bank Transfer, Record 10 (Transfer Order
DTADIT16 DME Italy: Domestic Bank Transfer, Record 16
DTADIT17 DME Italy: Domestic Bank Transfer, Record 17
DTADIT20 DME Italy: Domestic Transfer, Record 20 (Payer)
DTADIT30 DME Italy: Domestic Transfer, Record 30 (Payee Data)
DTADIT40 DME Italy: Domestic Transfer, Record 40 (Payee Data)
DTADIT50 DME Italy: Domestic Transfer, Record 50/60 (Ref.for Payee)
DTADIT70 DME Italy: Domestic Transfer, Record 70 (Ref.for Bank)
DTADITEF DME Italy: Domestic Transfer, Record EF (End Record)
DTADITHR DME Italy: Domestic Transfer, Header Record
DTADNLI0 Definition PC File Start Record for BGC Diskette
DTADNLT0 BGC-PC Fix Text Record
DTADNLX0 GBGC-PC File End Record for Diskette
DTADNZ1 New Zealand MTS - Header Record
DTADNZ2 New Zealand MTS - Transaction Record
DTADNZ9 New Zealand MTS - Trailer Record
DTADR Foreign DME Diskette Data Rec. R (Data Carrier Header Rec.)
DTADT Foreign DME Diskette Data Record T (Single Data Record)
DTADU Foreign DME Disk.Data Rec.U (Report Record, Gds Importation)
DTADV Foreign DME Disk.Data Rec. V (Report Record Transit)
DTADW Foreign DME Diskette Data Record W (Report Record, Misc.)
DTADX Foreign DME Disk Dummy Data Record (incl. ISO Country Code)
DTADZ Foreign DME Diskette Data Rec.Z (Data Carrier Trailer Label)
DTAEDKE Structure of Internal Table for EDIFAKT Messages
DTAJP1 Japanese DME Foreign Payment Format (Header)
DTAJP2 Japanese DME Foreign Payment Format (General Data)
DTAJP3 Japanese DME Foreign Payment Format (Accounting Data)
DTAJP4 Japanese DME Foreign Payment Format (Payment Data One)
DTAJP5 Japanese DME Foreign Payment Format (Payment Data 2)
DTAJP6 Japanese DME Foreign Payment Format (Payment Data 3)
DTAJP7 Japanese DME Payment Medium Format (Attachment)
DTAJP8 Japanese DME Payment Medium Format (Attachment)
DTAM100 SWIFT Format User Exit Structure MT100
DTAM100C Total Sums in Each Currency for Transfer to OPEN FI
DTAM100H SWIFT Format MT100 User Exit Structure (Header)
DTAM100S Check Totals for Copying to User Exit MT100 (Header/Trailer)
DTAM100T SWIFT Format User Exit MT100 Structure (Trailer)
DTAM100V Structure of Internal Table Tab_dtam100v for User Exit MT100
DTAM100X Append Structure for MT100
DTAM200 SWIFT Format User Exit Structure MT200
DTAM202 SWIFT Format MT202 User Exit Structure
DTAM210 SWIFT Format MT210 User Exit Structure
DTAM2XXH SWIFT Format MT2XX User Exit Structure (Header)
DTAM2XXS Check Totals for Transfer to User Exit MT2XX(Header/Trailer)
DTAM2XXT SWIFT Format MT2XX User Exit Structure (Trailer)
DTAMAU0 Australia BECS Header Record - Structure for User Exit
DTAMAU1 Australia BECS Detail Record - Structure for User Exit
DTAMBE4 Domestic DME User Exit Structure (Belgium)
DTAMBE5 Foreign DME User Exit Structure (Belgium)
DTAMBE6 DOM80 DME User Exit Structure (Belgium)
DTAMCHB SAD Switzerland User Exit Transfer Structure TA826
DTAMCHC SAD Switzerland User Exit Transfer Structure TA827
DTAMCHD SAD Switzerland User Exit Transfer Structure TA830
DTAMCHE SAD Switzerland User Exit Transfer Structure TA832
DTAMCHF SAD Switzerland User Exit Transfer Structure TA870
DTAMCHI SAD Switzerland User Exit Transfer Structure TA05
DTAMCHK SAD Switzerland User Exit Transfer Structure TA11
DTAMCHL SAD Switzerland User Exit Transfer Structure TA48
DTAMCHN SAD Switzerland User Exit Transfer Structure TA12
DTAMCHO SAD Switzerland User Exit Transfer Structure TA14
DTAMCHP SAD Switzerland User Exit Transfer Structure TA25
