
SAP Package PP08

Shift Planning

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The package PP08 (Shift Planning) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRGXX.

Technical Information

Package PP08
Short Text Shift Planning
Parent Package HRGXX

Function Groups

SAP Package PP08 contains 19 function groups.

0H06 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
HR_CDOC_IT1039 CHDO HR_IT1039 => Gen. by RSSCD000
HR_CDOC_IT1049 CHDO HR_IT1049 => Gen. by RSSCD000
HRSP_POOL Pool Management
HRSP_POOL_VIEWS Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
HRSP_SEARCH_HELP Search Help Modules
HRTIM_KALE_AVAILABILITY HR Time Data Including Calendar Dates
HRTIM_KALE_INTEGRATION Integration: Calendar <-> Time Mgmt
RHBD Shift Planning: Reqmts Definition T77RD
RHEC Information Columns for Shift Planning
RHED Shift Planning: Help
RHEI Shift Planning: New Version
RHEL External Access to HR Data (Logistics)
RHER Shift Planning: Requirements Processing
RHES Shift Planning: Entry/Selection
RHEV Shift Planning: Proposal Lists
RHRD Shift Planning: Rqmnts Definition Maint.
RHSPP_DIV Function Modules for Shift Planning
RHTI Dialog Boxes for View T77ED


SAP Package PP08 contains 40 transactions.

00_PTSPPS_INCLUPD Activate Functionality
OO_PTSPPS_ADHVP Additional Checks PP61
OO_PTSPPS_AKSP Save Shift Abbreviation
OO_PTSPPS_BDV Activate Cumulation of Requirements
OO_PTSPPS_EXBDA MS Excel Print Macros Reqmts Matchup
OO_PTSPPS_INCLUPD Activate Functionality
OO_PTSPPS_RFRSH Refresh on Saving
OO_PTSPPS_SMUCD Default Assignment for Changed Days
OO_PTSPPS_SMUDR Default Assignment in Interval
OO_PTSPPS_TASSA Temp. Assmt Despite Att./Abs.
OODD Shift Planning: Lock Settings
OODE Shift Planning: Work Center View
OODF Shift Planning: Abbrev. Proposal
OODH Shift Planning: Selection View
OODW Shift Planning: Messages
OORU Shift Planning: Proposal Strategy
OORV Strategy for Automatic Assignment
OOZT Shift Planning: Employee Status
PO17 Maintain Requirements Profile
PP60 Display Shift Planning
PP61 Change Shift Planning
PP62 Display Requirements
PP63 Change Requirements
PP64 Choose Plan Version
PP65 Edit Entry Object
PP66 Shift Planning: Entry Profile
PP67 Create Requirements
PP69 Choose Text for Organizational Unit
PP6A Personal Shift Plan
PP6B Attendance List
PP6C Undo Completed Target Plan
PP6D Define Shift Abbreviation Sequence
PP6E Substitution Types in Shift Plans
PP6F Define Info Column
PP6G Info Column: Main Proposal
PP6H Info Column: Proposal List
PP6I Temp. Assgmt List for Shift Planning
PP6U Conversion Add'l Data HRPADNN/PADUZ
PP72 Shift Planning
PQ17 Actions for Requirement Profiles

Database Tables

SAP Package PP08 contains 54 database tables.

