
SAP Package PB25

HR Singapore: Master data

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The package PB25 (HR Singapore: Master data) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCSG.

Technical Information

Package PB25
Short Text HR Singapore: Master data
Parent Package HRCSG

Function Groups

SAP Package PB25 contains 15 function groups.

0PR0 erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert)
0PR1 erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert)
0PR2 erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert)
0PR3 erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert)
ADDRSG Address conversion Singapore
EHR1 ESS Singapore ( Address )
EHR5 ESS Personal Data - Singapore
EHR6 Entreprise HR ESS Family/Related Info SG
HRPTSG Exit for Time Management Singapore
HRTEXTSG0 Text read routines for SG
OPR_SOP Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
OPR1 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
OPR4 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
PADR_SG Business Object AddressEmp (SG)
PFAM_SG Business Object FamilySG

Database Tables

SAP Package PB25 contains 35 database tables.

PA0179 HR Master Record: Infotype 0179 (Tax SG)
PA0181 HR Master Record: Infotype 0181 [Add. Funds] (SG)
PA0184 HR Master Record: Infotype 0184 [Resume text] (SG)
PA0186 HR Master Record: Infotype 0186 [Social Insurance] (SG)
PA0412 HR Master Record: Infotype 0412 [View to I0021] (SG)
PA0546 HR-SG: Master Record: Infotype 0546 [Termination Data)
PA0739 HR Master Record: Infotype 0739 [Stock Option] (SG)
PA0741 HR Master Record: Infotype 0741 [Additional Info] (SG)
T5R03 Residency type
T5R04 Residency type text
T5R0P Plant section/Singapore
T5R13 Occupational group
T5R1A Institution of Soc. Provident Funds SG
T5R1B Fund Indicator for Social Insurance/SG
T5R1C CPF Contribution rate of Soc. Insurance / SG
T5R1D Types of foreign workers
T5R1E The rates of levy for foreign worker
T5R1F Additional Funds/SG
T5R1G Contr. rates for convers. to CPF scheme on change of PR
T5R1H Rate for Other Social Fund (Employer) - SDF
T5R1I Type of PR/NRIC Rate- Graduated/Full Rate
T5R1P Rate for lump payment and CPF in case of semimonthly payroll
T5R1S Text for fund indicator /SG
T5R1T Text for Institution of Soc. Insurance SG
T5R2A Pro-rate types for AWS
T5R2B NRS Allowance averages calculation setting (SGP)
T5R2D NRS Reason (SGP)
T5RSOP_P_SCHEME Stock Option Scheme Assignment to Plan
T5RSOP_PLAN Stock Option Plan
T5RSOP_PLAN_T Test table for Plan
T5RSOP_SC_ESOW_T Text table for Schemes under ESOW
T5RSOP_SCH_ESOW Stock Option Scheme for ESOW
T5RSOP_SCHEME Stock Option Scheme
T5RSOP_SCHEME_T Text table for Scheme
T5RTEXT_KEY Mapping table for subtype of infotype 741 to the keyfields


SAP Package PB25 contains 28 views.

H_T5R1A RP-SG: View for P0186 SI/SG
H_T5R1B HR-SG: Help view for table T5R1B
H_T5R1D HR-SG: Help view of table T5R1D
H_T5R1S HR-SG: Help view of table T5R1S
H_T5R1T HR-SG: View help
H_T5RTEXT_KEY Help View for table T5RTEXT_KEY
V_5R2B_F Assign. fixed allowance to WT payable by MDEF
V_5R2B_V Assign. variable allowance to WT payable by MDEF
V_T5R03 Residency type
V_T5R0P Extras for Personnel Area / Personnel Subarea
V_T5R13 Jobs and Category
V_T5R1A Institution of Social Insurance
V_T5R1B Social Insurance Fund Indicators
V_T5R1C CPF Contribution rates
V_T5R1D Types of Foreign Worker
V_T5R1E Contribution rates for FWL
V_T5R1F Contribution Rates for Addititonal Funds
V_T5R1G Conversion rates from FWL to CPF
V_T5R1H SDF Fund
V_T5R1I Type of PR/NRIC Rate- Graduated/Full Rate
V_T5R1P Rate for lump payment and CPF in case of semimonthly payroll
V_T5R2A Pro-rate types for Annual Wage Supplement
V_T5R2D Reason for NRS
V_T5RSOP_PL_SCH Maintain Plan Scheme Assignment
V_T5RSOP_PLAN Define Types of Schemes (ERIS)
V_T5RSOP_SCH_ESW Maintain ESOW Stock Option Plans
V_T5RSOP_SCHEME Maintain ESOP Stock Option Plans
V_T5RTEXT_KEY Maintain key fields for text management


SAP Package PB25 contains 47 structures.

