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Bei ansehen →The package PB04 (HR Master Data: Spain) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCES.
Package | PB04 |
Short Text | HR Master Data: Spain |
Parent Package | HRCES |
SAP Package PB04 contains 26 function groups.
0PE0 | Extended table maintenance (generated) |
0PEA | Extended table maintenance (generated) |
0PEB | Extended table maintenance (generated) |
0PEC | Extended table maintenance (generated) |
0PED | Extended table maintenance (generated) |
0PEE | Employment regulation file views |
0PEF | PY-ES: Contract management views |
0PEG | Garnishment |
0PEH | Maintain expanded tables (generated) |
0PEI | Extended table maintenance (generated) |
0PEL | Extended table maintenance (generated) |
0PEQ | Maintain expanded tables (generated) |
0PES | Extended table maintenance (generated) |
0PET | Maintain expanded tables (generated) |
EHE1 | ESS Employee Address Spain |
EHE3 | ESS - Bank details - Spain |
EHE5 | ESS - Personal Data - Spain |
EHE6 | ESS - Family Members - Spain |
HRPADES_BAS | Base objects ES |
HRPADES_CONVERSION | Data conversion - ES |
HRPADES_TAX_TEXT_READING | Reading texts related to employment tax |
HRPADESWIZ_0001 | HRMS-ES: Customize taxes |
PADR_ES | Business Object AddrEmpE |
PEB0 | HR-E: Business objects funcions |
PEHL | F4 Help functions for HR Spain |
PERC | HR-ES: Functions to get RFC destinations |
SAP Package PB04 contains 19 transactions.
PC00_M04_CDEA | Delt@ - Electronic notifications |
PC00_M04_CDEB | Delt@ RATSB - Accidents w/o leave |
PC00_M04_RPCAFIE1 | Affiliation message |
PC00_M04_RPCDTBE0 | Prep. data medium exchange |
PC00_M04_RPCLJNE9 | Payroll journal Spain |
PC00_M04_RPCLPCE0 | Display personal calendar |
PC00_M04_RPCMLIE0 | Cash breakdown list |
PC00_M04_RPCRT2E0 | Certific@2 |
PC00_M04_RPCSPUE0 | Entitlements transfer |
PC00_M04_RPCSPXE1 | Automatic special payments |
PC00_M04_RPIMBIE0 | Estimate of taxable income |
PC00_M04_RPU31G02 | XPRA for conversion of IT0090 |
PC00_M04_RPU620E0 | Conversion program for IT0062 |
PC00_M04_RPUFORE0 | Theoretical training mgmt hours |
PC00_M04_RPUP62E0 | Create new record IT0062 |
PC00_M04_RPUP62E1 | Create new record IT0062 |
PC00_M04_RPURT2E0 | Assessment of Certific@2 replies |
PC00_M04_RPW001E0 | Customize taxes (display) |
PC00_M04_RPW003E0 | Cutomize taxes (change) |
SAP Package PB04 contains 173 database tables.
PA0061 | HR Master Record Infotype 0061 (Social Insurance - Spain) |
PA0062 | HR master record Infotype 0062 (Tax Spain)) |
PA0090 | HR Master Record Infotype 0090 (Additional Income) |
PA0092 | HR master record Infotype 0092 (Seniority Spain) |
PA0480 | HR master record for infotype 0480 |
PA0714 | HR master record Infotype 0714 |
PA0768 | Personal data |
PA0799 | AFI message data |
PA0968 | HR master record infotype 0968 |
PA3231 | HR master record Infotype 3231 |
PB0480 | HR master record infotype 0480 (Candidates) |
T5E01 | Personnel areas and subareas |
T5E02 | Company tax data |
T5E03 | IA/ID and NID healthcare companies |
T5E04 | Registered company and work center names |
T5E05 | Social Insurance branch offices |
T5E06 | Social Insurance contributing companies |
T5E07 | Health services amounts for company contributing to S.I. |
T5E08 | Time-dependent characteristics of CACs |
T5E10 | Extension of pay scales |
T5E11 | Assignation of head office to corporate group |
T5E12 | Assignment of Social Insurance center |
T5E1T | Corporate group texts |
T5E20 | Provinces |
T5E2T | Contract type keys for Social insurance |
T5E30 | Adjust Social Insurance reasons and actions |
T5E31 | Actions and situations for affiliation messages |
T5E32 | Healthcare company codes - Social Insurance |
T5E33 | Assign countries to Social Insurance key (RED System) |
T5E34 | Pay scale codes |
T5E35 | Town according to INEM |
T5E36 | Reasons for Legal Unemployment Situation |
