
SAP Package PB04

HR Master Data: Spain

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The package PB04 (HR Master Data: Spain) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCES.

Technical Information

Package PB04
Short Text HR Master Data: Spain
Parent Package HRCES

Function Groups

SAP Package PB04 contains 26 function groups.

0PE0 Extended table maintenance (generated)
0PEA Extended table maintenance (generated)
0PEB Extended table maintenance (generated)
0PEC Extended table maintenance (generated)
0PED Extended table maintenance (generated)
0PEE Employment regulation file views
0PEF PY-ES: Contract management views
0PEG Garnishment
0PEH Maintain expanded tables (generated)
0PEI Extended table maintenance (generated)
0PEL Extended table maintenance (generated)
0PEQ Maintain expanded tables (generated)
0PES Extended table maintenance (generated)
0PET Maintain expanded tables (generated)
EHE1 ESS Employee Address Spain
EHE3 ESS - Bank details - Spain
EHE5 ESS - Personal Data - Spain
EHE6 ESS - Family Members - Spain
HRPADES_BAS Base objects ES
HRPADES_TAX_TEXT_READING Reading texts related to employment tax
HRPADESWIZ_0001 HRMS-ES: Customize taxes
PADR_ES Business Object AddrEmpE
PEB0 HR-E: Business objects funcions
PEHL F4 Help functions for HR Spain
PERC HR-ES: Functions to get RFC destinations


SAP Package PB04 contains 19 transactions.

PC00_M04_CDEA Delt@ - Electronic notifications
PC00_M04_CDEB Delt@ RATSB - Accidents w/o leave
PC00_M04_RPCAFIE1 Affiliation message
PC00_M04_RPCDTBE0 Prep. data medium exchange
PC00_M04_RPCLJNE9 Payroll journal Spain
PC00_M04_RPCLPCE0 Display personal calendar
PC00_M04_RPCMLIE0 Cash breakdown list
PC00_M04_RPCRT2E0 Certific@2
PC00_M04_RPCSPUE0 Entitlements transfer
PC00_M04_RPCSPXE1 Automatic special payments
PC00_M04_RPIMBIE0 Estimate of taxable income
PC00_M04_RPU31G02 XPRA for conversion of IT0090
PC00_M04_RPU620E0 Conversion program for IT0062
PC00_M04_RPUFORE0 Theoretical training mgmt hours
PC00_M04_RPUP62E0 Create new record IT0062
PC00_M04_RPUP62E1 Create new record IT0062
PC00_M04_RPURT2E0 Assessment of Certific@2 replies
PC00_M04_RPW001E0 Customize taxes (display)
PC00_M04_RPW003E0 Cutomize taxes (change)

Database Tables

SAP Package PB04 contains 173 database tables.