BAPIP0006SG HR Master Record: Infotype 0006 (Addresses) Singapore
BAPIP0021SG HR Master Record: Infotype 0021 (Family/Rel.Person) SG
CPF_GR_C Structure for feature 25GRC
CPFGC Structure for feature 25GRC
P0179 Personnel Master Record Infotype 0179 (Tax Singapore)
P0181 Personal master record Infotyp 0181 (Add. Funds/SG)
P0184 Personell master record infotyp P0184 (Resume text)
P0186 Personal master record Infotyp 0186 (SV Singapore)
P0412 HR Master Record : Additional family related information
P0546 HR Master Record: Infotype 0546 (Termination Data)
P0739 Personnel Master Record Infotype 0739 (Stock Options- SG)
P0741 Personnel Master Record Infotype 0741 (Additional Info - SG)
P0741_AF Additional Query Fields
P25DEL_STORED_ESS IR8A details stored in the cluster
P25DEL_STORED_IR8A IR8A details stored in the cluster
P25KEY_TEXT Structure for key fields and text
P25SOP_EXERCISE Structure for Exercise of stock options
P25SOP_VESTING Structure for vesting of stock under ESOW
PC23B Payresult: Soc. Provident Funds/SG
PMSG4 HR-SG: Structure for feature used for IC type priority
PMSG7 HR-SG:Structure used in feature for delete function in IR8A
PMSG8 Structure for feature used for religious identity
PMSG9 Strutcure for default value of fund type in IT0181
PS0179 Personnel Master Record Infotype 0179 (Tax Singapore)
PS0181 Personal master record Infotyp 0181 (Add. Funds/SG)
PS0184 Personell master record infotyp P0184 (Resume text)
PS0186 Personal master record Infotyp 0186 (SV Singapore)
PS0412 Additional family data
PS0546 HR-SG: Infotype 0546 (Termination Data)
PS0549 HR-SG: reserved for Singapore
PS0739 Structure for Employee Stock Option - IT0739
PS0741 Structure for Employee Stock Option - IT0741
Q0006SG ESS address Singapore
Q0021SG ESS Family Member Data Singapore
Q0179 Personnel master record infotyp (Tax Singapore)
Q0412 HR-SG: Screen Fields-Infotype 0021
Q0739 Structure for infotype 0739- Stock Options(SG)
Q0741 Strucuture for infotype 0741
TEMP21PG0 Page 0 variables of Form IR21
TEMP21PG1 Page 1 variables of Form IR21
TEMP21PG2 Page 2 variables of Form IR21
TEMP21PG3 Page 3 variables of Form IR21
TEMP21PG4 Page 4 variables of Form IR21
TEMPMAIN Temse vaiables for IR8S
TEMPSECA Temse vaiables for IR8S Section A
TEMPSECC Temse vaiables for IR8S Section C
TEMPTAB Temse vaiables for IR8A


SAP Package PB25 contains 16 programs.

MP017900 Infotype P0179 / Master data Singapore
MP018100 Module for P0181
MP018400 Module Pool for P0184
MP018600 Module fo P0186
MP041200 Include dichiarazioni dati globali per dm10 2
MP054600 Infotype P0546. Master Data Singapore ( Termination Data Infotype )
MP073900 Module pool for infotype 0739
MP074100 Module pool for infotype 0741
RPU006R0 Conversion for Address Format change - Singapore
RPU06QR0 Query for address data migration - Singapore
RPU40A15 XPRA HR-SG: Porting data from infotype 94 to 185 for work permits
RPU40AR1 HR-SG: porting data from infotype 94 to infotype 185 for work permits
RPU40AR2 HR-SG: Program to update Subtype of PA0185 with IC Type of PA0185
RPUCONR0 Consolidation for Address format change
RPUQRYR0 Address query Singapore

Search Helps

SAP Package PB25 contains 1 search helps.

H_T5R1I Search help for Type of CPF Rate

Message Classes

SAP Package PB25 contains 1 message classes.

5R HR-SG: Meassages for HR Module SG, China, Honkong and Taiwan