T5E36T | Texts: Reasons for leagal unemployment situation |
T5E37 | Estimation of annual income |
T5E38 | Reasons for IRPF percentage change |
T5E39 | Check digit for specifying taxpayer reference number (NIF) |
T5E3T | Keys for Social insurance contribution groups |
T5E40 | Employment tax deduction percentages |
T5E41 | Payment subkeys |
T5E42 | Contract types for Social Insurance |
T5E43 | Contribution bases for non-industrial risks |
T5E44 | Contribution bases for IA and ID quotas |
T5E45 | Social Insurance contribution types |
T5E46 | Social Insurance epigraphs |
T5E48 | Groups of professional categories |
T5E4B | Employment Texts |
T5E4C | Employment (IA and ID contributions) |
T5E4D | CNAE texts |
T5E4E | CNAE: National Business Activities Classification |
T5E4F | CNAES entities table |
T5E4G | Employment authorizations by CNAE |
T5E4H | CNAE texts |
T5E4T | Description of Social Insurance branch-office types |
T5E50 | Minimum bases for part-time contracts |
T5E51 | Seniority bonuses |
T5E52 | Seniority calculation methods |
T5E53 | Amounts of seniority bonuses |
T5E55 | Social Insurance office types |
T5E57 | Union dues |
T5E5T | Texts of Social Insurance contribution types |
T5E60 | Contract entity according to the company |
T5E61 | Contract transformations allowed |
T5E64 | Length of temporary contracts according to Soc. Ins. Admin. |
T5E65 | Work schedule in part-time contracts according Soc. Ins. Ad. |
T5E66 | Contract validity acc. to Soc. Insurance, laws and decrees |
T5E67 | Special contracts according to Social Insurance |
T5E68 | Assignment of contracts to groups |
T5E6A | Contract set |
T5E6B | Contract groupers |
T5E6C | Sets of contracts and associated wage types |
T5E6D | Contribution calculation for sets of contracts |
T5E6F | Calculation methods |
T5E6I | Contract texts according to company |
T5E6J | Contract texts according to Social Insurance |
T5E6K | Contract grouper texts |
T5E6L | Calculation method texts |
T5E6M | Contract set texts |
T5E6T | Title texts |
T5E70 | INEM offices |
T5E75 | Work center commitment code |
T5E76 | Discount group code |
T5E77 | Academic qualifications code according to INEM |
T5E7I | Spanish Office of Employment (INEM) branch texts |
T5E8M | Reasons for IRPF percentage change |
T5E8S | Assignation of professional categories to modifiers |
T5E8T | Modifiers for professional categories |
T5E8U | Texts of professional categories modifiers |
T5E91 | Assignation of customer subtypes to legal classes |
T5EA0 | Seniority calculation procedures |
T5EA0T | Calculation procedure texts |
T5EA1 | Seniority payment methods |
T5EA1T | Payment method texts |
T5EA2 | Seniority payment symbols |
T5EA2T | Payment symbol texts |
T5EA3 | Definition of valuation methods |
T5EA3T | Valuation method texts |
T5EA4 | Associate valuation wage type with valuation method |
T5EA5 | Calculation sequences by payment method |
T5EA6 | Actions and reasons affecting seniority |
T5EAE | Business activities |
T5ECP | Generation of personal calendar |
T5ED1 | Location type |
T5ED1T | Location type |
T5ED2 | Deviation |
T5ED2T | Deviation |
T5ED3 | Work type |
T5ED3T | Work type |
T5ED4 | Specific physical activity |
T5ED4T | Specific physical activity |
T5ED5 | Contact method |
T5ED5T | Contact method |
T5ED6 | Injured body part |
T5ED6T | Injured body part |
T5ED7 | Description of the injury |
T5ED7T | Description of the injury |
T5ED8 | Material agents |
T5ED8T | Material agents |
T5ED9 | Worker employment codes |
T5ED9T | Description of worker employment codes |
T5EDH | Local tax offices/authorities |
T5EF1 | Infotypes used to calculate DAQ fields |
T5EF6 | DDIC structures for logical forms |
T5EF7 | Extension of definition for DAQ fields |
T5EFI | Severance payment calculation |
T5EG0 | Gross/net model features |
T5EG1 | Special Rule |
T5EG2 | Special rule description |
T5EG3 | Special rule calculation |