APPTYPEAVAIL Availability for Appointments in SCAPPTYPE
HRP1039 Database Table for Infotype 1039
HRP1040 Database Table for Infotype 1040
HRP1046 Database Table for Infotype 1046
HRP1049 Database Tables for Infotype 1049
HRPAD067 Additional Data for Temporary Assignments
HRPAD071 Additional Data for Temporary Assignments
HRPAD63 PAD63 Additional Data
HRPADTI PADTI Additional Data
HRPADUZ PADUZ Additional Data: Requirements Assignment of Persons
HRSP_POOL_RQMT Requirements Records for Resource Procurement HRSP_POOL_RQST
HRSP_POOL_RQSTNS Resource Procurement (Without Strings)
HRSPUSR Shift Planning: User-Specific Entry Objects
HRSPUSR_CUST Shift Planning: User-specific Customizing Setting
HRT1049 Tables Part of Infotype 1049
HRWFPUSR Shift Planning: User-specific Sorting
PSHIFT_PBS Shift Planning: Shift Abbreviation for Persons
PSOLL Shift Planning: Target Plan
T77DB Shift Groups for Organizational Units
T77DT Texts for Shift Groups
T77EB Shift Planning: Entry Profile Texts for Table T77EP
T77EC Shift Planning: Definition of Profiles
T77ED Shift Planning: Definition of Shifts
T77EDAYCUST Select Subscreens from Detail Dialog Box
T77EDAYCUST_E Entity Table for Tab Pages in Detail Dialog Box
T77EDAYCUST_T Text for Subscreen Selection from Detail Dialog Box
T77EH Shift Planning: Proposal Lists for Assignments
T77EHT Shift Planning: Proposal Lists for T77EH Text Table
T77EI Contents of Info Column for Shift Planning
T77EIT Text Table for T77EI (Info Column for Shift Planning)
T77EJ Info Column: Pre-sets
T77EOPT Shift Planning: Assignment Options Setting
T77EP Shift Planning: Entry Profiles
T77ER Substitution Types in Shift Plans
T77ES Selection ID for Shift Planning Profile
T77ET Shift Planning: Descriptions of Shift Abbreviations
T77EVOPT Shift Planning: Proposal Determination Options
T77EVOPT_DEF Default Assignment Strategy for Shift Group
T77EVOPTT Texts for Assignment Strategies
T77EZOPT Shift Planning: Assignment Options
T77EZOPT_T Shift Planning: Assignment Options Texts
T77RB Requirement Types per Shift Group of Organizational Unit
T77RD Shift Planning: Requirements Types for Reqmnts Definition
T77RQ_ICON Icon Settings for Requirements Matchup - Shift Planning
T77RQ_ICON_T Icon Settings for Requirements Matchup - Status Text
T77RT Requirements Type Description for Requirements Definition
T77SP_CD Shift Planning: Rules for Abbreviation Sequence
T77SP_CDT Shift Planning: Names for Abbreviation Sequence Rules
T77SP_CE Shift Planning: Rules for Abbreviation Sequences
T77SP_DAYMARK Shift Planning: Selection for Special Indicator
T77SP_STYLE Color and Character Formatting for Shift Planning
T7PBS_ADHOC_1 Shift Abbreviations Without Working Time Check
T7PBS_ADHOC_3 Specifications for Abbreviations Relating to ADHOC Update
T7PBS_ADHOC_4 Proposals for Indicators for Ad Hoc Update


SAP Package PP08 contains 41 views.

H_T77ED Check Table View for Shifts and Descriptions
U_27566 Personnel requirement - operative
U_27568 Personnel requirement - operative - quantity
U_27569 Personnel requirement - operative - quantity subdivision
U_27570 Personnel requirement - operative - task description
U_27572 Personnel requirement - operative - work requirement
U_27574 Personnel shift planning area
U_27575 Day determination rule - personnel requirement
U_27576 Personnel Time Specification Type - Shift Planning
U_27577 Shift Planning Area - Day Determination Rule - Assignment
U_27579 Organizational Plan Unit - Shift Planning Area
U_27582 Shift Planning Area - Substitution Type - Assignment
U_27583 Org. Plan Unit - Employee Exclusion - Shift Planning
U_27584 Organizational plan unit - employee temporary assignment
U_27585 Organizational Plan Unit - Corresponding Work Center
V_T77DB Shift Groups for Shift Planning
V_T77EC_E Exclusive Requirements: Remove Target Objects from Plan
V_T77EC_I Inclusive Requirements: Definition of Profiles
V_T77EC_R Requirements Source for Entry Objects
V_T77EC_T Exclusive Requirements: Assign Target Objects Elsewhere
V_T77ED Shift Planning: Definition of Shift Abbreviations
V_T77EDAYCUST Select Subscreens from Detail Dialog Box
V_T77EH Definition of Proposal Lists
V_T77EI Definition of Information Columns
V_T77EJ Shift Planning: Information Columns Defaults
V_T77EOPT Shift Planning: Maintaining Assignment Options
V_T77EP Shift Planning: Profiles
V_T77ES Selection ID for Shift Planning Profile
V_T77EVOPT Strategies for Automatic Assignment Proposal
V_T77EVOPT_DEF Default Value for Assignment Strategy
V_T77EZOPT Shift Planning: Defining Assignment Options
V_T77RB Requirements Types for Each Shift Group
V_T77RQ_ICON Set Requirements Matchup Icons
V_T77SP_CD Rules for Abbreviation Sequence
V_T77SP_CE Definition for Abbreviation Sequence
V_T77SP_DAYMARK Select Days for Special Indicator
V_T77SP_STYLE Color and Character Formatting for Shift Planning
V_T7PBS_ADHOC_1 Shift Abbreviations Without Working Time Check
V_T7PBS_ADHOC_2 Information Columns with Ad Hoc Update
V_T7PBS_ADHOC_3 Proposals for Abbreviations for Ad Hoc Update
V_T7PBS_ADHOC_4 Proposals for Indicators for Ad Hoc Update