PA0061 HR Master Record Infotype 0061 (Social Insurance - Spain)
PA0062 HR master record Infotype 0062 (Tax Spain))
PA0090 HR Master Record Infotype 0090 (Additional Income)
PA0092 HR master record Infotype 0092 (Seniority Spain)
PA0480 HR master record for infotype 0480
PA0714 HR master record Infotype 0714
PA0768 Personal data
PA0799 AFI message data
PA0968 HR master record infotype 0968
PA3231 HR master record Infotype 3231
PB0480 HR master record infotype 0480 (Candidates)
T5E01 Personnel areas and subareas
T5E02 Company tax data
T5E03 IA/ID and NID healthcare companies
T5E04 Registered company and work center names
T5E05 Social Insurance branch offices
T5E06 Social Insurance contributing companies
T5E07 Health services amounts for company contributing to S.I.
T5E08 Time-dependent characteristics of CACs
T5E10 Extension of pay scales
T5E11 Assignation of head office to corporate group
T5E12 Assignment of Social Insurance center
T5E1T Corporate group texts
T5E20 Provinces
T5E2T Contract type keys for Social insurance
T5E30 Adjust Social Insurance reasons and actions
T5E31 Actions and situations for affiliation messages
T5E32 Healthcare company codes - Social Insurance
T5E33 Assign countries to Social Insurance key (RED System)
T5E34 Pay scale codes
T5E35 Town according to INEM
T5E36 Reasons for Legal Unemployment Situation
T5E36T Texts: Reasons for leagal unemployment situation
T5E37 Estimation of annual income
T5E38 Reasons for IRPF percentage change
T5E39 Check digit for specifying taxpayer reference number (NIF)
T5E3T Keys for Social insurance contribution groups
T5E40 Employment tax deduction percentages
T5E41 Payment subkeys
T5E42 Contract types for Social Insurance
T5E43 Contribution bases for non-industrial risks
T5E44 Contribution bases for IA and ID quotas
T5E45 Social Insurance contribution types
T5E46 Social Insurance epigraphs
T5E48 Groups of professional categories
T5E4B Employment Texts
T5E4C Employment (IA and ID contributions)
T5E4D CNAE texts
T5E4E CNAE: National Business Activities Classification
T5E4F CNAES entities table
T5E4G Employment authorizations by CNAE
T5E4H CNAE texts
T5E4T Description of Social Insurance branch-office types
T5E50 Minimum bases for part-time contracts
T5E51 Seniority bonuses
T5E52 Seniority calculation methods
T5E53 Amounts of seniority bonuses
T5E55 Social Insurance office types
T5E57 Union dues
T5E5T Texts of Social Insurance contribution types
T5E60 Contract entity according to the company
T5E61 Contract transformations allowed
T5E64 Length of temporary contracts according to Soc. Ins. Admin.
T5E65 Work schedule in part-time contracts according Soc. Ins. Ad.
T5E66 Contract validity acc. to Soc. Insurance, laws and decrees
T5E67 Special contracts according to Social Insurance
T5E68 Assignment of contracts to groups
T5E6A Contract set
T5E6B Contract groupers
T5E6C Sets of contracts and associated wage types
T5E6D Contribution calculation for sets of contracts
T5E6F Calculation methods
T5E6I Contract texts according to company
T5E6J Contract texts according to Social Insurance
T5E6K Contract grouper texts
T5E6L Calculation method texts
T5E6M Contract set texts
T5E6T Title texts
T5E70 INEM offices
T5E75 Work center commitment code
T5E76 Discount group code