T5EG4 | Features of non-exempt amount model |
T5EG5 | Features of relationship with other debts model |
T5EG6 | Default values |
T5EG9 | Garnishee fee |
T5EI1 | Employment tax deduction rates |
T5EI2 | Wage exempt of employment tax deduction |
T5EI3 | Employment tax control constants |
T5EI4 | Employment tax amount constants |
T5EI5 | Wage types valid for Spanish IRS evaluations |
T5EI6 | Arrears by period and grouper |
T5EI7 | Default behaviour for arrears groupers |
T5EI8 | Lowering of deduction type for challenged persons |
T5EIA | Payment keys |
T5EII | Employment tax control constant texts |
T5EIJ | Texts of unemployment tax amount constants |
T5EL1 | Protected data access log |
T5EL2 | Protected data logical files |
T5EL3 | Last record of access to protected data by user |
T5EL4 | Protected TemSe fields |
T5EL5 | Protected data access log (description) |
T5EL6 | LOPD. High-level fields and data structures |
T5EL7 | Log for accessing protected data for XML files |
T5EMA | Legal application text messages, Spain |
T5EP1 | Form management |
T5EP2 | Forms management 2 |
T5EPT | Forms management: Description of form |
T5ER1 | Employment regulation files |
T5ER2 | Configuration of calendars for ERE |
T5ES1 | Marine employees: Canary Is. record |
T5ES2 | Allowance formulas |
T5ES3 | Contract processing methods |
T5ES4 | Legal regulations |
T5ES5 | Processing method keys |
T5ES6 | Allowance formulas |
T5ES7 | Incentive groups |
T5ES8 | CAC types |
T5ES9 | Processing method keys |
T5EST | Incentive groups |
T5EU1 | Payroll results containers |
T5EU2 | Generic table of situations and possible options |
T5EU3 | Assignation of options to situations |
T5EU4 | Generic table of situations and possible options |
T5EUB | Generic table of situations and possible options |
T5EUD | Generic table of situations and possible options |
T5EVP | Street identifiers |
SAP Package PB04 contains 162 views.
H_T005S_PADES | Country provinces |
H_T5E03 | Help view T5E03 |
H_T5E05 | View table T5E05 |
H_T5E11 | Help view for field GROUP_ID in table T5E11 |
H_T5E20 | Spanish provinces |
H_T5E31 | Actions and situations for affiliation messages |
H_T5E33 | Countries authorities (SI, Internal Revenue Service) |
H_T5E38 | Tax reasons Spain |
H_T5E3T | View T5E3T |
H_T5E42 | View of table T5E42 |
H_T5E48 | Help view T5E48 |
H_T5E52 | Calculation methods, seniority in the company |
H_T5E6T | View T5E6T |
H_T5E8M | Help view T5E8M |
H_T5EAE | Helpview for table T5EAE - Economic Activities (Spain) |
H_T5EDH | View help for table T5EDH - Tax offices (Spain) |
H_T5EG1 | Special rule |
H_T5EVP | Help view T5EVP |
HRPADES_METOD | Incentive group and method |
V_5E01_B | Personnel areas/subareas - professional categories |
V_5E01_C | Personnel rea/ubarea - regions (old) |
V_5E01_D | Personnel area/subarea - Social Insurance category |
V_5E01_E | Personnel srea/subarea - provinces |
V_5E02_A | Company tax data |
V_5E04_A | Registered company and work center names |
V_5E07_A | Master data for Forcem |
V_5E11_A | Company group/grouping definition |
V_5E30_A | Adjust Social Insurance reasons and actions |
V_5E40_A | Fast data entry for deduction types |
V_5E41_B | Payment keys and subkeys - infotype 0090 |
V_5E42_B | Contract types for Social Insurance |
V_5E43_B | Social Insurance contribution groups |
V_5E46_B | Social Insurance epigraphs |
V_5E60_A | Assign company contracts valid for Social Insurance |
V_5E60_A1 | Assign valid company contracts by SI (WERKS/BTRTL) |
V_5E60_A2 | Assign valid company contracts by SI (TRFAR/TRFGB) |
V_5E60_B | Assign type/mode/groupings to company contracts |
V_5E60_B1 | Assign type/mode/groupings to contracts (WERKS/BTRTL) |
V_5E60_B2 | Assign type/mode/groupings to contracts (TRFAR/TRFGB) |
V_5E60_C | Assign special processing and management methods |
V_5E60_C1 | Assign special processing and managemnt methds (WERKS/BTRTL) |