SAP Package PP08 contains 134 structures.

GENAVAIL Structure of Results List from GENERALAVAILABILITY FuncMod
HRI1039 Infotype 1039: Fields
HRI1040 Infotype 1040: Fields
HRI1046 Requirements Attributes
HRI1049 Requirements Attributes: Tables Infotype
HRSP_AUTH_INFTY_TAB Buffer Table for Infotype Authorizations PP61
HRSP_BREAK Shift Planning: Structure for Managing Breaks
HRSP_CELL_STYLE Display and Style of Cell
HRSP_COPY Copy/Swap Shifts
HRSP_DAY_STRUC Style and Contents of Cell in Planning Table
HRSP_EMPLOYEE_TYPE Shift Planning: Assigned Persons / Req. for Exact Interval
HRSP_FIXED_COLS_OUTPUTLEN Line Type: Width of Lead Column in ALV Grid
HRSP_HITLIST Shift Planning: Hitlist (Name/Text)
HRSP_HITLIST_TAB Hitlist: Priotizing Employees
HRSP_INFO_STRUC Info Column Configuration (for Display)
HRSP_INFOCOL_ADMIN Maintaining Contents of an Info Column (Shift Planning)
HRSP_INFOCOL_OBJ Shift Planning: Information Column (Name/Text)
HRSP_INFOCOLUMN Info Column/Proposal Lists: Employee Information
HRSP_INTERVALS Shift Planning: Interval Table for Requirements
HRSP_OBJECT Table Structure for PD Framework Objects, only Object ID
HRSP_OBJECT_DATE Table Structure for PD Framework Objects, Object ID and Date
HRSP_PERNR_DATE_TAB List of Selected Personnel Numbers and Days
HRSP_PERSON_RECORD Shift Planning: Time Information per Employee
HRSP_PERSONS_HITLIST Shift Planning: Person Hitlist Display
HRSP_PLAN_STRUC Display Information for Shift Plan
HRSP_POOL Data Relevant for Pool Management
HRSP_POOL_DISPLAY Data Relevant for Pool Management
HRSP_POOL_GUID GUID for Pool Management
HRSP_POOL_RQST Resource Procurement
HRSP_POOL_RQST_ATTR Resource Procurement Attributes
HRSP_POOL_RQST_ATTR_NS Resource Procurement Attributes
HRSP_PREV_MONTH Display Fields for Prev. Month on Entry Screen PP61
HRSP_PRNT Print Options
HRSP_PROTOCOL_STRUC Structure for Error Table
HRSP_REPORT Reports for Shift Planning
HRSP_REQ_ASSIGN Shift Planning: Requirements and Assigned Persons
HRSP_REQ_DAYS Style and Contents of Cell in Requirements Matchup Per Day
HRSP_REQUEST_STRUC Display Information for Requirements Matchup in Shift Plan
HRSP_SDP Shift Planning: Shift During Period
HRSP_SEL_RULE Display Fields for Strategy Selection Popup
HRSP_SHIFT_ATTRIBUTE Shift Attributes for Substitution Types
HRSP_STYLE General Attributes for Displaying Color and Style
HRSP_STYLE_NORMAL_STRUC Structure for Color Display
HRSP_TEMP_ASSIGN Structure for Display of Temporary Assignments
HRSP_TIMEINFO Shift Planning: Structure for Time Information
HRSP_TOOLBOX Display Information for Toolbox (Abbreviation) in Shift Plan
HRSP_USER_CUST Shift Planning: Transfer Structure for User Customizing
HRSP_VAREDT Time Statement Form Variants
OBJECT_DATA Transfer Structure Objects with Keys, Short and Long Text
P1039 Infotype 1039: Shift Group
P1039_AF Additional Query Fields
P1040 Infotype 1040: Blank Job Requirements Indicator
P1040_AF Additional Query Fields
P1046 Infotype 1046: Requirements Attributes
P1046_AF Additional Query Fields
P1049 Infotype 1049
P1049_AF Additional Query Fields
P1049_EXP Infotype 1049 (enhanced)
PAD067 Additional Data for Temporary Assignments
PAD071 Additional Data for Temporary Assignments
PAD63 Additional Data for Job Requirements Relationship
PAD63_QUE Structure for Additional Data in Query
PADTI Add'l data on relationships w/time interval and capacity
PADUZ Additional Data for Time Interval Realationships
PADUZ_QUE Structure for Additional Data in Query
PDASSIGN Assignment of Persons to Job/Organizational Unit per Date
PDBCA Shift Planning: Reqmts Definition Accumulated Accdg to Types