DTAMDEA Domestic DME (Germany) User Exit Structure Data Record A
DTAMDEC German Domestic DME User Exit Structure Data Record C
DTAMDET German Foreign DME User Exit Structure Data Record T
DTAMFRA User Exit Structure DME France Foreign Record A
DTAMFRB User Exit Structure DME France Foreign Records B - E
DTAMHK1 Autopay Header Payment File Hong Kong (User Exit)
DTAMHK2 Autopay Detail Payment File Hong Kong
DTAMJP Japanese DME Foreign Payment Format (for Modifications)
DTAMNLB User Exit Structure Domestic DME Netherlands Format BGC
DTAMNLC User Exit Structure Domestic DME Netherlands Format ClieOp02
DTAMNZ2 New Zealand MTS - Transaction Record
DTAMT100 Structure of the Internal Table DTA_MT100 for Format Filling
DTAMUSADD User Exit Structure for ACH Addenda Record
DTAMUSBC User Exit Structure for ACH Batch Control Record
DTAMUSBH User Exit Structure for ACH Batch Header Record
DTAMUSCCD User Exit Structure for ACH CCD Record
DTAMUSCTX User Exit Structure for ACH CTX Record
DTAMUSFH User Exit Structure for ACH File Header Record
DTATCHA DME Switzerland: Header
DTATCHB DME Switzerland: TA826 POR Payments
DTATCHC DME Switzerland: TA827 Domestic SFr Payments
DTATCHD DME Switzerland: TA830 Foreign,and Foreign Curr.,(Domestic)
DTATCHE DME Switzerland: TA832 Bank Check
DTATCHF DME Switzerland: TA870 Bank Collection
DTATCHG DME Switzerland: TA890 Total Record
DTATCHH SAD Switzerland: TA00 Control Area
DTATCHI SAD Switzerland: TA05 Domestic Transfer Bank/Post Office
DTATCHJ SAD Switzerland: TA08 Payment Order with Reference
DTATCHK SAD Switzerland: TA11 Payment Instructions
DTATCHL SAD Switzerland: TA48 Debits from Domestic Post Office Acct.
DTATCHM SAD Switzerland: TA98 Total Record
DTATCHN SAD Switzerland: TA12 Transfer to Foreign Postal Account MB
DTATCHO SAD Swtizerland: TA14 foreign postal transfers MB
DTATCHP SAD Switzerland: TA25 foreign bank payments MB
DTATCHR DME Switz: TA836 with IBAN Domestic and Abroad for all Curr.
DTATNLG0 Postal transfer on tape
DTATNLP0 Postbank start record for tape
DTATNLX0 Postal giro x-record for tape
DTATNLZ0 Postal giro end record for tape
DTAUSBC DME USA - ACH Company/Batch Control Record
DTAUSBH DME USA - ACH Company/Batch Header Record
DTAUSCCD DME USA - ACH Entry Detail Record CCD
DTAUSCTX DME USA - ACH Entry Detail Record CTX
DTAUSFC DME USA - ACH File Control Record
DTAUSFH DME USA - ACH File Header Record
DTAXATB Domestic DME Austria sales record_1 for tape/diskette
DTAXATC Domestic DME Austria sales record_2 for tape/diskette
DTAXATD Domestic DME Austria text record for tape/diskette
DTAXATE Domestic DME Austria totals record for tape/diskette
DTAXATF Domestic DME Austria end record for tape/diskette
DTAXATI Foreign DME Austria header record for tape/diskette
DTAXATJ Foreign DME Austria sales record_1 for tape/diskette
DTAXATK Foreign DME Austria sales record_2 for tape/diskette
DTAXATL Foreign DME Austria sales record_3 for tape/diskette
DTAXATM Foreign DME Austria sales record_4 for tape/diskette
DTAXATN Foreign DME Austria sales record_5 for tape/diskette
DTAXATO Foreign DME Austria sales record_6 for tape/diskette
DTAXATP Foreign DME Austria sales record_7 for tape/diskette
DTAXATQ Foreign DME Austria sales record_8 for tape/diskette
DTAXATR Foreign DME Austria sales record_9 for tape/diskette
DTAXATS Foreign DTA Austria sales record_10 for tape/diskette
DTAXATT Foreign DTA Austria totals record for tape/diskette
DTAXATU Foreign DME Austria end record for tape/diskette