T5E77 Academic qualifications code according to INEM
T5E7I Spanish Office of Employment (INEM) branch texts
T5E8M Reasons for IRPF percentage change
T5E8S Assignation of professional categories to modifiers
T5E8T Modifiers for professional categories
T5E8U Texts of professional categories modifiers
T5E91 Assignation of customer subtypes to legal classes
T5EA0 Seniority calculation procedures
T5EA0T Calculation procedure texts
T5EA1 Seniority payment methods
T5EA1T Payment method texts
T5EA2 Seniority payment symbols
T5EA2T Payment symbol texts
T5EA3 Definition of valuation methods
T5EA3T Valuation method texts
T5EA4 Associate valuation wage type with valuation method
T5EA5 Calculation sequences by payment method
T5EA6 Actions and reasons affecting seniority
T5EAE Business activities
T5ECP Generation of personal calendar
T5ED1 Location type
T5ED1T Location type
T5ED2 Deviation
T5ED2T Deviation
T5ED3 Work type
T5ED3T Work type
T5ED4 Specific physical activity
T5ED4T Specific physical activity
T5ED5 Contact method
T5ED5T Contact method
T5ED6 Injured body part
T5ED6T Injured body part
T5ED7 Description of the injury
T5ED7T Description of the injury
T5ED8 Material agents
T5ED8T Material agents
T5ED9 Worker employment codes
T5ED9T Description of worker employment codes
T5EDH Local tax offices/authorities
T5EF1 Infotypes used to calculate DAQ fields
T5EF6 DDIC structures for logical forms
T5EF7 Extension of definition for DAQ fields
T5EFI Severance payment calculation
T5EG0 Gross/net model features
T5EG1 Special Rule
T5EG2 Special rule description
T5EG3 Special rule calculation
T5EG4 Features of non-exempt amount model
T5EG5 Features of relationship with other debts model
T5EG6 Default values
T5EG9 Garnishee fee
T5EI1 Employment tax deduction rates
T5EI2 Wage exempt of employment tax deduction
T5EI3 Employment tax control constants
T5EI4 Employment tax amount constants
T5EI5 Wage types valid for Spanish IRS evaluations
T5EI6 Arrears by period and grouper
T5EI7 Default behaviour for arrears groupers
T5EI8 Lowering of deduction type for challenged persons
T5EIA Payment keys
T5EII Employment tax control constant texts
T5EIJ Texts of unemployment tax amount constants
T5EL1 Protected data access log
T5EL2 Protected data logical files
T5EL3 Last record of access to protected data by user
T5EL4 Protected TemSe fields
T5EL5 Protected data access log (description)
T5EL6 LOPD. High-level fields and data structures
T5EL7 Log for accessing protected data for XML files
T5EMA Legal application text messages, Spain
T5EP1 Form management
T5EP2 Forms management 2
T5EPT Forms management: Description of form
T5ER1 Employment regulation files
T5ER2 Configuration of calendars for ERE
T5ES1 Marine employees: Canary Is. record
T5ES2 Allowance formulas
T5ES3 Contract processing methods
T5ES4 Legal regulations
T5ES5 Processing method keys
T5ES6 Allowance formulas
T5ES7 Incentive groups
T5ES8 CAC types
T5ES9 Processing method keys
T5EST Incentive groups
T5EU1 Payroll results containers
T5EU2 Generic table of situations and possible options
T5EU3 Assignation of options to situations
T5EU4 Generic table of situations and possible options
T5EUB Generic table of situations and possible options
T5EUD Generic table of situations and possible options
T5EVP Street identifiers


