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Bei amazon.de ansehen →The table T5R1G (Contr. rates for convers. to CPF scheme on change of PR) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package PB25.
Table | T5R1G |
Short Text | Contr. rates for convers. to CPF scheme on change of PR |
Package | PB25 |
Table Type | Transparent Table |
Field Name | Key | Description | Data Element | Type | Length | Check Table |
MANDT | ✔ | Client | MANDT | CLNT | 3 | T000 |
SIGRP | ✔ | Institution of soc. provident funds SG | P25M_SIGRP | CHAR | 2 | T5R1A |
FUNTY | ✔ | Fund type | P25M_FUNTY | CHAR | 2 | T5R1B |
PRTRP | ✔ | Transition period of PR status | P25M_PRTRP | CHAR | 2 | |
COGRP | ✔ | Contribution group for conversion from FWL to CPF | P25M_COGRP | CHAR | 3 | |
ENDDA | ✔ | End Date | ENDDA | DATS | 8 | |
BEGDA | Start Date | BEGDA | DATS | 8 | ||
EMEAG | Age of employee | P25M_EMEAG | NUMC | 3 | ||
PRTRT | Short text for key of transition period of PR | P25M_PRTRT | CHAR | 10 | ||
BETTX | Text for contribution group (CPF) | P25M_BETTX | CHAR | 20 | ||
WAGLV | Wage level | P25M_WAGLV | DEC | 9 | ||
ANSGP | Contribution rates of employee's total wages | P25M_ANSGP | DEC | 7 | ||
AGSGP | Contribution rates payable by the employer (total wages) | P25M_AGSGP | DEC | 7 | ||
BETLM | Contribution limit of employee regarding total or ord. wage | P25M_BETLM | DEC | 9 | ||
BETLR | Contribution limit of employer regarding total or ord. wage | P25M_BETLR | DEC | 9 | ||
ANSGA | Contribution rates of employee's additional wages | P25M_ANSGA | DEC | 7 | ||
AGSGA | Contribution rates payable by the employer (add. wages) | P25M_AGSGA | DEC | 7 | ||
EELIM | Low limit used for calc. of wage difference (employee) | P25M_EELIM | DEC | 9 | ||
EYLIM | Low limit used for calc. of wages difference (employer) | P25M_EYLIM | DEC | 9 | ||
VOLLM | Contrb. limit for voluntary CPF in excess of statutory - EE | P25M_VOLLM | DEC | 9 | ||
VOLLR | Contrb. limit for voluntary CPF in excess of statutory - ER | P25M_VOLLR | DEC | 9 | ||
RTCPF | Type of PR/NRIC Rate- Graduated/Full Rate | P25M_RTCPF | CHAR | 2 | ||
EECON | Constant for Employee Contribution to CPF | P25M_EECON | DEC | 9 | ||
ERCON | Constant for Employer Contribution to CPF | P25M_ERCON | DEC | 9 |