V_5E60_C2 | Assign special processing and managemnt methds (TRFAR/TRFGB) |
V_5E6C_A | Sets of contracts and associated wage types |
V_5EG4_B | Form for non-exempt amount (deductible) |
V_5EG5_B | Debt relationship form |
V_5EI3_A | Employment Tax: Payroll constants |
V_5EI4_A | Tax: payroll constants for amounts |
V_5ES1_A | Category for marine employees |
V_5ES1_B | Contribution bases with inverse contribution group |
V_T5E01 | Personnel area/subarea - Social Insurance data |
V_T5E02 | Company tax data |
V_T5E03 | IA/ID and NID healthcare companies |
V_T5E05 | Social Insurance branch offices |
V_T5E07 | Health services amounts for company contributing to S.I. |
V_T5E08 | Time-dependent characteristics of CACs |
V_T5E10 | Extension of pay scales |
V_T5E11 | Assignation of head office to corporate group |
V_T5E12 | Assignment of Social Insurance center |
V_T5E20 | Tax modifier assignment to province |
V_T5E2T | Contract types for Social Insurance |
V_T5E30 | Adjust Social Insurance reasons and actions |
V_T5E31 | Actions and situations for affiliation messages |
V_T5E32 | Healthcare company codes according to Social Insurance Adm. |
V_T5E33 | Assign countries to Social Insurance and IRS key |
V_T5E34 | Pay scale codes |
V_T5E35 | Postal codes and towns according to INEM |
V_T5E36 | Reasons for Legal Unemployment Situation |
V_T5E37 | Estimation of annual income |
V_T5E38 | Reasons for IRPF percentage change |
V_T5E3T | Keys for Social insurance contribution groups |
V_T5E40 | Employment tax deduction percentages |
V_T5E41 | Payment keys and subkeys |
V_T5E42 | Contract types for Social Insurance |
V_T5E43 | Contribution bases for non-industrial risks |
V_T5E45 | Social Insurance contribution types |
V_T5E46 | Social Insurance epigraphs |
V_T5E48 | Professional categories/SI contribution groups |
V_T5E4C | Employment |
V_T5E4C_SHLP | Help view for T5E4C/T5E4B + T5E4G |
V_T5E4E | CNAE: National Business Activities Classification |
V_T5E4F | CNAE used |
V_T5E4G | Employment authorizations by CNAE |
V_T5E50 | Minimum bases for part-time contracts |
V_T5E55 | Social Insurance office types |
V_T5E60 | Contract entity according to the company |
V_T5E61 | Transformation of company contracts |
V_T5E64 | Length of temporary contracts according to Soc. Ins. Admin. |
V_T5E65 | Work schedule in part-time contracts according Soc. Ins. Ad. |
V_T5E66 | Contracts acccording to the Social Insurance Administration |
V_T5E67 | Special contracts according to the Social Insurance Admin. |
V_T5E68 | Assignment of contracts to groups |
V_T5E6A | Contract set |
V_T5E6B | Contract groupers |
V_T5E6D | Contribution calculation for sets of contracts |
V_T5E6F | Calculation methods |
V_T5E70 | INEM offices |
V_T5E75 | Work center commitment code view |
V_T5E76 | Allowance group code view |
V_T5E77 | Academic qualifications code according to INEM view |
V_T5E8M | Reasons for IRPF percentage change |
V_T5E8S | Professional categories |
V_T5E8T | Modifiers for professional categories |
V_T5E91 | Assignation of customer subtypes to legal classes |
V_T5EA0 | Seniority calculation procedures |
V_T5EA1 | Seniority payment methods |
V_T5EA2 | Seniority payment symbols |
V_T5EA3 | Seniority valuation methods |
V_T5EA4 | Associate valuation wage type with valuation method |
V_T5EA5 | Seniority payment sequences |
V_T5EA6 | Actions and reasons that affect seniority negatively |
V_T5ED1 | Place type |
V_T5ED2 | Deviation |
V_T5ED3 | Work type |
V_T5ED4 | Specific physical activity |
V_T5ED5 | Contact method |
V_T5ED6 | Injured body part |
V_T5ED7 | Description of the injury |
V_T5ED8 | Material agents |
V_T5ED9 | National Classification of Occupations |
V_T5EDH | Local tax offices/authorities |
V_T5EF1 | Infotypes used to calculate DAQ fields view |
V_T5EF6 | Data structures for logical forms |
V_T5EF7 | Definition extension for DAQ fields and sections |
V_T5EG0 | Gross/Net form features |