SAP Package PB04 contains 162 views.

H_T005S_PADES Country provinces
H_T5E03 Help view T5E03
H_T5E05 View table T5E05
H_T5E11 Help view for field GROUP_ID in table T5E11
H_T5E20 Spanish provinces
H_T5E31 Actions and situations for affiliation messages
H_T5E33 Countries authorities (SI, Internal Revenue Service)
H_T5E38 Tax reasons Spain
H_T5E3T View T5E3T
H_T5E42 View of table T5E42
H_T5E48 Help view T5E48
H_T5E52 Calculation methods, seniority in the company
H_T5E6T View T5E6T
H_T5E8M Help view T5E8M
H_T5EAE Helpview for table T5EAE - Economic Activities (Spain)
H_T5EDH View help for table T5EDH - Tax offices (Spain)
H_T5EG1 Special rule
H_T5EVP Help view T5EVP
HRPADES_METOD Incentive group and method
V_5E01_B Personnel areas/subareas - professional categories
V_5E01_C Personnel rea/ubarea - regions (old)
V_5E01_D Personnel area/subarea - Social Insurance category
V_5E01_E Personnel srea/subarea - provinces
V_5E02_A Company tax data
V_5E04_A Registered company and work center names
V_5E07_A Master data for Forcem
V_5E11_A Company group/grouping definition
V_5E30_A Adjust Social Insurance reasons and actions
V_5E40_A Fast data entry for deduction types
V_5E41_B Payment keys and subkeys - infotype 0090
V_5E42_B Contract types for Social Insurance
V_5E43_B Social Insurance contribution groups
V_5E46_B Social Insurance epigraphs
V_5E60_A Assign company contracts valid for Social Insurance
V_5E60_A1 Assign valid company contracts by SI (WERKS/BTRTL)
V_5E60_A2 Assign valid company contracts by SI (TRFAR/TRFGB)
V_5E60_B Assign type/mode/groupings to company contracts
V_5E60_B1 Assign type/mode/groupings to contracts (WERKS/BTRTL)
V_5E60_B2 Assign type/mode/groupings to contracts (TRFAR/TRFGB)
V_5E60_C Assign special processing and management methods
V_5E60_C1 Assign special processing and managemnt methds (WERKS/BTRTL)
V_5E60_C2 Assign special processing and managemnt methds (TRFAR/TRFGB)
V_5E6C_A Sets of contracts and associated wage types
V_5EG4_B Form for non-exempt amount (deductible)
V_5EG5_B Debt relationship form
V_5EI3_A Employment Tax: Payroll constants
V_5EI4_A Tax: payroll constants for amounts
V_5ES1_A Category for marine employees
V_5ES1_B Contribution bases with inverse contribution group
V_T5E01 Personnel area/subarea - Social Insurance data
V_T5E02 Company tax data
V_T5E03 IA/ID and NID healthcare companies
V_T5E05 Social Insurance branch offices
V_T5E07 Health services amounts for company contributing to S.I.
V_T5E08 Time-dependent characteristics of CACs
V_T5E10 Extension of pay scales
V_T5E11 Assignation of head office to corporate group
V_T5E12 Assignment of Social Insurance center
V_T5E20 Tax modifier assignment to province
V_T5E2T Contract types for Social Insurance
V_T5E30 Adjust Social Insurance reasons and actions
V_T5E31 Actions and situations for affiliation messages
V_T5E32 Healthcare company codes according to Social Insurance Adm.
V_T5E33 Assign countries to Social Insurance and IRS key
V_T5E34 Pay scale codes
V_T5E35 Postal codes and towns according to INEM
V_T5E36 Reasons for Legal Unemployment Situation
V_T5E37 Estimation of annual income
V_T5E38 Reasons for IRPF percentage change
V_T5E3T Keys for Social insurance contribution groups
V_T5E40 Employment tax deduction percentages
V_T5E41 Payment keys and subkeys
V_T5E42 Contract types for Social Insurance
V_T5E43 Contribution bases for non-industrial risks
V_T5E45 Social Insurance contribution types
V_T5E46 Social Insurance epigraphs