DTAXFR1 DME France data record E (=Emetteur 1->80)
DTAXFR2 DME France data record E (=Emetteur 81->160)
DTAXFR3 DME France data record D (=Emetteur 1->80)
DTAXFR4 DME France data record D (=Emetteur 81->160)
DTAXFR5 DME France data record T (=Emetteur 1->80)
DTAXFR6 DME France data record T (=Emetteur 81->160)
DTAXHKAD Autopay Detail Payment File Hong Kong
DTAXHKAH Autopay header payment file Hong Kong
DTAXNL1A Foreign payments header record (Netherlands)
DTAXNL3A Foreign payments payment record-1 (Netherlands)
DTAXNL4A Foreign payments payment record-2 (Netherlands)
DTAXNL5A Foreign payments payment record-3 (Netherlands)
DTAXNL6A Foreign payments payment record-4 (Netherlands)
DTAXNL8A Foreign payments totals record (Netherlands)
DTAXNL9A Foreign payments end record (Netherlands)
DTAXNLB0 BGC-PC payment record for tape/diskette
DTAXNLC0 CLIEOP02 record for pmnts and collection (domestic pmnts)
DTAXNLP0 BGC-PC postal giro payment record for diskette/tape
DTAXNLZ0 BGC-PC end record for diskette/tape
DTAZDEA German domestic DME format POfS (mail) data record A
DTAZDEC German domestic DME format POfS (mail) data record C
DTAZDEE German domestic DME format POfS (mail) data record E
F110_FLDTAB_1820 Transfer Free Selections to BTE 00001820 (F110)
F110_KBANK Data for Correspondent Bank
F110_LST Proposal for payment list and variants in F110
F110_PAYRUN_INFO F110 Payment Run Info
F110_PBANK Structure of partner's bank data
F110C Control information for SAPF110
F110H Data for hash routine one-time account data F110
F110HELP Dialog fields for F4 Help in payment program
F110O Online fields for SAPF110O
F110V Fields for SAPF110V (payment program parameters)
FAGL_S_RFEBFI20_LIST1 ALV Structure for report - RFEBFI20 - Header.
FDTA Help fields structure for 'DME Administration' transaction
FMPAYDAT Payment data to be transferred to FM
FMPAYITEM Payment line item data for calculation of payment amounts
FMPAYSTA Payment data status
FOAP_S_RFCHKU00_LIST Reference for Check from Payment Document Structure
FOAP_S_RFPAYS00_LIST Structure for RFPAYS00: ALV Conversion
OPN_J1_S Japanese DME Foreign Payment Screen Auxiliary Fields
PAY_NOR_MASS Include the payment method for mass transfer (HR)
PNRT Prenotification: File with checked bank data (SAP format)
PYORDKEY Transfer structure for payment order function modules
R042 Customizing payment program help fields (FBZP)
R042S Help fields for T042S
R042V Help fields for T042v
REGU1_LST Payment data - totals by business area
REGU2_LST Payment data - totals by country
REGU3_LST Payment data - totals by currency
REGU4_LST Payment Data - Totals per Payment Method
REGU5_LST Payment data - totals per bank
REGUD Form print transfer data
REGUE Line items from the settlement in the payment proposal
REGUH_1830 Transfer REGUH to BTE 00001830 in payment program
REGUH_FM Budget data section of payment data
REGUH_LST Payment data (neutral communication structure)
REGUHX REGUH extension for the payment request
REGUO Extract from the payment records for online list
REGUP_1830 Transfer REGUP to BTE 00001830 in payment program
REGUP_LST Paid items (neutral communication structure)
REGUSRT Help fields for sorting the payment data
SCHEDMAN_SPECIFIC_FIAP FI-AP Structures for Schedule Manager
SEC_IDX_FLAGS Flags for Processing FI Secondary Indexes
SI_T001 Company codes
UMSATZ_MC MultiCash bank statement: Item structure


SAP Package FBZ contains 114 programs.