V_T5EG1 | Special Rule |
V_T5EG3 | Special rule calculation schema |
V_T5EG4 | Non-exempt form features |
V_T5EG5 | Features of relationship with other debts model |
V_T5EG6 | Default values |
V_T5EG9 | Garnishee fee features |
V_T5EI1 | Complete view of employment tax deductions |
V_T5EI2 | Wage exempt of employment tax deduction |
V_T5EI3 | Employment tax control constants |
V_T5EI4 | Employment tax amount constants |
V_T5EI5 | Payroll results reading Form 190 |
V_T5EI6 | Arrears by period and grouper |
V_T5EI7 | Default behaviour for arrears groupers |
V_T5EI8 | Lowering of deduction type for challenged persons |
V_T5EIA | Payment keys |
V_T5EL2 | Protected data logical files |
V_T5EL4 | Protected TemSe fields |
V_T5EL6 | LOPD-protected fields |
V_T5EMA | Legal application message texts, Spain, view |
V_T5EP1 | Form management |
V_T5EP2 | Form management: Form types |
V_T5ER1 | Employment regulation files |
V_T5ER2 | ERE calendar management |
V_T5ES1 | Marine employees: Canary Is. record |
V_T5ES2 | Allowance/reduction calculation formulas |
V_T5ES3 | Contribution calculation methods |
V_T5ES4 | Legal regulations |
V_T5ES5 | Calculation method keys |
V_T5ES6 | Time-dependent allowance formulas |
V_T5ES7 | Incentive groups |
V_T5ES8 | CAC type |
V_T5EU1 | Payroll results containers |
V_T5EU2 | Generic table of situations and possible options |
V_T5EU3 | Assignation of options to situations |
V_T5EU4 | Situations |
VV_T588M_MP096800 | Screen control view for Delt@ infotype (0968) |
VV_T588Z_0968 | Dynamic actions for Delt@ infotype (0968) |
VV_T5EU3_DELTA | Assignment of options to Delt@ situations |
SAP Package PB04 contains 78 structures.
BAPIP0006LES | HR master record infotype 0006 (Addresses) ES |
LOPD_RES | Results structure for the LOPD LOG |
LOPD_S_RES | Simple log for the reorganization of LOPD access |
P0061 | HR Master Record Infotype 0061 (Social Insurance - Spain) |
P0061_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0062 | HR master record Infotype 0062 (Tax - Spain) |
P0062_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0090 | HR Master Record Infotype 0090 (Additional Income) |
P0090_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0091 | No longer in use |
P0092 | HR master record Infotype 0092 (Seniority Spain) |
P0092_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0476_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0477_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0478_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0480 | HR master record for infotype 0480 |
P0480_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0714 | HR master record for infotypes 0714 |
P0768 | FDI infotype |
P0799 | AFI message data |
P0799_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0968 | HR master record for infotypes 0968 |
P0968_AF | Additional query fields |
P3231 | HR master record for infotypes 3231 |
PC2E1 | Payroll results: Debt due to legal deduction |
PC2E2 | Payroll results: Legal deduction record |
PC2E3 | Payroll results: Legal deduction record |
PES_62IGA | Infotype 62 data displayed in the IGA |
PES_AFILOG | Structure for the RPCFRAE0 log |
PES_CRT2_COTZ_DATA | Certific@2: Contribution data |
PES_CRT2_DIST_JORN | Crt@2:DatosTrabajador.DistribucionJornadas |
PES_CRT2_IACT | Crt@2:PeriodoActividad.IntervaloActivida |
PES_DAQ_IDEA_QFIELDS_2007 | Fields for Delt@ data selection - 2007 |
PES_DAQ_IDEB_QFIELDS_2007 | Delt@ / RATSB data selection fields - 2007 |
PES_DAQ_IDEC_QFIELDS_2007 | Delt@ / RATSB XML-generation fields - 2007 |
PES_DAQ_IDEE_FIELDS | Delt@ data selection fields |
PES_FDILOG | Structure for the RPCFRIE0 log |
PES_IGADET | IGA details |
PES_STATUS_ADM | Status administration |
PES0PEF | Contract management: 0PEF tables maintenance |
PES14 | Document T5E04 (Registered company name and work centers) |
PES2960003 | Non-residents income tax: Reg.type 02 |