V_T5E48 Professional categories/SI contribution groups
V_T5E4C Employment
V_T5E4C_SHLP Help view for T5E4C/T5E4B + T5E4G
V_T5E4E CNAE: National Business Activities Classification
V_T5E4F CNAE used
V_T5E4G Employment authorizations by CNAE
V_T5E50 Minimum bases for part-time contracts
V_T5E55 Social Insurance office types
V_T5E60 Contract entity according to the company
V_T5E61 Transformation of company contracts
V_T5E64 Length of temporary contracts according to Soc. Ins. Admin.
V_T5E65 Work schedule in part-time contracts according Soc. Ins. Ad.
V_T5E66 Contracts acccording to the Social Insurance Administration
V_T5E67 Special contracts according to the Social Insurance Admin.
V_T5E68 Assignment of contracts to groups
V_T5E6A Contract set
V_T5E6B Contract groupers
V_T5E6D Contribution calculation for sets of contracts
V_T5E6F Calculation methods
V_T5E70 INEM offices
V_T5E75 Work center commitment code view
V_T5E76 Allowance group code view
V_T5E77 Academic qualifications code according to INEM view
V_T5E8M Reasons for IRPF percentage change
V_T5E8S Professional categories
V_T5E8T Modifiers for professional categories
V_T5E91 Assignation of customer subtypes to legal classes
V_T5EA0 Seniority calculation procedures
V_T5EA1 Seniority payment methods
V_T5EA2 Seniority payment symbols
V_T5EA3 Seniority valuation methods
V_T5EA4 Associate valuation wage type with valuation method
V_T5EA5 Seniority payment sequences
V_T5EA6 Actions and reasons that affect seniority negatively
V_T5ED1 Place type
V_T5ED2 Deviation
V_T5ED3 Work type
V_T5ED4 Specific physical activity
V_T5ED5 Contact method
V_T5ED6 Injured body part
V_T5ED7 Description of the injury
V_T5ED8 Material agents
V_T5ED9 National Classification of Occupations
V_T5EDH Local tax offices/authorities
V_T5EF1 Infotypes used to calculate DAQ fields view
V_T5EF6 Data structures for logical forms
V_T5EF7 Definition extension for DAQ fields and sections
V_T5EG0 Gross/Net form features
V_T5EG1 Special Rule
V_T5EG3 Special rule calculation schema
V_T5EG4 Non-exempt form features
V_T5EG5 Features of relationship with other debts model
V_T5EG6 Default values
V_T5EG9 Garnishee fee features
V_T5EI1 Complete view of employment tax deductions
V_T5EI2 Wage exempt of employment tax deduction
V_T5EI3 Employment tax control constants
V_T5EI4 Employment tax amount constants
V_T5EI5 Payroll results reading Form 190
V_T5EI6 Arrears by period and grouper
V_T5EI7 Default behaviour for arrears groupers
V_T5EI8 Lowering of deduction type for challenged persons
V_T5EIA Payment keys
V_T5EL2 Protected data logical files
V_T5EL4 Protected TemSe fields
V_T5EL6 LOPD-protected fields
V_T5EMA Legal application message texts, Spain, view
V_T5EP1 Form management
V_T5EP2 Form management: Form types
V_T5ER1 Employment regulation files
V_T5ER2 ERE calendar management
V_T5ES1 Marine employees: Canary Is. record
V_T5ES2 Allowance/reduction calculation formulas
V_T5ES3 Contribution calculation methods
V_T5ES4 Legal regulations
V_T5ES5 Calculation method keys
V_T5ES6 Time-dependent allowance formulas
V_T5ES7 Incentive groups
V_T5ES8 CAC type
V_T5EU1 Payroll results containers
V_T5EU2 Generic table of situations and possible options
V_T5EU3 Assignation of options to situations
V_T5EU4 Situations
VV_T588M_MP096800 Screen control view for Delt@ infotype (0968)
VV_T588Z_0968 Dynamic actions for Delt@ infotype (0968)
VV_T5EU3_DELTA Assignment of options to Delt@ situations