RF_INSTREP Conversion of Instr.Key Appl.Area '001' to '100' (Single Repair)
RF110SMS Report Program RF110SMS
RFCHKA00 Archiving Check Data
RFCHKA10 Deleting Check Data in the Archive
RFCHKA20 Retrieval of Check Data from the Archive
RFCHKD20 Delete Information on Checks Created Manually
RFCHKN00 Check Register
RFCHKR00 Lengthen Check Numbers for Account &0.. &1... &2...
RFCHKU00 Create Reference for Check from Payment Document
RFEBESCSB00 Bank statement Spain - conversion to MultiCash format
RFEBFI00 Bank Statement: Finland Reference Payments - Convert to Multicash
RFEBFI00_NACC Bank Statement: Finland Reference Payments - Convert to Multicash
RFEBFI20 Account Statement for Finland in TITO Format
RFEBFI20_NACC Account Statement for Finland in TITO Format
RFEBFILUM00 Bank Statement Finland - Conversion to Multicash Format
RFEBIT00 Bank Statement:Italy CBI - Convert to Multicash
RFEPOSSU $: Summary Sheet
RFF110S Report for the Automatic Scheduling of the Payment Program
RFF110SSP Balance Check after a Payment Proposal
RFF110SSPL Balance Check: Overview of Blocked Accounts
RFFOAT_A Payment Medium Austria - Foreign Payment Transactions V3 Format
RFFOAT_P Payment Medium (Austria) - V3 Format
RFFOAU_T Payment Medium for Australia - Bank Transfers/Debit Memo BECS
RFFOAVIS Payment Medium International - Zero Balance Notice
RFFOAVIS_FPAYM Payment Medium - Correspondence for Generic Payment Medium Program
RFFOBE_D Payment Medium Belgium - DME DOM 80 (Customer Pmnts and Collections)
RFFOBE_E Payment Medium Belgium - Foreign DME
RFFOBE_I Payment Medium Belgium - Domestic DME
RFFOCA_T Payment Medium (Canada) - DME Bank Transfers/Collection in Stand. 005
RFFOCH_P Payment Medium Switzerland - Postal Giro/SAD/BAD
RFFOCH_U Payment Medium Switzerland - Transfers, Bank Collection / DME
RFFOCZ_U Payment Medium Czech Republic - Transfers
RFFOD__L Payment Medium Germany - Pmts in Ger.For.Tr.Regs (Z1 Form)/Foreign DME
RFFOD__S International Payment Medium - Check (without check management)
RFFOD__T Payment Medium International - Check/Bill of Exchange Procedure
RFFOD__U Payment Medium Germany - Transfers/Bank Direct Debits, Coll./Dom.DME
RFFOD__V Payment Medium International - Notification
RFFOD__W Payment Medium International - Bills of Exchange
RFFOD__Z German Payment Medium: Payment Order for Settlement (POfS)
RFFODK_B Domestic DME (Denmark) - Domestic Bank Transfers and Collections (PBS)
RFFODK_E Payment Medium for Denmark - Payments Abroad (PAYMUL)
RFFODK_P Domestic DME (Denmark) - Domestic Transfers/Collections (Postal Giro)
RFFODK_U Danish Payment Medium - Foreign Transfers in Postal Giro Format
RFFODOWN Payment Medium International - Load Data Medium Exchange File to Disk
RFFODTA0 Payment Medium International - Payment Summary for Payment Medium
RFFODTA1 Generate Payment Advice Note for List of Payment Document Numbers
RFFOEDI0 Payment Medium International - Repetition Run for EDI Payment Advices
RFFOEDI1 International Payment Medium - Payment Orders by EDI
RFFOEDI2 International Payment Medium - Correction of EDI Status
RFFOEDI3 International Payment Medium - EDI Accompanying Sheet
RFFOES_D Payment Medium Spain - DME Bank Collection, Customer Credit
RFFOES_T Payment Medium Spain - DME Transfers, Bank Checks
RFFOEXI2 Main Program for User Exits MT200/202/210
RFFOEXIT International Payment Medium - User Exits for the Pyt Medium Programs
RFFOF__T Payment Medium for France - Foreign Bank Transfers