PESPORBORE | Allowance/reduction percentages |
PESQ0021 | Dynpro fields IT 0021 for Spain |
PESREDDAM2 | Data related to the transaction |
PESREDDEC4 | Economic data |
PESREDDIT4 | Temporary incapacity data |
PESREDETF2 | RED system: Final processing label rec. |
PESREDFCT | Employee Check Dates |
PME19 | List of fields for feature: Special payments (Spain) |
PS0061 | Personnel master record Infotype 0061 (Social Ins Spain) |
PS0062 | HR master record Infotype 0062 (Tax - Spain) |
PS0090 | HR Master Record Infotype 0090 (Additional Income) |
PS0092 | HR master record Infotype 0092 (Seniority Spain) |
PS0480 | Contract extensions (HRMS-ES) |
PS0714 | Employment Regulation File |
PS0768 | FDI data structure |
PS0799 | AFI message data |
PS0968 | Delt@ |
PS3231 | Certific@2 Spain |
PTEDC | Megastructure: Redefinition of NCALE bar (ES) |
Q0061 | Screen Fields Infotype 0061 (Social Insurance - Spain) |
Q0062 | Screen fields Infotype 0062 (Tax data - Spain) |
Q0090 | Screen fields for infotype 0090 |
Q0092 | Screen Fields Infotype 0092 (Seniority - Spain) |
Q0476 | Infotype 0476: Screen structure |
Q0478 | Infoptype 0478: Screen structure |
Q0480 | Infotype 0480 fields |
Q0714 | Screen fields Infotype 0714 (Employment Regulation File) |
Q0799 | Descriptions for AFI message data |
Q0968 | Infotype 0968 dynpro fields |
Q3231 | Certific@2 Spain |
RPCDEAE0L_PERNR | List of notifications processed |
RPCDEAE0S | Memory ID for external infotype calls from report RPCDEAE0 |
RPCDEBE0L_PERNR | List of notifications processed |
RPCGXXEX | Deductions Spain: ABAP report parameters |
RPIMBXEX | Structure for estimation of annual payments |
RPTAXXE0 | Structure for report RPTGENE0 parameters |
SAP Package PB04 contains 36 programs.
MP006100 | Module pool infotype P0061 (Social Insurance - E) |
MP006200 | Module Pool Infotype P0062 (Tax E) |
MP009000 | Module pool infotype 90 |
MP009200 | Module pool Infotype P0092 (Seniority - E) |
MP048000 | Rückerstattungszinsen pro Einzelzeitraum Rückerstattungsstatus |
MP096800 | Modulpool MP096800 |
RPCINEE0 | Notification of contracts to INEM |
RPCRT2E0 | Report RPCRT2E0 |
RPIANTE0 | Batch-input Seniority: Maintain Infotypes 0008 and 0092 |
RPIGA0E0 | Calculation annual taxable income |
RPIMBIE0 | Calculation of taxable income and/or batch input |
RPTVISE0 | Create absences for the day before a public holiday |
RPU31G02 | XPRA for conversion of infotype 0090 (new field FYEAR) |
RPU620E0 | Conversion program for infotype 0062 new field QLAND |
RPUAUTE0 | Self-insured companies: Limit payroll in IT |
RPUAUTE1 | Dynamic action to test self-insured company |
RPUCDSE0 | Mass translation of text tables (OBSOLETE) |
RPUDBSE0 | Maintenance of tables T5E43/T5E44/T511P |
RPUDS1E0 | Social Insurance data migration from ES24 |
RPUEURE0 | Conversion of employment tax (IRPF) tables from ESP to EUR |
RPUEURE1 | Initialization of currency field in T5E43, T5E44, T5E50 and T5E40 ES19 |
RPUFORE0 | Theoretical training mgmt hours |
RPUINEE0 | Evaluation of INEM responses |
RPUOCUE0 | Cut of infotype 61 and proposal from Employment field |
RPUP02E0 | Maintain infotype 0002 with change in field PERID logic |
RPUP16E0 | Copy TICON and FERED to the I0016 contract extension |
RPUP61E0 | Change pay scale code (field PLNSS) in IT 61 |
RPUP61E1 | Convert contract type in IT 61 |
RPUP62E0 | Create new IT0062 record for new employment tax (IRPF) time period |
RPUP62E1 | Create new IT0062 record for new employment tax (IRPF) time period |
RPUP62E3 | Create new IT0062 record for new employment tax (IRPF) time period |
RPUP90E0 | Create new IT0062 record for new employment tax (IRPF) time period |
RPUP90E1 | Create new I0090 record for irregular performances. |
RPURT2E0 | Report RPURT2E0 |
RPW001E0 | Wizard to customize taxes |
SAPMP5E0 | Fast data entry for master data Spain |
SAP Package PB04 contains 58 search helps.
