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Bei ansehen →The package LALD (Logistics Automotive Line Design) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | LALD |
Short Text | Logistics Automotive Line Design |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package LALD contains 4 function groups.
LD01 | Line hierarchy |
LD02 | Takt scheduling |
LDPS | Process Sheet |
TLDPS | Process Sheet: Customizing |
SAP Package LALD contains 13 transactions.
LD00 | Line Design |
LDA2 | Change Takt Time |
LDA3 | Display Takt Time |
LDB1 | Create Line Hierarchy |
LDB2 | Change Line Hierarchy |
LDB3 | Display Line Hierarchy |
LDD1 | Create Line Balance |
LDD2 | Change Line Balance |
LDD3 | Display Line Balance |
LDE1 | Work Instruction for Routing |
LDE2 | Work Instruction for Line Hier. |
MDVP | Collective Availability Check PAUF |
OLDPS | Process Sheet: Layout Management |
SAP Package LALD contains 25 database tables.
LDLBC | Takts/no. of ind. capacities per line segment line balance |
LDLBH | Line balance/planned rate header record |
LDLBP | Line balance items |
LDLBT | Line hierarchy entry and exit takts |
LDLH | Line hierarchy header |
LDLP | Line hierarchy items |
LDLT | Line hierarchy takt times |
LDMDR | Line Hierarchy Material-Dependent Rates |
TLDPS_COL_CTL | Process Sheet: Layout table assignment R/3<->Word |
TLDPS_CONT1 | Process Sheet: table for document contents (Import/Export) |
TLDPS_CONT1_S | Process Sheet: table for document contents (Import/Export) |
TLDPS_LAYOUT | Process Sheet: Layout header data |
TLDPS_LOIO | Process Sheet: Instances of logical info objects |
TLDPS_LOIOT | Process Sheet: Descriptions of logical info objects |
TLDPS_LOPR | Process Sheet: Attribute values of logical info objects |
TLDPS_LORE | Process Sheet:Outgoing relationships of logical info objects |
TLDPS_LORI | Process Sheet:Incoming relationships of logical info objects |
TLDPS_PHF | Process Sheet: Physical info object files |
TLDPS_PHF_S | Process Sheet: Physical info object files |
TLDPS_PHIO | Process Sheet: Instances of physical info objects |
TLDPS_PHIO_S | Process Sheet: Instances of physical info objects |
TLDPS_PHPR | Process Sheet: Attributes of physical info objects |
TLDPS_PHRE | Process Sheet:Outgoing relationships of phys. info objects |
TLDPS_PHRI | Process Sheet: Incoming relationships of phys. info objects |
TLDPS_TAB_CTL | Process Sheet: Layout table assignment R/3<->Word |
SAP Package LALD contains 8 views.
LD_CRHD | Data Base View of Work Center for Line Hierarchy |
V_LDLBH1 | For Search Help |
V_LDLBPG | View of line balance header/items |
V_LDLH1 | For Search Help |
V_T441C_VK | Profile - Collective Results - Components View |
V_TLDPS_COL_CTL | Process Sheet: field assignment |
V_TLDPS_LAYOUT | Process Sheet: header data template |
V_TLDPS_TAB_CTL | Process Sheet: table assignment |
SAP Package LALD contains 42 structures.
LDCHTKT | Screen fields for changing no. of takts/capacities |
LDFBPARAMS | LD: Fields for function module paramters |
LDHLP | Help fields for line design |
LDLBCD | Capacities of a line segment - dialog - |
LDLBHD | Dialog strukture LDLBH |
LDLBPD | Dialog strukture LDLBP |
LDLBPG | Routing usage in existing line balances |
LDLBTD | Dialog structure LDLBT |
LDLHD | Dialog structure LDLH |
LDLP_F4 | F4 help structure for line segments |
LDLPD | Dialog structure LDLP |
LDLPNT | Node Structure Line Hierarchy |
LDLTD | Dialog structure LDLT |
LDLTIME | Structure for Displaying Execution Times |
LDLTIME_TEST | Structure for Displaying Execution Times |
LDMDR_CD | Dialog Structure Control Screen Time/Material-Dependent Rate |
LDMDRD | Dialog Structure LDMDR |
LDOP | Operation duration |
LDOPR | Administration table: Operations for graphic |
LDPS_CHA_ALL | Transfer Inspection Characteristics to Print Module |
LDPS_CHA_DATA | Inspection Characteristics for OMS |
LDPS_COM_DATA | Component assignment for process sheet |
LDPS_DIALOG | Dialog fields for the process sheet selection screens |
LDPS_LANGTEXT | Structure to Transfer Long Text Data |
LDPS_MAT_DATA | OMS: Material |
LDPS_OPR_DATA | Operation/sub-operation data for process sheet |
LDPS_OPR_DATA_APPEND | Additional operation data not coming from the Engin.WB |
LDPS_PRT_DATA | Assignments of production resources/tools for process sheet |
LDPS_TSK_DATA | Routing data for process sheet |
LDPS_TXT_DATA | Long Text in Table Form for OMS |
LDRLOCK | Blocked Routings |
LDRSEL | Structure for selection of routings |
LDSCA | FIelds to be displayed for individ. capacities |
LDSEQINF | Add. fields for dialog structure planned sequences (PLFLD) |
LDSLN | Fields to be displayed for line/line segments |
LDSOP | Fields to be displayed for operations |
LDSQ | Sequence Relationships for Line Design |
LDTA | Cumulated operation times |
LDTREEITM | Tree control item for report SAPTREV* |
LDTREENODE | Node structure for tree control |
PLSV | Structure for collective availability check - planned orders |
RSSV | Structure for collective availability check - planned orders |
SAP Package LALD contains 5 programs.
RCNBF0IL | Collective availability check: Filter planned order headers |
RCNBF0IV | Collective availability check: filter missing parts |
RLD05000 | Collective Availability Check |
RLDPS_PRINT_BY_LH | Print Operational Method Sheets |
SAP Package LALD contains 3 search helps.
F4_TLDPS_LAYOUT | Search Help for OMS Layout |
LDLBH1 | Line balancing version |
LDLH1 | Line hierarchy search help |
SAP Package LALD contains 1 message classes.
LD | Logistics Automotive Line Design |
SAP Package LALD contains 1 authorization objects.
C_LINE | LD: Processing Lines |