RFFOF__V Payment Medium France - Collective Bank Transfer Order
RFFOFI_A Payment Medium (Finland) - Domestic Customers (Direct Debit)
RFFOFI_L Data Medium Finland - Domestic Vendor Transactions (LM02)
RFFOFI_U Payment Medium for Finland - Vendor Transactions Abroad
RFFOGB_T Payment Medium Great Britain and Ireland - BACWAY, BACSBOX, EFTS, EMTS
RFFOHK_A Payment Medium for Hong Kong - DME Domestic (Autoplan)
RFFOIT_B Payment Medium (Italy) - Domestic DME
RFFOIT_FOR Payment Medium(Italy) - Foreign DME
RFFOJP_L Payment Medium (Japan) - DME Abroad
RFFOJP_T Payment Medium Japan - Domestic DME (and Bank Charges)
RFFOLU_X Automatice Direct Debiting Procedure, DOM2000 Format
RFFOM100 International Payment Medium - SWIFT Format MT100
RFFOM200 International Payment Medium - SWIFT Format MT200
RFFOM202 International Payment Medium - SWIFT Format MT202
RFFOM210 International Payment Medium - SWIFT Format MT210
RFFONL_A Payment Medium Netherlands - Foreign DME
RFFONL_I Payment Medium Netherlands - Domestic DME
RFFONO_D Payment Medium (Norway) - Direct Remittance and Autogiro via BBS
RFFONO_G Payment Medium for Norway - DME (DATADIALOG)
RFFONO_T Payment Medium Norway - DME with Domestic and Foreign Bank Transfers
RFFONZ_T Payment Transfer Medium (NZ) - Local Transfers/Debit Memos (MTS)
RFFOSCRP International Payment Medium - SAPscript Subroutines
RFFOSE_A Payment Medium (Sweden) - Domestic Autogiro (Customers)
RFFOSE_B Payment Medium Sweden - Domestic Vendor Bank Giro (BGC)
RFFOSE_H Payment Medium (Sweden) - Foreign Vendor Payments via BGC
RFFOSE_P Payment Medium Sweden - Domestic Vendor PostGiro
RFFOUS_C International Payment Medium - Check (with check management)
RFFOUS_T Payment Medium USA - Transfers/Bank Direct Debits in ACH Format
RFFOZA_A Payment Medium South Africa - DME in ACB Format
RFIDATEB00 Creation of an MT940 file with data from the V3 return data carrier
RFPAYS00 Payment Orders in Data Medium Exchange
RFPAYS00_NACC Payment Orders in Data Medium Exchange
RFPNFC00 Prenotification: Creation of the Prenotification File
RFPNFR00 Prenotification: Importing the Feedback from the Bank (SAP Format)
RFPNLS00 Prenotification: List of Prenotification Files
RFPNLS10 Prenotification: List of Changed Bank Data
RFPNSL00 Prenotification: Selection of New/Changed Bank Data
RFPYORDD Deletion Report for Payment Entries
RFPYORDL Display Report for Payment Orders
RFXPRA10 Conversion of ZWF into PYF
RFXPRA21 Extension and Type Change for Field 'Company Number' in T021D
RFZALI00 Payment Settlement List
RFZALI10 Payment Settlement - List of Exceptions
RFZALI20 Payment list
RFZALKHU Rounding Payment Amounts to the Forint
SAPDFKZ1 Payment Program Configuration
SAPDFKZ2 Payment Program Configuration
SAPDFKZ3 Payment Program Configuration
SAPF110I Cash Discount Losses Layout Index for Payment Proposal
SAPF110O ?...
SAPF110R Reorganization Program for Payment Data
SAPF110S Payment Program
SAPF110V Module Pool for Entering Payment Runs
SAPMF02I House Bank/Bank Account Customizing
SAPMFCHK Check management module pool
SAPMFDTA Administration Transaction for TemSe and REGUT Data
SAPMFKZ0 Payment Program Customizing
SAPMFKZ1 Payment Program Configuration Error Analysis

Search Helps

SAP Package FBZ contains 1 search helps.

H_TZGR Payment Grouping

Message Classes

SAP Package FBZ contains 3 message classes.

F5 Belegbearbeitung
FZ Zahlungsverkehr
IT_CUP_CIG CUP/CIG Number Capture at Vendor Invoice for Italy