H_P0061_OCUPA | F4 help for Employment field (I0061) |
H_P0061_OCUPA_CNAE | F4 help for Occupation field (I0061) with CNAE |
H_P0062_CPER1 | F4 Help for main payment key (I0002) |
H_P0062_CPER2 | Help F4 for secondary payment key (10002) |
H_PS0090_CPERP | Payment key in I0090 |
H_T557V | View for Partner function Infotype P0057 |
H_T5E03 | Help view T5E03 |
H_T5E05 | View table T5E05 |
H_T5E11 | Help view for field GROUP_ID in table T5E11 |
H_T5E31 | Actions and situations for affiliation messages |
H_T5E32 | Healthcare company code according to Social Insurance |
H_T5E34 | Pay scale code |
H_T5E35_CDLOC_REGIO | Postal code search by region |
H_T5E35_CDPOS_REGIO | Postal code search by region |
H_T5E35_COD_LOC | Search help: Towns according to INEM |
H_T5E38 | Tax reasons Spain |
H_T5E3T | View T5E3T |
H_T5E41 | View for Help for table T5E41 |
H_T5E42 | View of table T5E42 |
H_T5E43 | F4 Help for contribution group |
H_T5E46 | F4 Help for epigraph |
H_T5E48 | Help view T5E48 |
H_T5E4F_CNAEC_N | National level N economic activities classification search |
H_T5E4J | Help view T5E4J |
H_T5E52 | Seniority: Calculation methods |
H_T5E6F_CO | Contracts: Control administration methods |
H_T5E6F_CT | Contracts: Admin. methods Social Insurance contribution |
H_T5E6F_HA | Contracts: Tax Office accounting management methods |
H_T5E6F_SS | Contracts: Admin. methods Soc. Insurance accounting |
H_T5E6F_TR | Contracts: Transformation admin. methods |
H_T5E6T | View T5E6T |
H_T5E8M | Help view T5E8M |
H_T5EA6_MED | Check existence of the actions |
H_T5EA6_MOT | Check the existence of reasons for actions |
H_T5EAE | View Help for table T5EAE: Business activities Spain |
H_T5ED9_CDCNO_N | Level N worker employment codes search |
H_T5EDH | View help for table T5EDH - Tax offices (Spain) |
H_T5EG1 | Search help for deductions |
H_T5EVP | Help view T5EVP |
HRPADES_DEHAC | F4 for local tax office |
HRPADES_IDCON | Contract management: contracts according to area, subarea |
HRPADES_IDCON_SPACE | General contract Id |
HRPADES_ILAND | Country according to Internal Revenue Service |
HRPADES_METO2 | Method 2 |
HRPADES_NISSE_IN_T5E12 | CACs included in table T5E12 |
HRPADES_PROVN | Spanish provinces |
HRPADES_Q0061_CCCEE | CAC list given type of CAC and principal CAC |
HRPADES_REGFI | Tax regions |
HRPADES_T005S_BLAND | Country provinces |
HRPADES_T5E01_NISSE | Principal CAC |
HRPADES_T5E12_NISSE | Principal CAC |
HRPADES_T5E35 | Search help: Towns according to INEM |
HRPADES_T5E60 | Contract management: contracts according to area, subarea |
HRPADES_T5E75 | Search help: employment code for the work center |
HRPADES_T5E76 | Search help: allowance group code |
HRPADES_T5E77 | Search help: Academic qualification code according to INEM |
HRPADES_T5ER2 | Help for t5er2 |
SAP Package PB04 contains 1 message classes.
5E | Mensajes de error para modulpools de infotipos españoles |
SAP Package PB04 contains 1 authorization objects.
P_ES_PA_OK | Check for function codes allowed fr Spain PA data |