PDBCD Shift Planning: Reqmts Definition Accumulatd on Daily Basis
PDBCI Shift Planning: Reqmts Def. Accumulated on Interval Basis
PDBCW Shift Planning: Reqmts Def. Accumulated in Weekly Overview
PDBD1 Shift Planning: Screen Fields for Requirements Definition
PDBD2 Shift Planning: Screen Fields for Requirements Definition
PDBD3 Shift Planning: Screen Fields for Requirements Definition
PDBDA Shift Planning: Requirements Definition According to Types
PDBDD Shift Planning: Requirements Definition on Daily Basis
PDBDI Shift Planning: Requirements Definition on Interval Basis
PDBDW Shift Planning: Requirements Definition in Weekly Overview
PDBEC Shift Planning: Accumulated Requirements Definition
PDBED Shift Planning: Job-Related Requirements Definition
PDBEDO Reqmts Adjustmnt: Jobs Required for Each Shift per Org. Unit
PDCLS Job Including One Person
PDINF Structure with Info Type for Function Module Call
PDMATCHUP Assign Person to Cover Requirements of the Period
PDORG Shift Planning: Organizational Unit Data
PDPERS Persons for the Shift Plan
PDPERSORG Organizational/Anticipated Assignment of Persons
PDPLA Shift Planning: Structure of Target and Actual Shift Plan
PDPNR Structure with Personnel Number for Function Module Call
PDPSP Pers. Shift Plan w/Absences/Attendances/On-call duty, etc.
PDRCA Shift Planning: Reqmts Definition for Internal Calendar
PDREQ Shift Planning: Requirements Matchup
PDRQ1 Requirements Editing: Requirements Specifications
PDRQ2 Requirements Processin: Entries 5000 + Subscreen 5100
PDRQ3 Requirements Editing: Select Reqmts Accrdng to Org. Assgnmnt
PDRQ4 Requirements Processing: Qualifications
PDRQ5 Requirements Processing: Settings
PDRQ6 Requirements View: Select Reqmts Accrdng to Org. Assignmnt
PDRQ7 Requirements Processing: Requirements Attributes
PDRQ8 Requirements Processing: Requirements Attributes
PDRQ9 Requirements Processing: Req. Specs Details
PDSP_ENTRY Entry Screen for Shift Planning
PDSP_OBJECTS Shift Planning: Target and Source Objects Found
PDSP_PERSON Assignment of Persons to Job/Organizational Unit per Date
PDSP_PRFL Shift Planning: Profile Structure
PDSP_SHIFTGROUP Transfer Structure for Shift Groups
PDSP_STATUS Shift Planning Entry (Status of Shift Plan)
PDSPADMIN Shift Planning: General Attributes
PDSPDAY Shift Planning: Shift Plan Day View
PDSPL Shift Planning: Screen Structure (Assignment View)
PDSPMATCH Requirements Matchup for the Shift Plan
PDSPPERSON Employees Assigned to Cover Requirements
PDSPPSP Pers. Shift Plan w/ Absences/Attendances of Less Than 1 Day
PDSPREQ Shift Planning: Requirements Definition Interface
PDSPTEAM Shift Team: Editing the Screen Structure
PDSPWORK Requirements Source for Shift Planning
PERSONS_INTERVALS Person-related Time Intervals
PERSTIME Employee Time Information (Shift Planning)
PFEDY Struture of Fields in SAPFH5AE
PT1049 Requirements Attributes: Tables Infotype
REQUEST_INTERVALS Requirements Time Intervals with Number
SHOW_TEMP_ASSIGN Structure for Display of Temporary Assignments
SPASSIGN Requirements Assignments of Employees to Cover Requirements
T77ED_MORE Add'l Transfer Structure for T77ED w/ Texts and Indicators
VHRT1049 Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000
WFP_EMPLOYEE_DEDUCTION Simulative Quota Deduction for Shift Planning
WFP_NOLOCK List of Employees Already Locked
WFP_PROT_OPTIONS Collision Options: Current vs. Planned Time Data
WFP_PROTOCOL Shift Planning: Log Structure for Changed Data
WFP_REQ_SOURCE Shift Planning: Selection of Active Requirements Sources
WFP_REQTYPES Requirements Sources Object Types for Shift Profile
WFP_SORTOBJECT Objects with Sorting Keys