SAP Package PB04 contains 78 structures.

BAPIP0006LES HR master record infotype 0006 (Addresses) ES
LOPD_RES Results structure for the LOPD LOG
LOPD_S_RES Simple log for the reorganization of LOPD access
P0061 HR Master Record Infotype 0061 (Social Insurance - Spain)
P0061_AF Additional Query Fields
P0062 HR master record Infotype 0062 (Tax - Spain)
P0062_AF Additional Query Fields
P0090 HR Master Record Infotype 0090 (Additional Income)
P0090_AF Additional Query Fields
P0091 No longer in use
P0092 HR master record Infotype 0092 (Seniority Spain)
P0092_AF Additional Query Fields
P0476_AF Additional Query Fields
P0477_AF Additional Query Fields
P0478_AF Additional Query Fields
P0480 HR master record for infotype 0480
P0480_AF Additional Query Fields
P0714 HR master record for infotypes 0714
P0768 FDI infotype
P0799 AFI message data
P0799_AF Additional Query Fields
P0968 HR master record for infotypes 0968
P0968_AF Additional query fields
P3231 HR master record for infotypes 3231
PC2E1 Payroll results: Debt due to legal deduction
PC2E2 Payroll results: Legal deduction record
PC2E3 Payroll results: Legal deduction record
PES_62IGA Infotype 62 data displayed in the IGA
PES_AFILOG Structure for the RPCFRAE0 log
PES_CRT2_COTZ_DATA Certific@2: Contribution data
PES_CRT2_DIST_JORN Crt@2:DatosTrabajador.DistribucionJornadas
PES_CRT2_IACT Crt@2:PeriodoActividad.IntervaloActivida
PES_DAQ_IDEA_QFIELDS_2007 Fields for Delt@ data selection - 2007
PES_DAQ_IDEB_QFIELDS_2007 Delt@ / RATSB data selection fields - 2007
PES_DAQ_IDEC_QFIELDS_2007 Delt@ / RATSB XML-generation fields - 2007
PES_DAQ_IDEE_FIELDS Delt@ data selection fields
PES_FDILOG Structure for the RPCFRIE0 log
PES_STATUS_ADM Status administration
PES0PEF Contract management: 0PEF tables maintenance
PES14 Document T5E04 (Registered company name and work centers)
PES2960003 Non-residents income tax: Reg.type 02
PESPORBORE Allowance/reduction percentages
PESQ0021 Dynpro fields IT 0021 for Spain
PESREDDAM2 Data related to the transaction
PESREDDEC4 Economic data
PESREDDIT4 Temporary incapacity data
PESREDETF2 RED system: Final processing label rec.
PESREDFCT Employee Check Dates
PME19 List of fields for feature: Special payments (Spain)
PS0061 Personnel master record Infotype 0061 (Social Ins Spain)
PS0062 HR master record Infotype 0062 (Tax - Spain)
PS0090 HR Master Record Infotype 0090 (Additional Income)
PS0092 HR master record Infotype 0092 (Seniority Spain)
PS0480 Contract extensions (HRMS-ES)
PS0714 Employment Regulation File
PS0768 FDI data structure
PS0799 AFI message data
PS0968 Delt@
PS3231 Certific@2 Spain
PTEDC Megastructure: Redefinition of NCALE bar (ES)
Q0061 Screen Fields Infotype 0061 (Social Insurance - Spain)
Q0062 Screen fields Infotype 0062 (Tax data - Spain)
Q0090 Screen fields for infotype 0090
Q0092 Screen Fields Infotype 0092 (Seniority - Spain)
Q0476 Infotype 0476: Screen structure
Q0478 Infoptype 0478: Screen structure
Q0480 Infotype 0480 fields
Q0714 Screen fields Infotype 0714 (Employment Regulation File)
Q0799 Descriptions for AFI message data
Q0968 Infotype 0968 dynpro fields
Q3231 Certific@2 Spain
RPCDEAE0L_PERNR List of notifications processed
RPCDEAE0S Memory ID for external infotype calls from report RPCDEAE0
RPCDEBE0L_PERNR List of notifications processed
RPCGXXEX Deductions Spain: ABAP report parameters
RPIMBXEX Structure for estimation of annual payments
RPTAXXE0 Structure for report RPTGENE0 parameters


SAP Package PB04 contains 36 programs.

MP006100 Module pool infotype P0061 (Social Insurance - E)
MP006200 Module Pool Infotype P0062 (Tax E)
MP009000 Module pool infotype 90
MP009200 Module pool Infotype P0092 (Seniority - E)
MP048000 Rückerstattungszinsen pro Einzelzeitraum Rückerstattungsstatus
MP096800 Modulpool MP096800
RPCINEE0 Notification of contracts to INEM
RPIANTE0 Batch-input Seniority: Maintain Infotypes 0008 and 0092
RPIGA0E0 Calculation annual taxable income
RPIMBIE0 Calculation of taxable income and/or batch input
RPTVISE0 Create absences for the day before a public holiday
RPU31G02 XPRA for conversion of infotype 0090 (new field FYEAR)
RPU620E0 Conversion program for infotype 0062 new field QLAND
RPUAUTE0 Self-insured companies: Limit payroll in IT
RPUAUTE1 Dynamic action to test self-insured company
RPUCDSE0 Mass translation of text tables (OBSOLETE)
RPUDBSE0 Maintenance of tables T5E43/T5E44/T511P
RPUDS1E0 Social Insurance data migration from ES24
RPUEURE0 Conversion of employment tax (IRPF) tables from ESP to EUR
RPUEURE1 Initialization of currency field in T5E43, T5E44, T5E50 and T5E40 ES19
RPUFORE0 Theoretical training mgmt hours
RPUINEE0 Evaluation of INEM responses
RPUOCUE0 Cut of infotype 61 and proposal from Employment field
RPUP02E0 Maintain infotype 0002 with change in field PERID logic
RPUP16E0 Copy TICON and FERED to the I0016 contract extension
RPUP61E0 Change pay scale code (field PLNSS) in IT 61
RPUP61E1 Convert contract type in IT 61
RPUP62E0 Create new IT0062 record for new employment tax (IRPF) time period
RPUP62E1 Create new IT0062 record for new employment tax (IRPF) time period
RPUP62E3 Create new IT0062 record for new employment tax (IRPF) time period
RPUP90E0 Create new IT0062 record for new employment tax (IRPF) time period
RPUP90E1 Create new I0090 record for irregular performances.
RPW001E0 Wizard to customize taxes
SAPMP5E0 Fast data entry for master data Spain

Search Helps

SAP Package PB04 contains 58 search helps.

H_P0061_OCUPA F4 help for Employment field (I0061)
H_P0061_OCUPA_CNAE F4 help for Occupation field (I0061) with CNAE
H_P0062_CPER1 F4 Help for main payment key (I0002)
H_P0062_CPER2 Help F4 for secondary payment key (10002)
H_PS0090_CPERP Payment key in I0090
H_T557V View for Partner function Infotype P0057
H_T5E03 Help view T5E03
H_T5E05 View table T5E05
H_T5E11 Help view for field GROUP_ID in table T5E11
H_T5E31 Actions and situations for affiliation messages
H_T5E32 Healthcare company code according to Social Insurance
H_T5E34 Pay scale code
H_T5E35_CDLOC_REGIO Postal code search by region
H_T5E35_CDPOS_REGIO Postal code search by region
H_T5E35_COD_LOC Search help: Towns according to INEM
H_T5E38 Tax reasons Spain
H_T5E3T View T5E3T
H_T5E41 View for Help for table T5E41
H_T5E42 View of table T5E42
H_T5E43 F4 Help for contribution group
H_T5E46 F4 Help for epigraph
H_T5E48 Help view T5E48
H_T5E4F_CNAEC_N National level N economic activities classification search
H_T5E4J Help view T5E4J
H_T5E52 Seniority: Calculation methods
H_T5E6F_CO Contracts: Control administration methods
H_T5E6F_CT Contracts: Admin. methods Social Insurance contribution
H_T5E6F_HA Contracts: Tax Office accounting management methods
H_T5E6F_SS Contracts: Admin. methods Soc. Insurance accounting
H_T5E6F_TR Contracts: Transformation admin. methods
H_T5E6T View T5E6T
H_T5E8M Help view T5E8M
H_T5EA6_MED Check existence of the actions
H_T5EA6_MOT Check the existence of reasons for actions
H_T5EAE View Help for table T5EAE: Business activities Spain
H_T5ED9_CDCNO_N Level N worker employment codes search
H_T5EDH View help for table T5EDH - Tax offices (Spain)
H_T5EG1 Search help for deductions
H_T5EVP Help view T5EVP
HRPADES_DEHAC F4 for local tax office
HRPADES_IDCON Contract management: contracts according to area, subarea
HRPADES_IDCON_SPACE General contract Id
HRPADES_ILAND Country according to Internal Revenue Service
HRPADES_NISSE_IN_T5E12 CACs included in table T5E12
HRPADES_PROVN Spanish provinces
HRPADES_Q0061_CCCEE CAC list given type of CAC and principal CAC
HRPADES_T005S_BLAND Country provinces
HRPADES_T5E35 Search help: Towns according to INEM
HRPADES_T5E60 Contract management: contracts according to area, subarea
HRPADES_T5E75 Search help: employment code for the work center
HRPADES_T5E76 Search help: allowance group code
HRPADES_T5E77 Search help: Academic qualification code according to INEM
HRPADES_T5ER2 Help for t5er2

Message Classes

SAP Package PB04 contains 1 message classes.

5E Mensajes de error para modulpools de infotipos españoles

Authorization Objects

SAP Package PB04 contains 1 authorization objects.

P_ES_PA_OK Check for function codes allowed fr Spain PA data