SAP Package PP08 contains 24 programs.

MP103900 Module Pool for Shift Group infotype (1039)
MP1039BI PD Batch Input Interface to Infotype 1039
MP1040BI PD Batch Input Interface Infotype 1040
MP104900 HR Modul Pool for Infotype 1049
RHDOCCPL Display attendance list
RHDPERSL Display Personal Shift Plan
RHDREQDL Requirements assignment of persons
RHDREQUD Display Target Requirements in Daily Overview
RHDREQUW Display weekly overview of target requirements
RHPORDL0 Delete database PSOLL
RHPSOLL_DEL Undo Completed Target Plan
RHPURGE4 Delete Inconsistent Requirements Objects
RHSP_TEMP_ASSIGNMENT Display Temporary Assignment List
RHSP_WFP_APPROVAL Release Workflow Results for Shift Planning
RHUMSE40 Conversion of requirements records in Shift Planning
RHUMSE41 Conversion of requirements records in Shift Planning
RHUMST_HRPADNN_HRPADUZ Conversion of add. data infotype 1001 subtype 065 - HRPADNN -> HRPADUZ
RHUMST_HRPADUZ Conversion of add. data infotype 1001 subtype 065 - HRPADNN -> HRPADUZ
RHUMST40 Conversion of requirements records in Shift Planning
RHUMST41 Conversion of requirements records in Shift Planning
RHXLTEST Installation Test for EXCEL Interface to Shift Planning
SAPMH06A View Cluster for Shift Groups

Search Helps

SAP Package PP08 contains 9 search helps.

H_SP_MOSID Personnel Subarea Grouping for Work Schedules
H_SP_ZEITY Employee Subgroup Grouping for Work Schedules
H_T77ED Check Table View for Shifts and Descriptions
HRPBSD_INFOCOL Shift Planning: Choose Info Columns
HRSP_F4_ASS_STRAT Search Help for Choosing an Assignment Strategy
HRSP_INFOCOL_F4 Shift Planning: Search help for information columns
HRSP_INFOCOL_F4_WITH_KEY Shift Planning: Search help for information columns
HRSP_SHIFTGROUP Search Help for Shift Groups in Shift Planning
HRSP_T77EVOPT_AWART Shift Planning: AWART for Extension of Working Time

Message Classes

SAP Package PP08 contains 2 message classes.

PE Meldungen Personaleinsatzplanung